@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts cover
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar



From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø

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orca , (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Because weā€™re all stuck working away 95% of our lives, so that we can try to afford rent/mortgages, groceries, and other human needs that continue to soar in price for no reason other than unhinged corporate greedā€”all while wages continue to remain flat.

Because corporations are dragging us all into the fire with them, while the rich buy up all the land for their compounds when everything inevitably collapses because of their ignorance and arrogance.

Because solar panels and EV cars arenā€™t affordable nor sustainable.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Electric bills are increasing rapidly and this moron is still talking about ā€œaffordabilityā€. Itā€™s the same old corporate-serving lies weā€™ve heard for years. Florida is notorious for electing the worst of the worst when it comes to corporate shills.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

The ruling class benefits from a Trump presidency. Hell, they benefit from republicans running everything, period. Thatā€™s why the US has been pulling right for yearsā€”Biden and the democrats included (ratchet effect). Weā€™re witnessing a consolidation of power because they know they canā€™t keep the new generations under control anymore. Itā€™s all masks off. They want to sow discourse right before the election because they can use the chaos as a smokescreen, while also keeping the working class fighting in a pointless infinite loop.


orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Ruining the planet is not a forgivable offense.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Their TVs are a pain in the ass too. The UI can be annoying and sluggish, sometimes requiring a hard reboot to get it to sort itself out.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

This community is wild. Any time you criticize Biden, all of the leftists suddenly turn into liberals. The meme is funny as long as you donā€™t take it too serious. I mean, it has Netanyahu as the Kevin James meme lmao.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

ā€œVoting is your right and your freedom!ā€

votes third party

ā€œNoooo! Not like that!ā€

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

The problem is that the whole thing has been hijacked to always be an endless ping pong match between two parties that ultimately benefit from the same things. Itā€™s essentially varying shades of fascism. Bernie was made an example when the rug was pulled out from under him and he had to back Hillary of all people.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

That probably explains it. The same old knives come out whenever you criticize the shitty D candidate every 4 years.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I donā€™t know how far anything in the Democratic party is going to fly now that it has bankrolling and supporting a genocide under its belt. Any chance they had to prove they arenā€™t just corporate warmongers has been shredded. Theyā€™re going to be a hard sell for the new generation unless they can do some magic.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Looks at the list of partners
762 partners total

orca , (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I think what annoys me is when people assume I support shit like the CCP or Putin just because of my leftist views, or because I didnā€™t make sure to criticize them every single time I criticize anything/anyone else (good olā€™ whataboutism). The amount of times Iā€™ve been attacked by supposed leftists that are really just liberals in disguise, is far too high.

ā€œHey, you didnā€™t criticize Putin in your comment that clearly isnā€™t even about Putin in any way, so Iā€™m going to make a sweeping assumption and say that you support him.ā€

Donā€™t criticize Biden here, or they automatically say that you want Cheeto Hitler to win and youā€™re actually a fascist. So many people fail to see that their commentary and childish reductionism is counterproductive to a leftist movement. They also fail to see that what theyā€™re doing is a tactic of neoliberals and fascists. Itā€™s divisive language that solves nothing, and is used to always keep the opposition in a defensive stance. Weā€™re seeing it first hand today with Israel and the US government repeatedly stating that defending Palestine is considered antisemitism. They went as far as redefining the word entirely just so they can drown out the peace movement with noise.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

The left should start arming themselves. Thatā€™s my takeaway anyway.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

No matter what choice you make, fascism still wins. Thatā€™s just the American way. You can have covert fascism, or overt fascism.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Fascism is already winning. Itā€™s going to win regardless of whether we vote for Trump or Biden. Thatā€™s just the reality of it. Vote for whoever the fuck you want. Thatā€™s your freedom. Just know that in America, the ruling class will never part with even a shred of their power.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It's not giving up though; it's acknowledging a reality and making a decision with that information. The alternative is that we get stuck in this nauseating infinite loop of voting for "the lesser of two evils," while the working class bicker. Both sides aren't the same, but they lead to the same outcomeā€”as we've seen over and over. This is the trap they have put us in and these are the intended results.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It's not giving up; it's acknowledging the reality of the Groundhog Day movie we're stuck in, and doing what you will with that information. This endless circle of the working class bickering over "the lesser of two evils" every 4 years needs to end.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It's a situation with no correct answer, and that's what makes it so frustrating. That's generally why I point out that we're just looking at different flavors of fascism, but people should still vote however the hell they want, or don't.

orca , (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

We should remember who is parroting the ā€œunskilled jobsā€ thing over and over. Itā€™s always capitalists that benefit from paying these folks poverty wages like the meme states. So while the category can be called ā€œunskilledā€ to differentiate from jobs that require months/years of formal (or informal) training, capitalists use it as an excuse to exploit. Both things can be true at the same time for different reasons.

I learned how to drive a forklift in a day for a stock room. Capitalists would still call it an ā€œunskilledā€ job because I didnā€™t put myself into massive debt with a student loan, spending time I donā€™t have in a classroom. When does that job suddenly become ā€œskilledā€? Is there some imaginary threshold capitalists will accept?

