Nonilex , to random avatar

A fed judge blocked most of a Gov that strictly limited for adults & banned it for children.
In his decision, US Dist Judge Hinkle rejected a common mantra of the DeSantis admin, saying “ is real,” & the state cannot deny transgender individuals treatment.
“Florida has adopted a statute & rules that ban gender-affirming care for minors even when medically appropriate. The ban is .”

Nonilex OP , avatar

press secretary Jeremy Redfern said the state will appeal the decision.
“Under Governor Ron DeSantis, will continue to fight to ensure children are not chemically or physically mutilated in the name of radical, new age ‘gender ideology,’” Redfern wrote in an email.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

It's important to recognize that the US anti-abortion movement is one facet – a leading and powerful one – of a global movement whose ultimate goal is to roll back rights for women and LGBTQ people and enshrine the privileges of straight men, of patriarchy, in law. Jodi Enda's report provides important information about this global initiative and its consequences.


Nonilex , to random avatar

#DeSantis #Florida tourism board [#Gestapo], the #CFTO, voted unanimously for a #settlement Wed, dropping most of the #legal disputes between #Disney & the #Republican gov.
The feud erupted in 2022 when #Disney’s then-chief exec opposed the state’s “#ParentalRights in #Education” bill, aka the “#DontSayGay#law. The #legislation prohibits instruction on matters related to #gender #identity & #SexualOrientation in #PublicSchool.

#Racism #Heterosexism

Nonilex OP , avatar

The prohibits instruction on matters related to & in .
fired back by pushing for legislation dismantling the district (aka aka ), which for decades has managed the 25k acres that encompass Walt World in central . Opponents of the governor saw it as a retaliatory grab.


Nonilex OP , avatar

#Disney filed a #lawsuit alleging #DeSantis was punishing the company for exercising its right to #FreeSpeech, threatening its #business operations, jeopardizing its #economic future in the region & violating its #ConstitutionalRights. In Jan, a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit.

#Florida #law #CultureWars #Racism #Heterosexism #MaleSupremacy #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #LGBTQ+

Nonilex OP , avatar

The World oversight board [] installed by accused its predecessor of using an 11th-hr agreement to sharply curtail the new board’s powers & bolster the company’s control over the -based amusement park.

[So, DeSantis renamed it & replaced 5 members selected by Disney, w/ 5 members he hand-picked.]

Nonilex OP , avatar

The declares that actions taken by the fmr Reedy Creek special taxing district () days before it was taken over by appointees would be “null & void.” That included a long-lasting development agreement that would have greatly limited what the new board could do.


Nonilex OP , avatar

The State Board of , which was sued along w/ the Department of Education, is required to send the agreement to every school district under the settlement terms.

Link to settlement:

wdlindsy , to random avatar

"In today’s America, the right wing seems to be echoing its antebellum predecessors. It is attacking women’s rights; diversity, equity, and inclusion programs; immigration; LGBTQ+ rights and so on. At the same time, it continues to push an economic system that has moved as much as $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 10% since 1981 while exploding the annual budget deficit and the national debt."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

wdlindsy OP , avatar

Brad Onishi and Dan Miller look at the Society for American Renewal, “an exclusive, men-only fraternal order which aims to replace the US government with an authoritarian “aligned regime." IIt includes Harvard grads, millionaire industrialists, the president of the Claremont Institute, financiers, and other upper-crust right-wing men (and they are all men).


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"In the second segment, they turn to more toxic masculine Christianity in the form of a call for violence and spiritual warfare from Oklahoma State Senator Dusty Deevers – an abortion abolitionist who is trying to outlaw pornography.

To finish the episode, the hosts discuss the tragic news about Nex Benedict’s death – the non-binary teenager who died by suicide after bullying at school."


wdlindsy , to random avatar

Amelia Mavis Christnot explains how men like Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, and Brock Turner are made — and why they're allowed for so long by so many people to evade responsibility for their actions.

Heterosexual white male entitlement combined with overweening privilege due to wealth and social status: a formula for imagining that the world is there for your taking — as well as the women you assault.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

“There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orban. He’s fantastic…He’s a non-controversial figure because he says, ‘This is the way it’s going to be,’ and that’s the end of it. Right? He’s the boss. No, he’s a great leader.”

~ Donald Trump

#Trump #Orban #dictator #autocracy #ChristianNationalism #democracy

wdlindsy OP , avatar

"It permits immigration, which, in their minds, dilutes the 'purity' of a people, and it requires that LGBTQ+ individuals and women have the same rights as heterosexual men. Such a world challenges the heteronormative patriarchal world traditionalists crave."

#Trump #Orban #dictator #autocracy #ChristianNationalism #democracy #immigration #patriarchy #heterosexism #LGBTQ

wdlindsy OP , avatar

"Orbán’s takeover of the press, elimination of rival political parties, partisan gerrymandering, capture of the courts, and control of Hungary’s government are not just ideological, though, but also economic. Corruption and the capture of valuable factories and properties for cronies have allowed Orbán and his allies to amass fortunes."

#Trump #Orban #dictator #autocracy #ChristianNationalism #democracy #immigration #patriarchy #heterosexism #LGBTQ #corruption

wdlindsy , to random avatar

“'This is the blue-collar realignment of the Republican Party, and what I can tell you is for every Karen we lose, there’s a Julio and a Jamal ready to sign up for the MAGA movement,' [Florida Rep. Matt] Gaetz told Newsmax.

~ Adam Serwer

(Gift Atlantic article from Daily Kos)


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"Gaetz’s comments reveal something about an emerging Republican belief: misogyny and homophobia, especially if aimed at the stereotype of an educated, liberal, middle-class white woman (a 'Karen'), can help the party win over Black and Hispanic men with sexist views.


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"The mortar of this would-be coalition, as Gaetz’s rhetoric implies, is traditional ideas about gender, expressed in hostility toward women and abhorrence of LGBTQ Americans. Gender traditionalism, defined as holding strict beliefs about gender roles, does not necessarily manifest as opposition to equal rights for those who do not adhere to its dictates."


wdlindsy , to random avatar

George Takei asks Robert P. Jones, head of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) how he would characterize the threat that Christian nationalism poses at this moment in our history. Jones says,

"The rise of contemporary white Christian nationalism, as it is constituted through Trump’s MAGA takeover of today’s Republican Party, constitutes the largest threat to democracy I have experienced in my lifetime."


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"We also found that beliefs in Christian nationalism were strongly linked to a range of other attitudes that are corrosive to democracy: white racial resentment and denials of the existence of systemic racism, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, anti-immigrant sentiment, and support for patriarchal gender roles."


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"In other words, this white Christian nationalist worldview evokes a set of hierarchies that posits white, Christian, heterosexual men as the divinely ordained recipients of power and dominion. This sense of white Christian entitlement and chosenness is toxic to the cultivation of the democratic values of pluralism and equality."


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