deinol , to random avatar

Took a look at another Cepheus Engine game, Kosmic Rpg. One thing I love about all these, it’s easy to steal parts from different ones.

Kosmic right now has the closest to what I would make for character creation. It’s got 39 careers, which is probably more than I would make, but that’s okay because you only have to use the ones you like. But more importantly, each one has its own d66 events chart.


ng76 , to random avatar

My Traveller campaign is well underway at this point, and I thought I'd post about the methods and tools I've been using to populate my setting with worlds. , to random avatar

I previously posted about the new Traveller campaign I’ve started up. I thought I’d talk a little bit about the process of creating the campaign setting, specifically the hex-based sector maps Traveller uses.

I’m running it in the Foreven sector, which is the sector specifically set aside for GMs to make their own worlds. No official adventures are set there (with a few exceptions). On the Traveller Map site (the semi-official online map of the official Traveller setting), there are world locations marked in the hexes of Foreven, but the details of the worlds are not defined. These are the locations I get to fill in. So far, it’s been a little more challenging than I thought, but I’m enjoying the process. Creating the Worlds

There are about 350 worlds in the Foreven sector. In Traveller, each world can be described with a alphanumeric code called a Universal World Profile (UWP). Most versions of Traveller have methods of randomly creating worlds and UWPs with die rolls. This would be a little time-consuming to do 350 times, so I used the following methods to come up with worlds:

  • For a few specific worlds, I took the UWP from other Traveller or Cepheus books. For example, planet Aurelia from Zozer Games’ Godstar.
  • If I had a specific type of world in mind, I generated the stats by hand.
  • For the vast majority of the worlds, I used online random world generators.

Random World Generators

The fun part about random world generation is taking that little UWP code and trying to imagine what sort of world it describes. It’s a surprisingly fun little creative exercise that Traveller GMs have practiced for decades.

Making the Map

One of the best features of Traveller Map is the Booklet Maker. Given some text files, the Booklet Maker generates a PDF booklet listing the data for each world and a corresponding hex map of each subsector. I’ve already handed out these maps to my players for use in-game. subsector from my version of the Foreven Sector. I used the classic color on white background style of old-school TravellerThere are two files needed to create the map. The first is the sector data – the list of worlds, along with the UWP for each. Traveller world and sector data has been automated since PCs became common in the 1980s, so there are various formats for world data. The Booklet Maker will read most of them. All of the formats are listed here.

I decided to use Traveller 5 Column Delimited Format, the newest format, and the one with extra fields for describing a world. I entered the worlds I created above into a text file, filling in any extra details. the most complicated version of a sector file. There are simpler ones you can use.The second file is the sector metadata file. This is a text file, usually XML, that contains subsector names, allegiances, polity borders and names, and trade routes. Here’s the specs for that file.

Once you set these files up, you enter them into the Booklet Maker, and it’ll generate a series of sector and subsector maps for you, in a variety of graphic styles.

Making a Solar System

In a basic Traveller list of worlds, each UWP represents the main inhabited planet in a solar system. It generally ignores the rest of solar system, only mentioning gas giants used for refueling.

However, Traveller 5 has incredibly detailed rules for creating a whole solar system, with multiple planets, each with their own UWP. It’s pretty time consuming, but like most Traveller world creation rules, it can be automated.

I used a site called Traveller Worlds. It’s a random world generator using Traveller 5 rules, but has a lot of other features. One of them lets you create a new star system. You enter a UWP for the system’s main world, and it’ll spit out a full solar system. It’ll even create a randomly generated map of the main world.

The amount of detail it spits out for each world is a little overwhelming, and a lot of it probably won’t be useful for most games.

How I’m using all this

I’m obviously not creating this much detail for every world. That’d take forever, even with the automated tools.

To start off with, I just create details for the first world the players will begin play, and some of the adjacent systems. I also have some details of major worlds elsewhere in the sector.

Everything else is just a UWP for now. As the players state their intentions to move in a certain direction, I’ll create details as I go, similar to the way some video games only generate the scenery when a player enters a new location.

To actually use all this at the game table, I’ll need it in a written form (I run a strictly-analog table).
In Libreoffice, I made a template that I use for details about each system. It has a condensed version of the world data generated. I also add any game notes, points of interest, plot hooks, and adventure seeds.

Though I’m running the newer Mongoose 2E version of Traveller, I love the old clean page design of Classic Traveller, so I decided to make my documents in the same style.’ve got 5-6 systems detailed so far, and I’m keeping all of these in a binder at the table for reference.

Is Any of This Necessary?

