agitatedpotato ,

Bidens really good at talking ill give him that. Like when he said theres no red line that would result in him taking away funding to Israel. Really strong statement, just in the wrong direction.

SulaymanF ,

I award him no credit for this. Same as we find out Republicans who privately despite Trump but publicly defend him.

Linkerbaan , avatar

He's going to give him a reeeealy stern talk. Aaany day now....

TheOnlyMego ,

I don't think a "come to Jesus moment" is an effective threat against a Jewish man...

Deceptichum , avatar

How about instead of totally going to have a big talk with Bibi, that he comes right out and publicly denounces Israel and the genocide it’s committing?

Why not stop pushing to send billions in aid and weapons to Israel?

But no, he’s been accidentally “caught” saying he will do something, just like it was “leaked” that he thought they were being jerks months ago behind closed doors.

return2ozma OP , avatar

He knew the mic was on. The camera was following right behind him. Ain't fooling nobody.

FuglyDuck , avatar

So, am I the only one wondering if the hot mic gaff was staged?

You know.

To make him look big and tough for the media?

Deceptichum , avatar

Of course it is, Bidens whole shtick is looking like he’s going to do something without committing in any meaningful way.

FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

Second question.

Is that face AI generated? He looks like a Heel about lay the smack down in some WWE baby face.

That, or a plastic mannequin.

Edit: for reference:

Hominine , avatar

And here we have attacks on the president's appearance? How very progressive of you: saving Gazan lives, one demented post at a time.

FuglyDuck , avatar

You don’t find that expression a little, odd?

If it’s not AI manipulated, then it’s like those pictures of cats mid yawn. Either way, his expression looks, how shall we say, “dramatic”?

homesweethomeMrL ,

Of course it’s odd. That’s why it was chosen. They could have selected the frame 0.05 seconds later and it would have been normal.

Nudding ,

Do you think if I went through your comment history I'd find you making fun of trumps appearance?

Hominine , (edited ) avatar

Go for it, I'm another imperfect human being, but I certainly don't hide my post history.

Quick edit to highlight the pattern hereabouts: brash assumptions in lieu of easily accessible information. Such a lazy purity test.

Nudding ,

Nah I'm lazy and don't care, it was a bluff. Carry on

Hominine , avatar

Nah I'm lazy and don't care, it was a bluff. Carry on

Precisely, and I invite others to check your post history as a result. Such dishonesty through multiple conversations.

Nudding ,

Sorry? Dishonesty?

tsonfeir , (edited ) avatar

it’s just regular photoshop

Nudding ,

They photoshopped him to look less like a sleepy skeleton.

IsThisAnAI ,

It's going to be such a fantastic 4 years with Donnie after watching D's tear themselves apart ignoring Biden being great and just being completely unrealistic and unreasonable with reality.

Deceptichum , avatar

. . . So you think not enabling genocide is unrealistic and unreasonable with reality?

The bar here is pretty low, stop sending Israel weapons and money, stop defending them in the UN, and stop saying you support them.

IsThisAnAI ,

I know I know he can just magically go dark Brandon and point to fix things up. The man has superpowers and he chooses to just sit there!

Deceptichum , avatar

You’re right, the PotUS is a completely powerless position, Biden literally can’t do anything! He’s forced to put support bills offering aid to Israel, to fast track weapons to Israel ignoring congress, to have his Secretary of State protect Israel in the UN.

The President is such a completely powerless position, right?

Nudding ,

He actually structured the deals in a way that they didn't meet the minimum dollar amount for congressional oversight, which is mind bendingly illegal.

Ensign_Crab ,

He doesn't have to continue selling them weapons. He doesn't have to keep running interference for them at the UN.

You should stop making excuses for Biden's support for genocide.

IsThisAnAI ,

I forgot he decides that in all in a magical bubble! I mean this should be obvious, gas prices have been insane for 4 years now! Does this guy have no chill?!

Ensign_Crab ,

I forgot he decides that in all in a magical bubble!

