faab64 ,

The Times of Israel has reported that the Israeli military detected the activation of Hamas phones using Israeli SIM cards 6 hours before the attack on October 7th.

This reporting suggests that the Israeli military had prior knowledge to the attack and most likely allowed it to happen.

@palestine @israel

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

Funny. The headline says “wasn’t a definite red flag” which begs the question:

Why are you spreading and making assumptions?

Also, share the link to your screen grab if you have it.

faab64 OP ,

Oh sorry to hurt your feelings. It's on Times of Israel.

Go and read it. I didn't put links to that garbage site.
@palestine @israel

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel I'm less interested in your opinions than if you can prove them to be correct. In this case, you've not.

faab64 OP ,

I don't give a rats ass what you are interested in.

Any person with blind support of the genocial regime of Israel at this stage is as guilty and despicable as those murdering the palestinians.

So get off your ass and visit the ToI and you will find that freaking article.

@palestine @israel

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel @faab64


“Genocide”. Good one. So… you’re supporting then? A “government” whose charter literally calls for killing all ? Hides its weaponry in schools and hospitals? And whose leaders want MORE civilian death?


You smell that…? I do. It’s a crock of shit.

leap123 ,
@leap123@labyrinth.zone avatar

@thetechtutor @faab64 @palestine @israel You’re probably the dumbest jew I ever seen. Being a jew doesn’t mean you support Israel. Not all jews are Israeli and vice versa. Not all jews support Israel because they knew what Israel and the zionists are doing to the Palestinians. I’ve seen jews that are smarter than you and even those support Palestine.

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

Funny words, coming from someone who "supports the unequivocal right" of an apartheid state "to exist". Here's your article: https://archive.is/tXZXV -- enjoy

@faab64 @palestine @israel

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel

Your link is a bust. Not that I’m surprised as you’re a fraud.

I feast on punks like you. has every right to exist. And whether or not you can’t wrap your brain around that, the UN did.

Gosh It must really hurt you that and exist. Fun fact:

They always will. Now go turn into a matzo ball so I can put you in some soup.

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@thetechtutor @morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel

It's a real story. The thing is, such things have already happened several times before. So it wasn't a definite red flag. However, there were also other warning signs. So a tactical team was put on the alert (although not the whole units on the border).

Some people mentioned an issue with the link, so I repeat it.


But that's only half of the story. The other half is internal Israeli politics.


tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@thetechtutor @morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel

Israeli journalists knew about this esim story for quite some time. Israeli censorship asked them not to publish it as it exposes intelligence capabilities. They agreed also because it wasn't a big deal:

There were other warning signs, and this was already discussed by journalists. But somehow noone considered such a large scale attack.

So, why did this story suddenly some up?


tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@thetechtutor @morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel

Ever since Oct-7th, Netanyahu and his supporters try to shift the blame away from him in any possible way. One method is to come up with various conspiracy theories about how the "system" knew and didn't alert Netanyahu (the "all powerful savior"), or even worse: conspired with the enemies.

This is yet another part. It was "leaked" by Channel 14, the Netanyahu-supporting broadcasting news channel. And originally claimed 1000 of sim cards.

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@tzafrir @morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel

I’ve seen the story. And others. And FWIW: I believe that would do anything to stay in power including ignoring a warning that an attack was imminent. He’s a scum.

But it doesn’t matter: had acted quickly and attacked first to foil they’d have been vilified anyway.

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@thetechtutor @morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel

No. Israel should have been better prepared for such an attack. It wouldn't have taken that large a force to hold it at the border.

But that's in hindsight.

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

oh wow, the is mediocre at best with this one, lol.

no state has "a right to exist". Colonial, murdering, apartheid states even less so. People, however, do.

Now go and educate yourself, including on what arcive.is is, before you make even more of a fool of yourself. Let me know when you're done, pup, so I can go ahead with the block.

