cupcakezealot , avatar

these clickbait anti microsoft ads weren't amusing in the late 90s on slashdot and they aren't amusing now.

Midnight1938 ,

What is a slashdot?

cupcakezealot , avatar

my sarcasm meter is broken so i hope this is sarcasm but if not oh you sweet summer child

flicker ,

Slashdot was founded 26 years ago. I'm almost 40, so when I say this, I mean it-

Don't condescend to young people about being children. You're just old now. Embrace it. Explain things nicely or be one of those old people we hated when we were young.

Midnight1938 ,

Well, windows xp is older than I am

phar ,

We all know you were born in 1938, usernames don't lie

Mostly_Harmless_Variant ,

Turned on my computer yesterday and this popped up. No option to decline. I had to go into the registry last week get all traces of OneDrive out. It's worse than just ads; it's also forcing its other products. Like: Bitch, I'm just here for your OS. Fuck off with all your neediness.

"Let's finish setting up your PC
Your PC needs to be backed up and connected to a few more
Microsoft services to help you work more easily and securely acrossall your devices.

Back up your files with OneDrive cloud storage
Have peace of mind knowing they're backed up and available acrossyour devices

Enhance your web browsing experience
Restore Microsoft recommended browser settings.

Achieve more with a Microsoft 365 subscription
Get premium Microsoft 365 apps, 1 TB of cloud storage to back up files and photos, and more

Back up your phone to your PC
Access your phone's photos, texts, and more, right on your PC.

Sign in quickly with Windows Hello
Securely unlock your device with a touch or a smile.

Remind me in 3 days or Continue"

spez_ ,

You're the b*** using their OS

Aermis ,

Is Linux supposed to be the 1 for 1 swap over?

imecth , avatar

There's some distributions that are windows-like, if you want that you can try Linux Mint. But some DEs like Gnome approach desktop use very differently and do away with plenty of windows designs.

summerof69 ,

No KDE or Gnome theme will bring drivers for software and hardware that is only working on Windows, unfortunately.

imecth , avatar

drivers for software

That's not a thing.

theme brings drivers

Gnome and kde don't bring drivers, they bring a compositor. The drivers come from LINUX and other packages like MESA which are distro agnostic.

only working on Windows

OS compatibility is in the hands of the engineers and developers, or more accurately in the hands of corporations that will go where there's money. If you want shit to work on linux, you need to use linux.

summerof69 ,

Gnome and kde don’t bring drivers

No way, are you sure??

imecth , avatar

Yes. Linux on desktop is by design modulable, you grab parts from plenty of different packages and put them together to make a distribution. Gnome and KDE are just packages, large ones with plenty of dependencies to be sure, but just packages. Here's the gnome package on arch, do you see any driver?

summerof69 ,

Wow, this is mindblowing!! Can you teach me more about Linux??

okamiueru ,

I have to ask. Are you sincere?

summerof69 ,

No, I'm not sincere with a person who completely ignored my point that Windows-alike DE doesn't make Linux a viable alternative due to lack of software and hardware support. Stop lecturing people when nobody asked for a lecture.

okamiueru ,

Such a weird take on that back and forth. I suppose you're not used to saying Incorrect things, and having someone point that out.

Reacting to that with sarcasm, to that extent? I hope you're a teenager still figuring yourself out.

summerof69 ,

Understood, thank you for your valuable opinion on the subject (no).

okamiueru ,

So edgy!

summerof69 ,

Fucking moron still thinks he's in some kind of jury, throwing his assessments left and right lol.

okamiueru ,

Nah. I just know your type. And it sparks joy that it annoyed you to be called out on your BS. Funny you think this is "some kind of jury", and not basic knowledge you got wrong, while being rude AF to someone trying to educate you. Fix your attitude. It's shit.

summerof69 ,

Who do you think you are to educate anyone? Fix your attitude. It's shit.

okamiueru ,

Couldn't come up with anything original? Tsk-tsk. Plus, I wasn't the one who went out of their way to explain the basic shit you got wrong. ... recurring theme this.

summerof69 ,

You literally wrote you were educating me. Are you stupid?

okamiueru , (edited )

You literally wrote you were educating me. Are you stupid?

