@pezmico@mastodon.nz cover
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar



342.53 ppm
Tāmaki-makau-rau, Aotearoa. Ngāti Te Ata land.
Cis mostly straight, LatAm migrant. dad.
Labels suck but eco-anarchist kinda fits.
Work in news and hope for better.
ZeroCovid. Don't catch, don't spread.
Mask and fight for clean air.
Better transport: + bicycles, - cars
Love music, film, books, games and languages.

The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently. - D. Graeber

🚲🌱🐋 Solar punk

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18+ pezmico , to random
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

Despite widespread condemnation and against the explicit orders of the ICC, Israel is burning people alive while they sleep in tents in Rafah.

Beware with any footage about it, it is extremely graphic.

It really looks like hell on earth. I cannot stress this enough. It is the stuff of nightmares.

Any shred of legitimacy for the apartheid regime is well and truly gone forever.

pezmico OP ,
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

Israel must be stopped.

pezmico , to palestine group
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

Norway says they'll recognise a Palestinian state from May 28. 🇵🇸

Ireland and Spain are likely to follow.



pezmico OP ,
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

@sinabhfuil @palestine thank you!

pezmico , to palestine group
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

The ICC has issued arrest warrants for Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri (Deif), Ismail Haniyeh from Hamas.

And for Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant from Israel

@palestine 🇵🇸

Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC: Applications for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine

pezmico , to random
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

We laugh, but inside we're crying. 😁😭

pezmico , to random
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

"The fake part of Tesla has become more real than the real part of Tesla."

Interesting discussion about the hype behind the stock and the lack of substance in , like anything Musk, has become about image and hype much more than actual innovation or product.

It's all smoke and mirrors with the billionaire class.

Tesla is Choosing Hype over Substance w/ Ed Niedermeyer on Tech Won't Save Us by @parismarx


pezmico , to random
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

President of , Gustavo once again doing the principled thing and standing in the right side of history.

Colombia to break diplomatic relations with Israel, President Petro says | Reuters


pezmico , to random
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

I love my American friends, but they need to see that the problem is not who the president is.
Or which party rules.
That's a false choice.

The problem, as it's increasingly evident, is the US hegemony as a whole.
Putin, Netanyahu, Modi, Xi, they all suck.
The world is full of terrible fascist leaders but none is more dangerous than America itself, whoever leads it.

I'm sorry because it will obviously be hardest on common people, and that's deeply unfair.
But all empires must fall.

pezmico OP ,
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

Not really interested in arguing with MAGA, red or blue.

And as for "America is not an Empire" ... I'll stare at you in central and south American (almost every one of our countries has had a coup, dictatorship or otherwise American imposed client regime) and point at the map of somewhere between 750 and 1000 American military bases the world over (we don't even know the number for sure).

That's an Empire, babe, they just don't let you call it that.

pezmico , to random
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

Here's a cartoon about landlords.

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  • pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    You too can !

    Reminder that one of the most impactful, but also simplest, individual actions you can take is to check whether your retirement savings, or any investments, are supporting the genocidal regime.

    And then move them to a fund that doesn't.

    It worked against apartheid South Africa.
    It will work again.


    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Good morning. 🌅
    Practice radical love. ♥️
    Reject consumerism. 🚫
    Ride a bike. 🚲
    Wear a mask. 😷
    Free Palestine. 🇵🇸

    pezmico , to palestine group
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    “I cleared the rubble from Israeli airstrikes, tilled the soil, and planted seeds. This is our home, our land. Everything will return more beautiful than before.”

    • Yahya Bashir From , where only life befits it, where its people excel in resilience and persistence.


    (post shamelessly stolen from @NourNaim88 on the other xite because it moved me and it needs to be shared)

    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Honestly, this Kohei Saito book is blowing my mind. 🤯

    Read it if you get a chance.

    pezmico , to palestine group
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    The Accountability Archive is a crowdsourced record of journalists, politicians, and public figures endorsing or encouraging the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and/or defaming pro-Palestinian activists.

    We have a vision of a public resource for future historians, and researchers, helping understand how power holders attempted to manufacture consent for the genocidal aggression towards the Palestinian people. We hope this resource will serve to hold them to account.


    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    The Accountability Archive is a crowdsourced record of journalists, politicians, and public figures endorsing or encouraging the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and/or defaming pro-Palestinian activists.

    We have a vision of a public resource to be used by future historians, and researchers, helping understand how power holders attempted to manufacture consent for the genocidal aggression towards the Palestinian people. We hope this resource will serve to hold them to account.


    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Illuminating and sobering on the recycling lies sold to us by the fossil fuel industry.

    Our enormous plastic problem, yet another of the contradictions of capitalism.

    Plastic Recycling is a Scam w/ Dharna Noor on Tech Won't Save Us by @parismarx


    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar
    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Relevant from @parismarx.

    Although too late for , worth reconsidering the whole model.

    Are news a product or a public good? Should they be expected to exist only when/if they are profitable?

    In a world quickly filling up with disinformation and outright lies, what value do we assign to journalism?

    Will there be news in the future?

    What's really killing the news media? - Tech Won't Save Us

    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Excellent (and even hopeful) piece from @pluralistic on and how we fight back against it.

    "We can reverse the enshittification of the internet. We can halt the creeping enshittification of every digital device. We can build a better, enshittification-resistant digital nervous system, one that is fit to co-ordinate the mass movements we will need to fight fascism, end genocide, save our planet and our species."


    pezmico , to palestine group
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    "In Gaza you can witness what the end of the world will look like."

