kryptonianCodeMonkey , (edited )

I blame Dubya for a lot, but the Great Recession was caused by the housing bubble which was based on laws and practices that predated his presidency (partly Clinton's fault for the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act). He did a shit job of handling it and leading recovery from it, but the event itself wasn't his fault.

example ,

I just keep reading ai gore...

blazera , avatar

I dont see this changing anytime soon. 2024, trumps looking likely, US continues getting shittier. Maybe Biden wins, US continues getting shittier but slower. 2028, either trump running again, or trump jr, or desantis, another big threat of far right fascism leaving progressive voters feeling pressured once again to put pushing for reform on hold and holding their nose for a well connected "safe" centrist candidate.

Maestro , avatar

You do reform in between elections and during the primaries. Not during general election.

blazera , avatar

Yeah reforms not gonna happen inside a democrat primary.

Facebones ,

Three steps right or 6 steps right, we're still moving right - and democrats have already made sure to close off all roads to applying any leftward force. Either we reward them for moving further right or we vote for someone who doesn't suck and they say "see we have to move further right."

TLDR we have a singular party and corpos gonna corpo

ryry1985 ,

I think the Great Recession was bound to happen regardless of who was in office, but everything else is correct.

TropicalDingdong ,

Wasnt uh.. Werent' the rules rolled back under Clinton?
Glass–Steagall . Yeah that was it. Glass–Steagall, which basically separated commercial and investment banking.

someguy3 ,

Depends. Someone could have seen the writing on the wall and said hey we gotta do something before this goes nuts. Gore strikes me that he would have listened.

someguy3 ,

Also Gore wouldn't have been so focused on Iraq and WMD and the chaos after.

barsquid ,

Somehow, despite having a majority for only several months out of the last several decades, that is all the Dems' fault for not trying hard enough or whatever.

Therefore I (definitely not an accelerationist cosplaying as caring about leftism) could not possibly support anyone other than candidates certain to lose the election.

MutilationWave ,

Change the Senate to population proportional seats and eliminate the electrical college. This country would change in a big way in a few years or less. Easier said than done though.

Mastengwe ,

What an astute and hopefully eye-opening perspective.

commie ,

al gore won that election.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Mmmm. Yeah.

MutilationWave ,
photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Holy shit... That was a coup!

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

You’re not wrong

WhatYouNeed ,

Once again Roger Stone is involved in undemocratic activities.

That guy has caused so much damage.

phoneymouse ,

But it was stolen due to 5 hard right justices

prunerye ,

No, DNC, you're not out of touch. It's the voters who are wrong.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Who’s the DNC? We need names. Also the voters, i guess?

PapaStevesy ,

Key people:
Jaime Harrison (Chair)
Chris Korge (Finance chair)
Jason Rae (Secretary)

Taken from Wikipedia because who actually knows that shit

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

That is really the best way to put my frustrations. IT IS NOT MY FAULT YOU DON'T LIKE ME, ITS YOURS. It is literally a popularity contest and you are worried about losing to a criminal. But sure, we are the crazies, not you. This country has never needed another party so bad.

Thteven , avatar

Quit putting up shit candidates assholes!

homesweethomeMrL OP ,


Psythik ,

Yeah seriously; this post sucks.

timewarp , avatar

AOC for President with Biden as VP. It would destroy the Republicans... they'd have strokes within a few days. With Biden as VP all the boomers that actually like Biden will be onboard.

Saint_La_Croix_Crosse ,

Love how it is always the voter's fault, it's not candidates or parties job to appeal to voters.

slumlordthanatos ,

Preach. The DNC deserve their share of the blame, and berating voters for not wanting to vote for shit candidates (especially how the DNC sabotaged the likes of Howard Dean and Bernie Sanders).

Dubya was the result of GOP fuckery, but Trump was a self-inflicted wound.

Guy_Fieris_Hair , (edited )

Yeah, it's totally our fault the Dems have to see how far right they can possibly get away with. And they just "aren't for us" completely diminishes our issues. This is a problem created by the DNC, it is not created by the voters.

