SteveKLord , to palestine group avatar
futurebird , to random avatar

Under a Trump presidency how likely is mass deportation? Mass deportation is a form of mass violence— but it would also be highly disruptive and destructive to the economy and the fortunes and labor forces of quite a few millionaires and billionaires— because of that latter hard economic fact I’ve always considered it unlikely that a Trump administration would ever follow through on such a promise— no matter how much his base brays for it.

And yet it seems naive not to take seriously.

nicholas_saunders ,

@justafrog @futurebird who is more hated than Jews, and so lower tier than anyone in that respect? You have interesting notions, with the notable fact that you offer no solution beyond, presumably, a Palestine without reference to rights.

Orijewnal , to palestine group avatar

Debunking the state of Israel.

Because and must be abolished.
A unitary, secular State of , , with the inalienable for all refugees and their descendants and just compensation for their losses. Anything else is sanctioning and .


Orijewnal OP , avatar

@tzafrir @palestine @israel

You can keep prodding at the religious terminology. The fact is the root cause of ‘instability’ is the Ashkenazi white supremacist settler colonialism in occupied Palestine.
And the near rabid frustration you display at being constantly corrected is both delicious and satisfying.

in will end with the establishment of a unitary, secular Palestine, , with one person one vote.

adachika192 , to palestine group German avatar

»Das Ministerium kann das nicht entscheiden«
Beschluss: Innenministerin kann »From the River to the Sea« nicht zum »Kennzeichen« der Hamas erklären. Ein Gespräch mit Benjamin Düsberg (Junge Welt, 2024-06-15)

“Die Staatsanwaltschaft Karlsruhe hatte gegen einen Teilnehmer einer Nakba-Demonstration im Jahr 2023, der diese Parole [»From the River to the Sea«] verwendet haben soll, einen Strafbefehlsantrag gestellt. Den hatte das Amtsgericht Mannheim abgelehnt und sich dabei auf die Meinungsfreiheit bezogen. Dagegen legte dann die Staatsanwaltschaft Karlsruhe Beschwerde ein, welche in der vergangenen Woche vom Landgericht Mannheim mit einer ausführlichen Begründung zurückgewiesen wurde.”


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Westjordanland: Wo Siedlergewalt zur Randnotiz wird (Frankfurter Rundschau, 2024-06-10)

A reportage about West Bank by Hanno Hauenstein, in (a rarity!).

Title translated:
West Bank: Where settler violence becomes a marginal note


adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

Im besetzten Westjordanland leidet die palästinensische Bevölkerung seit dem 7. Oktober mehr denn je unter brutalen Siedlerübergriffen. (Frankfurter Rundschau, 2024-06-10)

A reportage about West Bank by Hanno Hauenstein, in (a rarity!).

Title: In the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian population is suffering from brutal settler attacks, more than ever since October 7


jiujensu , to bookstodon group avatar

I've only read a few Palestinian prisoners stories and I have to stop each time. I'm usually one who can sit and read for hours. It's devastating but necessary reading - we MUST get these stories to as many eyes as possible.

@palestine @israel

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  • SteveKLord , to palestine group avatar
    SteveKLord , to palestine group avatar
    thomashoyle , to palestine group avatar

    Both and are children-killers, but woman/girl-rapists, arsonists, and of course war criminals

    Blood is dripping from their hands and history eil never forget


    thomashoyle , to palestine group avatar

    So when is it Mr Biden’s red line? All the Palestinians being exterminated?

    If I had a vote I would never vote for this butcher whose hands are full of innocent blood

    They must be sent to experience what it’s like to be burnt alive - in hell, like the one they’ve put so many 🇵🇸 into


    18+ jiujensu , to palestine group avatar
    jiujensu , to palestine group avatar
    jiujensu , to palestine group avatar

    So how do you get started?
    To start, I want you to think about a few separate things. First, what do you care about? Second, what do you want to do? Third, what risks are you willing to take?

    @palestine @israel

    aby , to random avatar
    18+ pezmico , to random avatar

    Despite widespread condemnation and against the explicit orders of the ICC, Israel is burning people alive while they sleep in tents in Rafah.

    Beware with any footage about it, it is extremely graphic.

    It really looks like hell on earth. I cannot stress this enough. It is the stuff of nightmares.

    Any shred of legitimacy for the apartheid regime is well and truly gone forever.

    pezmico , to palestine group avatar

    Norway says they'll recognise a Palestinian state from May 28. 🇵🇸

    Ireland and Spain are likely to follow.


    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

    Demo zum Nakba-Tag: Hunderte Pro-Palästina-Demonstranten in Berlin-Charlottenburg (Berliner Zeitung, 2024-05-15)

    Today's protest march for the commemoration (& against genocide in Gaza, for sure) in , .

    Glad to know there was no general ban for this day, and all went -more or less- peacefully, even with 400 police officers in charge.


    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

    Demo zum Nakba-Tag: Hunderte Pro-Palästina-Demonstranten in Berlin-Charlottenburg (Berliner Zeitung, 2024-05-15)

    Today's protest march for the commemoration (& against genocide in Gaza, for sure) in , .

    Glad to know there was no general ban for this day, and all went -more or less- peacefulyl, even with 400 police officers in charge.


    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

    Demo zum Nakba-Tag: Hunderte Pro-Palästina-Demonstranten in Berlin-Charlottenburg (Berliner Zeitung, 2024-05-15)

    Today's protest march for the commemoration (& against genocide in Gaza, for sure) in , .

    Glad to know there was no general ban for this day, and all went -more or less- peaceful, even with 400 police officers in charge.


    thomashoyle , to palestine group avatar

    literally means “Stop killing children and trampling on everyone’s human rights”

    If anyone is offended by this, it perhaps says more about them than the slogan itself


    adachika192 , to palestine group avatar



    11 human rights organizations put the full page advert against Rafah offensive and for Ceasefire are:

    ・Physicians for Human Rights Israel
    ・Breaking the Silence
    ・Ir Amim
    ・Association for Civil Rights in Israel
    ・Yesh Din
    ・Combatants for Peace
    ・Parents against Child Detention

    Some are not so well known as the others, I suppose.

    Respect for all of them ✊

    jiujensu , to israel group avatar

    This podcast is good at making easier to digest, if you're interested--

    Up this week is Zionism, Zionist , Balfour, the guy chosen to mess up Palestine, who had previously wreaked havoc in Ireland and denied entry to Jews fleeing the holocaust who were hoping to find refuge in the UK. And Herzl &more stuff.

    The Great Revolt: Resistance to Early , parts 1 and 2

    @palestine @israel

    jiujensu OP , avatar
    jiujensu , to israel group avatar
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