MondayMoon , to random avatar

Happy Monday from Monday! I hope you're all making it the best day you can for yourself! :bunhdheart:

I think it's good to remember on Mondays that you usually can improve most bad days at least a little? And I hope that you can give yourself a break or comfort or whatever you need on a bad day! :bunhdcomfy:

And today's tea is undecided! We're really tired so maybe we make the Korean milk tea for an extra bit of caffeine? What are you brewing up? :blobfoxflooftea:

RolloTreadway , avatar

@MondayMoon Hello. It's been a hard day with work, but I'm relaxing now with a soothing tea that I've been buying many years now: a sencha with rose, blackberry and raspberry.

da_beda , to tea group avatar

2023 Hua Zhu Liang Zi Gushu 滑竹梁子古樹

#tea #茶 #dailytea #puerh #puerhtea #shengpuerh #rawpuerh @tea

Gongfu tea set

babelcarp , avatar
da_beda OP , avatar

@babelcarp @tea I’ve been starting to look up the characters from #babelcarp before posting here 😀

MondayMoon , to random avatar

Happy Friday! I hope it's a great day whether you're starting or ending your week! :bunhdheart:

Today I hope you can do something lovely for the future you! I really love doing nice things that'll help my future self on Fridays so Mondays are more awesome! Like today shall be Laundry Day! :bunhdcomfy:

And today's tea is milk tea because that was the easiest to make! It's so sunny out that tomorrow may have to be a cold brew though! What are you brewing up? :blobfoxflooftea:

RolloTreadway , avatar

@MondayMoon Hello. I also did laundry, because it actually didn't rain for once and I could get everything dry.

Today, I've been having bi luo chun.

da_beda , to tea group avatar
theDuesentrieb , avatar

@da_beda @tea this bowl and gaiwan look awesome

da_beda , to tea group avatar
da_beda OP , avatar

@babelcarp @tea

Here William explains that villages in Bulang Shan have two names, one Han Chinese and Dai name:

babelcarp , avatar

@da_beda Yeah, it gets complicated. Example: the so-called Bulang call themselves Blang, which is unpronounceable in Mandarin.


jaimeJ , to random avatar
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  • NyakoKitty , avatar


    Cute 🥰🥰

    jaimeJ OP , avatar

    Thank you! He's my granddog, a rat terrier rescued from a shelter, such a great little guy. We're all nuts about him.

    ellestad , to tea group avatar

    Shhhh, don't tell anyone, they're both great teas, but I actually prefer White2Tea's Mao Jian No 2 to their Mao Jian King.


    Green tea in a glass bowl
    Spent green tea leaves.

    ellestad OP , avatar

    @anndroid I'm looking forward to trying this year's Book Cover Green. The last year I tried, it was only "good" and I kind of got tired of it before I got through the bag. I think it is a different blend of teas every year, depending on what they can get. @tea

    anndroid , avatar

    @ellestad @tea that sounds accurate. I waited too long this year so it was sold out. Last year's was nice anyway.

    ellestad , to tea group avatar

    Just about the last of this Autumn 2022 Jingmai Black #2 from Farmer Leaf. Mostly small and broken leaves, keeping steeps short. Should maybe have brewed Western style.


    Let sleeping cats lie.

    prettyhuman , avatar

    @ellestad @tea
    TOE BEEEEENS :ablobcatheart: :blobcataww:

    ellestad , to tea group avatar

    I do still think the 2024 Mei Tan Mao Feng was my fave from the spring green MyTeaPal shipment, no matter what it says about my taste in tea.


    babelcarp , avatar
    Omnik , to random French avatar

    My solo tabletop RPG of comforting teas and crossing paths, The Tea Road, has a completely new visual design and is currently on sale for 50%!

    Bring your hot beverage of choice for a cozy time! You'll write the journal of a traveling tea merchant who changes the lives of their clients. It even comes with a tea tasting tool!

    ellestad , to tea group avatar

    Is it a suspension or a solution? (Very nice Meng Ding Mao Feng from MyTeaPal club).


    babelcarp , avatar

    @ellestad Both!


    ellestad , to tea group avatar

    The Shou/Ripened/Cooked Puerh process was originally created as an attempt to imitate the effect of long aging on Raw Puerh tea cakes. While, instead, they mostly created the new class of Puerh, Ripe.

    With Riparian White2Tea has returned to those roots of attempting to imitate the character of long aged Puerh with an experimental blend of semi-aged raw puerh and lighter ferment ripe puerh. Still very freshly pressed, it's already almost convincing in the color and early steeps. Later steeps are a bit thin, but It will be interesting to see what shape Riparian settles into in a year or two.


    Puerh in a bowl.
    Spent Puerh leaves.

    ellestad OP , avatar

    @tfb Do you have some examples of ripe/raw blend you particularly enjoy? @tea

    tfb , avatar

    @ellestad I believe the classic 7572 recipe was blended with some sheng. That's what I was told, and it certainly looked that way from separating the leaves. The last 7571 I had still had that flavor (7572 these days doesn't taste the same). There also used to be some "purple mark" variants of shu bricks (8592 is one I used to enjoy IIRC).

    Yee On has a 7342H bing that captures the taste of that style of blend.

    I think it's largely gone out of fashion, probably because of the price of moderately aged sheng


    MondayMoon , to random avatar

    Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope it's going well so far! :bunhdheart:

    I hope today you can work on a project just for the fun of it! It's too easy to only do things to Be Productive, and our brains need creative breaks too! Maybe you sew, or write something silly, or even woodworking! Whatever sounds fun to you! :bunhdlurkaww:

    Today's tea may need to be chai for another day of cozy while it's all blustery outside. What are you brewing up? :blobfoxflooftea:

    RolloTreadway , avatar

    @MondayMoon Hello. I don't have much in the way of projects, unless you count gardening, but it's been tipping down today. And I've had a lot of other things to do. Hope you're having a nice day.

    And I've been brewing longjing.

    moss , to tea group avatar
    moss OP , avatar

    @tea i am so caffeinated I can't believe i found caffeine that does shit against the brainfog thank you matcha ily even if a bit :blob_dizzy_face:

    should i tell you all about the book i'm writing or NO KEEP IT SECRET KEEP IT SAFE A BIT LONGER

    18+ moss OP , avatar

    (decaf focus tisane: ginkgo rosemary) @tea

    Image CW: food

    ellestad , to tea group avatar

    Second dose of 2024 Da Fo Long Jing from My Tea Pal Club. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, but the flavor is a tad subtle for my personal taste.


    goblin , avatar

    @ellestad @tea It doesnt seem to have much colour either. Or is the tea cup overpowering the teas colour?

    ellestad OP , avatar

    @goblin @tea Well, it was an early steep, it doesn't have much color, and the color of the bowl makes what color it has hard to see. Maybe with green teas, I should take a picture of a middle steep where the color is a bit more apparent.

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