Biden did not need to circumvent congress to sell Netanyahu weapons that he knew would be used for genocide. No one would have blamed him if he didn't, and no one was clamoring for it.

Apart from you and Netanyahu, who would have been disappointed if Biden's administration hadn't abused the US' permanent veto on Netanyahu's behalf?

We know what it's costing Biden. What would not doing it have cost him?

Crashumbc ,

You think preventing this country from turning into a dictatorship that is planning to commit genocide on LGBTQs and women her is a low bar?

Ensign_Crab ,

You think supporting genocide is acceptable as long as it's brown people in another country?

Crashumbc ,

I think destroying this country, eliminates any possibility of stopping genocide anywhere else. But you seem intent on supporting genocide everywhere...

Ensign_Crab ,

I don't support genocide at all. It's why I want Biden to stop.

Crashumbc ,

By helping Trump get elected and ensuring the continued and escalation of genocide both in the middle east and here.


Ensign_Crab ,

You can't defend Biden's support for genocide, so you pretend everyone who opposes genocide is a trump supporter.

Crashumbc ,

I support the best chance for stopping/preventing genocide both in the middle east and here.

You don't, it's very simple.

Ensign_Crab ,

Biden's support for genocide will cause him to lose the election.

I want him to stop because democrats should not be supporting genocide.

You want him to continue. It's that simple.

Crashumbc ,

Supporting Trump and his dictatorship! Great choice!

Pan meet fire.

Ensign_Crab ,

You literally cannot tell the difference between wanting Biden to stop supporting genocide versus supporting Trump.

Nudding ,

Imagine being this indoctrinated into American exceptionalism.

Kecessa ,

You don't prevent genocide by letting the guy who can't be convinced anything is a bad idea win instead of the guy who can.

If both options were reasonable then ok, let the other guy win as a matter of principle, but right now the alternative is way worse and won't help with your cause either.

Deceptichum , avatar

Okay so if this guy can be confined genocide is a bad idea, when exactly is that going to happen?

I didn’t think it was so challenging, but I guess Biden really struggles with this choice?

Ensign_Crab ,

If Biden doesn't want to lose the votes of people who oppose genocide, he should stop supporting genocide.

Of course, he should also stop supporting genocide because it's genocide. But I guess he'd rather lose than miss out on being a part of it.

Kecessa ,

And not voting ends up being support for more genocide

Just as I said, your logic works in a situation where either options are reasonable OR, I would add, if there's more than two options and governments are made of coalitions so you can vote for someone that will influence the party with the most vote to move in the direction that you want so they can form the government.

Neither options apply to the USA at the moment.

Ensign_Crab ,

And not voting ends up being support for more genocide

I'm voting for Biden. I also know that if he wants the votes of people for whom genocide is a dealbreaker, he needs to stop supporting genocide.

Kecessa ,

These people would be hypocrites if they didn't vote for him as letting Trump win means more genocide as he'll do nothing about Gaza and leave Ukraine to fend for itself whereas a Democrat can at least be convinced to change his stance.

Ensign_Crab ,

Ok. So they're hypocrites.

If Biden wants their votes, he needs to break with the pro-genocide centrist wing of his party and stop supporting genocide. I know this will bitterly disappoint every last centrist Democrat, but you can lecture them that they can't always get everything they want and that they need to vote blue no matter who.

Kecessa ,

Then these people have no right to complain when things get worse.

Ensign_Crab ,

It's not like you want anyone who isn't 100% on board with genocide to have any right to complain now.

Kecessa ,

No, I don't want anyone who doesn't vote or get personally involved in politics to complain about the people who get elected.

Ensign_Crab ,

If you say so. Frankly it just looks like you want anyone who doesn't like Biden's support for Netanyahu's genocide to shut up.

Kecessa ,

People can not like it all they want, letting Trump take his place by not voting is just virtue signalling and pure idiocy.

"I didn't vote for this guy because he supports Israel!"

