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orca , in Pride wins! avatar

Makes me think of the scene in Letterkenny where all of the Christian church dudes are on Grindr.

half_fry_doctor , in Pride wins!

This is the dumbest comeback I've seen

Th4tGuyII , in Pride wins! avatar

With how much time these "macho" conservatives spend thinking about gay people, even when marrying their own wives, it sure does seem like they're hiding something

Colonel_Panic_ , avatar

Maybe all the macho conservatives need to get gay married to each other to prove that they hate it and aren't gay. It's the only way to be sure.

yemmly , in Pride wins!

This guy wants to be the main character so badly.

arandomthought , in Pride wins!

You know, I always thought this "gay agenda" thing was ridiculous. They only want equal rights and "be left alone" essentially, right?
But seeing this, they actually seem to successfully infiltrate the conservative mind... so maybe there is something to it? O_o

bolexforsoup ,

All you have to do to infiltrate their minds and live rent free for a few months is open with “the libs want you to…” and just say whatever comes to mind. It’s rather easy.

ShaggySnacks ,

"The libs would hate it, if you gave me money. We gotta own the libs."

ivanafterall , avatar

Sure thing, Don.

Jimbo , avatar

I don't think I want to live in a conservatives head, even for free

massive_bereavement , avatar

I'm sorry if I'm spilling the beans here but:
Gay agenda = be happy

arandomthought ,

Oh god, please, no! Everything but that!

herrcaptain ,

If people are happy, who will make our memes???

ID411 ,

Yeah I don’t object to people being happy in their own homes, but why to they have to force it down our throats ?

Captainvaqina ,

The only ones forcing anything down anyone's throats are the cuckservitudes who can't stop repeating the programmed bullshit culture war trash they subject themselves to.

samus12345 , avatar

Looks like this one needs a /s tag.

ID411 ,

Hahah right ?

can ,

Oh no, did you see two men holding hands?

how horrible

hypnicjerk ,


barsquid ,

I always imagine it like a comic: two Repubs steal a gay man's agenda book. They open it to find the secret plot. It says, "lunch with Todd," with a heart around it. The last panel is the Repubs shrieking and panicking.

They definitely have some powerful delusions that they are under attack. Bigotry and Fox News feeding their fear addiction gets them to believe anything (as long as it is hateful).

nilloc ,

Gay sex is on those conservative minds every month. Probably most minutes as well.


Me too to be fair

nilloc ,

As long as you aren’t working to oppress LGBT+ folks while you’re thinking about it, we’re cool.

can , in Wait what


sp3tr4l , in Wait what

I recently returned to a hole in the wall restaurant that I used to frequent in my college days. One of the few actual restaurants in the city that never closed.

A decade later, a semi nonsensical scrawl about being kind and good to people I'd written on a dry erase board while quite drunk... was still there.

It only needed minor updating to be more gender inclusive, which someone else had done without removing any of my writing.

When I was frequenting this restaurant, the whole board was wiped every week or so.

For some reason, what I wrote persisted for a decade.

I couldn't believe it.

Ilovethebomb ,

Or someone else had the same idea.

sp3tr4l ,

Nah, it was my handwriting, used the same lingo and joke I remember using at the time, took up most of the board... which is why I was so shocked it hadn't been erased.

Most of the time people wrote on it, they were gracious with the space.

Due to typing far more often than writing, and many years later me figuring out oh haha I'm actually naturally left handed, my writing is a fairly uncommon kind of small cap block print, otherwise I am basically the only one capable of reading my non block print scribbles.

OpenStars , in Wait what avatar

That's what they want you to think! 🤔

slazer2au , in Wait what
scutiger , in Stand for the flag

I think it's pretty patriotic to respect trans people.

Crackhappy , avatar

It's patriotic, as an American to celebrate and defend our differences.

TheBat , avatar

Even if that person liked Quantumania?

surewhynotlem ,

No, it's a paradox. You can't be tolerant of intolerance or quantumania. Otherwise you just end up with more intolerance and quantumania.