Anyone that is contributing to the pool of labor is using a skill of some sort. Whether you think your job is easier than another or not doesnā€™t matter. All of the voids are filled with people willing to do a skill. CEOs and landlords, on the other hand, are contributing nothing to the labor pool. Simply owning a thing is not skilled work, but they will tell you otherwise, just like they set the standards for what is ā€œskilledā€ vs ā€œunskilled.ā€ Itā€™s all skewed to benefit the ruling class and give them an excuse to not pay a living wage.

For context, Iā€™m a programmer that has been in the field for 18 years. Until the working class undoes this conditioning and equally supports each other, nothing will change for the better.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Yeah, exactly. There are tons of people out there that have amazing soft skills and curiosity they don't get paid anything extra to put forward. Now we have this stupid phrase "quiet quitting" for people that are doing exactly what they are paid to do, while contributing nothing over and above. Capitalists will constantly demand the "over and above" in things like annual reviews etc, but they rarely compensate to match it. It's a system where one side holds all of the leverage.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Musk is a useful idiot. He ruined Twitter and the US government quietly thanks him for it because it no longer serves as a tool to see unfiltered events happening on the ground (like Israel murdering Palestinians). So mission accomplished there, and now the new target is TikTok.

Thereā€™s also this quote said in 1981 by the CIA Director at the time, William Casey:

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false


Meta is already in the governmentā€™s pocketā€”which covers Instagram and Facebook, Elon has basically erased old Twitter, and now TikTok is on the brink of being banned in the US. Pretty fun pattern of events to try and control the narrative.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

The thing is, it doesnā€™t have to lie or twist the truth. All it has to do is give people a window into what the US has been doing around the world for years. The US has done this to itself. The younger generations are onto the ruling class and their playbook is no longer working. They want to ban TikTok now because of the massive amount of unfiltered Gaza content it provides. I should note, TikTok simply promoting this stuff in its algorithm is enough (look up ā€œHeatingā€ in regards to TikTok).

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Oh shit, I forgot all about Telegram. Bluesky is in the ring now too, but I donā€™t really know much about it.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Itā€™s not about trusting TikTok. Itā€™s about understanding that we have a terrible tech company, vs a terrible government. But at the same time, it has helped radicalize and inform so many in the ranks of Gen Z, amongst other generations. Even if you skip past the 24/7 stream of Gaza coverage ( which we absolutely need since Israel has murdered something like 121 journalists in Gaza), youā€™ll find videos of Gen Z and other folks making videos that layout documented history, protest methods, agitprop, and their own amateur journalism to others. That has value, even if the source is just in it for the notoriety and money. Itā€™s an awkward position where it becomes a tool to the revolution, because itā€™s in opposition (for its own gain), but is never trustworthy.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It didnā€™t invent it. It just caught on at the right time and amplified that knowledge. Itā€™s also a network. I donā€™t get TikTok but Iā€™ve seen how popular it is in the new generations. This isnā€™t new knowledge; itā€™s just new packaging for a plugged-in-since-birth generation.

Iā€™m too old for TikTok. Old Twitter, Reddit before it went to shit, niche message boards. Thatā€™s where I used to hang. Now itā€™s gathering communities I like on my own Lemmy server.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I have a feeling these questions are trying to feel out whether or not Iā€™m a fan of the authoritarian flavor of communism and thatā€™s a nope lol. Iā€™m not on Lemmygrad or Hexbear. I donā€™t like police regardless of the continent or any other factor. We are seeing power vacuums in 2 very different types of authoritarian structures and none of them pan out to anything good for the working class.

I keep it simple: itā€™s always the working class vs the ruling class.

That said, refreshing myself on the Uyghur internment camps and then comparing them to the recently uncovered concentration camps that Israel has in the desert, and seeing the similarities, is unnerving. One exists to allegedly indoctrinate a population, while the other exists to exterminate it. There is a Venn diagram here somewhere.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

The TikTok ban is a weird gray area. Itā€™s one of those things where I donā€™t like any of these tech companies or the fact that they are essentially monetizing terror, and I will never have allegiance to them or the entities that influence them to deceive and profit themselves, but itā€™s also a pipeline for information either wayā€”which is something we are lacking more and more of every day with the constant deaths of journalists and journalist outlets. People need to remember that no one is immune to propaganda and we should take all of the information with a grain of salt.

But if weā€™re talking about the things happening in Gaza, any eyes we can get add value. Itā€™s not like this is some new event that we donā€™t have documented history on. Weā€™re witnessing the next stage of the genocide, and TikTok (hate it or love it) has helped expose a lot of the atrocities (in the same way that Twitter used to).