What I wrote was: "while being rude AF to someone trying to educate you"

You're the one who incorrectly assumed that "someone" was referring to me. It doesn't bother me at all whether or not you're rude to me. It annoyed me that you were rude to someone who was being kind. And, since you need to have things explained with extra care, I was referring to Imecht. The one who was trying to educate you, to whom you were rude to.

I hope you start getting it, as this is now boring. So, how about instead of trying to come up with some kind of clever retort, you simply fuck off to somewhere were your arrogance isn't revealed as being that of a little shit. You'll enjoy it more.

summerof69 ,

Damn man I went to Paris, visited the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. They displayed you as the standard of a clown. Very impressive.

okamiueru ,

I think you mistook it for the "large mirror" exhibition. Easy mistake to make.

summerof69 ,

Ah, a "no you response". How original.

okamiueru ,

Last time you made some effort, and it was amusing for once.

summerof69 ,

You should try too.

Zerush ,

Even more using Q4OS, it's maybe one of the most Windows like, it has even an Windows installer, making it even easier to change.

imecth , avatar

Literally never heard of it before. Please don't recommend tiny distributions to new users, they're a pain to debug due to the lack of information, and they typically have much less support.

Zerush ,

Q4OS is a known nd reliable distro (Made in Germany Debian base, KDE<>Trinity) with active developement since 2014, I know several users which use and like it a lot, also very positive reviews in the web.

Cethin ,

I switched Linux distributions last night and it took maybe 15-30 minutes (including download time) and I've had no issues (once again). I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that crap anymore.

lud ,

I dont think the install time is what is putting people off switching OS, lol.

Cethin ,

Except that it was totally painless. It just works without an issue. This time it was Garuda, and part after install it ran an assistant where it could install a bunch of other applications for you too. It's incredible how easy the process is compared to Windows.

Kecessa ,

Hey, my weekly reminder to tell you that I, a Windows 11 user on five computers without any special tweaks, have never seen a single one of those ads people keep talking about on Lemmy.

BeigeAgenda , avatar

You must be in the B group or something, do you use a Microsoft account to login with or a local user?

Kecessa ,

Some with and some without Microsoft account

Passerby6497 ,

I see the same behavior, both as a local user and as a user connected to a cloud account.

boogetyboo ,

Same? I'm really confused which ads they're taking about

Croquette ,

I just installed Win11 on a work computer last week, and there were at least 3 screens of the installer trying to push o365 or one drive.

Then you have the start menu where if you look for a software, 90% of the menu is an ad trying to push you a software. At the bottom, you have your search results.

And then there is the pop ups on the bottom right of the screen trying to sell you Candy Crush or another bullshit software.

That's awful and I'm glad it wasn't my computer

cupcakezealot , avatar

not sure where all those ads are here unless you mean the search queries on the web??

lightnsfw ,

No one needs search queries from the web in their start menu. If I want to search the web I'll use a web browser.

cupcakezealot , avatar

it's not the start menu it's specifically when you press the search button and start typing.

lightnsfw ,

When I press the winkey and search (which is the most efficient way to search the start menu) I get web search shit in the results. This is not desirable.

Croquette ,

I don't have the pc with me anymore, but I will try to find a screenshot that was circulating around with a ton of ads, which was my experience as well.

cupcakezealot , avatar

right? the clickbait is just absurd. and i say this as someone who lived through the whole slashdot "m$" phase where you couldn't blink without seeing an anti microsoft piece on there

Firipu , avatar

I love how the lemmy FoSS Linux hivemind still down votes you to almost oblivion.