As I wrote all of this up, it occurred to me that some GMs, especially ones not used to Traveller, might find all of this a bit much. Is all of this detail and prep necessary? Couldn’t you just have a few quick notes about each world and wing the rest?

Hell yes, you could!. I’ve run a lot of games like that, and it’s great. However, I’ve found that following these old Traveller methods (I’m tempted to use the word disciplines), does help spark a sort of creativity. When you’re forced to account for more details, you’re forced to come up with new ideas. Since you’re doing it before play, you’re not as rushed, and have the time to think things through. When I actually do get to the table, I’ve got plot hooks, settings, and NPCs ready to go.

If you wanted to give world generation a try, you can pick up the old Classic Traveller books for free at DriveThru, flip over to Book 3, grab some six-siders and start making some worlds. The old rules are cruder, but still fun, and will give you a taste of the process.

What’s Next?

As the campaign goes on, I’ll probably post more subsectors and worlds. Eventually, when I’ve filled out most of the sector, I’ll post the whole thing.

Here’s some Foreven sectors other GMs have created.


chgowiz , (edited ) to random avatar

Fine, here's the chart. You know I had to make one...

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  • chgowiz , to random avatar

    If you're curious, here's The Rulez for Colonial time/distance calculations:

    Using the standard T = 2 * SQRT(Distance in m / Acceleration in ms-squared)

    Using the (Internet found) equivalence of 1 centar = 2 hours, 100 centons = 1 centar, that means 1 centon = 2.4 minutes.

    With that:

    • Time to get from jump point to Earth-sized planet orbit: ~ 1.2 Centars at 1g, ~ .6 Centars at 5g.

    chgowiz , (edited ) to random avatar

    Fell down a rabbit of "how long would it take in Colonial time units" for figuring out travel times around systems in Classic Traveller.

    Then I had to go and calculate how long to travel the distance of a jump (3.24 ly).

    Hope you have a yahren and enough fuel to keep up a 5G burn for that long...

    (Edited to correct my calculations. Teaches me to math before coffee...)

    deinol , to random avatar

    I really want to explore Glorantha someday, but RuneQuest is a little too rules heavy for my taste. But I also don’t have a core game mechanic that I’m enough in love with to convert it to.

    But like instead of stats + runes + skills + all the other stuff that goes into RQ, I’m thinking something where a character is just Runes for stats, maybe ranging from 0 to 5.

    Although maybe I should just try QuestWorlds version instead.

    chgowiz , (edited ) avatar

    @deinol I think, if I was on a desert island and had to settle on one stats/mechanic, I would use the CT stats/mechanics, even for fantasy.

    #ClassicTraveller #Traveller

    ChrisK kinda inspired me on that:

    deinol , to random avatar


    I may be weird, but I usually don’t worry variations from different ship design systems. As long as it’s legal in the system it was designed with, it’s good enough for me. I just chalk it up to deviations from different shipyards.

    So I’ll use anything from Classic Traveller to T5 to Cepheus. In the end the only real difference is a few MCr here or there.

    #TTRPG #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #CepheusEngine #Traveller5 #Starships

    ng76 , to random avatar

    Finished up some new versions of my custom fillable character sheets for Classic Traveller.

    Now with Aslan, Vargr, Darrian, Sword Worlds, and Solomani logos.

    A4 and US Letter versions.
    #TTRPG #Traveller #Charsheet #ClassicTraveller , to random avatar

    A while ago, I made some custom character sheets for Classic Traveller. There was a version with red highlights and an imperial logo, and one with green highlights and a Zhodani logo.

    I recently decided to make a few more versions for other various empires and Major Races in the Third Imperium. sheets in order:

    As with the original version, the sheets are all fillable, will auto-calculate the UPP, and will allow you to import a character image in the upper right corner. Both A4 and US Letter versions are provided.











    I’ve added these to my main list of character sheets, and my Traveller/Cepheus page of sheets as well.

    #CharacterSheets #FreeStuff #RPG #SciFi #Traveller


    deinol , to random avatar

    Need ideas for my next Traveller session.

    They are still on The (Vargr) Great Hunt. Next stop is collecting rare plants on a swampy, xeno-alligator infested planet.

    What are some interesting events or encounters I can throw at them to keep them on their toes?

    deinol , to random avatar

    I’ve been waiting until FTL: Nomad was available in print to pull that trigger.

    A Sci-Fi Rpg from one of my favorite Cepheus publishers, not directly derived from Traveller but definitely inspired by.

