luckytran , avatar

"The virus is rampant. We’re still in a pandemic. There’s a lot of complacency at the individual level, and more concerning to me is that at the government level.

"Using masks for respiratory pathogens that transmit through the air is a no-brainer—plus vaccination, plus distancing, plus improving ventilation."

We don’t know everything about this virus. Even in year five, there’s still a lot of research that needs to be done."

  • Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO

ij_baird , avatar

@luckytran @mmalc how about we force everyone back into an office instead?

soc_i_ety , avatar


It strikes my how similar our collective reaction to a virus is compared to our reaction to Traitor Trump. Just substitute Trump for Virus.


nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@luckytran It never ceases to astound me just how much our society has just decided to pretend that COVID-19 is "just the flu" (which is already BS as the flu does a lot of damage, kills a lot of people, etc) and let it spread like wildfire willingly BEFORE finding out long term effects, death rates, etc...

feisty_lemming , avatar

@luckytran I’m happy that Dr. Van Kerkhove is acknowledging the seriousness of the ongoing pandemic. I do wish that she would take the next step and acknowledge her own role in bringing about the widespread complacency—specifically, her repeatedly denying airborne transmission and downplaying the importance of masks. By describing her own journey from droplet dogma to accepting the current understanding of airborne transmission, she could help others in public health accept it.

Pagan_Animist , avatar


I had to go to a medical center yesterday for a procedure.

I needed an escort so I asked my daughter. Facility has no masking policy except for employees. Of course I always wear a mask.

She wore it, but it wasn’t happily.

ikuo1000 , avatar

@luckytran I wish articles like this would use masked photos of the speaker which would more appropriately match a world in which covid is "rampant". Even if people do nothing but read the headline and see a masked photo before scrolling by, at least it might be a tiny step in planting a seed and/or normalizing masks.

bixfrankonis , avatar

@luckytran “Just don’t expect any help.”

HistoPol , avatar



[nachdem nun in den USA die Covid-19-Viruslast im Abwasser jetzt höher ist als jemals zuvor im Januar/Februar:*]

"Das Virus ist weit verbreitet. Wir befinden uns immer noch in einer Pandemie.

Es gibt viel Selbstgefälligkeit auf individueller Ebene, und noch besorgniserregender finde ich die auf Regierungsebene...

InfoMgmtExec ,
xs4me2 , avatar

@luckytran Get vaccinated…

carolannie , avatar

@luckytran FYI there's abig fat paywall on this

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