Trending Communities

freamon , in Trending Communities for Saturday 24th February 2024

Have been rewriting the bot lately. Latest results using new version:

Subscriber Growth

!helldivers2, Helldivers 2, 4 => 37, 17 posts (15 this week)
!leaky_cauldron, The Leaky Cauldron, 20 => 72, 22 posts (14 this week)
!insanepeoplefacebook, InsanePeopleFacebook, 1271 => 1420, 117 posts (23 this week)
!shrinkflation, Shrinkflation, 88 => 117, 9 posts (2 this week)
!debunkthis, DebunkThis, 903 => 988, 12 posts (1 this week)
!anime, Anime, 791 => 865, 550 posts (54 this week)
!pathfinder, pathfinder, 44 => 62, 7 posts (3 this week)
!forgottenweapons, Forgotten Weapons, 1179 => 1265, 423 posts (16 this week)
!diwhy, DiWHY, 1108 => 1185, 25 posts (3 this week)
!lightnovels, Light Novels, 28 => 41, 12 posts (3 this week)
!antitrumpalliance, AntiTrumpAlliance, 205 => 234, 148 posts (15 this week)
!coolguides, Cool Guides, 2711 => 2813, 204 posts (4 this week)
!historyporn, HistoryPorn, 3230 => 3331, 521 posts (9 this week)
!right2repair, Right to Repair, 805 => 851, 33 posts (2 this week)
!technology, Technology, 51228 => 51591, 7434 posts (207 this week)
!protonprivacy, Proton, 3660 => 3754, 167 posts (8 this week)
!microblogmemes, Microblog Memes, 3524 => 3614, 474 posts (23 this week)
!unix_surrealism, unix_surrealism, 596 => 631, 212 posts (9 this week)
!aneurysmposting, Aneurysm Posting, 958 => 1001, 102 posts (6 this week)
!gaming, Gaming, 1835 => 1895, 194 posts (11 this week)
!lemmybewholesome, Lemmy Be Wholesome, 4621 => 4715, 199 posts (8 this week)
!science, science, 12199 => 12348, 682 posts (25 this week)
!imaginarydragons, Imaginary Dragons, 175 => 193, 47 posts (9 this week)
!israelpalestine, Conflit Israelo-Palestinien, 8 => 12, 77 posts (34 this week)
!buttcoin, Buttcoin, 113 => 127, 36 posts (6 this week)

Active User Growth

!twoxchromosomes, TwoXChromosomes, 83 => 1157, 79 posts (1 this week)
!pics, Pictures, 6 => 169, 69 posts (5 this week)
!antiwork, Antiwork, 109 => 379, 31 posts (1 this week)
!palestine, palestine news and politics, 133 => 449, 173 posts (76 this week)
!weirdnews, Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm', 634 => 1213, 64 posts (19 this week)
!python, Python, 306 => 634, 336 posts (4 this week)
!edc, Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis?, 103 => 292, 160 posts (3 this week)
!warframe, Warframe, 26 => 117, 436 posts (5 this week)
!facepalm, Facepalm, 107 => 242, 31 posts (2 this week)
!microcontrollers, MICROCONTROLLERS, 351 => 536, 395 posts (9 this week)
!television, Television, 64 => 139, 198 posts (5 this week)
!kintelligenz, Künstliche Intelligenz, 15 => 60, 56 posts (1 this week)
!politics, NZ Politics, 135 => 264, 143 posts (15 this week)
!reddit, Reddit, 315 => 452, 527 posts (20 this week)
!me_irl, me_irl, 615 => 836, 205 posts (20 this week)
!saugumas, (safe) Unsecure security, 54 => 128, 153 posts (7 this week)
!asklemmy, Ask Lemmy, 4314 => 4869, 2326 posts (62 this week)
!noticias, Notícias, 162 => 279, 649 posts (28 this week)
!cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, 27 => 69, 202 posts (16 this week)
!japaneselanguage, Japanese Language, 119 => 204, 79 posts (1 this week)
!nostalgia, Nostalgia, 1817 => 2146, 72 posts (2 this week)
!movies, movies, 747 => 956, 97 posts (20 this week)
!pissposting, pissposting, 26 => 59, 220 posts (7 this week)
!cannabis, Cannabis, 153 => 231, 58 posts (6 this week)
!gauchisse, Gauchiasses, 369 => 460, 464 posts (45 this week)

Blaze , avatar

Nice, thank you for this!