"Ok buddy, because of people like you the person now in power supports Israel, stopped support for Ukraine, is attacking women and minority rights... But hey, at least you didn't vote for someone who supports Israel, right?"

Ensign_Crab ,

Like so.

I'm voting for Biden. He should stop supporting genocide.

You should too.

MotoAsh ,

You don't win votes by convincing people the other guy's worse. Full stop.

Stop celebrating Democrats making TERRIBLE political moves by failing to condemn terrible political moves...

Kecessa ,

And you don't improve things by letting the worst option take power by your inaction.

MotoAsh ,

No one has said they wouldn't vote against Trump. Why do you assume every vote has to be FOR Biden?

Not every vote has to come with an ass kissing, you sycophantic dipshits.

Kecessa ,

When did the USA adopt a system where voting independent or third party when you lean left has any influence and prevents the Republicans from taking power? Unless you were planning to vote Republican and will vote for someone else?

MotoAsh ,

How is it so confusing to understand that someone can still vote for Biden while not wanting to vote for Biden?

You're all literally too simple to understand how personal morals work, apparently. Sad.

Kecessa , (edited )

No, it's your phrase that didn't make sense as you said not voting for Trump while also not voting for Biden, learn to express yourself clearly and then start sharing your opinion.

Railcar8095 ,

Again, reading comprehension of a 5 year old.

If at least you were humble enough to not be an ass...

Kecessa , (edited )

No one has said they wouldn't vote _against_ Trump. Why do you assume every vote has to be FOR Biden?

Yeah so in written form that's exactly what you said, if you wanted to convey that you would vote for Biden without supporting his politics then that's what you should have said or instead of using all caps on FOR you should have used quotation marks around it.

Pretty funny you're the one who started throwing insults by I'm the ass here

homesweethomeMrL ,

Don’t be stupid. Trump is going to demand they nuke and pave Palestine and he’ll open a string of Trump resorts for free as his reward. Think that’s unlikely? Please. We’ve got a ton of receipts. He’s 1000 times worse than a Biden administration. So cut the GRU bullshit.

If “Young Progressive Activists” were actually serious about stopping a millenia-old conflict on the other side of the world, the point of entry is their representative and senator. Do they even know who that is? Representatives pass legislation to require (cease-fire, aid, reparations, whatever) or no more money. That’s what they say they actually want.

Magical Santa President is a child’s cartoon. And the conversation of this constant BiDeN gEnOcIdE train is a sad hEr EmAiLs argument in design and purpose.

corsicanguppy , (edited )

convincing people the other guy’s worse.

At its heart, voting is choosing the least-worse option.

Our best case is being able to repeat this until the criminally-bad options are gone and we only have good options to choose from, but while life expectancy and objective happiness is far, far below what it should be for such a rich nation, you know we have some heavy evolution ahead.

dvoraqs ,

Voting in a First Past the Post election system is like this. If we can switch to another system like the Single Transferrable Vote, we can get better results.

Ensign_Crab ,

You can't defend Biden's support for genocide, so you have to accuse people who oppose genocide of being Trumpists.

Of course, you could just say that Biden should stop supporting genocide, but I doubt that you want him to.

bramblepatchmystery ,

You could also stop pretending Joe Biden is a supporter of genocide, but you won't.

If you truly believe a genocide is happening to the Palestinian people, bullying democrats out of voting for Biden does nothing to help the Palestinian people.

If you want to support the Palestinian people than you should engage in the democratic process and get the democrats to force Israel into a cease fire and lay the groundwork for two states.

Oh wait, that's what's happening already.

Ensign_Crab ,

You could also stop pretending Joe Biden is a supporter of genocide, but you won’t.

If Biden stops supporting genocide, I'll stop saying it.

If you truly believe a genocide is happening to the Palestinian people, bullying democrats out of voting for Biden does nothing to help the Palestinian people.

It's a good thing I'm not doing that. I'm saying that Biden needs to stop supporting genocide.

