OneWomanCreamTeam , avatar
ctkatz ,

what I don't understand is that if that person realizes that trump would send all the money and weapons to israel with no strings attached. he'd do it because he hates brown people and his supporters (who give him what he really wants- undying idolation) hate brown people AND want the commencement of armageddon so their prophet litch returns and he does what they want so they keep loving him.

at least biden is using the soft power he has before he starts using hard power.

riodoro1 ,

All it takes for Biden is to openly criticize Israel and stop selling them weapons (at least so that we won’t know it’s him) for like two months before everyone forgets. But no. Really shows how deep Israel’s dick is in US’s asshole.

FenrirIII , avatar

If he says anything against Israel or stops aid, he'll be an "antisemite" and be attacked for that. The Israeli lobby has power and money, and they don't screw around. Plus, the media is dogshit and will never not attack Biden because it's "balanced" news.

Eldritch , avatar

Advising from the position of a friend is much more fruitful than advising as an enemy. I think Biden is wasting his time with Bibi. But it is an otherwise sound strategy. The genocide would have continued uninterrupted regardless what Biden did. What he did is definitely not a great look optically though for sure.

AceTKen , (edited ) avatar

So don't jump down my throat please but I don't understand this article. I have a couple of question that I would like an actual answer to and haven't seen addressed anywhere else:

"Team America World Police" was a mockable idea back in the 90s and early 2000s because America stuck its nose everywhere - wanted or not.

Now here I see people attacking a president because he will not interfere in something that shouldn't be America's business? As far as I was aware, America leaving other countries the hell alone would be a good thing on the world stage, no? Why not get mad that any sitting president hasn't interfered in the Uyghgur Genocide? Why just this?

Why is this particular conflict that has been ongoing for ages something worth blaming a current president for not interfering in?

The only thing I can really find online in the news are Republicans blaming Biden for the attacks on Israel which doesn't make sense with the response here. What the heck is going on?

I don't have a stance on this, I'm just trying to understand because it doesn't make sense to me so please don't take that as aggressive.

Edit: Downvotes? For trying to figure out an international situation? Man, I don't understand you sometimes, Lemmy. You can be so nonsensically goddamn hostile...

LotrOrc ,

The US finance Israel with billions of dollars

They have given Israel billions of dollars of military aid in just the last three months

Without the US involved, Israel would not be able to cause this level of destruction

The US has also consistently defended Israel in international court and in front of the UN while doing this

Biden is constantly giving Israel money and support, so it is on him

The US is not leaving this war alone, they are intrinsically psrt of it

AceTKen , avatar

So... (and again, I'm trying to parse the situation, not attacking so I'm asking all three respondents here the same question so I get a range of replies) Biden has been funding the war specifically and giving Israel weapons? Why? To what end? And please don't say genocide because that's not a tangible reward result for Biden or America. If they are doing the above, what do they get from it?

LotrOrc ,

Because Israel is the US patsy in the Middle East and this way the US keeps power there

Also a lot of oil

sigmaklimgrindset , (edited ) avatar

The US has been supporting Israel's military since it's inception. Here's a handy graph and historical breakdown.

They are also always the major diplomatic driver towards talks between the Palestinian officials and Israel, historically speaking. The US is very much involved in the conflict.

And since I wasn't very familiar with Axios as a source, here's their Media Bias page.

AceTKen , avatar

So... (and again, I'm trying to parse the situation, not attacking so I'm asking all three respondents here the same question so I get a range of replies) Biden has been funding the war specifically and giving Israel weapons? Why? To what end? And please don't say genocide because that's not a tangible reward result for Biden or America. If they are doing the above, what do they get from it?

Understandably, they may have done so after WW2 and the creation of Israel to keep a "friendly" state in the region. That part makes sense.

K1nsey6 , avatar

worth blaming a current president for not interfering in?

The US president has 100% say in the amount of money and weapons Israel receives, he can order everything to stop like President Reagan in 1982. His refusal to stop genocide, like Reagan did, makes him complicit in Palestinian deaths and the destruction of their homes, culture, and civilization.

AceTKen , avatar

So... (and again, I'm trying to parse the situation, not attacking) Biden has been funding the war specifically and giving Israel weapons? Why? To what end? And please don't say genocide because that's not a tangible reward result for Biden or America. If they are doing the above, what do they get from it?

Mongostein ,

America has been funding Israel for decades. It’s not just a Biden problem, but he’s the one in power while Israel commits genocide.

AceTKen , avatar

Yes, I get that. I was finally able to find several news sites reporting the amount of money funnelled to Israel in order to ensure the US has a small foothold in that area of the world. It seems a tad excessive, but politically understandable I suppose. Allies in that region are valuable, but goddamn that's a lot of money.

I also saw that this most recent payment structure was guaranteed for a certain time frame by Obama. Breaking the agreement off would be breaking treaties and guarantees. Not a great thing to do for America, but what's going on over there is not exactly a good look. I think that I now agree that Biden should pull aid from Israel.

