flexghost ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar


It's time to talk.

Hillary was in almost the same position this far out in her race
Trump tends to be undervalued in polling data. That said...
Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin now favor Trump
Biden is within the margin of error in Virginia, Maine, Minnesota, and New Mexico. CO is up only 2 points

What do you think should happen?


Image of New York Times, siena College poll republicans with 83% negative shift for Trump remaining the nominee, but for independents a four-point positive swing

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar
hu_logic ,
@hu_logic@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost straight from the horse's ass

ChrisHolladay ,
@ChrisHolladay@mastodon.social avatar

No shit stain on the seat when he shifts or loud ripping fart from all that pressure on his intestines?
He skeered of Kamala

rlstone4dems ,
@rlstone4dems@mastodon.social avatar

flexghost Donald Doofus: We can imagine how you dealt with those tyrants. You know the ones who saw you coming a mile away and basically fluffed you into their puppet. That piece of sh*t Trump has a lot of nerve saying what he said. Pres. Biden: "Will you shut up, man?"

heavyboots ,
@heavyboots@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost We have an elderly criminal who shouldn’t have been allowed to run vs an elderly statesman successfully running the country for 3.5 years.

Both are prone to mental lapses due to age unfortunately. It’s surreal to me that ANYONE thinks changing candidates is viable and not a chaos play by Russian oppo.

What we really need is a way to contact every Dem and make sure they plan to ACTUALLY GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE DEM at this point. All it takes is 60% voter turnout to win this thing.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@heavyboots truth!!!!

CiaoBruno ,
@CiaoBruno@newsie.social avatar

What do I think should happen?
Well, with Biden’s new immunity powers, I’d start by dropping a bunker buster bomb on the SCOTUS while in session and then let the lower courts sort the criminality of that act.

As to saving democracy forget about it. Lincoln famously said:
“In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.”

That’s all folks….

jdbaker237 ,
@jdbaker237@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost I'm voting for the democrat no matter what but Biden dropping out would have other knock-on effects. If Biden drops out of the race citing health concerns, that same logic would dictate that he also resign the presidency. Unfit to run, also unfit to govern. Repubs will also try to get Harris (or whomever) knocked off the ballot citing the will of the primary voters. Dealing with this a year ago and then having a primary would have been very helpful but Biden's advisers f*cked us.

squizzleflip ,
@squizzleflip@forcedconversation.com avatar

@flexghost I think short of Biden's health just nose diving, I think the ticket stays the same. And if he is to step aside, I think the only choice is Kamala Harris. Logistics wise it's the smoothest path, but I think there will be some backlash of it's anyone else. Choosing a man would feel like saying a woman can't do the job, a white person would feel like saying a black/Asian person can't. It's irrational thinking and the best person for the job should be picked, I know. And I strongly believe in nuance and that we HAVE to keep Trump out of office. But I think those thoughts would cross my mind too, it would really hurt.

Jon_Kramer ,
@Jon_Kramer@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost right now in almost all polls tre45on wins. the 1 point lead biden gained after the felony convictions is gone.

But do you see that blue +11 poll?? There is a path to a tre45on loss.


flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@Jon_Kramer 1 point says it all. Come on america

gooba42 ,
@gooba42@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost Doesn't have to be Biden but somebody needs to start putting points on the board for the good guys.

Democrats are hard at work cleaning a burning house and it's a huge source of despair for me that nobody is taking the fascists head-on.

Out voting them is preferable to having to literally fight but we seem to have given up on beating them at the propaganda game that drives votes.

jamesmarshall ,
@jamesmarshall@sfba.social avatar

@flexghost there is no other replacement candidate who could do as well as Biden. Harris is less popular than Biden, and if the nominee were someone other than Harris then they'd lose the Harris supporters. There are also administrative hurdles, and the right is already planning all kinds of legal battles in each state to keep any replacement nominee off the ballot.

We need to get the word out about Project 2025 and all the specific terrible things they plan to do. Major media isn't getting the word out, so we need to. Convince non-voters to vote. Join postcard-writing campaigns to undecided or unmotivated voters in swing states.