@faab64 @palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

Well, he is a typical American PEFP, "Progressive Except For Palestine", it's funny to read his comments, because he went from "it is not true", to "I knew the s before" followed by justifying Maas murder of palestinians by repeating the lies of IDF.

I don't engage with them, after 40 years of dealing with blind supporters of Israel, even those back in Sweden who tried hard to convince me the order by Israeli PM to break the arms and legs of palestinians during the first Intifada was an act of mercy "to prevent them from dying" and when they so viciously attacked me about calling Israel responsible for mass murder of palestinians in and during the Lebanese occupation.
I'm sure he still going to stand by his post from last month about the baseless lies of Israel regarding UNRWA and starvation of palestinians by Jewish Terrorists blocking the entry of food aid to Gaza.
@palestine @israel @thetechtutor

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

@faab64 Yeah, Sweden truly is a special case. I've been talking about Palestine for way over 30 years and the Swedes still vacation in Israel, even though they've been told what happens on occupied lands.

Racism is deeply ingrained in Swedish society.

@palestine @israel @thetechtutor

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @israel
I 100% stand by my post & with Israel’s right to exist in peace, free from decades neighbors waging war on her after declaring statehood.

And for 100s of years before then when were exiled from their ancestral land and from most other Arab nations for… being

You’re not a good faith addition to this dialogue as you ignore history. You simply wish gone.

Only, It’s not leaving. Ever. And Neither are Jews.

faab64 OP ,

Whoa double down on superiority nonsense.

You are the worst hasbara trained troll.
@morpheo @israel

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @israel @faab64

If you respond to historical fact by name calling, then your ability to dialogue is in question, friend. Not mine.

faab64 OP ,

@morpheo @thetechtutor

"historical fact"


thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @israel

Pictures of dying babies are TRULY awful, yes. Gut wrenching in every way.

Have you seen the pictures of the burned or bullet-ridden babies that murdered in front of their parents?

Maybe you've seen the pics or reports of the women whose genitals were mutilated with bullets & staples after being raped by Hamas on

It sounds like you hate pictures of dying or dead innocents. So I'm guessing you'll condemn those atrocities as well, no?

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel

Please DO block. in name on this platform are usually just in deed. Your kind are full of hatred and vile.

BEST TO BLOCK ME actually as I’ll continue to respond to disinformation with fact. And links that work.

States don’t have a right to exist. Please.

Go peddle your world-altering dystopia to the other trolls on mastodon. I’m not buying.

faab64 OP ,

Tell me again how you call yourself BLM supporter but support the actions of the most despicable right wing regime in Israel modern history?

The sad part is your inferiority complex actually makes you think you are on the right with your pathetic hypocrisy.

You are not worth blocking, it's not often I come across such a clown PEFP online.

@morpheo @palestine @israel

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @palestine @israel @faab64

Ah, so if Netanyahu weren’t prime minister then you’d be fine with Israel? So it’s a leadership issue for you is that right?

You’re cool with Israel existing, then?

faab64 OP ,

@morpheo @thetechtutor Netanyahu was PM during Nakba?
Netanyahu was PM during Invasion of Lebanon?
Netanyahu was PM during massacres of Sabra and Chatila?
Netanyahu was president during Jenin massacre?

Netanyahu is just the top of an iceberg, one leader of many, the root of the problem is the apartheid system and illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

But a BLM supporter like you can;t understand that, because it goes against yore PEFP principals.

thetechtutor ,
@thetechtutor@me.dm avatar

@faab64 @israel

We seem to have a problem here. You can’t stop yourself from calling me names even when I ask you a straight up question.

Put down the anger, champ: talk with me.

I’m no fan of Netanyahu, so you and I probably see eye to eye on his needing to be removed from power.

Can you explain why you think that is an occupier? Also, if you don’t believe in borders or nations then wouldn’t ANY nation be abhorrent to you?