He hasn't stopped selling them weapons. He's still running interference for them at the UN. That's support.

bramblepatchmystery ,

The US has treaties with Israel that to the best of my knowledge Biden can't just unilaterally end without repurcussion.

The opposition (Trump) has called for Israel to finish the job.

So if you want to character ize the guy with the stance of a 2 state solution as being the genocidal option, go ahead, but it's just so ridiculously naive.

Ensign_Crab ,

The US has treaties with Israel that to the best of my knowledge Biden can’t just unilaterally end without repurcussion.

None of those treaties require him to circumvent congress to sell weapons for genocide. None of them require him to run interference for Netanyahu at the UN.

The opposition (Trump) has called for Israel to finish the job.

And as always, if anyone is in any way critical of Biden's support for genocide, it's because they must be a Trumpist.

So if you want to character ize the guy with the stance of a 2 state solution as being the genocidal option, go ahead, but it’s just so ridiculously naive.

Both of them support genocide. I want Biden to stop. I doubt you do.

bramblepatchmystery ,

What does a 2 state solution mean? It means the Palestinian people weren't genocided.

Do you not get that? Because if you don't, this situation is clearly more complex than you ever begun to realize.

Ensign_Crab ,

What does a 2 state solution mean?

In this context, about as much as anything else Biden says he supports and doesn't back up with actions.

Do you not get that?

I get what Biden's stated position is. His actions say the opposite.

bramblepatchmystery ,

Which specific actions?

Aiding an ally in time of war as per the treaties while working towards a ceasefire and two state solution?

Not only do you guys want Biden to be a war time president, but you specifically want him to wage war against Israel, and then you guys get offended when its pointed that the only people in the world this would benefit is Russia and Qatar/Iran.

Ensign_Crab ,

Which specific actions?

Biden is selling Netanyahu weapons that he knows will be used for genocide.

Biden's administration is propping up Netanyahu at the UN.

Those specific actions.

Aiding an ally in time of war as per the treaties while working towards a ceasefire and two state solution?

No treaty requires Biden to circumvent congress to sell Netanyahu weapons for genocide. No treaty requires Biden to run interference for Netanyahu at the UN. Biden's words regarding ceasefire and a 2 state solution are only words.

Not only do you guys want Biden to be a war time president, but you specifically want him to wage war against Israel,

You're just making up ridiculous shit now.

bramblepatchmystery ,

So, what do you guys want then? Long term, he stops selling to Israel, what next?

Qatar and Iran decide now that Israel has been cut off from the US, they decide to come calling on their promises to destroy Israel.

Do you support Israel then? Do you support Biden selling weapons again?

Does Hamas go back to attacking Israel? What exactly are your long term goals here?

Ensign_Crab ,

Israel can easily take care of themselves without the US being an accessory to Netanyahu's genocide.

bramblepatchmystery ,

Are you by chance a one state solutionist, with that state being Palestine, or a two state solutionist?

Ensign_Crab ,

I'm not sure why you're bothering to ask, since you're going to ignore whatever I say and make up some wild shit as my position instead. Again.

I favor a two state solution in which both Israel and Palestine are recognized by the UN.

Now that you have asked your leading question, you're going to pretend that the only way to get to a two state solution is to continue US support for Netanyahu's genocide.

bramblepatchmystery ,

I am not a Netanyahu supporter. I in fact support another dissolution of the current coalition government on day one of the end of the war. I am open to him and his cabinet being investigated and tried, just as I think should have happened to Bush and Cheney.

But at the end of the day Hamas started a war and took hostages into the city of Gaza so that Gaza itself would be the battle scenes.

They refuse to hand over the hostages, nor take the fighting outside the city. Qatar and Egypt's support of the war is stipulated on fighting not extending into their borders.

I also support a two state solution, but it requires the full dismantling of the Hamas government, tribunals, a temporary government administered by a neutral third party (good luck talking the Swiss into getting involved here), etc.

