
jimmydoreisalefty OP , in Netanyahu Under Fire After Calling Rafah Massacre a 'Tragic Mistake' [Brett Wilkins | May 27, 2024 | Common Dreams] avatar

"This was intentional. You don't accidentally kill massive amounts of children and their families over and over again and get to say, 'It was a mistake,'" U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said in a social media post to President Joe Biden. "Genocidal maniac Netanyahu told us he wants to ethically cleanse Palestinians. When are you going to believe him, POTUS?"

Despite these staggering casualties—and Israel's forced displacement, starvation, and deprivation of millions of Gazans—the United States continues to support its top Middle Eastern ally with billions of dollars in arms and with diplomatic and political support including United Nations Security Council vetoes and genocide denial.

"How many times are we going to hear, it was a 'mistake' before we take serious action against Netanyahu?" U.S. Congresswoman Delia Ramirez (D-Ill.) asked. "How does anyone justify his administration? Every single moment that we supply arms, send money, and make excuses makes us absolutely complicit in his barbaric war of death against Palestinians. Enough!"

"Biden's backing of Netanyahu's war is rooted in a hierarchy of human value, an empathy gap that perpetuates suffering, violence, and distrust," he added. "Cutting off American weapons is the only way to isolate Netanyahu to prevent further killing of women and children in what has become the largest slaughter of Palestinian civilians since Israel's founding in 1948."

Garbanzo , in (Clinton blaming Russia to Trump being an illegitimate president to 3rd parties and now...) Clinton says women abandoned her because she wasn’t ‘perfect’ [Tara Suter | 05/25/24 | The Hill]

She got more votes than Trump. She lost because she didn't get the votes where she needed them to win. Sure seems to me like a strategic failure rather than sexism. Call me a chauvinist if you want, but she should shut the fuck up.

jimmydoreisalefty OP , avatar

True, she seems to like to blame everyone else for her failures, except herself.

They still end up failing to the top of our gov't's most highest positions, while keeping the status quo and making maximum profits!

Diplomjodler3 ,

Both can be true. While she certainly made many mistakes, sexism was definitely a factor.

jonne ,

Yep, she campaigned in Texas instead of the swing states she needed to win.

Socsa , in ‘A deranged fringe movement’: what is Maga communism, the online ideology platformed by Tucker Carlson?

What do you think Tucker's hexbear account is?

reagansrottencorpse , in ‘A deranged fringe movement’: what is Maga communism, the online ideology platformed by Tucker Carlson?

This is nothing new, they are just doing what Hitler did...stealing terms from the left. National Socialism anyone?

Alexstarfire , in Chicago Develops Exciting New Form of Gun Crime | National Review

I don't really understand why immigrants that are victims of crime in the US get preferential treatment for immigration VISAs. Can someone explain that to me?

MachineFab812 , in [7/10 voters... want to see third-party/independent candidates in presidential debate this cycle] 71 percent in poll want RFK Jr., third parties in debate [Julia Mueller | 05/20/24 | The Hill]

You had me until RFK Jr. ...

moody , in Trump pitch to oil companies turns off two-thirds of likely voters, poll finds [Saul Elbein | 05/21/24 | The Hill]

The key takeaway from the article is that the statement in the headline only applied when nobody was named as this deal maker.

When they were told that it was Trump who was making these deals, only 12% claimed they might reconsider.

criitz ,

Damn, you're right. Here's the data mentioned in the article. Only republicans changed their view like that, so hopefully undecided/swing voters will truly be dissuaded from voting for him.

jimmydoreisalefty OP , in [Latest NH Journal/Praecones Analytica poll] Biden, Trump tied in New Hampshire survey [Sarah Fortinsky | 05/21/24 | The Hill] avatar
elbarto777 , in How much do illegal immigrants cost the U.S.?

Check out the posting history of OP. It's part of a Russian or Chinese propaganda machine.


joes , in How much do illegal immigrants cost the U.S.?

can't pay taxes if you put them in jail.

Anticorp ,

They don't pay taxes anyway, since they work under the table. But that's not a reason to put them in jail, that's a reason to make them citizens, or at least legal immigrants. Bring us your hungry, your tired, your poor.

elbarto777 , (edited )

They may not pay income taxes, but they can't escape paying any taxes.

Sales tax, rent taxes (or even property taxes for those lucky enough to buy property), transportation-related taxes, travel taxes, tolls, etc.

That "illegal immigrants pay no taxes" claim is false.

Anticorp ,

Obviously they pay sales tax. When people are talking about them not paying taxes, they're talking about income taxes, which is the lion's share of taxes that average people pay. I've worked in industries heavily impacted by illegal immigration before, and even legal citizens often end up working under the table on those crews, because the employers are straight-up crooks. It seems to me that the best solutions are to fast-track legal status, and actually punish the employers.

elbarto777 ,

Nah brah. You and I may know that. But when the common folk says "illegals don't pay them taxes" they refer to absolutely no taxes. And the GOP hasn't corrected them i wonder why.

And you're absolutely right about the employers. People blaming undocumented immigrants for their struggles are focusing in the wrong target.

SkyezOpen , in How much do illegal immigrants cost the U.S.?