    #SciFi #TTRPG #FTLNomad #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller

    deinol , to random avatar

    I backed Tales of the Valiant and Shadowdark and probably a few others I’m forgetting, but I find I can’t get excited about them because at their heart, they are still 5e D&D and I’m just tired of anything directly evolved from D&D. I’ve played enough of them over the years, and I really want new games.

    That said I’m excited by the new version of Talislanta, even though I don’t expect it to be very different at all. But that’s getting a classic back in print.

    #TTRPG #DND #Talislanta #ToV

    deinol OP , avatar
    pocgamer , to random avatar

    #Traveller is the original hard sci-fi #TTRPG and, IMHO, T4 is its most true to the vision version. The vibe, the art, the whole deal. And this is a dirt cheap way to get it!

    eldadoinquieto , to random Catalan avatar
    eldadoinquieto OP , avatar
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  • deinol , to random avatar

    I already have like 70% of this bundle, but it’s a lot of good stuff. Especially if you like Ian Stead ship art.

    Bunch of cool Traveller / Cepheus Engine material from Moon Toad.

    #BundleOfHolding #MoonToad #IanStead #TTRPG #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #Cepheus #CepheusEngine #OGL #OpenGaming #SciFi #Starships #SciFiRpg

    deinol , to random avatar

    Traveller / Cepheus Campaign

    The Grand Hunt continues. They captured “gazelles” on the frozen world of Foklaen.

    Alpha team captured 3 gazelles, but Tokunbo fell in a crevice and broke their leg.

    Beta only captured 2 gazelles, and fought off an attack of ice wolves.

    Gamma captured 3 gazelles, only slightly inconvenienced by a snowstorm.

    Delta captured 4 gazelles, but Savage Vole was injured in a flash flood.

    Next up, Flower Hunt.

    #TTRPG #Traveller #TravellerRpg #CepheusEngine #GreatHunt

    strangequark , to random avatar

    @LeviKornelsen My first #TTRPG was Classic #Traveller but my gateway drug into fantasy RPGs was The Warlock of Firetop Mountain. After that, Moldvay D&D, Advanced D&D, White Dwarf magazine (in the days when Games Workshop sold RPGs). Eventually got into various #OSR games and #retroclones. These days I am mostly playing #DCC.

    I do occasionally publish... best known for The Secret of Ronan Skerry but that was 15 years ago! Currently working on a new #urban #fantasy #horror mini-campaign for DCC.

    deinol , to random avatar

    A nice looking list of the best Classic Traveller adventures. Opinions may vary, but these are all solid picks.

    #TTRPG #Traveller #ClassicTraveller #SciFi #Adventure

    deinol , to random avatar

    Zozer’s monster Cepheus Universal book is out now. It’s an absolute beast, but you can also get a slim book of just the player rules. I’m looking forward to getting my copy.

    If you haven’t checked out Zozer’s collection of free Traveller resources, it’s an absolute must.

    #TTRPG #SciFi #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #Cepheus #CepheusEngine #CepheusUniversal #Zozer

    deinol , to random avatar

    Decided to make a chart to determine how many System Defense Boats are stationed at any given star system.

    Used the numbers from (CT Game) Fifth Frontier War to estimate potential values.

    Flux = 1d6 - 1d6 (or 2d6-7)

    #TTRPG #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #Traveller5 #FifthFrontierWar

    deinol , to random avatar

    Made a starship encounter chart for while my group is participating in The Great Hunt in Vargr territory. It’s allied with the nearby Zhodani Consolate, so I wanted ships from there to be more common than other humans.

    #TTRPG #Foreven #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #Traveller5 #Vargr #Zhodani #Akaiya #Starship #GMPrep

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  • deinol , to random avatar

    Me: I wonder what badass military ships are in The Spinward Marches Campaign.

    Spinward Marches Campaign: Here’s the world class 3000 ton civilian transport!


    (I know, it’s also got a battle carrier and battle riders.)

    #TTRPG #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #Starship #FifthFrontierWar

    deinol , to random avatar

    Over on the Traveller discord Rob Eaglestone posted a link to his Traveller 5 Starship GitHub. He converted a fair number of classic ships into T5 stats, which is pretty awesome.

    #TTRPG #Traveller #Traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #TravellerRpg #Starship

    deinol , to random avatar

    While poking around my files indexing starships, I remembered I hadn’t checked for a new issue of Cepheus Journal in a while. And look, a new issue came out three months ago!

    Lots of good free stuff for your sci-fi RPGs.

    #TTRPG #CepheusEngine #CepheusJournal #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #SciFi #Starships

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