Again, thank you for the discussion and explanations. It's nice when people respond instead of just mindlessly downvoting someone who is asking for details.

Mongostein ,

Yeah maybe America needs a no-genocide clause in their agreements with their allies.

YeetPics , avatar

I love how POTUS is in charge of israel's military 100%.

Didn't even have to win an election or be Jewish they just listen to his orders and follow precisely as he instructs.



NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Literally yes. He just needs to threaten to cut off aid.

YeetPics , avatar

Lmao sure.

SpacetimeMachine ,

Incredible argument. Can really see the thought you have put into this.

YeetPics , avatar

Lmao okay

MindSkipperBro12 ,

And then there’s a massive uproar from the republicans and conservative democrats.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Republicans weren't gonna vote for him anyway, and with his current stance he's hemorrhaging progressive (mainly young) voters. This is the demographic that won him 2020.

MindSkipperBro12 ,

That’s why I said conservative democrats.

I think, I can’t see the original comment because lemmy sucks.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

I get what you mean, but what I'm saying is that he's not exactly holding onto voters at this rate.

Esqplorer ,

Oh no, doing the right thing may alienate people who won't vote for him anyway, better do a genocide!

MindSkipperBro12 ,

Politics is a nasty game. It’s much nastier when it’s a democracy: The stink is aired out for everyone to see and smell.

LotrOrc ,

The US finance Israel with billions of dollars

They have given Israel billions of dollars of military aid in just the last three months

Without the US involved, Israel would not be able to cause this level of destruction

The US has also consistently defended Israel in international court and in front of the UN while doing this

Biden is constantly giving Israel money and support, so it is on him

The US is not leaving this war alone, they are intrinsically psrt of it

YeetPics , avatar

Is Israel genociding Gazans by paper cuts from fiat currency or dumping tonnes of coins onto them?

If I waste welfare money to buy alcohol is it my fault for buying alcohol or the governments fault for supplying me a means to feed myself?

RGB3x3 ,

The government would be to blame if they didn't put controls on you using that money to buy weapons for shooting civilians.

We pour so much money into Israel that goes straight to murdering civilians in an ethnic cleansing. The US is culpable and the president needs to be held accountable.

YeetPics , avatar

So why are the houthis not attacking DC? Seems like a waste of their energy to go after Israel if it all falls into the desk of POTUS don't you agree?

Shyfer ,

They are attacking our ships where they can for that reason...

YeetPics , avatar

They do know Biden isn't on the ships, right?

Jimmyeatsausage ,,use%20by%20the%20U.S.%20military.

Israel also imports weapons from other countries. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s arms transfers database, 68% of Israel’s weapons imports from 2013 to 2022 came from the U.S. Another 28% came from Germany. Imports are funded in part by $3.3 billion of military aid provided annually by the U.S., along with $500 million for missile defense cooperation.

Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, the U.S. has provided more than 5,000 MK-84 munitions, a type of 2,000-pound bomb. As of late December 2023, the U.S. had sent artillery shells, armored vehicles and basic combat tools to Israel, delivered in 230 cargo planes and 20 ships.

U.S. military aid to Israel also includes stockpiled weapons. For years, the Pentagon has stored weapons in Israel, presumably for use by the U.S. military. But the U.S. has allowed Israel to draw down some of these supplies during the Gaza conflict.

If the government keeps sending you beer, money marked "for buying beer only" and replacing any old beer you have with new, higher alcohol content beer, then yes, I'd say they are a little bit culpable for your drunkenness.

YeetPics , avatar

Biden pulls every trigger and loads every magazine by hand. Duh.

Hadriscus ,

really comparing alcohol consumption with genocide ?

YeetPics , avatar

No, I didn't compare the two.

Zess ,

You can't buy alcohol with welfare benefits because the government puts limits on it. They could do the same with the money going to Israel but they don't because they want Israel to do what they're doing.

Rapidcreek ,

Hey Hey LBJ How many kids did you kill today?

Is there any creativity in this generation?

Ensign_Crab ,

Have politicians acquired the capacity for shame yet?

Rapidcreek ,

Surely the guy who instituted a Muslim travel ban will do better for Gaza!

EasternLettuce ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Ensign_Crab ,

    They know the genocide they support is indefensible, so they have to pretend that anyone who disagrees with them is a trumpist.

    Feathercrown ,

    "From the river to the sea" is also indefensible so like idk man

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Tell that to Netanyahu who used it in one of his statements.

    Feathercrown ,

    Ok but if Israel and Palestine leadership are both saying and doing the same things how is one worse than the other

    Nudding ,

    Well see one lives in caves and the other can nuke them from space..

    Feathercrown ,

    Evil is an intent, not a capability.

    Nudding ,

    You're right, we should nuke them both

    Feathercrown ,

    Well that's one way to solve the conflict 🤪

    Meowoem ,

    People don't want to admit the complexity of the situation they just want to feel special because they know the solution - except when you ask them about it of course, like if the iron dome stops working because Israel can't afford to maintain it and the idf can't afford to defend the country then do we just sit back and watch the Jewish people get murdered?