How much does an 815 day long 3 day special military operation cost, Ivan? Where are your armored vehicles? WHY ARE THE VATNIKS DRIVING CIVILIAN CARS THROUGH MINEFIELDS, IVAN?

kvasir476 , in How much do illegal immigrants cost the U.S.?

FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) who conducted the "study" cited in the article are considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

TexMexBazooka , in How much do illegal immigrants cost the U.S.?

They “cost” a negative number due to their contributions to the economy

big_slap , in Biden's economic adviser Jared Bernstein can't explain how money works

money isn't real ever since they stopped backing the US dollar with gold.

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

Lmfao didn't think I'd see this bullshit on Lemmy. This should be fun.

What's gold backed by or priced by? Because it sure as hell doesn't just have an intrinsic and constant value.

big_slap ,

Because it sure as hell doesn't just have an intrinsic and constant value.

hahahaha, gold is literally intrinsic. value does go up and down, but its intristic. heres just one page where you're able to educate yourself:

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

hahahaha, gold is literally intrinsic.

Lol, did you ever take an Econ class? Gold prices follow supply and demand just like literally every other commodity including paper money.

Literally one of the reasons the convertability of gold was first ended during the depression was that gold prices were dropping in the U.S markets because of a steady flow of gold being sold to it by the European countries recovering from World War One.

Gold has also increased in value constantly the past decades as it's gained an actual use beyond being a non-spoiling shiny thing to use as money, and started actually being used for useful things such as electronics. Aka, the demand has increased and so have prices.

But if you really need a source for such basic economics here you go.

big_slap ,

you made so many wrong and confidently incorrect statements...

Gold prices follow supply and demand just like literally every other commodity including paper money.

yes, gold follows supply and demand, but not like money.... gold has properties that make it useful other than it's perceived worth and it's a rare metal. money, on the other hand, is only valued by the country that is backing it. if a country collapses, the money they print collapses as well. money doesn't have other applications like gold does.

gold is intrinsic because it is rare, durable, and has other uses other than it looking nice.

Literally one of the reasons the convertability of gold was first ended during the depression was that gold prices were dropping in the U.S markets because of a steady flow of gold being sold to it by the European countries recovering from World War One.

??? the reason why money was no longer back by gold in the united states, where I am from, is because there was not enough gold in the federal reserve to back the dollar anymore; people were hoarding gold. source:

Gold has also increased in value constantly the past decades as it's gained an actual use beyond being a non-spoiling shiny thing to use as money, and started actually being used for useful things such as electronics. Aka, the demand has increased and so have prices.

so you agree, gold is intrinsic.

and your source does nothing other than reinforce what I'm saying. learn to debate, kid.

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

yes, gold follows supply and demand, but not like money.... gold has properties that make it useful other than it's perceived worth and it's a rare metal. money, on the other hand, is only valued by the country that is backing it. if a country collapses, the money they print collapses as well.

And if a country collapses then their gold can flow into other markets, crashing the price of gold in those markets, just as happened during the depression. Gold is literally like any other commodity. You can argue maybe paper money isn't respected as useful by all nations, by that's explicitly why it was gotten rid of, all nations saw it as valuable and yet had very little control over its value, this gives you almost zero controls for monetary policy.

In a gold standard economy, inflation like during the depression has only one cure, and that's the government buying up all the gold and banning it's sale by anyone else, as was done during the depression by FDR.

??? the reason why money was no longer back by gold in the united states, where I am from, is because there was not enough gold in the federal reserve to back the dollar anymore; people were hoarding gold.

That's an incredibly narrow view of the whole story, people were hoarding gold because the economy was collapsing, and because of the hoarding, the money supply had effectively collapsed.
The only way to deal with this was banning gold ownership and devaluing the U.S dollar in relation to gold to gain money flow back.
This hastened the flow of gold to the U.S from the global community, as now the U.S government was an easy place to sell your gold to during the depression. This massive stream of gold internationally into the U.S would've effectively collapsed the price of Gold in the U.S had FDR not banned its use by citizens and limited it's price to $35 per troy ounce.

so you agree, gold is intrinsic.

I agree gold has the intrinsic ability to be a shiny thing that doesn't degrade very much over time and has some electronic uses.
Other than that, its value is completely subjective and able to face the same market pressures as money, or oxen, or sheep.

Except because it's finite, during times of crisis, you have very, very, very little freedom to react compared to a Fiat currency, which is why literally every country on earth except for Zimbabwe uses Fiat.

The federal reserve can shred and create money as it needs, the equivalent for gold is much heavier such as bans and devaluation.

and your source does nothing other than reinforce what I'm saying.

Did you even read my source??? It says the value has changed in time as it's been perceived differently and gained different uses, and is also subject to the run of the mill market pressures. Nothing about that sounds intrinsic and constant like I originally stated, and like gold standarders claim Gold to be.

learn to debate, kid.

Nice ad hom dipshit, maybe take an economics class and stop hawking the gold propaganda. The grandpa's who've put their entire retirement in their gold pyramid schemes keep telling you.

SkybreakerEngineer , in Biden's economic adviser Jared Bernstein can't explain how money works

Almost like most of modern economics is bullshit

Amoxtli OP ,

Seems like you missed that the US is a kakistocracy.

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