They still haven't figured out this isn't reddit. Shouldn't downvote just because you don't agree with something my dudes...

imecth , avatar

It's just a "I disagree" button for most ppl. Also windows do be that bad, you've used it so long you don't notice or know any better.

xavier666 , avatar

If only there was a convenient way to indicate they don't agree with someone's comment/point...maybe the technology doesn't exist

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

this isn’t reddit.

Correct, hence downvoting here is meaningless.

lightnsfw ,

I don't even see downvotes or the downvote button on mine. Which is fine. If I disagree with someone I'll do it via a comment. Downvoting is just lazy.

redcalcium ,

Just turn off "show scores" in your profile and you'll be happier. It's a meaningless number anyway.

summerof69 ,

They still haven’t figured out this isn’t reddit. Shouldn’t downvote just because you don’t agree with something my dudes…

Well, that's not a feature of reddit after all. People are the same, no matter where they are.

jemikwa ,

The subtitle of the article says it's not available in the US -

PC Manager app is only available in some regions, but could come to the US eventually

lazynooblet , avatar

Lemmy demographic feels like mostly Linux users.

Lemmy posters are on vegan level of promoting Linux, and sith level of hate on Windows.

LoreleiSankTheShip ,

Join the dark side! We have penguins!

desktop_user ,

aye, but do you have a way of managing a physical (noy virtual machine) windows computer so it can be used through the linux system without being aware of it?

swab148 , avatar

Like RDP? Or are we talking like, some sort of ssh GUI, where you just wanna access the files on the Windows machine? Most file explorers on Linux do that natively. Or are you talking about compatibility with .exe files? If so, there's Wine and Proton, but those could need some configuration.

Unfortunately, if you're managing one computer from another computer, you're going to be aware of it regardless of which OS you decide to use.

desktop_user ,

I was more thinking of rdp like things like the pi kvm, hopefully there will eventually be lower latency options.

redcalcium ,

Microsoft always treated linux and foss with such disdain while under Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Their current CEO is an outlier, openly embracing and extending foss and linux. After years of abuses from Gates and Ballmer, many people in the linux community won't be so quick to trust them.

blackris ,

For me, as a vegan Linux user, who really doesn't like the concept of the Jedi sect, this sounds like a compliment.

Taleya ,

So you're saying you, a windows 11 user on five computers running Microsoft's default preferred configuration don't receive any nagware notifications for deviating from Microsoft's preferred configuration? Fascinating

Kecessa ,

People have been talking about start menu ads for over a year, never seen one

I don't use Edge, never seen a pop-up asking me to switch

Louisoix ,

Same here. No idea how it works and where those ads are...

redcalcium ,

Big corps love A/B testing, slow rollouts and geo-restricted features. You might be in a different group than people that get all these ads.

Kecessa ,

On five computers, for something I've been reading about for over a year?

42yeah ,

Literally got a pop up today for their dumbass PC manager.

redcalcium ,

Are you living in the same country as those that complain about ads in windows? From what I understand, this is not rolled out globally yet.

awesome_guy ,

Windows: System needs repairing
Me: proceeds to install linux mint

KISSmyOSFeddit ,
swordgeek ,

I fought with Broadcom's shitty website for hours, but finally have Workstation Pro, in which I will test my workflows in Linux.

Games and Lightroom will be a challenge, but I'm going to avoid Win11 at all costs.

swordgeek ,

How is this not fraud?

It's a simple question. They are deliberately misleading and lying to customers for unlawful corporate gain.

octopus_ink ,

Stockholm Syndrome is the only explanation I can come up with at this point.

toastal ,

Honestly I think many consumers go buy “computer” & have no concept that it has an operating system or that you can change it.

If you know there is an alternative, then yeah… wtf

octopus_ink ,

100% true, I should have acknowledged that!

