Feedback from all moderators

Hello world!

We would like to start by saying thank you ❤, no really 🙏 THANK YOU to ALL the moderators out there!

Without you folks, we would have no one to help keep our community safe and help build the communities both here on Lemmy.World and on other fine instances. To this end, we want to make sure your voices are heard 📣 loud and clear📣.

So, in the spirit of transparency, we would like everyone to know that we are looking to help out the folks working on Sublinks. Over the last several months we have grown to be more than just Lemmy.World. We've added platforms such as Pixelfed and Sharkey to help offer our users more diverse options for expressing themselves online. We still are very committed to Mastodon as well.

We DO NOT plan on moving away from Lemmy as a software platform at this time. Any changes in our core services would need to be discussed extensively internally AND externally with our community members. We firmly believe in the growth of the Fediverse and without the users, there would only be software, and that's no fun!


The Sublinks team has written up a little survey, which we feel is both thorough and inclusive. It covers a wide range of topics, such as user privacy, and community engagement, along with trying to gauge things that are difficult when moderating.

Also please be aware the information collected by this survey is completely anonymous. As many of us in the social sciences background know, if you want the REAL feelings of individuals, they need to feel safe to express themselves.

👉Moderation Survey HERE👈

Please feel free to comment in this thread, we will do our best to respond to any genuine questions.

We look forward to hearing from each and every one of you!

Fedihosting Foundation

PS ... also if this sounds like a corporate press release to you folks, we still punk 🤘😜🤘

Sprawlie , (edited )

There are definitely some federated servers that need to be removed from network in particular is being used to push specific voices and banning anyone else

Banned apparently from asklemmy on there because one asshole interpreted me supporting Israel. When my comment exclusively was pointing out that the past the use made was low effort trolling meme in a thread complaining about trolling

So thank you for directly evidencing that you, and your node are hateful little agenda pushing shits.

I want to love lemmy

But the federated model will fail if nodes like the .ml continue to online and assholes like this mod have zero accountability

I honestly don’t feel like because I’d these problems this site is any better than Reddit.

We also need the power to block a node completely from our feeds.(found it in filters) Also to block and ban entire nodes from our own communities as i don’t want any users in my sub

Keep being salty little shits ml users. Your proving the point to the rest of the lemmy world

The biggest mod tool: manual ban entry for preventing certain users. Looking for a way to ban from a community an individual before they show up.

OlPatchy2Eyes ,

Need to make the same communities on different instances to offer alternatives with different mods.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

Whelp, I've spent enough time here to make a decision. As of right now, I love it here, and I don't see that changing. I've decided to go premium, in an effort to support things. I will withdraw that so fast though if I see any reason to do so.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

I literally just got permanently banned from reddit because I criticized some mods who mass reported it as "harassment". I'm looking for reddit alternatives and found this. Please tell me the mods here are respectful civil and levelheaded?

jelloeater85 , avatar

It depends on what instance you joined and what instances you post to.

We try and be as fair as possible here at Lemmy.World / FHF.


p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

What does that mean? What's an "instance" in lemmy terms?

jelloeater85 , avatar

An instance is a server that provides both a place to login and communities to browse.

You can have a account on Lemmy.World, but browse and comment on communities on servers such as Likewise folks that have accounts registered on can post on communities on

The servers talk to each other via the ActivityPub protocol. I've seen folks use the email analogy, but I think it confuses more folks referring to it like that.

jelloeater85 , avatar

Just to clarify for more techy folks, it can also be a group of servers as well, it's all based off a single domain name for inbound requests. Outbound, they just need to announce the right return domain.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

Very interesting. I appreciate the info, thank you.

Serinus ,

Think of it like email, which is also federated. You've chosen, say, Yahoo, but your email still works with Gmail, Apple, Hotmail, AOL, and whatever else people use these days.

jadedwench ,

If it helps at all, I have had a much better time on here than I ever did on Reddit. It isn't perfect, but I at least feel like I am not going to be punished for existing, even if people disagree with me. All mod logs are public, so there is at least some transparency there. So far, I like and dbzer0.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

That actually does help a lot. I just walked out after 11 years, man. It's pretty telling that I'm barely upset about it.

Blaze , avatar


p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

Thank you!

9thDragon ,

Meh. It depends. I was recently banned from a community for what I thought was a completely innocuous comment. Extrajudicial, too, because the ban never appeared in the modlog. Mods didn't respond to my query. So, yeah, pretty much reddit antics.