Donald Trump was the DNCs fault for running a centrist, dirty candidate. Not ours for not falling in love with her. Your fucking guilting us into voting for a turd sandwitch is bullshit. Stop sucking.

I have and will vote against Donald Trump, but I am not donating and making calls like I did for Bernie. Biden is a big pile of literally not Donald Trump, that's all he is.

The fact that you need grassroots help to win an election when you can easily represent a large majority of the voters by just representing the voters is your fault.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

You may have been taught in school that democracy is an ideal system. But when you become an adult you learn the truth about it. It's not actually about getting the perfect person that everyone agrees with in power. Because that's impossible, people don't agree on anything.

Democracy is really about preventing the worst people from having power. You will never be voting for someone that you 100% agree with because that's impossible, no one agrees on everything. But it's your duty as a citizen to determine who is are the worst people on the ballot and determine which way to vote to either remove those people from power or prevent them from getting it. That's what democracy really is. Welcome to adulthood.

volodya_ilich ,

Your comment basically reads as "wanting a democracy where the representatives actually represent the voters is a fantasy, and complaining about it is childish"

You can go fuck yourself with that mindset to be honest. I want functional democracies that represent the people instead of oligarchic capital.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

It's just the reality of how things work. When you have a better understanding of the world and are a little more mature you'll understand.

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

This is the smugness I expect from Lemmy when politics are discussed. You know absolutely fuck all about the person you've replied too so who the fuck are you to insinuate that they're a child??

SpaceCowboy , avatar

If you don't like it when people treat you like a child then stop talking like a child.

Protip: When you put the word "fuck" in the same sentence twice, you sound like a teenager.

supersquirrel ,

Nothing wrong with sounding like a teenager, most teenagers these days are passionate and aware of the stark realities they are entering into adulthood under.

Sounding like an entitled boomer who blames young people for demanding a future for themselves that isnt a fatal compromise with far right nutjobs driven down their throats by ideologivally bankrupt centrists?

That unfortunately for you, is the actual cringey behavior.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Passion only gets you so far, kid. We're in the age of disinformation, being emotional all the time over things you see on the internet makes you act the same way as a boomer. My conversations with young people have been trending towards going the exact same way as my conversations with MAGA boomers who are also very passionate about the disinformation they've found on the internet by "doing their own research." Being upset on the internet isn't something to be proud of.

Critical thinking is more important than emotion in the age of disinformation. Try harder to think more critically and less emotionally.

supersquirrel , (edited )

My conversations with young people have been trending towards going the exact same way as my conversations with MAGA boomers who are also very passionate about the disinformation they’ve found on the internet by “doing their own research.” Being upset on the internet isn’t something to be proud of.

Critical thinking is more important than emotion in the age of disinformation. Try harder to think more critically and less emotionally.

Critical thinking is not more important than emotion, you are a fool if you think it is.

Critical thinking relies on your head not being up your own ass to work, emotion on the other hand taps into a human learned intuition that has successfully gotten humans through innumerable challenges over our long evolutionary history. If it isn't your emotions that have guided you back to reason and kindness over and over again in your life, your relationship with your emotions is to be frank quite immature and stunted.

I would go a step further and say what makes the kind of centrism you are defending and leftists like me attack, so dangerous and insidious is it conflates adulthood with lobotomizing the relationship between your emotions and your politics in the pursuit of some logical construction of ideology that becomes more and more empty as it departs from the human condition and is lost in pedantic defenses of the status quo that aren't salient to people who are suffering and need actual change, not management of the status quo.

It is my emotions integrated with my politics in constant conversation that makes me able to actually evolve my views to new realities and new information, that is precisely what differentiates someone like me from a stereotypical toxic stereotype of a boomer. My emotions are what nag at my outmoded views, that keep reminding me of inconsistencies in my actions, my emotions are what keep my morale compass oriented and stop me from handwaving away the genocide of Palestinians because the tv news I watch tells me it is ok, they probably deserve to die...

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

I am very likely older than you. And I don't "not 100%" agree with, It's more like Trump I agree with 0%, and Biden is like 0.2%. I refuse to believe that the founding fathers wanted two senile men that can't hold their shit babbling aimlessly on TV with an army of think tanks and billionaires behind them telling them what to say to manipulate the masses with the two party system. "Preventing the worst people"... they are both some of the worst people in American politics right now. One is actively a shitbag and the other is propped up by shitbags.