01189998819991197253 , avatar

I remember the day when you had to buy Windows separate, and pay full retail. Later, you got a massive discount if you bought the disks with your computer. Then, it came preinstalled. Then, it started to get crappy and more buggy.

toastal ,

I’m still salty my current laptop is sold at a discount in the EU without a pre-installed OS due to laws in place--but where I am, I had no choice but to pay a Microsoft tax & immediately wipe it. I used to not connect to WiFi & just look around for a few minutes out of curiosity before wiping, but since 11 moved to Microsoft Account + WiFi required & all the telemetry on by default, I don’t even bother with that anymore.

mortrek ,

I find it funny, actually. For years, I used DOS, exclusively command line-based, on a 286 and when I got a new 486 computer in the early 90s I was so excited to get Windows 3.1 on it. Decades later, I find myself hating Windows and going back to Linux and often a command line. As far as I'm concerned, the closest thing to the last usable version of Windows was 7, and it still kinda sucked.

01189998819991197253 , avatar

cd c:\oregontr

start .com

Good times. Good times....

(Edit. Added space in command, so it's not a website)

CileTheSane , avatar

Stockholm Syndrome

Completely off topic: Stockholm syndrome gets its name from a hostage situation where the police seemed to show no care or concern for the hostages' safety and the captors did more to protect them than law enforcement. Of course the hostages' felt more empathy towards their captors.

According to accounts by Kristin Enmark, one of the hostages, the police were acting incompetently, with little care for the hostages' safety. This forced the hostages to negotiate for their lives and releases with the robbers on their own. In the process, the hostages saw the robbers behaving more rationally than the police negotiators and subsequently developed a deep distrust towards the latter.[9] Enmark had criticized Bejerot specifically for endangering their lives by behaving aggressively and agitating the captors. She had criticized the police for pointing guns at the convicts while the hostages were in the line of fire, and she had told news outlets that one of the captors tried to protect the hostages from being caught in the crossfire.

octopus_ink ,

That's a really interesting bit of nuance that I'd never taken note of! Thanks!

cy_narrator ,


Kongar ,


khannie , avatar
henfredemars ,

Reclaim your PC. Make it yours once more. Join the penguins.

leetamus ,

I dualboot to accommodate a handful of apps. Linux loads up fast and awaits my command once logged in. Meanwhile my pretty much fresh windows build sets my cooling fans on full before I’ve even touch the mouse.

I admit it was a bit of a learning curve getting things set up as I like, but man Linux is such a better experience.

rockSlayer ,

You might like a VM for Windows instead, so there's no risk of a windows update taking a hammer to your bootloader

leetamus ,

I didn’t spend tons of time experimenting, but found the VM wasn’t performing as smoothly as a second install.

Should I be worried about the boot loader thing? My OS picking experience is pretty wack. I have to slam esc while booting then f9 then pick my Linux boot up. It defaults to windows which I kind of like because it puts my actual OS on stealth mode lol.

rockSlayer ,

If you're booting without GRUB then you don't need to be concerned about your bootloader breaking. Windows just sometimes overwrites GRUB, which is a pain

henfredemars ,

There’s something refreshing and simple about the computer doing what you tell it to do and nothing extra.

When you don’t want or need your hand held, there is a simple beauty.

0110010001100010 , avatar

I finally did this last week, nuked out my Win 11 laptop install and switched to Ubuntu. I have yet to find anything I would need to go back to Windows for.

henfredemars ,

I was not so brave. I installed in dual boot, but I just never booted back into windows.

SlopppyEngineer ,
kozy138 ,

Or the pirates

Tja ,

Or stay on Windows 10, if the pattern holds true Windows 12 might be decent again.

kshade , avatar

Don't hold your breath, 10 already broke the pattern IMO and all I hear about 12 is that they will cram "AI" into everything. Windows the operating system is dead, replaced by Windows the sales platform.

ObsidianZed ,

I just rolled back my Win 11 to Win 10 only to use temporarily while I test some other distros to see which one(s) I like.

Shout out to Ventoy, my new favorite usb utility.

Fredy1422 ,

better than flashing usb flash drives to install operating systems.

ObsidianZed ,

Truly a "where have you been all my life" moment. It even works with recovery ISOs!

I'll never flash another usb again if I can help it.