Nice growth for !movies

smeg , (edited ) in Trending Communities for Saturday 27th April 2024

Dammit, I spent 9 months carefully curating !freegames and it's never once appeared here, then I made !nominativedeterminism for a laugh and it's already caught on within two weeks lol

Blaze , avatar

Well done I guess ha ha

andrew_s Mod , avatar

Free Video Game Giveaways has appeared here before: this search shows 6 posts that include it.

smeg ,

Oh fair, double embarrassment for me then, not only have I been looking for my own community but I missed it six times!

can ,

Don't worry I did the same thing not long ago.

Blaze , avatar


FYI I just pinged you in !fedigrow, a community where we discuss how to grow and keep communities active. I remember you being quite an active poster, so feel free to have a look if this sounds interesting to you!

Blaze , avatar

Hijacking the thread, but how do you find Piefed so far?

andrew_s Mod , avatar

So far, so good. The fundamentals are there, but - obviously - you can't compare software that's been in development for a few months rather then a few years (like Lemmy). I mostly like it because I've been able to contribute to the code. It was written to be easy to understand and add to, so I've been able to do things like handling links from these lists better (so it never dumps you in an "unknown error" if your instance hasn't yet heard of a community, like Lemmy does).

Blaze , avatar

Interesting, thanks!

freamon , in Trending Communities for Sunday 11th February 2024

Change to the link format from now on, to also support mbin and other fediverse apps that may come along.

I didn't do it like this before, because earlier versions of Jerboa didn't understand this link type, and I don't like that it repeats information - the name and the description are often the same, but not always, and the name can be hard to read, so the description needs to be there, but it's often redundant. I can't combine the description and link like [Hello Internet](! because lemmy will interpret that as link to a post for some reason.

I tested in the front-ends and mobile apps I have available, and they all work.

I've been resistant to changing it to this, and when mobile app users have said that they're app didn't support '/c/' links, I've been "well, fix your app then", but it turns out that all you have to do is say the magic words 'Fediverse Interoperability!' to me and you can win the argument.

andrew_s Mod , in Trending Communities for Saturday 15th June 2024 avatar

More and more stuff won't feature as instances continue to upgrade to 0.19.4, as doesn't yet support it (there was something like 582 instances listed yesterday on there, it's 572 now).

squirrel ,

I was wondering why !dailygames isn't on the list. is on 0.19.4 as well. How can this be fixed?

Blaze , avatar

You can comment on this issue :

andrew_s Mod , avatar

For lemmyverse, the issue for it is here:

We'll have to wait until that dev responds, or maybe until Lemmy devs change their mind about not providing a nodeinfo 2.0 response for 0.19.4 instances.

EDIT: ah, me and Blaze were commenting at the same time, it seems.

Blaze , avatar

EDIT: ah, me and Blaze were commenting at the same time, it seems.

Greats minds think alike

rimu , avatar

No commits to that repo for 6 months. Oof 😔

Blaze , avatar

Yes, that's unfortunate. Lemmyverse is a very useful resource, if it is not maintained anymore, it would be detrimental 😔

andrew_s Mod , avatar

The last time I raised an Issue, the dev did respond, but it was a full week later. Maybe just considered low priority vs. other stuff in his life, rather than unmaintained. Hopefully, anyway. We'll see ...

freamon , in Trending Communities for Tuesday 12th March 2024

Might be some rogue results for for a few days: for some communities there's been a bit of lag (from using the old measurement for active growth to the new one, and/or for the crawler at lemmyverse to pick up on the change)

Blaze , avatar


Blaze , in Behind the scenes at lemmy when you bring in a remote community avatar

Very interesting, thanks!

squirrel , in Trending Communities for Tuesday 25th June 2024

Hi @freamon the crawler doesn't include communities from instances running Lemmy 0.19.4 and 0.19.5. Could you please have a look at it?

andrew_s Mod , avatar

Hi. I raised an Issue on the crawler's repo a couple of weeks ago. Still waiting for a response though ...

squirrel ,

Ah, sorry for the ping then. I thought you were the dev of the crawler.

Blaze , avatar

We could raise the issue to !fediverse , maybe someone would like to fork the project

squirrel ,

I think we should. This issue needs some attention.

Blaze , avatar

Would you like to do it?

squirrel ,

I wouldn't know how to do it best.

