Free_Press , to random avatar


Heat Domes
Heat Stroke
Heat Emergency
Heat etc, etc., etc.,

Global warming and climate change isn't coming - it's here.


Sign of things to come
Emergency Services for Heat Stroke
Monkeys Falling from the trees, overcome by heat

peterdutoit , to random avatar

This tells you everything you need to know about how serious the fossil fuel industry is about the clean energy transition.

“The Godfathers of climate chaos – the fossil fuel industry – rake in record profits and feast off trillions in taxpayer-funded subsidies.”—Antonio Guterres

OceanTerra , to random avatar

Every single month in the last 12 months has broken temperature records for the respective month. For ocean surface temperatures - it's now a 14 month streak

If we choose to continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere then 2023/4 will soon look like a cool year, in a similar way to how 2015/6 now appears



compost , to random avatar

What is fantastic about composting worms is that not only they are able to process an insane amount of waste and help us limit greenhouse gasses from landfills, but we often forget that they produce one if the most powerful manure that can be made at home.

If you apply the worm castings in your garden, you will boost the biology in your soils and provide a lot of nutrients for your plants.

If you want to do something for the a worm bin is a very good start.


peterdutoit , to random avatar

This is absolutely the right call:

“I urge every country to ban advertising from fossil fuel companies.

“And I urge news media and tech companies to stop taking fossil fuel advertising.” — Antonio Guterres

Full remarks here:


Nonilex , to random avatar

A streak of record-setting that began last summer has now persisted for an entire year across the globe, researchers announced Wed, pushing closer to a dangerous threshold that the ’s nations had pledged not to cross.
Temperatures surpassed the 1.5°C threshold over the past year, & scientists warn they will again soon.

GottaLaff , to random avatar

UN chief calls for global fossil-fuel ad ban

“Fossil-fuel co’s are “godfathers of climate chaos, shd be banned in every country from advertising akin to restrictions on big tobacco, sec-gen of UN said while delivering dire new scientific warnings of global heating

..called on news/tech media to stop enabling “planetary destruction” by taking fossil-fuel ad $ while warning world faces “climate crunch time” in its faltering attempts to stem the crisis”

GottaLaff , to random avatar

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) will withdraw the state from particip in CA’s tough auto emissions standards at end of this year, using opinion from Virginia AG Jason S. Miyares (R) as justification for undoing an action taken by Gen Assembly.
“Once again, Virginia is declaring independence — this time from a misguided electric vehicle mandate imposed by unelected leaders nearly 3,000 miles away from the Commonwealth”

PaulaToThePeople , to random avatar

What it's like to talk to a conservative as a climate justice activist.
:WhatAWeek: :thisisfine:

chu , to random avatar

Just want to point out how completely sociopathic the capitalist class truly is.

Check out how nonchalantly they talk about destroying the earth for literally NOTHING. Nobody needs diamonds. You don't eat them. You don't do anything useful with them except for the small fraction used at tips to cut stuff with.

Look at how they think nothing about manipulating people. "the diamond industry will need to work hard to reignite Chinese consumer demand."

They are talking about using advertising to manipulate people into wanting/buying a thing they DO NOT NEED at great expense to poor people who work these jobs that produce almost no value to anybody except billionaire owners amid a where these operations will pollute surrounding areas and definitely need fossil fueled machinery.

These people are sick. Have absolutely NO conscience. They will not stop until half the population is starving and finally revolts.

It is absolutely disgusting to read a piece like this when you think about it in the context of workers rights and climate breakdown.

in all this because of the glowing way it writes about these sick sick action. They talk about advertising like it's some glorious Mad Max kind of thing.

These people will not agree to scale back production, stop pursuing infinite growth unless they are stopped. I have lost all hope that we can turn to the current power structures to save humanity and society. I can only hope that when the guillotines come out, these people go first.

ScientistRebellion , to random avatar

Summer has not officially started yet and the world's largest economy, home of a large base of deniers is about to experience dangerously hot temperatures.

The United States is one of the largest per capita polluters in the world.

Their own citizens are suffering for the sake of greed.

Few countries in the world have the kind of power to do something about the way the US does. They must act NOW

ScientistRebellion , to random avatar

affects us all. India is suffering through a deadly heatwave while floods are killing residents in Germany.

Nowhere is insulated from the impacts of induced .

We must all fight to elect politicians who understand, not deny the impacts of

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Deadly heat is gripping India, Pakistan, the Middle East, and North Africa. You’ve probably seen the dreadful news stories.

This is what happens at “only” 1.5C above the pre-industrial average.

Humans did not evolve in a climate like this one — and it’s an open question how many of us can survive as global temperatures climb to 2C, 3C, or 4C before the end of this century.