Maybe I should just accept the shitbags and be thankful I guess. Fall in line. I will fight the bullshit until someone does better or I die, whichevercomes first. I'm sure it will be the latter.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Most of the founding fathers you've idealized were slave owners. Many of the compromises they made with slave owners required a brutal civil war to correct. Some of those compromises (like the electoral college) still exist today and have already resulted in Trump having one term in office and could result in another. The intentions of the electoral college that the founding fathers created was to give more power to slave owners. Today it gives slightly more (but enough that it can change the result) voting power to racists. Trump winning the election in 2016 came about because of the system the founding fathers created, and it was a system created by white supremacists for white supremacists. Donald Trump is exactly the kind of person the founding fathers made the system to elect.

I'm fairly certain Joe Biden is against slavery, while these founding fathers you worship were for it. Unless you think slavery is a good thing, then you agree with Joe Biden far more than you agree with the founding fathers you idolize.

Political leaders have always been terrible. Sorry to be the one to have to break it to you.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

The amount of straw manning in this comment is absurd. "Unless you like slavery." Lol.

barsquid ,

If it's just 0.2% you're not factoring in judicial appointments with the gravity they deserve.

hark , avatar

Democracy isn't about filtering candidates through one of only two viable parties that are both completely controlled by rich donors.

barsquid ,

I preferred Bernie and was excited for that. But Hillary was winning primaries in swing states that actually matter, like AZ, NV, FL, OH. Are you certain blaming the DNC on that one isn't to some extent right-wing propaganda? Repubs know how to drive a wedge if they see a popular runner-up.

lauha ,

Think how boring the world could be with Al Gore. US taking proper actions against climate change two decades ago.

You can't claim world wide pandemic followed by the world war three is boring.

werefreeatlast ,

But don't worry. We the people don't actually get to vote the new fucker in chief into office. We're too dumb. The electoral college composed of some random people who we don't know is the small group that actually gets to vote for the president. Our ballots are just suggestions.

Maggoty ,

The Democrats could stop dropping out of primaries to back conservative cardboard cut outs.

But no, it's the voters who are wrong!

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Aren't you saying that voters are wrong voting for candidates you don't like?

volodya_ilich ,

No, they're being sarcastic, they mean the opposite

Hupf ,
SpaceCowboy , avatar

On this site it's kinda hard to tell. A lot of people think that voting should just be checking the box beside the name of someone that agrees with them 100% and then everything instantly becomes they want it to be the day after the election.

ZombiFrancis ,

More the Democrats that make-up the DNC who control the voting menu.

Take the case of Howard Dean. Destroyed electorally by the media in 2004, managed to become chair of the DNC, implements the 50 state strategy and Obama wins big.

Dean was the last Democrat marginally willing to adopt a winning strategy and he was destroyed for it. Democratic Speakers of the House, Party Majority Leader, Whips, Chiefs of Staff all vocally and vociferously against him.

He only won them Virginia which has been Blue(ish) since. He had the party do outreach in North Carolina and flipped it for Obama. His strategy even won INDIANA.

He is replaced with Tim Kaine.

barsquid ,

Cross reference the states the conservative cutouts are winning in the primaries with whether or not they are swing states and number of EC votes, then get back to us. In 2016, Hillary had more votes in AZ, NV, FL, OH. What do you want to happen for that shit, bank it on states like WV (+42 R) suddenly flipping blue?

Because there isn't an overwhelming swarm of people voting for anyone who isn't Repub, the Dems have to chase the reliable voters, who are more conservative.

It is the voters who are wrong, by staying home election after election or throwing their votes in the trash instead of pushing against the sliding window.

I don't like the Dem choices but IDK what the fuck else they are supposed to do once the primaries start. Running the candidate who wins with Dem voters in swing states makes sense as a strategy.

Diplomjodler3 ,

People still underestimate the damage the GWB presidency has done to the US' international standing and the living conditions of the average citizen. But sure, Gore was a huge bore with a giant stick up his arse.

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