This situation is bad, but claims that the US is engaging in genocide are patently false and might as well be official Qatari/Yemen/Iranian propaganda, it has that large a lack of depth of understanding the geopolitical situation actually happening.

Ensign_Crab ,

The US is not engaging in genocide.

Biden has made us accessory to it, though.

And you're here to drum up support for it.

bramblepatchmystery ,

Pretending that people who disagree with you are pro-genocide is so inflammatory that it leads me to believe good faith discussion was never on the table for you.

Ensign_Crab , (edited )

How many times did I have to repeat exactly how Biden was supporting Netanyahu's genocide?

How many times did you completely ignore it and pretend I hadn't said anything?

How many times did you LIE and pretend that Biden was bound by treaty to sell weapons to Netanyahu and prop him up at the UN?

Don't you dare lecture me about bad faith.

MotoAsh ,

Joe Bide directly supports Israel. Israel is openly committing genocide. If you think Joe is NOT supporting genocide, you are literally so stupid as to fail to observe ONE DEGREE of separation. You are too stupid for this discussion, full stop.

bramblepatchmystery ,

This is the issue pointed out right here.

All you people full stop claiming genocide aren't doing anything for the Palestinian people, you are just bullying people you suspect are Joe Biden supporters and telling them to exit the discussion.

I hate to say its coordinated, but I haven't ever seen more coordinated behavior in an online community before.

MotoAsh ,

I'm doing a hell of a lot more than Joe Biden simply by not handing Israel bilions in weapons.

I love how all you fucking morons pretend I have ANY obligation like the fucking PRESIDENT has. Stop expecting more of random citizens than you expect of the PRESIDENT. It's beyond pathetic. Stop being so pathetic.

bramblepatchmystery ,

I'm just saying, the Palestinian people need a lot more from you than specifically waging a propaganda war against Democratic voters.

There are charities you could donate your time or money to, there are think tanks with the ear of the president who you could reach out to.

I don't even agree with your usage of the term genocide, but feel like I have done more to help the Palestinian people through my own contributions.

That to me says something.

MotoAsh ,

So you're just assuming I do nothing otherwise?

Again, stop being so pathetic. You still expect more from citizens than the president. Stop being such a joke.

bramblepatchmystery ,

I am sorry to assume you did nothing. I assume you have gone and marched with previously doxxed neo Nazis in the city nearest you under the guise that this is a pro-Palestine movement and not an anti-Biden one.

If you had any tactic but bullying leftists who disagreed with you, you would have used it already.

Bye, babe.

MotoAsh ,

Ah yes, once again making insanely judgemental conclusions based solely on assumptions. Thank you for once again proving that reactionary morons also exist on the left. You are just as bad as those Nazis you are so afraid of, making such baseless assumptions.

Again, stop being so pathetic. You are what's wrong with humanity, right or left. Stop thinking with your feefees.

bramblepatchmystery ,

The idea that I am afraid of Nazis is laughable.

I think unless you have anything concrete, we are probably done, aren't we?

Djtecha ,

So, out of curiosity, what HAVE you been doing? Maybe lean into that as a constructive offramp here. Or just keep calling each other names.

IsThisAnAI ,

Care to point out where I said you all were trumpets?

Ensign_Crab ,

It’s going to be such a fantastic 4 years with Donnie after watching D’s tear themselves apart ignoring Biden being great and just being completely unrealistic and unreasonable with reality.

Right here.

IsThisAnAI ,

I'm not sure you're reading correctly. In no way does in-fighting imply you love Trump.

Ensign_Crab ,

I'm sure I'm reading it just fine.

homesweethomeMrL ,

Do you know why Nigel Farage came to stump for trump, and why trump called himself “Mr. Brexit”?

You’re big on following the money, I assume.

Ensign_Crab ,

I know why you're diverting.

MotoAsh ,

I mean, that's the entire Democrats' MO, but we cannot speak ill of Democrats while Trump exists, don't you know!

corsicanguppy ,

we cannot speak ill of Democrats while Trump exists, don’t you know!