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

Nitpick; People keep mentioning Sabra and Shatila. It fueled the existing wave of protests, and eventually drove PM Begin to resign.

You somehow never hear of Karantina massacre where Christians backed by Syrian troops killed thousands of Palestinians (and sparked a chain of such attacks between Palestinians and Christians).


tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

Assad never had to deal with the sparks of this. He had no problem switching sides between Palestinians and Christians in that war.

What the likes of Trump and Netanyahu learned is: "Never apologize. Never take the blame. It doesn't help you with anything".

Seeing how you react, I occasionally think that they are right.

faab64 OP ,

Love this whataboutism.

Others did it. So stop talking about Israel's crimes.

Is that the best you can come up with?

@morpheo @thetechtutor @palestine @israel

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

@thetechtutor LOL! You wouldn't know facts if you choked on them... but go on, contiune being a waste of time and space :D

@faab64 @palestine @israel

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@morpheo @thetechtutor @faab64 @palestine @israel

"The right to exist" is so that is normally taken for granted. It's a basic element of sovereignty. For instance, article 51 of the United Nations Charter:

"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations".


(That charter assumed that the UN has a much more active role than it has today)

faab64 OP ,

This doesn't apply to those illegally occupying others and claim self defense when locals resist the occupation.

Nice try, but FAILED.
@morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

faab64 OP ,


1- Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory illegal: UN rights commission



UNGA Resolution 3314 (1974) affirmed the right of self-determination, freedom, and independence for all “peoples under colonial and racist regimes or other forms of alien domination,” and affirmed the “right of these peoples to struggle to that end and to seek and receive support.”


UNGA Resolution 37/43 (1982) reaffirmed the “inalienable right” of the Palestinian people “and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination” to self-determination. It also reaffirmed the legitimacy of “the struggle of peoples for […] liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.”

2-3 Fourth Geneva Convention under Protocol I (1977) expanded the scope of the law, explicitly affirming that it applies to situations including “armed conflicts in which peoples are fighting against colonial domination and alien occupation and against racist régimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination.”

Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), June 8, 1977.

You can't hide behind selective UN rules and laws when you are an occupation regime and palestinians are rightfully fighting against you.

Try harder buddy.
@morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

There are basically two problems with resolving this:

  1. Netanyahu, that insists on avoiding a Palestinian state, no matter the cost.

  2. Hamas, whose rockets have convinced the Israeli public that it's not safe to pull off from any Palestinian territory.

We need to get rid of both.

(I'm working on the former)

faab64 OP ,

Netanyahu is not the problem,the illegal occupation and the apartheid state of Israel is.

Hamas is not the problem, suffocating millions of palestinians in Gaza for the past 9 years is.

It's nauseating to see such ridiculous simplified nonsense about symptoms of a problem just to avoid the underlying cause of these never ending circle of violence.

End the occupation, end the blockade of Gaza, release 10000 Palestinians hostages from Israeli prison and detention, disband illegal settlements in occupied West Bank, remove all Israeli troops from occupied territories and you will have a chance to reach peace
@morpheo @thetechtutor @palestine @israel

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

The blockade on Gaza is related to that half of the problem: the Hamas. This conflict should be resolved with the Hamas no longer controlling the Gaza Strip and with a single Palestinian entity.

Right now the existence of Hamas is the common interest of both Hamas and Netanyahu.

faab64 OP ,


Hamas is not the problem.

Hamas is like a fever caused by an infection called Israeli illegal occupation and apartheid system.

Before Hamas it was PLO, after Hamas it will be another group that Israel will use to justify it's criminal actions.

The existence of Israeli illegal settlements, it's illegal kidnapping, torturing, raping and murdering Palestinians in the past 75 years is the problem.

Stop blaming the problem on the symptom of you don't dare admitting the cause of the groups like Hamas being created.

@morpheo @thetechtutor @palestine @israel

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

Next we'll be curing covid by wiping runny noses.