Rose ,

I run a community of over 11K almost by myself on reddit and I can't say I struggle to moderate it. Here on Lemmy I post to one I set up, but I'm the only one doing it. That said, I saw virtually no moderation tools, so it would definitely help to have something. However, I don't want my posts to get lost or be spread across two or more communities, as opposed to having everything searchable in one place. What would be the technical obstacle in copying the posts and preserving the dates? If size is an issue, they could be capped to a specific size, only with the metadata transferred in those cases.

Rooki , avatar

Everything will be migrated, WHEN and IF we every swap over.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

You're a mod over there eh?

Rose ,

Yes, my reddit activity is pretty much limited to that now. I don't want to abandon the community.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

What community?

beSyl ,

This is very sad to see... Instead of improving things from within, you are trying to split the community.

EvolvedTurtle ,


pennomi ,

As long as content still federates, it’s fine. If not, that’s when I start seeing a problem.

gridleaf , avatar

The survey form eats more RAM the longer it's open until it becomes unusable.

m3t00 , avatar

thanks to instance-wide mod efforts. take the drudgery out of chasing most spammy types. out here getting fat.

jelloeater85 , avatar

The mod team here works very hard to filter spam out, it's actually really bad if you don't have automation and a large team.

Zstom6IP ,

it would be nice to have the mod tools be easier to use and access

jelloeater85 , avatar

Comments like this are why that survey was created in the first place. Needing info on how to do things better.

PriorityMotif , avatar

I'm excited to see more and more activity pub compatible software. These projects are created and maintained by just a few people and could stop being maintained at any point. Many of these platforms lack features that make moderation a reasonable task among other less desirable quirks. It's one of the reasons I decided against hosting my own instance.

I think it is a shame that the creators of these projects lead with stating which programming language and methodology they're using. IT DOES NOT MATTER. This is a major sticking point for the pedants. Just tell us what it does, leave the technical aspects of the project in the docs for the people that it actually matters to.

The mix of microblogging and threaded posts should be interesting. Kbin has both, but they are not intermingled. I personally don't use microblogging, but I do see screenshots of posts on here, which is basically the same thing I suppose.

As far as complaining about fracturing of the userbase, well, this is an issue across the Internet. There's Facebook groups, Reddit, message boards, YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, and too many other platforms to list, all fracturing topic enthusiasts and competing for users. I believe that more projects will allow the fediverse to contribute to grow and eventually mature into something a lot of people will use. More projects and forks means more ways to try new ideas and improvement without a single project owner preventing growth of the entire ecosystem.

jelloeater85 , avatar

That's the whole thing. It's not about the software per say, it's about the users and the whole concept of a federated internet. We all really believe in bringing back the best of the old internet.

Zangoose ,

A lot of people here seem to think that Java code is awful and disgusting and no projects should ever use it. The thing about popular languages is that more code existing in a language inevitably means a lot of it ends up being bad. The same thing will likely happen to rust as it gets popular, but that isn't exactly a problem. It's possible to have a well-maintained Java codebase.

Debate between functionality of the actual programming languages at this point is pretty meaningless, if they have good development standards then a Java program could end up just as well maintained as rust. Any time saved by compiler enforcement of specific standards (like no using null) would be lost by the fact that the devs don't know rust tooling. You could just have a requirement in PRs that null isn't used. Both Java and Rust have usable frameworks for REST API development, so using one or the other comes down to familiarity.

The idea that programming languages make code suddenly good or bad is pretty silly. Different languages have different language-level guarantees which can help produce good or working code. That being said, it's not like it's impossible to write good Java code, just like it's not impossible to write bad rust code. Most people seem to be conflating guaranteed functionality and safety with maintainability, stability, and readability. Rust is still a new language, so although it's great, Java will probably be the better choice for the latter 3 qualities.

That being said, something like Kotlin would probably have been a better starting point since it can interact with Java (and works like Java in most cases) but also has some nice improvements like stricter null checking (Kotlin nulls are treated similarly to rust's Option<T>, it's just described as T? instead and the syntax is generally a lot more concise). There's also the benefit of being able to write some code in Kotlin and some in Java since they are mostly cross-compatible.

SorteKanin , avatar

The idea that programming languages make code suddenly good or bad is pretty silly.

I generally agree, you can write good and bad code in any language.

However, I also think it is equally naive to think that the tool you use has no influence on the end result. It does have an influence. In my experience, exception-based error handling like that used by Java and many other older languages just doesn't work that well. It's too easy to forget to catch them and make mistakes. And there's a host of other stuff that Rust improves on.

This really shouldn't be surprising. Rust is a newer language, of course it would try to improve the status quo with the experience we've gained from previous languages like Java. It even went and invented whole new concepts like ownership and the borrow checker to make it work. I imagine that future languages will have similar concepts, just like many languages today have garbage collectors or other common functionality.