It's not close to being over yet. A lot of things can happen in four months. Besides, we can't give up. We need to take some deep breaths, and buckle down and get to work.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@jamesmarshall I feel the word is out for anyone slightly politically aware but there are some who don’t even know Trump is a felon. No idea how to reach them AND tell them why losing democracy is bad.

albnelson ,
@albnelson@lor.sh avatar

@flexghost :: deep breath preparing for comments ::

I know this sounds like the sort of shit Trump fantasizes about.

But I think there should be a serious neurological assessment of Biden for the purpose of asking whether he can continue to serve as president for the next six months. I suspect the answer is no. If that is true, then Kamala should become president and candidate, possibly with some sort of interim structure.

If he's neurologically sound, then I'm in the "blue no matter who and STFU" camp.

kalfatermann , (edited )
@kalfatermann@mastodon.social avatar


We have a saying for difficult situations: clench your butt cheeks and get through it!

We will wipe the floor with Trump and his pile of dung, and then we will take on Musk, Thiel, Sacks, Murdoch, Milken, Kalanick and Mnuchin.

If they think they can get away with it, then they are more stupid than we thought. Anyone who makes a pact with Trump will be thrown in the trash!

TheEjj ,
@TheEjj@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost there’s one thing I can say with confidence: The race hasn’t crystallized yet for the vast, vast majority of voters. If Biden steps aside, it would probably be for the best given the polling.

But if he stays in, there is more than enough time to build momentum for him in time for November.

Neither path is a dead end.

@TAI@mstdn.social avatar

@flexghost I would really like to hear suggestions for the most likely, awful outcome; trump back in office. For me intelligence would demand planning to get in front of the horrors they have planned. Strikes, boycotts on a scale that actually wipe out a corporation that supported this. instead of fear, ferocity.What does the rebellion look like??

ArmyGirl ,
@ArmyGirl@mastodon.world avatar

@flexghost this is a bullshit narrative. We need to be more concerned about the corrupt court invalidating our votes after the election.
Bidens old, as is Trump.
Biden believes in democracy, Trump hates it.
Biden believes in voters, Trump believes in billionaires.
The choice is clear.

jbhughes ,
@jbhughes@flipboard.social avatar

@flexghost Al Franken for President!

@TAI@mstdn.social avatar

@flexghost I would add, democrats have just plain lost the confidence of the numbers they need. guilting people, fear mongering has proven to drive them away, not win them over. even now, with nothing to lose at 81, biden DOES NOT ACT as though trump is the extreme threat they are selling. doesn't mean trump isn't an extreme threat, just democrats sowed mistrust. They do not take action that deems it the threat they make it out to be. personally, I'd toss my life away to spare ppl trump

clpkbc ,
jabeez ,
@jabeez@newsie.social avatar


Love the confidence of people professing to know exactly what would happen if he did step aside, and how disastrous it would be. Yeah, nobody has any freaking idea, this is wholly uncharted territory. Personally, I would prefer him stepping aside and only realistic option, for money and optics reasons, is Harris, who I think would trounce Fatputin. Of course, I have no freaking idea either.

bouriquet ,
@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost It’s better to start now than say we should have (should’a) while Project 2025 is rolling our country back to 1950, putting dissidents in prison like McCarthy wanted to, and possibly treating immigrants in a way we haven’t seen in 85 years.
This isn’t a secret. The plan is out in public.
SCOTUS is already working on chapter one.
Stop it now or we may never get the chance again for decades.
Didn’t though.

@TAI@mstdn.social avatar

@flexghost concede biden has lost it, in more ways than one. either surrender to a slow death or think outside the box and do what trump fears the most, a strong candidate. What goes against us also goes against them little time to prepare. Just as bidens only chance to win was needing trump as an opponent, trump needs biden. A candidate with intelligece and vitality could wipe the floor with trump, there's just too much to work with.

jwiggler ,
@jwiggler@mastodon.world avatar

@flexghost People say it would be disastrous to replace Biden at this point and often cite how we've never seen something like that before, but I don't think that argument holds much water. Many correlations that could be drawn in elections before 2016 cannot be drawn anymore.