@tzafrir @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

faab64 OP ,


They don't want you to talk about occupation.

They don't want you to talk about apartheid system.

They don't want you to talk about illegal settlements.

They don't want you to talk about apartheid wall.

They don't want you to talk about apartheid roads.

Because it's easier to use Hamas to hide 75 years of occupation and apartheid system.
@tzafrir @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

ferryoons ,
@ferryoons@mastodon.scot avatar

@faab64 @tzafrir @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor I contemplate the history of

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@ferryoons @faab64 @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

I hate it when people keep bringing up this map. Between 1949 and 1967 there was no land under Palestinian control. You don't have to like it. But please don't call this "history".

It was a land of the Mandatory Palestine, under Arab control. As such, the small plot that has been under Syrian control is left out. But not under Palestinian control. Neither of the Palestinian government (until 1959) nor of the PLO (since 1964).

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar
tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

Right now Hamas short-range missiles only target a few towns and one city.

If we have a Palestinian state, and Hamas takes over, Hamas short range missiles can target a large portion of Israel, including the capital and the main airport.

(Yes, there are ways to counter that, but it has a major effect on public opinion)

immibis ,

@tzafrir @morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor Maybe they shouldn't do anything that might make Hamas want to fire missiles at them.

And what about the missiles that Israel does constantly fire at Palestine?

faab64 OP ,

Whoa, just whoa.

So the problem is not Hamas and you know you are lying and using them just to justify the ongoing Genocide.

@morpheo @thetechtutor @palestine @israel

argumento ,
@argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

@faab64 @tzafrir @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

Hamas did not surge in a vacuum, It's the result of decades of occupation, of betrayal by Israel and Western negotiations, of the bankruptcy of the secular PLO (Fatah in particular), of Israel's divide and conquer policy. Hamas is not the origin of the problem, but the result of decades of oppression.

But furthermore, what Israel is doing is destroying the Palestinian people under the pretext to "destroy Hamas".

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

So what you're saying is that you support apartheid. check.

@faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

No. I try to fix that.

(And please avoid the automatic form of "you support <x>". Such assumptions are not always useful)

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

Yeah, my bad. I should've written that you support the displacement of Palestinians and the annectation of Palestinian land:
"If we have a Palestinian state, and Hamas takes over, Hamas short range missiles can target a large portion of Israel, including the capital and the main airport."

There really is no other interpretation.

@faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

In this context, I was answering someone who asked about the West Bank, so this refers to a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. And specifically to the West Bank.

And I was trying to convey popular opinion in Israel as to why the threat from a Hamas State decreased the support for a Palestinian state in Israel.

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

@tzafrir Funny. Other relatively popular opinions in Israel seem to be "kill all the arabs", "block the humanitarian aid" and "let's meet at Sderot Cinema, and cheer the bombs". Not sure "popular opinions in Israel" should be our guideline.

@faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

Sooo... there's Hamas in the West Bank?

@faab64 @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

faab64 OP ,

There is hamas everywhere, just listen to Ben-Gvir

Funny this guy conveniently ignores Jewish KKK leader Ben-Gvir and only talks about Netanyahu
@tzafrir @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

tzafrir ,
@tzafrir@tooot.im avatar

@faab64 @morpheo @palestine @israel @thetechtutor

Ben Gvir is a troll. Very effective in PR. A very ineffective administrator.

faab64 OP ,

Woa, just whoa.

And I thought I wouldn't be surprised by disgusting hypocrisy of the Israeli defenders.

@morpheo @thetechtutor @palestine @israel

morpheo ,
@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

that concerns the right to self-defence (of a UN member state). Not really the same thing as the right (of any state) to exist.

@thetechtutor @faab64 @palestine @israel

FloydyStu ,
@FloydyStu@c.im avatar

@thetechtutor @morpheo @faab64 @palestine @israel blocked the idiot troll, Koff.

Find me more like him please.

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