So yes, programming language choice is a tenuous thing... But I don't think it's correct to say it doesn't matter.

Also if we do entertain the notion that it doesn't matter, the reasoning for Sublinks get even weirder, as the argument that Java is a better choice falls out the window.

Zangoose ,

Sorry for being unclear, I wasn't trying to say language doesn't make a difference (e.g. static vs. dynamic typing would make a big difference). I also personally like the error handling of rust a lot more, even if it does take a bit getting used to when my education has mostly been in languages with Java-style exception handling.

I mostly meant that the language-level performance and features aren't necessarily holding the codebase back in a debate between Java and Rust for a lemmy-like REST API. As long as the developers are aware of the pitfalls of Java (null, mutation, error-handling, etc.), it's possible to have good code.

I just think that from a maintainability standpoint, a Java-style codebase is much easier for most people to read, understand, and maintain because that's what most people are familiar with. Especially when many of the developers are volunteer contributors, that type of thing could make a big difference.

The main problem with Rust is that it's only starting to get adoption now, it isn't taught in most education curriculums, and it's industry use is pretty small at the moment. It's kind of a catch-22, because rust adoption won't increase unless large projects like lemmy exist. But that's also why I think having more options is also fine. Sublinks might get more developers short term because of its language, but that also doesn't mean it'll completely replace Lemmy. Both projects can exist at the same time, and hopefully benefit from each other's development.

SorteKanin , avatar

That's fair. I do think Rust has a lot more hype online and in the open source space these days though, so I don't buy that Java would be easier to get more contributors for. We've yet to see that at least.

Olap ,

Too long a survey, and the tiny communities I mod I've had to take zero actions. But don't do it! Java is a joke of a language, and Jerboa is a fantastic client

NocturnalMorning ,

We DO NOT plan on moving away from Lemmy as a software platform at this time.

So... you're thinking about it? That doesn't instill a lot of confidence in continuing to use this platform moving forward. I started contributing donations to the lemmy platform development, and will not be very happy if you just decide to abandon it in the future.

jelloeater85 , avatar

We would never just drop a whole platform with 1000's of users. Any huge changes like that would 100% have community involvement.

EvolvedTurtle ,

The thing with sublinks tho
Idk about right now but they are aiming for feature parity
And if done right it should be possible to do it in such a way that it's unnoticeable by the average user

stonedemoman , (edited )

Had to leave the .world instance because of biased moderators censoring my opinions and admins not giving a shit. If not for Lemmy having a system in place for dealing with ineffective staff I would've left this platform already.

Edit: Never seen so many people rush in to defend a dictatorship. Sickening to be honest.

Son_of_dad ,

Same. Got banned from a sub without ever using any inappropriate language or anything offensive, simply because I didn't agree with the general view. And if you say anything people disagree with politically you'll get banned. At least that's what I think because when you get banned, you're not told why and you can't even ask or debate your ban, because nobody in the mod team will ever answer you if you DM them to ask about it.

This site's mods have very quickly turned into Reddit mods

Rooki , (edited ) avatar

Yes, its their right to do so, you could create a community where you just ban everyone from the community that you dislike. You can do literally anything you want ( except site rule breaking stuff ) with your community. It depends of course on the instances internal policy, if a instance admin wants or should intervene, for personal or just for management reason. )

stonedemoman ,

There's something about the response: "there's nobody stopping us from being tyrants" that doesn't sit well with me...

AchtungDrempels ,

I think it's a good thing that people can set up their communities however they wish as long as they don't go against server rules.

stonedemoman , (edited )

as long as they don’t go against server rules.

That's the thing though, it's in direct opposition to Lemmy's code of conduct, not to mention it's completely off putting to be so blasé about infringements on such an inalienable concept as free speech.

Respect that people have differences of opinion and that every design or implementation choice carries a trade-off and numerous costs. There is seldom a right answer.

qdJzXuisAndVQb2 ,

an inalienable concept as free speech

Free speech is not an "inalienable" concept. To be honest, the adjective "inalienable" doesn't well describe a "concept", more "right" or a "privilege". Nobody can take away a concept from you, only the exercise or realisation of that concept.

That said, the Lemmy dev's code of conduct is not a binding document, and given their political views, I wouldn't even bother opening it if I was adminning my own instance. And nobody owes you your freedom of speech - if an instance decides to enforce the rule "no talking about politics on Wednesdays", nobody has any right to anything else. Preference, sure, but right? No.

gedaliyah , avatar

The alternative is forcing every community to abide my the same policies regardless of what they want to build. I'm actually glad that there is a difference between shitposting and serious discussion communities.

stonedemoman ,

The alternative is forcing every community to abide my the same policies regardless of what they want to build

They literally do this. Or at least, are supposed to do this.