We are well past unprecedented times. Americans want a younger President. I hope I'm wrong, but I just can't see how Biden wins this election. I think Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, or Gavin Newsom have a better chance

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@jwiggler it is so weird how the DNC rejects common sense every cycle and gets bailed out by a segment or demographic usually popped up by grassroots… Then the DNC takes credit for something they shouldn’t take credit for

This is a mess we should not have been in from the jump. And to your point, I think Gretchen Wittmer would hand us at least an important swinging state

jelgato ,
@jelgato@mastodon.world avatar


The spirited debate we are seeing regarding Biden's age, hit fitness to govern, and who could/should replace him is EXACTLY the conversation we needed to be having in 2021.

Replacing him in what is effectively the last 1/8th of his relection campaign would be a fucking disaster.

Circle the wagons to defeat Trump. Work on fixing the system if and when the system survives.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@jelgato ...in 2015 in all fairness

how we are STILL governed by 90s dems who refuse to relinquish power is absurd but it's what we have to work with

ohmu ,
@ohmu@social.seattle.wa.us avatar

I'm not going to say because, from what i understand about how parties select candidates and stand up election campaigns, what I think has no bearing on the issue.
I hope it's clear I'm trying to be accurate and I how this does not sound dismissive.

I will canvas for whomever is the candidate in September. That is what I can do and will be a big lift as it is.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@ohmu same here

ChrisHolladay ,
@ChrisHolladay@mastodon.social avatar

NY Times is full.of shit
Nothing less

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@ChrisHolladay While true, I linked to another major source(s)

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost I don't have a good answer other than to get as many abortion referendums on the ballot of as many states as possible hoping that might help?

Maybe enough women (and men who support women's rights) will vote for bodily autonomy and Joe as well.

Even that could potentially backfire and blow up in our faces, as women and men could vote yes on abortion rights and no on Joe.

What a conundrum.

It is a shitty situation we've been put in that I do know.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark I mean, democracy is literally on the ballot.

I have no idea what it takes to wake people up

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost a candidate they want to vote for as opposed to one they have to vote for? That would have caused people to be awake and energized and motivated.

To be the candidate who proposed the two debates and then to travel all over before hand, fail miserably during, and then use the travel as an excuse for almost falling asleep during said debate. Not a confidence inspiring look during a highly contested campaign let alone instilling any confidence in one's ability to effectively serve as POTUS for another four years.

I'll vote for the guy because there's no other choice, but damnit why couldn't we be offered a more inspiring candidate in the first place?

This race shouldn't even be close, yet in many ways we are actually losing ground rather than stretching out a lead.

Fucked up.

With that said we gotta do the right thing and vote blue across the board, and encourage as many others as possible to do the same.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@CoachMark being able to do the job is one thing. I think Bidan has done an excellent job with the polarized climate we have. But lying and seeing you were traveling all over the world when you were at camp David then doing no appearances or interviews that aren’t heavily scripted… Leading to Friday’s softball interview? Absolutely the wrong choice

Being an effective communicator is part of the job and he is not doing it

CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@flexghost perhaps he no longer can.

He's done well for his first term
I'm not confident he could come close to the same performance in a second term.

This country needs a youth movement democratic candidate.

Someone who will instill hope for the future not someone who seems stuck in the past.

We've gotta vote Blue for bigger reasons no matter what.

@TAI@mstdn.social avatar

@flexghost @CoachMark it is impossible to take this "panic" seriously for most people at this point. I can't say I blame them. It feels like manipulation at this point. If the threat was so urgent, Biden never behaved as if it is only when he begs for votes. never would have appointed Garland if it was so urgent. Would pounce on the SCOTUS ruling and do whatever it takes for the country, not the politician. It's only when its near election cycle is it serious,

zakalwe ,
@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@flexghost Trying to jump tracks at this point would be disastrous. Opinion polls four months before the election have zero predictive power, and most of the mainstream mass media outlets are in bed with Trump and the Banana Repugnican Party anyway. There exists NO OTHER DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE who has a better likelihood of beating Trump than Joe Biden AND has the time left to mount a Presidential campaign that has the chance of a nitrocellulose dog chasing an asbestos cat through hell.

We stay the course, or we cede the Presidency to Trump right now. Those are our choices.

flexghost OP ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@zakalwe I respect this position but I'm panicking.

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