Lab-Made Meat? Florida Lawmakers Don’t Like the Sound of It. ( )

Legislators there and in several other states want to restrict the manufacture or sale of meat made in a laboratory, even though it barely exists. The space industry disagrees.

Lab grown meat.

It sounds like a plotline from a sci-fi movie about test-tube chicken fingers, but it’s a real thing.

Start-up companies around the world are competing to develop technologies for producing chicken, beef, salmon and other options without the need to raise and slaughter animals. China has made the development of the industry a priority. In the United States, the Department of Agriculture has given initial blessings to two producers.

Now, a measure in Florida that would ban sales of laboratory-grown meat has gained widespread attention beyond state borders. The bill, which is advancing through the Florida Legislature, would make the sale or manufacture of lab-grown meat a misdemeanor with a fine of $1,000. It’s one of a half-dozen similar measures in Arizona, Tennessee, West Virginia and elsewhere.

Opponents of lab-grown meat include beef and poultry associations worried that laboratory-made hamburgers or chicken nuggets could cut into their business.

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Spaghetti_Hitchens ,

You grow me a ribeye in a lab and I am all over it

buzz86us ,

Yeah I don't understand why people are upset over it.. I mean if you're going to grow meat might as well be prime cuts

valen , avatar

I really want to be able to buy lab grown meat. I want it to be cheaper to grow meat in a lab than raise a cow/chicken and then slaughter it. It is ethically the right thing, as it reduces suffering.

Owljfien ,

Not to mention the huge amount of farmland and deforestation that could be avoided

SeaJ ,

Sounds like something those free market Republicans would love to do.

BigMacHole ,

Making Competition ILLEGAL is the DEFINITION of Capitalism!

buzz86us ,

Chinese cars, foreign UTEs, and hemp have entered the chat

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , avatar

Dude. Isn't there any actual governance for these losers to do?

blunderworld ,

Seriously. Seems as though all they do is bitch about total non-issues.

TenderfootGungi ,

Why are republicans so against the free market? They have codified car dealership business model into law too, and are ok with monopolies like

jpreston2005 ,

Fl lawmakers can fuck right off

mp3 , avatar

But they'll gladly eat a hot-dog of unknown composition.

FlyingSquid , avatar

If I can't have my pink slime... well this just ain't America no more.

FartsWithAnAccent ,

Well, I don't like the sounds of Florida lawmakers but I just have to live with it

SoupBrick ,

All the more reason to go forward with it.

JungleJim ,

I feel so free, thanks government!... Man I'm glad I'm leaving this stupid state.

Timecircleline ,

I'm stumped on why this is an issue. I mean, apart from the agricultural industries, I don't see why anyone can be against this.

catloaf ,

Opponents of lab-grown meat include beef and poultry associations worried that laboratory-made hamburgers or chicken nuggets could cut into their business.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Imagine if it even tastes better!

The horror!

Bridger ,

and doesn't fuck up your cholesterol.

catloaf ,

It won't. It will taste slightly more bland on its own, but a little oil and seasoning will fix that right up.

I've made burgers from ground beef substitute (beyond beef and impossible beef) a bunch of times and they're close to ground beef, just not quite as fatty or flavorful. I'm sure lab ground beef will be somewhere in between.

FlyingSquid , avatar

This is not beef substitute, this is actual beef, but grown in a lab, not taken from a live animal.

StaticFalconar ,

So much for the free market

FlyingSquid , avatar

It's never a free market when the old guard needs protection.

Timecircleline ,

But are they so powerful that they are influencing legislation to this degree? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was yes, but I feel like there have to be other groups against it. Is there a religious angle? Do people just think it's icky? I'm genuinely curious.

originalucifer , avatar

its always money, and in this case also precedent.

other red-neck, anti-human states can then follow whatever florida does to prevent the free market from correcting for animal torture.


Pretzilla ,

Pure capitalism, institutionalized corruption.

It's only a few thousand to purchase your very own member of US congress.

Probably only a few hundred or a nice dinner or a junket to the strip club to buy a state rep or senator.

catloaf ,

Agriculture is huge business. They've been very happy with their business, especially given all the subsidies they get. They don't want to lose business, even given the environmental cost.

lennybird , avatar

I just recently learned that the beef industry literally has an online troll farm of >20,000 paid "MBA" (Masters of Beef Advocacy) graduates. It certainly goes against their self-interest no differently than oil opposing electric cars.

Edit: For the doubters.

Stovetop ,

Well I can see why! No matter what lab-grown meat has to offer, you just can't beat the taste of freshly seared grass-fed steak on a charcoal grill. And the more the cow suffered before its death, the better it tastes! Ain't nothing more American than that. No woke lab full of so-called "scientists" (i.e. agents serving the liberal agenda) can match that!

So next time you're at the polling station and some socialist put a measure on the ballot to regulate your local cattle industry that provides thousands of appropriately-paid jobs to America's youth (free from union oppression, of course) because of "the environment" or "child labor laws", think again!

lennybird , avatar

Too right about that! Plus I just so happened to hear that Free Range Freedom Ranch promises to deliver the tastiest, most healthiest non-atherosclerotic-inducing, ANTI-Cancer (TM) Beef Patties in the whole Freedom-Lubbin 'Merica! Shucks, imagine that!

PhlubbaDubba ,

If you are able to remember when GMO crops were shiny and new, you may also remember Jenny McCarthy types raising a stink about "frankenfood"

Basically mass hysteria about how unnaturally made food will give everyone cancer and four arms all in the wrong places and a third eye

LightDelaBlue , avatar

Meat and dairy lobby .

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