Itā€™s really not a stretch to say that anti-imperialist governments and individuals benefit from this because it exposes the atrocities the US and Britain have been perpetuating for years. Of course thatā€™s a benefit to them. Itā€™s also a benefit to the people forced to live under the governments committing those atrocities.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Iā€™m against both of them. Itā€™s imprisonment, torture and forced assimilation. It should be an easy decision for anyone that is also against what the Nazis did and Israel is doing.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

As soon as I smell authoritarianism, itā€™s a no from me. Even as someone that reads communist and socialist theory. I think people take too much of the past and try to apply it as-is to the world of today. But it doesnā€™t work. Modern times require modernized ideas, and I sometimes wish people had more imagination.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

The ā€œbadā€ ones just float to the top when a government is around long enough. Itā€™s human nature. The ones seeking power and money see others seeking the same, and they look at them as a rung on a ladder. They help each other because it benefits them. They actively work to shut out the ā€œgoodā€ ones because they know theyā€™ll lose their spot to them if they arenā€™t careful. Suddenly the ā€œgoodā€ ones are lost in the noise. The incorruptible become powerless.

Itā€™s similar to the police force in the US, for example. People go in with good intentions, but the force has been around long enough that the mad dogs have already permeated all of the top ranks. So the ā€œgoodā€ ones either wash out, or they assimilate. One of my relatives washed out, while the one that had been there much longer turned into a massive racist. Which one do you think climbed the ranks quicker?

Power structures automatically attract selfish, self-serving people that just become worse offenders the more wealthy and powerful they become. Power is a vacuum after all, and there are plenty of bad people standing in line to fill it. This is why I donā€™t trust a single politician. Whether they want to admit it or not, under that facade of wanting to change their city or ā€œdo good,ā€ there is some underlying desire for power and attention. That doesnā€™t mean none of them do anything good in their time though; it just means we should be cautious.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

A lot of these fit but this is pretty funny otherwise. Using the Seinfeld show logo for the man himself lol.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

This is a good reminder that if you work in tech or in the video game industry, no amount of good work, overtime, creativity, awards, or anything of the sort, can save you from the chopping block. Capitalism will ruin everything you love.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Any tool that calls itself ā€œopen sourceā€ and uses proprietary encryption that they refuse to let any neutral third party review, should absolutely not be trusted.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Had an old landlord keep my deposit when I moved out just because they could. We left the apartment absolutely spotless and never damaged anything. In fact, we added value by fixing a couple small things. Didnā€™t matter.

Fuck landlords.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

We wet-vacuumed the carpets and everything. We were pissed. Never had any issues with the landlord and were always good tenants. They just decided they liked money over everything else.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

And heā€™s still getting a $56b pay package.

Money isnā€™t real.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I think itā€™s less that we donā€™t care and more that we donā€™t have the time to care because weā€™re all working all the goddamn time.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

And when someone new to a thing shows up in your community for that particular thing, welcome and guide them.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I love that. That positive energy continues moving forward.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I protested at the DNC years ago with an anti-war group. Liberals wonā€™t listen to anything that even remotely pushes them out of their comfort zone. Theyā€™d rather keep voting until something magically changes (it wonā€™t), or they waste the rest of their time criticizing you for ā€œallowing the right to win.ā€

I have to say, itā€™s pretty fucking annoying to be scolded by liberals that do nothing but fill in a circle, while youā€™re doing things like marching to protest war, writing articles, participating in things like Food Not Bombsā€¦ meanwhile, they are in a state of malfunction because you refuse to vote for one of the two right-wing candidates propped up in front of us by the ruling class so we can do the same old song and dance again while thinking something will be different this time.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I still remember how well that propaganda worked on people. It became commonplace for liberals to complain that the OWS protests were aimless and lacked message.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I'm happy to do it. I know I have some unpopular opinions, but part of breaking the cycle is getting uncomfortable.

We need to collectively realize that the ruling class will never let things deviate too far out of their control. I'm definitely not saying one shouldn't vote (you should; it's easy and the least you can do), but we need to stop hinging so much on it. We've been doing the "lesser of two evils" thing for what feels like an eternity. It's tired and we need to move beyond it because it's a divisive key set piece in the arsenal of the ruling class. The division is the intent. If we keep arguing over which old white guy in a suit is worse, we're spinning our wheels in the mud.

We're talking about a government that has been swaying people's minds and overthrowing governments in other countries for decades. They absolutely do use the same exact tactics on the working class in the US and it would be naive to think they don't. Everyone is affected by propaganda. That's a big reason the TikTok ban immediately received 81% approval, when other things like basic human rights get little to no traction. And it's not some thing that happens in the span of 5 years; it's a long, arduous process that requires a ton of moving pieces and has multiple benefits for the ruling class.

Vote or don't vote. All that matters is remembering that the working class collective is stronger as one unit. That kind of unification and the numbers behind it are what truly strike fear into a fascist government.

orca ,
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I actually write once in a while, but these days itā€™s been random articles for sites or friends. Iā€™m flattered and Iā€™m glad it resonates with others. The key is a unified working class. I sink into apathy like Iā€™m sure a lot do, but I always try to stay connected to whatā€™s happening and provide a voice where I can (even if itā€™s anonymous).

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