LillyPip , avatar

I just watched Life last night, and you know, this seems sensible.

e: link

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

They knew that was extremely unlikely anything biological would have been brought back from the moon since they knew that the moon's surface should be sterile. They just couldn't prove it, so they had to take precautions.

LillyPip , avatar

True. I’m just salty about the inanity of that movie’s ending.

venusenvy47 ,

It's a little cheesy, but I like Last Days on Mars for a similar topic.

LillyPip , avatar

Oh lord. I’ve now watched that and it was infuriatingly stupid. Thanks for the recommendation, though.

venusenvy47 ,

Sorry if I misled you. I like it as a horror movie and the Mars/spacecraft scenes as a backdrop look pretty good.

LillyPip , avatar

No worries. I’m always looking for suggestions on scifi to watch! I don’t regret watching it.

samus12345 , avatar

We're gonna have to make the Moon's name more specific if we ever survive long enough to colonize other planets. It's like if Earth's name were Planet.

crackajack ,

It might be called Luna.

samus12345 , avatar

That also just means "moon," so no help there. Earth might as well be named "Planeta."

Sotuanduso , avatar

It's already named after ground.

samus12345 , avatar

Which isn't the same thing as a planet.

zalgotext ,

And "Luna" isn't the same thing as "moon".

nitefox , avatar

Well, it is actually.

In Italian “Luna” means moon (any celestial object). Likewise, “Terra” means “Earth”.

I think Gaia, Greek Titan of Nature, would be a good fit for Earth’s name tbf

marito ,

According to Wikipedia, Gaia's already an alternative name for the Earth. Also, Selene for the Moon and Helios for the Sun.

catloaf ,

Which are all just the Greek words for earth, moon, and sun.

samus12345 , avatar

Yes, it is, in multiple languages.

crackajack ,

Humans already named objects within the solar system after Latin words and names. Earth would be called Terra, meaning "earth" or "land". Many sci-fi stories did this already lol. Luna is already reserved to Earth's Moon. The other "moons" in the solar system already have their names from Latin like Europa or Ganymede.

samus12345 , avatar

Yes, but none of the others are named after exactly what they are. The Earth has a lot of earth on it, yes, but it's a planet, not a clump of earth. Using a non-English word for "moon" and assuming it's sufficient would be pretty lame and very English-centric.

crackajack ,

We already call satellites orbiting a planet "moon", as in Europa is a moon of Jupiter. Or Phobos is a moon of Mars. But right now when we say moon, it usually means our moon.

You're right that in the future we would have to use a generic term for all extraterrestrial objects once we start colonising space. Which is why I think in the future, "moon" will become the catch-all term for the non-Earth moon, while we will call our own as Luna instead.

samus12345 , avatar

Then what will Spanish speakers call it?

My guess is we'll go the laziest route possible and "Earth's Moon" will be its formal English name.

aBundleOfFerrets ,

Spanish speakers can call it Moon

lambalicious ,

Escusé moi your angloparlance, we call it Luna.

aBundleOfFerrets ,

Did you forget to read the thread?

AngryCommieKender ,


neutron ,

Problem is that Luna means moon (a planet's satellite) in romance languages like Spanish. If we're giving proper toponyms for the earth's satellite itself and its subdivisions, we should try and avoid generic names like Luna .

nitefox , avatar

Then Lua!

sivanataraja ,

It's also moon in Portuguese.

nitefox , avatar

It’s over

threelonmusketeers ,

It's kind of funny how "Terra" and "Earth" are all synonymous with "Dirt". I wonder if every intelligent life form does this. If we eventually meet up with aliens, are we all going to be like: 'Yes, this is "Dirt", our beloved home planet.'

Rodeo ,

I'm pretty sure Luna, Terra and Sol are all poetic names that used in works of fiction but aren't used by actual organizations.

Other moon names like you listed are the scientific names, recognized and used by institutions like NASA.

Sibbo , avatar


captain_aggravated , avatar

That's taken. It's the larger of Kerbin's two moons.