Diplomjodler3 , in Stand for the flag

They will make you catch teh gay if you eat those!

Iheartcheese , avatar

Also sharks.

VinesNFluff , in Whose idea was it to broadcast this? avatar

John Cena school would be great.

MrJameGumb , in Time to move avatar

A few years ago I had to get picked up by an ambulance, and got to pay $500 for the privilege.

That was the cost with insurance, and my job actually has pretty good insurance...

Retrograde OP , avatar

If I have a heart attack, I'll be calling an uber first

KingJalopy ,

True story. I have delivered to the ER no less than two people having a heart attack in an Uber while I worked driving Uber. Both of them literally said the same thing, that it was too expensive for an ambulance and it was much cheaper for an Uber. The second one we even pulled up next to an ambulance and the guy hollered out the window and the ambulance said we can't do anything. You just need to follow us to the hospital.

Maeve ,

That people normalize this is maddening.

Retrograde OP , avatar

It's not normalized and it is madness

neo ,

You're making that up, right?
This is from an 80s movie about a distopian future (like RoboCop or Total Recall), right!?

I mean, do you stop at red lights in that situation? You probably have to... Do you keep the speed limit and have some small talk with the guy fighting for his life, while you sit in traffic?

ivanafterall , avatar

"How's that heart attack treatin' ya back there?"

return2ozma , avatar

"Checkout my mixtape!" turns up volume

Turious , in AI bell curve

I was really confident. Then I lost a job to AI. Then they hired me back a few months later after realizing that replacing half the support team with an AI was not working out.

AllYourSmurf ,

How did your compensation change when you were rehired?

Turious ,

Rehired with all my previous tenure benefits with the added raise they would have given me had I been around when they gave out raises.

dactylotheca , avatar

So your compensation effectively didn't change at all, if you'd have gotten the raise anyhow?


Turious ,

I was in a very, very rough spot. Was mostly worth taking the offer. It sure beat wasting 13 years of obscure product knowledge at some new job for the less pay others were offering.

scrubbles , in AI bell curve avatar

This was exactly my experience. Freaked myself out last year and decided best thing was to dive headfirst into it to figure out how it worked and what it's capabilities are.

Which - it has a lot. It can do a lot, and it's impressive tech. Coded several projects and built my own models. But, it's far from perfect. There are so so so many pitfalls that startups and tech evangelists just happily ignore. Most of these problems can't be solved easily - if at all. It's not intelligent, it's a very advanced and unique prediction machine. The funny thing to me is that it's still basically machine learning, the same tech that we've had since the mid 2000s, it's just we have fancier hardware now. Big tech wants everyone to believe it's brand new... and it is... kind of. But not really either.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

The funny thing to me is that it’s still basically machine learning, the same tech that we’ve had since the mid 2000s, it’s just we have fancier hardware now.

So much of the modern Microsoft/ChatGPT project is effectively brute-forcing intelligence from accumulated raw data. That's why they need phenomenal amounts of electricity, processing power, and physical space to make the project work.

There are other - arguably better, but definitely more sophisticated - approaches to developing genetic algorithms and machine learning techniques. If any of them prove out, they have the potential to render a great deal of Microsoft's original investment worthless by doing what Microsoft is doing far faster and more efficiently than the Sam Altman "Give me all the electricity and money to hit the AI problem with a very big hammer" solution.

AIhasUse ,

It takes a lot of energy to train the models in the first place, but very little once you have them. I run mixture of agents on my laptop, and it outperforms anything openai has released on pretty much every benchmark, maybe even every benchmark. I run it quite a bit and have noticed no change in my electricity bill. I imagine inference on gpt4 must almost be very efficient, if not, they should just switch to piping people open sourced llms run through MoA.

Ilovethebomb ,

It'll take a few spectacular failures and bankruptcies before people figure out AI isn't quite what's being sold to them, I feel.

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