    Would that genocide be ok? Or do we wait for the right amount of dead bodies before we do something to help? And what would we do to help? Everything would be far more expensive and bloody then what's happening now

    But of course that's ok because they'll be against anything bad that happens and shake their head at the innaction that led to it

    agitatedpotato ,

    Well lets make it personal. Would you rather have somone intend to kill you, or have someone actually kill you? Intent matters sure but if you cant see the difference then I have little faith your being serious.

    Ensign_Crab ,

    Cool. That's not my position either. My position is that we shouldn't be supporting genocide.

    Are there any other positions of mine that you would like to fabricate?

    Gazumi ,

    Biden vs Trump should not prevent our pressure against entirely avoidable deaths

    tsonfeir , avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • eskimofry ,

    Here i was thinking that Insulting the intelligence of voters was exclusive to conservatives.

    Mycatiskai ,

    That is on Biden, he controls the reigns of power. He could give a call to Bibi and say the aid and weapons stop tomorrow unless you pull back and stop carpet bombing refugee camps.

    Tell him to move to surgical strikes or nothing. Bulldozing cemeteries and bombing every school and hospital in occupied Gaza is a war crime and genocide.

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    We don’t have to, he is doing that himself

    MindSkipperBro12 ,

    “Hey hey LBJ, LBJ! How many kids did you killed today?”

    LEDZeppelin ,

    Remember when BLM heckled Bernie during 2015 campaign?

    If you think Biden is your problem, wait until orange gets elected.

    Telodzrum ,

    I think it was in 2020 when that idiot got up on stage with him.

    lennybird , avatar

    Completely see your point, but unlike Trump, Biden might actually be movable by protest during an election year.

    Granted the White House's position on Israel has already shifted considerably since their lockstep pledge of unity.

    tsonfeir , avatar

    How has it shifted

    eskimofry ,

    Not the other guy, but there's been some posts on lemmy saying some white house staff are pressuring Biden to rethink his Israel position.

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    There is a lot of room to hide in those words

    tsonfeir , avatar

    And here I thought making shit up was exclusive to conservatives.

    eskimofry ,

    Your skepticism is warranted but the lack of links in my comment is sheer laziness.

    I will update it with links if you don't mind waiting.

    tsonfeir , avatar

    I can wait. Names of people with direct access to Biden and quotes please. Since you know this is a fact, it should be easy.

    Zaktor ,

    Administration officials, who will all have direct approval from the White House, have been openly criticizing Israel, albeit in the weakest way possible. That is a shift, but it's just words and no where near substantial enough to back off and trust they're going to do the right thing. It's progress only insofar as the starting state was "the civilian deaths were unfortunate events no one could be blamed for because Israel is doing the most any nation could to prevent collateral damage and death".

    tsonfeir , avatar

    Like whom?

    Zaktor ,

    Blinken said "there does remain a gap between exactly what I said when I was there, the intent to protect civilians, and the actual results that we’re seeing on the ground". And Biden said "I want them to be focused on how to save civilian lives. Not stop going after Hamas, but be more careful”. Weak and without any threat of actual action, but not the gaslighting of earlier.

    Eldritch , avatar

    He might be. But this childish hyperbole isn't the way to do it.

    Fixbeat ,

    I'll take ol' Joe over the orange cancer any day.

    LodeMike ,

    And trump would likely be worse. All the conservative dipshits love what Israel is doing right now.

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    Not likely, he will be exponentially worse.

    LodeMike ,

    Probably. At least Biden has the ability to understand the criticism.

    Ensign_Crab ,

    They sure do. Some of them are even Republicans.

    Fermion ,

    The difference is that Biden IS the current president and is the one that sidestepped congress to give Israel aid without many strings attached. Yeah, come November, don't choose orange, but that doesn't mean Biden shouldn't face pressure in the meantime.

    SkybreakerEngineer ,

    And then Congress voted overwhelmingly to not attach said strings after the fact. Biden isn't the only problem here.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Biden isn’t the only problem here.

    He isn't, but he's one third of the government (one half when it comes to foreign policy) and he's only been using that position to make the situation worse.

    graymess ,

    What a weird comment. As if Congress isn't universally despised by antiwar activists. Let me know how else protestors can feasibly make demands directly to an entire branch of government that isn't just one person.

    agitatedpotato ,

    Yeah and if I could vote for other states congress people then that would matter but until then I just got like two dudes who represent me there, probably different ones than you. Probably ones you've never heard of, so am I really gonna dox my district by talking about two specific dudes who few if any of you are familiar with?

    MindSkipperBro12 ,

    Problem is that the pressure of today may lead the orange man to win tomorrow.

    Zaktor ,

    Then maybe Biden should do something differently. It's his reelection and he claims his only reason for running is to defeat Trump.

    webghost0101 ,

    If anything increase the pressure so they actually feel threatened enough to get some progressive work done.

    eskimofry ,

    This argument is an insult to all voters.

    GBU_28 ,

    Unfortunately, it's the game you are living in

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