Sibbo , avatar

We gotta rename Earth to Kerbin anyways. I mean, there are gotta be more planets that are made from earth.

marito ,

There's another name for it already, Selene.

abbotsbury , avatar

I thought it was Luna?

gamermanh , avatar

Luna is Latin for the moon

Selene is Greek for the goddess and personification of the moon

"The Moon" is it's actual name these days but either of those options is a fair pick given their oldness

abbotsbury , avatar

I mean, yeah, many celestial bodies take their names from Latin. Like how the proper name of the sun is Sol, which matches solar, the lunar object would be called Luna. Selene feels like a retronym to match other Greek deities, and would be like renaming Earth to Gaia

either of those options is a fair pick given their oldness

Luna would definitely rank over Selene in the Western astronomical tradition. As you say, its name is just The Moon, which is what Luna means in many current day Latin derived languages

itslilith , avatar

would be like renaming Earth to Gaia

hell yeah, I'd be on board with that

abbotsbury , avatar

Sure, but at that point we could rename it anything.

lambalicious ,

renaming the Earth, or the Moon

I'd be totally up with renaming out Tierra and Luna to something that is not eurocentric. Would be a nice change of pace against how much of immediate astronomy is caught up in remixes of Greek and Latin.

abbotsbury , avatar

It's only Eurocentric in the Western tradition, and even then the names of many stars come from Arabic.

samus12345 , avatar

That might be a good choice!

CeruleanRuin , avatar

"Earth" literally just means "the dirt under your feet".

But most of us don't identify our location so broadly. We say what state or country we're in, and identify culturally that way. I imagine that won't change when there are people living on the Moon. They'll identify by the name of the base or settlement they live in.

CptEnder ,

Flight No.: APOLLO 11

So fucking badass.

oce , avatar


DarkDarkHouse , avatar

Any other condition on board which may lead to the spread of disease: TO BE DETERMINED

Dragster39 ,

Technically correct

MilitantAtheist ,

That customsb official was 100% grinning like crazy when he typed "moon"

rickyrigatoni , avatar

So I guess this is the US government admitting we don't own the moon 🙁

brianorca ,

That's already the case due to a treaty.

rickyrigatoni , avatar

Treaties are made to be broken.

CeruleanRuin , avatar

I'm more interested in where the "border" is in this case. At what altitude are you no longer considered to be in US airspace?

sushibowl ,

There's not really any definite border. FAA controlled airspace generally ends at flight level 600 (around 60,000 feet, although flight levels are defined by air pressure not distance from the ground, so the actual altitude can vary). Above that will be uncontrolled airspace, though that doesn't necessarily mean the US won't claim sovereignty there.

The Outer Space treaty, generally considered the first step in establishing space law, stipulates that "outer space" is for the benefit of all mankind and not subject to sovereignty claims by any country. However there isn't a legal definition of where outer space begins. The Karman line (100km) is a common practical definition. However the US has flown spacecraft (notably the shuttle) below 80km above Canada, without asking for permission first.

Practically speaking, there are as yet not enough craft flying at these kinds of altitudes for real legislation to be necessary. The spacefaring countries mostly work it out between them on a case by case basis.

Everythingispenguins ,

I just want to see the news report about Canada shooting down an unidentified craft at 80km.

Smacks , avatar

I have this image of astronauts in their suits standing in line at an airport now.

MashedTech ,

"So, where did you come from?"
"Ummm... The Moon?!"

Everythingispenguins ,

Yeah that will be a random screening

Microw , avatar

Cape Kennedy-Moon-Honolulu.

"You know you could have take a more direct route to Honolulu, right?"

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

"We took the scenic route."

Everythingispenguins ,

See this is what life was like before Google maps. You never knew which route was the fastest

CosmicTurtle ,

Back then, everything was done through a travel agent and they often got kickbacks if you took certain routes. No doubt some agents got a bonus for routing them so circuitously.

mdurell ,

Up voting for word usage.

Igloojoe ,

Right before gmaps, you had mapquest. You had to print out your route on paper. Read while driving, and if there was any deviance in the route like construstion, fuck you.

greybeard ,

Highway signage was critical. If you were traveling, you could tell which states sucked by them not having any signs pointing you back to the highway.

Viking_Hippie ,

you could tell which states sucked by them not having any signs pointing you back to the highway.

"Oh no you don't! We're not showing you how to get out of here! You're part of OUR tax base now!"

lambalicious ,

implying with Google Maps you'd know

NaoPb ,

Neil Armstrong sure has a cool autograph

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

All three of those men are superior to me just based on how well they sign their own names versus my shitty grade school-level cursive scribble.

venusenvy47 ,

Agreed. I can't imagine how he came upon that method of making a capital "A".

