HumToTable , to random avatar

I love how the Bumblebees totally motorboat it into the poppies. 😆

skyfaller , to random avatar

A enjoying my swamp / Asclepias incarnata in bloom. Probably a Brown-belted Bumble Bee / Bombus griseocollis.


Over50butnotold , to random German avatar

Der dicke Willi war heute auch schon so fleißig. Jetzt machen wir alle mal eine Pause . Mein Zoo und ich .

schiefewiese , to random German avatar

Giersch, Hummel und Ameisen (welche ich beim Fotografieren gar nicht bemerkt hatte).

npdemers , to random avatar
wplalonde , to random avatar

We found a sleeping bumblebee on our Sunday morning hike :blobbee:

(I think he was a male two-spotted bumblebee, 𝘉𝘰𝘮𝘣𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴)

firephoto , to random avatar
boxofdelights , to random avatar

This Hunt's bumblebee landed on my shirt and stayed there long enough to worry me. I set it down in a raised bed, with a bunch of freshly picked dandelions, next to a tiny ceramic water cup. It woke up and started browsing on the flowers. I didn't see it go, but it did go.

visionsofnapa , to random avatar

Happy World Bee Day 2024 to this turquoise yellow-faced bumblebee.

hastingsmothman , to random avatar
sollat , to random avatar


Bee: who u calling bumble butts, lady

Bumblebee emerging from a rhododendron flower, wings ready to launch.

donkeyherder , to random avatar

Notes from the morning chores, part 1.
I took a stroll through the orchard while the equines’ trough was filling. You know, I don’t think I ever saw a mature before I got lucky with a bag of wildflower seeds. It’s not a wildflower, lol! It’s a small shrub! And I’ve got like six of them!
I saw a hitting the comfrey, too, but it’s early and they weren’t interested in posing. There’s a bee butt in the third pic for the viewer to find, location in alt text of course!

I wanted to catch just one spike, but they’re so tall that there are two in the background as well. The flower spike continues to grow as the individual flowers unfold, get pollinated, and start making seeds, so the column of flowers gradually condenses to a tight tower, fading from rich purple to unripe white at the top.
One of the many comfrey plants has several flower stalks visible. The center stalk has a little black and yellow bee butt just zooming away from it.

donkeyherder OP , avatar

Notes part two.
On the other side of the house, I found the ! My kid spotted him yesterday, in the same area, and told me about him. He must be drumming for a mate! One of the types of small trees in the grove behind him is ringed with woodpecker holes. It must be good eats!
Here he is in action. Next post will be a blurry crop so yall can have the fun of telling me what he is!

A vibrantly colored small woodpecker is drumming on a large wooden fence post at the corner of the garden. He’s got a bright scarlet head and a black body with white markings. We hear him tapping out a sharp pattern. There’s also birdsong, old lady Mafia making a querulous hen sound, and a crow cawing as it passes by.

donkeyherder OP , avatar

Here he is!

EllieK , to random avatar

Ajuga. or Bugle flowers and bumblebee

May will start to bring spring flowers in more profusion, though this particular one is not yet blooming here. It's pretty ubiquitous here, once it takes hold, as you can read in the linked post on my site. Enjoy this, as the bees obviously do!

This is inspired by a posting by @catselbow and a photo by @mikako6 , so thank you to both!

friscolala , to random avatar
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    b_age , to random German avatar

    und weiter geht es mit den fliegenden von der -runde, eine felsen-kuckuckshummel :3

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