    In December, Hudia, a refugee in Rafah, kept a diary of the horrors Israel has been visiting upon Gaza since October.

    This is testimonial 18 of Verso Books' Palestine Uncensored series.



    pezmico , to palestine group
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    The movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel is the best way to put our solidarity into action. Click through to read tips on making your BDS campaign a success.



    pezmico , to random
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Kia ora toot friends. (Hello in Māori language)
    Tonight I am bringing some , , , and .
    I hope you enjoy them and are radicalised like I am. Once you start seeing how we've been trapped by you cannot unsee it again.
    Let's fight for space for people, cities that are walkable, accesible, clean, green and safe.
    Of course, please contribute your own memes to the thread and also radicalise your family, workmates and friends!

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Probably my personal favourite one is this extremely text heavy Simpsons .
    I love it because it suddenly questions our assumptions of how normal it is to move about our cities, and it also highlights how wasteful and inefficient are.
    Our cities can be very quiet and clean if we move in our feet, or bikes or scooters.
    Cars are noisy dangerous and dirty. We should make cities where we need to use them as little as possible.

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  • pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    In our unquestioning worship of the , we have built cities that are hostile to people!
    Cities OF people that are hostile TO people! How ridiculous is that?
    This image is a classic and it illustrates how most of our spaces feel for humans on their feet, for kids wanting to play, for our disabled whānau trying to live a normal life.
    We can do better! We have done better for our whole history. It's really the last century or so where we allowed cars to take over everything.

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    And yet we've bought into this idea that a car is indispensable. A basic need for our lives.
    A big metal box that spends over 90% of its existence just sitting there, waiting for us. Using up valuable space in our streets, gardens, parks, houses.
    Spaces we could use to play, plant, socialise, exercise or really anything else is devoted to the storage of a box that most of us use for an hour or two.

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  • pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    But we've adopted so deeply that for many, an attack on cars in general feels like a personal attack. Any attempt to reclaim space in our cities for , , or children feels like a loss that needs to be stopped and defended against.
    Often ignoring the reality that our urban built environment (and much of the rural building too) is completely car centric.

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Cars take up unnecessary space when they are moving too!
    In a cruel reflection of the class hierarchies we've created for society we prioritise space in our roads for the single most inefficient users. Effectively devoting a limited resource ( capacity) in who uses it in the most wasteful way possible, a privilege of owning a car. We struggle with city councils to get scraps of sometimes temporary space for buses or bikes.
    And yet this space is not enough. It will never be enough.

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  • pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Space for cars can never be enough because of the natural rules of geometry and maths.
    You cannot move that many people in their individual boxes. It is inefficient, wasteful and really at some point just plain impossible.
    The #car is quite unique in the way that it is a mode of #transport that really quickly becomes worse the more people use it.

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  • pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    But true to form, we have refused to learn from the last few decades of development.
    is the phenomenon that explains that the more lanes we build, the more cars will be out driving on them. That's why widening , adding more lanes ends up being a temporary relief, if anything, and quickly reverts to traffic jams, potentially worse than the ones we had to start with.

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  • pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    City governments, urban developers, fossil fuel companies, builders and car manufacturers have created a self reinforcing ecosystem, where they all get wealthier by depending on each other. Convincing us of the lie that we do need one more lane. This is the one that will fix everything. This bypass, this new road, this expansion, once we get it done will be solved. For good.
    But it is never true and yet we try again, hoping for the silver bullet in the next lane we build.

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  • pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    It is a well known and tested fact that a city where everybody drives is a city where nobody moves.
    But we still have a really bad case of in our societies.

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    is what happens when we let our become our identities. When we prioritise cars over the lives of the people who surround us, of our own children.
    Car Brain is the reason why even exists as a concept. Car Brain is a group project that the automobile industry has been working on for decades, and they have successfully installed it in most of us.

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    #Motorists seem to be angry by default. And that's of course quite bad.
    They are angry at other drivers, angry at pedestrians, angry at #buses, angry at potholes and traffic jams.
    But the worst of all their anger is usually directed at #cyclists.
    We can't seem to get it right. Always in the wrong place, too slow and too fast at the same time.

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    This culture of anger that #CarCulture encourages has a very high cost. Lives are lost everyday inside and out of cars, but we've convinced ourselves that this is the only way to live. There's nothing we can do and these lives must be sacrificed in the altar of the #car.

    Cars ruin cities. Cars ruin public transport, our health and our very lives.

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    We've built streetscapes that centre and prioritise cars before everything else. And then we wonder why kids don't play outside anymore, why they can't be independent.
    Entire parks, playgrounds, homes and other amenities have been demolished since the 50s to make space for parking and motorways and service stations.
    The cult of the #car has robbed us even of childhood.

    pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Once you start seeing how much space we sacrifice for #cars, you can't unsee it. They have taken over our cities completely.
    And they feel entitled and justified to every single space available. Given a chance, anything becomes a parking spot.
    And if you dare speak up about it or oppose it, #motorists respond immediately with aggression, violent threats, racism and sometimes actual violence.
    Don't dare advocate for a cycle lane, some space in the footpath for a wheelchair user, or a stroller.

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  • pezmico OP ,
    @pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

    Now we know that we are in a . We know both that urgent action is crucial and that transport (our cars mainly) are an important source of our emissions.
    So they sell us an answer: .
    But although they are part of the answer. They are nowhere near the silver bullet we're told they will be. And other, more important and effective solutions are ignored meanwhile. Like and

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