Idreamofcheesy ,

It sounds like a harmless prank on the astronauts that everyone pretended to take really seriously.

At least I hope the astronauts didn't know beforehand, and I hope they got a kick out of it.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

I don't know that it was a prank, just typical bureaucracy. They left the borders of the U.S., meaning they have to legally be allowed back in. The real question is why they decided that wasn't necessary for splashdowns in international waters for spaceflights that didn't go to the moon.

Zron ,

Probably because the craft that were just in orbit could be considered “in flight” for their entire duration.

Aircraft in flight are considered under the jurisdiction of the country they took off from. So if the spacecraft started in Florida, landed in international waters, and was recovered by a US vehicle, then the astronauts never technically left the jurisdiction of the United States.

But because Apollo 11 did land somewhere, it could be argued they ended the first flight and began a second one when they took off. Due to this, they had left US jurisdiction as they landed and left the vehicle. This means they left the country, and need to go through immigration.

It’s also a piece of the official paper trail that helps to prove to other nations that the US did land on the moon, and that placing the flag in the moon was symbolic and not an attempt to annex the moon. If Apollo 11 had claimed the moon as US territory, then they wouldn’t have needed to fill out immigration papers.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

That does all make sense. Especially the part about showing the world (especially the USSR) that the moon was not part of the U.S.

wolfpack86 ,

Not all of them landed, and the section they returned to earth in never landed either.

This is all about the novelty.

catloaf ,

It's definitely just taking the piss. They got picked up in the ocean by the USS Hornet, put in quarantine, and were flown in quarantine directly to Houston.

Buzz Aldrin also filed a travel reimbursement voucher:

half_built_pyramids ,

A channel 5 watcher, I see

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Nope, someone showed me elsewhere.

Deceptichum , avatar

A channel 5 watcher watcher, I see

Viking_Hippie ,

Does that make the rest of us Channel 5 watcher watcher watchers (mushroom mushroom) or is that only if we stare at Flying Squid a lot?

kozy138 ,


itsathursday ,

TIL Andrew has never seen The Matrix

rwhitisissle ,

Or took "no" as an answer from a woman.

player2 ,

TIL US citizens have no constitutional rights when being held by border control on US soil. That was a real WTF for me.

kernelle ,

How good is/was that series, this must the the riskiest thing he's done though. But the level of journalism is something we rarely see these days.

nodrod ,

Love channel 5 news. Andrew is great at what he does.

Everythingispenguins ,

Wouldn't Michael Collins need a different form? His would need to say moon orbit not moon. I would expect bureaucrats to care about that.

ilinamorato ,

He was in lunar "territorial waters," so to speak, so it probably counts.

CeruleanRuin , avatar

If Earth orbit doesn't count as leaving Earth, then Lunar orbit counts as being in Lunar territory.

Scavenger_Solardaddy ,

Americans are funny as fuck! 😂

CeruleanRuin , avatar

I mean someone had to establish precedent. Can't have people just coming from the moon without their papers.

gibmiser ,


Ghostalmedia , avatar
Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, they were visiting Keith Moon there.

CeruleanRuin , avatar
negativenull , avatar

Apollo 13 Jack Swigert requested a Tax Filing extension while headed to the moon:

"How do I apply for an extension?" he asked from space to those in Mission Control, who began to laugh. "Things kind of happened real fast down there and I need an extension. I'm really serious."

Flight director Glynn Lunney later reassured the astronaut: American citizens who were out of the country received a 60-day filing extension. "I assume this applies," he told the astronaut, who was already far from the planet at that time.


dellish ,

I love how this was added to the Apollo 13 movie. As they're floating about feeling cold and miserable Swigert gets told he has been granted an extension as he is "definitely out of the country".

negativenull , avatar

Such a good movie

subtext ,

See I would have just assumed this was an incredible line added by some hilarious writer. The fact that it’s true is just chefs kiss perfect

captain_aggravated , avatar

After Apollo 13's safe return, Grumman Aerospace sent North American Aviation an invoice for "Towing fees" as the lunar module was the active ship during much of the outbound and all of the inbound leg of the mission.

don ,

Illegal aliens have always been a concern.

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