MatWright , to random avatar

As a Canadian looking in to the shit hole of the USA, and unfortunately probably knowing more about the US Constitution and role of government than most Americans -the recent SCOTUS rulings are in fact a coup against the separation of powers - they only give a President immunity to what 'they' will allow, and that will be arbitrary and pernicious depending on their warped sense of loyalty and power

This is exactly what the Nazi Party did when Hitler became Chancellor - own the courts

hankg , to random avatar

Kevin Kruse: "The current Supreme Court of the United States has just cemented its place in history as the most radical Supreme Court ever. For a century and a half, that dishonor has gone to the antebellum court led by Chief Justice Roger Taney, whose pro-slavery perversions of the Constitution brought us such indefensible decisions as the infamous Dred Scott ruling. The current court might not have issued a single ruling that rivals Dred Scott for sheer awfulness, but its broader record of capriciously overturning a much wider range of precedents and offering increasingly thin pretenses for its path of destruction puts the Roberts Court below the Taney Court in terms of its overall horrors."
The Radical Roberts Court

hankg , to random avatar

I wholeheartedly approve of this message. Until we make progress on unfucking the Republican judiciary fuckery of the last 20 years, made orders of magnitude worse today. No more bringing knives to gun fights.

iuculano , to random avatar

is FIRE!


Nicolle Wallace's debate advice for is spot-on. 🔥🔥🔥


dan613 , to random avatar

You may have already seen the Time cover interview with Trump but I was gobsmacked today:

In it he says he wants to:

  • Deport 11 million people (3.3%)

  • Build detention camps

  • Use military to round up immigrants and asylum seekers

  • Let red states monitor pregnancies and prosecute violators

  • Withhold funds appropriated by congress if he chooses

  • Fire any US Attorney who refuses to prosecute anyone he wants

  • Consider pardons for over 800 coup criminals

  • Gut US civil service and staff administration with acolytes

  • Send National Guard to cities to fight crime

  • Use funding to coerce measures like stop and frisk by cops

  • Close the US pandemic preparedness office

Choose wisely

Rasta , to random avatar


hankg , to random avatar

All of this "Democrats should worry about tit for tat" is beyond hypocritical. Democrats did not do tit-for-tat against GWB after the ginned up Clinton Impeachment. Democrats didn't do it to Trump after GOP tried the same thing with Obama nor when they refused to support legislation they normally would under Obama. Trump already tried to make the US AG and DOJ his personal law firm. He directly interfered with investigations against cronies and his family. Meanwhile Democratic congressional members and the Biden's own son are under active investigation and criminal cases for stuff that was shady as fuck, in the case of Menedez, or wouldn't normally have gone this far in the case of some of Hunter's charges. Republicans were already going to use these things without the pretense they are presenting here because one of their own was finally held to account. #uspoli #rant

kgw , to random avatar
kgw OP , avatar

Here is a follow up from Teri Kanefield about responses to her earlier piece.

PBruce , to random avatar

Intentionally False claims of anti-Semitism ,

dishonestly equating all Jews with israel's theft of land and wholesale slaughter of innocents,

while falsely playing the religious persecution card

with israel as Victim

are drivers of protests against israel's criminal and inhuman actions

DropBear , avatar

Israel and Israeli Zionism have done untold harm to Judaism. In fact, they're probably the most effective anti-Semitism in the world today.

As Yarden Katz writes:
"Anyone wishing to understand how the Holocaust was possible, how people who may be warm and kind in their personal lives could support the murder of an entire population deemed subhuman, should examine Israeli society."

"... the zionist project, culminating in Israel, is profoundly contrary to Jewish traditions ... Israel has suppressed these Jewish traditions and ways of living while hijacking parts of them when convenient."

"... the dismantling of Israel and the liberation of Palestine must also be a Jewish struggle — ... “Israeli” is a colonial identity that should be renounced, not just because it harms Palestinians but also because it is deeply anti-Jewish."

PBruce OP , avatar


Well said, and yes Religion is often misused as a shield to quell honest dissent and justify and hide horrendous evil

PBruce , to random avatar


Students in the US have protested against :

The Vietnam war

South Africa Apartheid

The Iraq war of mass deception

The Gulf war

Racism ,prejudice, inequality, lack of civil rights

and now genocide by Apartheid israel

When were they not proven right ?

PBruce , to random avatar


The US attacks Palestine and the civilized world once again , after repeatedly defying the world by blocking a ceasefire

US uses veto power to block statehood application for Palestine

faab64 ,

@PBruce Nothing shows how truly US is committed to 2 state solution than this.

Biden really means it when he supports 2 state solution, but only after Israel has completed their ethnic cleansing of Gaza and West Bank.

PBruce , to random avatar


Make no mistake.

It's a crime,

it's intentional ,

it's israeli American made

famine , mass slaughter,

mass deaths and destruction .

Irish MEP calls out EU's stance on Gaza: 'Crime against humanity'

PBruce , to random avatar


Of course Palestinians , just like any country under deadly occupation and siege - Europe 1940, Ukraine now, etc. - has the

right to take up arms and fight the oppressor for liberation.

That they have not done so wholesale for over 50 years speaks to the draconian level of control and subjugation .

PBruce , to random avatar


The killing of aid workers by American armed and supported Israel has achieved it's genocidal goal :

causing multiple charities to stop food deliveries to starving Palestinians .

All the rest is just smoke and mirrors

iuculano , to random avatar

Via the

, the reformed convicted former associate who worked hand-in-glove with and to try to dig up “dirt” on the so that Trump could spread heading into the , exposed the details of Trump’s scheme during another sham hearing today about the Bidens.

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