Sure we can. The idea of loyalty over all is actually a foundation of conservative political parties, while center- and left-leaning parties are increasingly critical of themselves. It's why charity or protest groups splinter all the time or just implode with all that angst.

It's okay if you don't know that. It's part-and-parcel.

MotoAsh ,

Dems are self-critical? You should try telling that to the DNC.

null , avatar

Whataboutism about whataboutism. Wowee.

MotoAsh ,

No, you see, you're doing it, too. I didn't just say "what about". I said it's their entire MO. Yet all you fucking morons do is see that I said something negative about the less bad party.

Congratulations, you're still engaging in team sports.

null , avatar

"no u"


MotoAsh ,

Congratulations, you have the brain of a child and no valid point to make. Sad.

null , avatar

"lazy insults with no substance"


Hominine , avatar

Seeing such pro-Trump rhetoric from this account in just about every Biden post while fibbing about his administration's stance on, say, abortion is really laying the agenda bare. One thinks such a troll would be a touch more subtle.

FuglyDuck , avatar

It’s amusing you think I’m pro Trump.

That’s hilarious.

His stance on say abortion is split between his personal views and his political views. Like most things, I don’t think he’s capable of doing what’s necessary to protect our freedoms.

Making abortion medication available through telemedicine does nothing to stop the erosion that’s currently underway, and even then, can- and will- be removed by the next Republican in office.

His climate change agenda has been mere lip service compared to the oil production- which is record setting.

He’s done nothing- to my knowledge- to actually protect voter’s rights.

It’s taken his DoJ the better part of 3 years to get a warrant to recover extremely sensitive materials. They still don’t have all of it back. And it’s take. His DoJ the better part of 3 years to get a special prosecutor to investigate a man that started insurrection.

You want to call me a troll? Fair enough. But don’t come crying to me when trump starts a second insurrection. Or you know, wins in November.

I tried to warn you. But you wouldn’t listen.

Hominine , avatar

So noble to warn us while advising we ignore the evidence of our ears from just yesterday. I know where Biden stands with respect to women's rights and seeing you twist that position says everything it needs to. That you go on to think the president can pull all the levers of government by fiat is unsurprising and seems almost a feature here with the regularity that it is regurgitated.

Anti-Biden to a degree with which one is compelled to lie or pro-trump is a distinction without a difference by my lights.

PatFussy ,

It's just how leftists like to operate. Live in half truths so deep that horseshoe theory looks suitable. People don't KNOW why they don't like Biden, they just don't want to like him because their favorite media propagandist said not to.

Ensign_Crab ,

Centrists would rather lose to Trump than ever consider ceasing their support for Netanyahu's genocide.

Hominine , (edited ) avatar

Nuance is lost here as it's possible to both support Biden and decry what is happening in Palestine. You'll notice no one here is in favor of genocide though the poster above is correct about people in left spaces loving to tar others with this word as well as other slanders. I suspect they have little concern about how far it carries whatever message they're trying to tote and is merely a symptom of being unable to argue an actual point.

Also, the country is largely centrist regardless of how many of us would like to believe the average person hews left. If you think I'm a centrist, you've got a rude awakening ahead.

Ensign_Crab ,

Nuance is lost here as it’s possible to both support Biden and decry what is happening in Palestine

Say that Biden should stop supporting genocide a few times and see what happens.

You’ll notice no one here is in favor of genocide

That's been the precise opposite of what I've noticed.

Also, the country is largely centrist regardless of how many of us would like to believe the average person hews left.

That's a piss poor reason for Biden to support genocide, and a worse reason to defend anyone who is lying and saying he isn't.

Nudding ,

I don't like him because of the record oil production, genocide, strike breaking, border stance, or his fucking weird old man comments. I also don't like trump because he's worse in every regard. You have no left representation in your country. This comment should be embarrassing to anyone with a mild understanding of political theory.