Blaze , avatar

Just a post on !fediverse explaining the issue in a few lines. A link to the existing ticket. Ending with an open call for people who might be interested in forking the existing project.

andrew_s Mod , avatar

I made a post here:

Blaze , avatar


squirrel ,

Thank you!

doctortofu , in Trending Communities for Sunday 17th March 2024 avatar

How are "active users" defined? Because there's not a single community on the Active User Growth list that got more than 10 posts PER WEEK - that doesn't look very active to be honest...

freamon ,

"active users" are defined by lemmy: posts + comments + votes

The bot is trying to catch upwards trend in the amount of active users. This tends to be communities that were dead or fairly dead, and then one or two posts got some engagement and spiked the number up.

In terms of absolute active numbers, there's no need for a bot because lemmy can tell you that. The bigger communities tend to swing up and down in terms of activity (cancelling themselves out).

For example, had 65 posts this week, but active users ended up pretty much where it was. The table below has 28 entries as the crawler at lemmyverse usually reports 4 times a day, so it's for about 7 days:

posts subscribers active users
903 2466 3233
902 2461 3259
902 2461 3259
895 2453 3194
894 2447 3455
894 2447 3455
888 2443 3392
888 2443 3392
883 2440 3447
883 2440 3447
879 2437 3493
879 2437 3493
875 2434 3467
872 2424 3631
872 2424 3631
868 2426 3588
868 2426 3588
863 2413 3457
863 2413 3457
856 2407 3446
856 2407 3446
854 2402 3247
854 2402 3247
847 2391 3188
847 2391 3188
844 2386 3081
844 2386 3081
838 2384 3235
freamon , in Trending Communities for Thursday 7th March 2024

!quickanimalfacts - yeah, go on then. subbed.

freamon , in Trending Communities for Sunday 3rd March 2024

I've been using users_active_month for Active Users but it doesn't seem to really update often enough (e.g. !badrealestate had some activity in the 3rd week of February, but the UAM stat didn't change until 1st of March). I tried running the bot with users_active_day, but that's bit too dynamic - there'd be days will very few entries on if I used that. So I've compromised on users_active_week ... we'll see how that works out.

Blaze , avatar


freamon , in Behind the scenes at lemmy when you bring in a remote community

Bonus video illustrating the 15 second gap between a lemmy instance sending out a Follow (to subscribe to something) and receiving the Accept back that'll move the status from 'Pending' to 'Joined'

Lots of non-real-world factors here: the lemmy instance is running on an VM, it's connecting via a tunnel to a home DSL connection, and isn't running lemmy, but it hopefully demonstrates how subscribing is 2 distinct actions, and how it can get stuck on 'Pending'

Valmond , in Behind the scenes at lemmy when you bring in a remote community

I love this stuff, what about making a community about the innards of lemmy (and the fediverse)?

I'd love to know how the pictrs service works (and why I have lots of doubles for example) and also compile lemmy from scratch instead of depending on a docker image.

freamon ,

I didn't bother with picts-rs, but I found compiling lemmy to be fairly straight-forward (following the instructions on join-lemmy. Rust is difficult for me though, and lemmy's code seems like a labyrinth. So I've no idea what lemmy's up to most of the time (spinning its wheels randomizing the Hot sort, would be my guess).

I was about to say that communities for the innards of lemmy maybe already exist on or at !lemmy, and then I looked at that community, and the first post I saw was promoting !learningrustandlemmy, spookily enough.

Valmond ,

Thanks, subbed to the communities :-)

brbposting ,

pict-rs discussions on Matrix!

Valmond ,

"subbed" !

freamon , in Trending Communities for Saturday 13th January 2024

Edited 'cos's upgrade to 0.19.2 skewed the stats. They've stabilised now, apparently. (That poor "we're all quackers here!" bloke is never going to get a break)

freamon , in Trending Communities for Wednesday 10th January 2024

When/If 'upgrades' to 0.19, I'll increase the minimum threshold for active users. I'll also start excluding communities where the growth is mostly coming from negative engagement.

Blaze , in Trending Communities for Saturday 22nd June 2024 avatar

This list will become less and less relevant as 0.19.4 and 0.19.5 are becoming more mainstream

anonymouse ,

Could you explain why that is The case? Interested to hear

Blaze , avatar

Issue with the website used to aggregate those stats.

A ticket has been open, you can find it in past post comments

anonymouse ,


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