I have a 128gb usb c flash drive that I just dropped a ton of distros onto and went to town. So far, EndeaverOS has been my favorite.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Even 10 has annoying popups all the time. And they added AI to the bottom right hand corner where I've accidentally clicked on it twice now.

Vipsu , avatar

This time the software giant is trying out having PC Manager suggest that you 'repair' your system by reverting to Microsoft's default search engine, Bing.

These are sound like things that are just begging European union to milk out some cash from Microsoft through fines.

kuberoot ,

They probably already set it up to not happen in Europe

Resol , avatar

Windows, WHY???

Freakazoid , avatar

And that's why I switched to Linux.

pulaskiwasright ,

Switching to Linux won’t save you if Microsoft Edge takes such a huge market share that a lot of the internet starts to basically require it.

yokonzo ,

I promise you that unequivocally will not happen

pulaskiwasright ,

Windows is telling people their computer is broken if they don’t use Edge.

ilinamorato ,

Bing, not Edge.

pulaskiwasright ,

Ah yeah. You’re right.

ILikeBoobies ,

As it stands it’s better than the most popular browser so it’s not impossible

yokonzo ,

I have to disagree, edge has been a big ol' joke since it's conception, most non tech literate people see it and go, huh, okay time to download chrome.

Most tech literate people don't like it for the myriad of other problems, i can't think of a single scenario where edge dominates the market

ILikeBoobies ,

It has performance tweaks over Chrome and doesn’t have Google’s spyware

what about Microsoft’s spyware

Majority of users already subscribe to that by using Windows

Older but is still accurate

yokonzo ,

I said "tech illiterate", most people on here are going to primarily be using Firefox and other smaller competitors, but in the main stream world like it or not chrome is still huge

ILikeBoobies ,

Yes my original statement was that it was a better browser than Chrome

woodenskewer , avatar

I use edge at work and Firefox at home. Using edge every work day for 3 years and don't really have many complaints about it. I used to actively avoid it, but after trying it, it doesn't really seem all that bad.

My only gripe is I infrequently have trouble logging into an Ethernet device locally.

gila , avatar

It dominates the market in vertical tabs IMO. I tried Vivaldi, Firefox extension, the works. The best-feeling alternative was Safari

Laser ,

What would that be? Microsoft Edge is a Chromium browser, it can't do more with webpages than Chrome or any other of the bunch can.

Oh and Edge is available for Linux, so there's that. Not that I'd use it...

pulaskiwasright ,

Microsoft can modify chromium. They can add proprietary things to it. Yes you could use edge if you have to critical pages that only works right on edge.

Knoxvomica ,

So wait, let me get this straight, people shouldn't install Linux to avoid windows because they might make edge somehow critical to the use of major websites? Why not just use Linux anyways since that's not happening anytime soon (especially not with the market share Chrome and Firefox have)

pulaskiwasright ,

I didn’t say people shouldn’t install Linux. But even if you do, browser share matters and if Microsoft is abusing their customers and tricking them into using edge in mass, then it will affect you as a Linux user too.

Knoxvomica ,

It's fucking moot.

9point6 ,

Damn I'm somewhat indifferent to windows as my main PC os, mostly because I've got all my weird music hardware and a couple of decades worth of plugins working nicely. But this shit is getting annoying, so...

I have extensive experience with Linux on servers and I keep umming and ahhing about switching to it as my main desktop OS—let's see if anyone here is in the venn diagram that can answer this:

I'm a software engineer, all of that is cool, but I'm also pretty into music production

I would need to run Ableton with a Push 3 and Maschine with my M+. I've got simpler controllers like a beatstep pro, but I'm expecting those to be fine. And then would I be able to use my expert sleepers modular interfaces properly? Obviously I want this all with low latency.

After hardware I've got all sorts of vsts across tens of companies, some need my ilok key, I've got my Steinberg stuff too, but they've moved to online licensing finally.