PatFussy ,

It's actually bizarre how you guys on the far left herald terrorists that sink entire ships full of fertilizer (that is going to cause the world's biggest environmental disaster) yet at the same time cry about Biden approving more oil drilling. It's not actually genocide. If you have any examples outside of the railroad strike breaking I would like to see. There is no justification to completely cripple the US economy. Border stance is kind of the same as it has been since 9/11.

What else you got? You wanna talk about his accomplishments yet or you just want to find faults?

Nudding ,

I don't partake in American propaganda so yeah hit me with the jot note version.

PatFussy ,

You could also say "I don't know anything about the subject, I just repeat what others in my propaganda circle tell me". But that's hard to admit so I totally understand.

Nudding ,

No achievements?

PatFussy ,

He achieved getting this 🍆 in your brain. We don't talk American propaganda here though

Nudding ,

So you're just a troll or something?

PatFussy ,

I'm waiting for you to respond to me here... I responded to your points and then you said you don't follow American propaganda... What are you expecting here? You are trying to tell me what to think without driving toward a conclusion.

So I give you the 🍆 badge of honor for not trying to have a conversation.

Nudding ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • PatFussy ,

    Lol uh huh. Prove my point harder next time. Next time skip all the pleasantries and say "I don't know" so we can move on.

    Nudding ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • JimSamtanko ,

    Naaah… seems you just spread it without knowing what it means.

    Nudding ,

    I'm spreading American propaganda? That's a hot take lmao.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    I never said he could act unilaterally. I do think he could have done more, and didn't.

    how much of this list is more to do with Harris, and people in the relevant agencies pushing for it. People like Becerra leading the HHS. I don't know... I suspect a lot of it is actually from Harris' contributions.

    I suspect that if he legitimately wanted to codify RvW, he would have gotten the filibuster suspended (he waffled on that, being apposed leading into it then switching,). There's enough popular support to have done that, with exactly 2 senators holding out- Manchin and Sinema. they're horse traders. and so is Biden.

    Or he could have supported packing the courts. (here we see his lackluster leadership.); never seeing RvW get overturned in the first place. McConnell has already shown he'd pack the courts if could get away with it. He already has.

    How much of that list, also, is going to go away the first moment a republican president gets into office? Some of it is already going to the courts (hence the bits about the DoJ defending it,). we need more than stop-gap executive orders and policies that can be reversed. And even then, you'll notice that with the VA, they're only providing abortion care for medical needs, or if it's the result of rape and incest. the bare minimum.

    I don't think he's done enough. And I don't think, if we give him another four years, he's capable of doing enough. So yeah. call me Anti-Biden. That's a badge I'll wear happily. I don't support people who support genocide, and that's just one other issue. There's also how he's dove far-enough-right on immigration and border security, the GOP is trying to find new ways of being assholes.

    Hominine , avatar

    You suspect Biden can do things that are politically untenable I suspect you support Trump and are just slinging shit against the wall. Perhaps we're both wrong.

    aniki ,

    Anti biden isn't automagically pro-trump because it's an election year. Fuck outta here with this sanctimonious bullshit. Not everyone is a child with tunnel vision. Adults can juggle concepts and ideas [Biden is a worthless piece of shit] without capitulating to the enemy [Trump].

    Hominine , avatar

    When I clarify a distinction without a difference and you bring ad-hominem to retort, I have little concern about your thoughts regarding who is behaving sanctimoniously.

    bigMouthCommie , avatar

    >When I clarify a distinction without a difference

    no, you're making a leap of logic

    the_crotch ,


    Ever since 2018 or so it's really easy to spot someone who's in the process of losing an internet argument, they just start shouting the names of logical fallacies at random.

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    . . . but it’s not random, it’s apt. So - ?

    match , avatar

    I respect a good political gambit though, if it's done well it's just a reminder that they're staffed by reasonably competent people

    Everythingispenguins ,

    He had just watched the West Wing episode The US Poet Laureate

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