We need system change before it's too late.

cstross , to random avatar

This is bullshit, because:

  1. You need a TFR (total fertility rate) of 2.1 to maintain stable population (no growth, no shrinkage).

  2. UK's TFR is 1.75, so shrinking ~15% per generation.

  3. Which means, not enough workers to support the retirees.

  4. Net-positive immigration is the only thing propping our economy up.

5.The UK NEEDS immigrants, or we're fucked.

This is the truth, unpalatable to racists molly-coddled by generations of crooked right-wing politicians.

Greengordon , avatar

@Npars01 @cstross @zakalwe

I think many people are sure they'll be among the survivor's because they live in a wealthy country, but civilizational collapse will be ugly all around. This is why billionaires are buying land and building bunkers.

"Catastrophic population decreases are survivable. Terrible but survivable."

chu , to random avatar

This is the forecast for New Delhi

Not a night below 30c.

The body cannot cool off and "reset".

Many people, even young healthy people will not survive this week because of

is hitting us already. Not sometime in 2030 or 2040 when we have fresh targets to not hit.

This is genocide.

Indian authorities won't be able to keep an accurate tally of the dead. It is a crisis that companies gave us. we need to sue them out of existence.

GottaLaff , to random avatar

has become the first state to enact a law requiring fossil fuel companies to pay a share of the damage caused by climate change after the state suffered catastrophic summer flooding and damage from other extreme weather.

peterdutoit , to random avatar

Here I am sounding like a broken record again.

There is no evidence of an emergency “Covid-like” response to emission reductions.

As a result, we need to prepare physically, mentally and emotionally for a world at 2° within the next 20 years.

Projected global fossil fuel consumption 2021-2100

levampyre , to random German avatar

Actually, the last John Oliver about Corn is quite good - not just for farmers, gardeners and climate activists. He explains how subsidy policies in the US have favoured monoculture and are actively destroying life on this planet. He explains how nitrates used as fertilizers pollute fresh and ground water sources. All of this is neither new, nor exclusive to the US. Quite similar here in Germany. Agriculture policies have a massive impact on the .

18+ deinol , to random avatar

About halfway through the show. The author is clearly optimistic about our future.

The aliens fear that we’ll be more advanced than they are by the time they get to us in 400 years.

I feel like they could just subtly help us destroy the environment and in a century we’ll be extinct.

Also, governments putting resources towards solving a problem we can foresee in centuries? Hahahaha I wish.

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

"If SUVs were a country, they would be the world’s fifth largest emitter of CO₂"

I'm so disgusted, I can't find the words... 🤬

SUVs accounted for 48% of global car sales in 2023, reaching a new record and further strengthening the defining automobile trend of the early 21st century – the shift towards ever larger and heavier cars.

There are now more than 360 million SUVs on the roads worldwide, resulting in combustion-related CO2 emissions of one billion tonnes, an increase of around 100 million tonnes from the previous year.

Despite advances in fuel efficiency and electrification, the trend toward heavier and less efficient vehicles such as SUVs, which produce 20% more carbon emissions than an average medium-sized car, has largely nullified the improvements in energy consumption and emissions achieved elsewhere in the world’s passenger car fleet in recent decades.

Capitalism is killing us.


ScientistRebellion , to random avatar

A large corporation would not engage in a deal like this unless it was confident that governments are not serious about reducing use.

There is not one mention in this piece about .

in this

Tell your government representative that this is not ok. You want to see the immediate end of fossil fuel subsidies.

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Yesterday we looked at the problem of feedback loops in the northern forests of Canada and Siberia, where a warming climate dries out vegetation, making wildfires more frequent and more intense, with those fires then releasing tons of CO2, methane, and black carbon which warm up the climate even more, and so on.

See --

But another related problem is plaguing forests further south, in the United States. Trees there are threatened not only by drought, but also by infestations of bugs, such as bark beetles in the Rocky Mountains, and by fir borers in Oregon, Washington, and California.

These bugs are much more common now than they used to be, doing far more damage to forests, and it's all because of warmer, dryer weather brought on by — you guessed it — climate change. It's a vicious cycle that only gets worse, decade after decade.

Here's one story about the sad decline of fir trees in Oregon, where experts worry that forests there may be disappearing forever.


Free_Press , to random avatar


Temperatures in India's capital soared to a national record-high of 52.3 degrees Celsius (126.1 Fahrenheit) on Wednesday, the government's weather bureau said.

Global Warming is getting worse, not better, everyday, everywhere.

dsc , to random avatar
stuffjolikes , to random avatar

Sadly here is a related news item. The first chapter of the book is an account of an extreme in that causes millions of deaths. Sadly, I think we will see something similar in India or South America very soon. Temperatures have reached over 50C in parts of India in recent days and there are now water shortages in Delhi. With night time temperatures only dropping to low 30s there is no respite from the heat.

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