Alternatives to the software are great (I know I can use bitwig natively, for example), but it's a non starter unless I can run it all, I've got years of projects that I would want to be able to open and start messing with the music, rather than spending most of my time messing with the software and losing what inspiration made me open the software in the first place

From someone with experience in this area, how viable is this?

Drummyralf ,

Steinberg plugins are not working at all for me. I have Absolute 4 and Cubase Artist 12.

The licensing app installs fine. However, the download center cannot be installed. If you download the installers directly from Steinberg, those don't install.

I did have some luck with downloading Steinberg installers on a windows pc with download assistant, and then opening THOSE installers on Linux. They installed correctly this way and Yabridge (vst bridge for Linux) even identified them correctly. But the vsts would crash on start.

Yabridge is essential to using VSTs on Linux. Works great from my experience, IF the vst actually can start at all. But that is never a Yabridge problem, always a VST specific Wine problem.

Arturia stuff can be installed without any problems (through wine)

Spitfire's recent update broke things.

From what I've seen, Ableton is pretty nicely supported by the Wine community. But any Ableton or Wine update can break things, so you'll need to have Wine and Ableton updates freezed if you want a hasslefree life.

Hardware stuff I had no problems with for now, but I have mostly simple midi controllers. I have an external soundcard (UR22 mk2), so my latency is as low on Windows. I use Pipewire, because PulseAudio seems to sometimes give problems being detected by VSTs.

For now I cannot recommend anyone that has extensive VST libraries to fully commit to Linux. The support is simply not there yet. Wine is not reliable enough, and I would hate to be stopped by a Wine error when inspiration hits. You'll be troubleshooting for days to hopefully get your favourite VSTs working, and pray they don't break when they update.

I dual boot for now. Music and VR on Windows, all other tasks on Linux. I'm considering making stems for all my projects so I could switch to a different DAW with only Arturia plugins in the future. But I'm not ready yet.

I'm not a super expert, but I did try very hard to get my steinberg stuff and Spitfire Labs working. Feel free to ask any followup questions.

9point6 ,

Firstly, thanks for the detailed response!

It's promising to hear that Ableton has a lot of support from the community. I suppose given the versioning issues something like nix could be used to manage the wine versioning more deliberately.

I've got a focusrite interface, so if your latency is low, I imagine I'd probably get the same experience. I know I'll probably lose the iPad remote control features too as I think that's baked into the windows driver.

Given I do have a pretty extensive VST collection, it's a shame, but you're probably right. Do you know how heavily developed Yabridge is? Do you think the industry moving slowly to CLAP plugins might improve this situation?

Maybe dual-boot is a better option to start with, I guess that way if I feel like trying to get it working I can give it a go.

Do you have any plugins that use iLok? Either software or a hardware key

Drummyralf ,

No problem!

-Yabridge is still actively being developped. The developer responds to issues on it's Github frequently.

-Ableton 11.x currently has gold status on WineDB. other versions have varying ratings bronze to platinum.

-I don't use iLok plugins a lot, but I just tried installing one. iLok gave an error for me. Some searching gave me a thread about a user that got a specific iLok version to work though, so you may need to experiment with this yourself: This thread

I don't know much about CLAP since I always used VSTs (Cubase user after all :P ). I hope more developers will implement it as an alternative, but I don't have high hopes. .Au could only become a standard because of Apple's willingness to not support VSTs in Logic. I'm not sure if a third-party format can shift that much weight. All DAWS either support VST, AU or AAX and I don't think developers want ANOTHER format to maintain.

WbrJr ,

I am in a very similar position. Ableton and some other, smaller stuff is the only program that keeps me from switching to Linux fulltime. Bitwig did not click for me yet, I have to give it a try again soon. But the problem of unopenable projects persist. There are roumors, that the push 3 standalone runs a Linux port of ableton. So maaaybe there will be a Linux version in the future? That would be wild!
Until then I just dualboot. I will soon reinstall my windows partition for ableton only..
I am pretty shure if bigger companies would start supporting Linux, it would take off like crazy

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