We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of level of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic.
Please avoid using overtly sexual aliases or other nicknames that might detract from a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all.

I don't think the statement "you could create a community where you just ban everyone from the community that you dislike" is compatible with a 'welcoming environment for all'.

SorteKanin , avatar

You are referring to the code of conduct for Lemmy contributors, i.e. developers working on Lemmy. This has nothing to do with how instances are run. The software (Lemmy) has no bearing on how it is used (by the instances).

stonedemoman ,

I highly doubt developers would be working with a different ethical set than instance staff. That makes 0 sense. What would be the point of making the software inclusive if all of the instances can just ignore it and exclude?

SorteKanin , avatar

I highly doubt developers would be working with a different ethical set than instance staff.

Well despite your doubt, that is the case though. Every instance is run by different admins and thus are run by different ethics. There are plenty of examples of instances with different (some would say extreme) viewpoints. I'm an instance admin myself and have a certain ethic about That's the whole point of the Fediverse really - users get to choose the instance with the ethics and whatnot that they want.

What would be the point of making the software inclusive if all of the instances can just ignore it and exclude?

Lemmy is just software, it cannot control how you use it. There is no mechanism for the Lemmy developers to control any of the instances. Such a mechanism is impossible to make and the Lemmy devs are not interested in making it anyway. The Lemmy devs built Lemmy because they wanted to and donated the code to the world (via open source licenses).

The point of the code of conduct is to establish how developers work together on the software project, which is something the developers control. So it makes perfect sense for them to make a CoC for the contributors, as that CoC will set the stage for how all the contributors work together on the code.

stonedemoman , (edited )

Don't buy it, sorry. What would be the point of applying a set of ethics to one group of people involved with a project and not another group of people involved with that same project? That doc addresses users, admins, moderators, and developers.

Edit: It literally says this in the same Code of Conduct section:

These are the policies for upholding our community’s standards of conduct

SorteKanin , avatar

When it says "our community" there, it refers to the developer community, not the instances. Also most of the CoC is just taken from the CoC used by the Rust language community I believe.

What would be the point of applying a set of ethics to one group of people involved with a project and not another group of people involved with that same project?

Nobody is applying the CoC you linked to the instances. How exactly is it that you imagine the Lemmy developers would even enforce such a CoC? They have no control over the instances.

Also the Lemmy software project is not the same project as any individual instance. They are run by different people with no relation aside from the fact that the instances use Lemmy. There is no contract or anything between the devs and the instance admins.

I'm sorry but you are misunderstanding something here.

stonedemoman ,

How exactly is it that you imagine the Lemmy developers would even enforce such a CoC?

Ideally you would enforce these policies collectively by de-federating an instance, "that's the beauty of a decentralized system". The problem thus far with Lemmy is how terribly it has failed this goal. Too many are nonchalant about letting autocracy fly no problem. Meanwhile the .world instance, which suffers from this problem of absolutism, is where most of the sub members flock. There's such a tiny user base here (probably because of the tendency for staff to smother the part about social media that's most important: inclusivity of ideas and perspectives) that I'm sort of on the fence about leaving entirely if the only populated ones are essentially closed off to me.

You better believe I'm going to criticize this terrible system. The idea of creating a place for voices, except they're all the same voices, is a remarkable failure.

SorteKanin , avatar

Ideally you would enforce these policies collectively by de-federating an instance

The developers do not control who to defederate from. Only instance admins can decide that. There is no collective decision to defederate; every instance must make that choice independently. It wouldn't be very decentralized if there was such a collective.

You don't need to be on a populated instance. You can just as easily access content from a small instance or even a personal instance. I'm not sure what you mean by the populated ones being closed off to you, but there are many instances out there, surely some of them align with your views. If not, you are of course free to start your own instance.

stonedemoman , (edited )

The developers do not control who to defederate from.


You don’t need to be on a populated instance

You can just as easily access content from a small instance

Which instance do you think has the majority of the content/users....

If you guessed the same one that I'm criticizing for censoring me, you'd be correct.

SorteKanin , avatar

Any instance can be as tyrannical (or not) as they want (barring any actual laws in the country where the instance is hosted). If you don't like it, go to another instance.

stonedemoman ,

I didn't ask.

stonedemoman ,

This site's mods have very quickly turned into Reddit mods

I legitimately thought this at one point, and it quickly developed into a conflicting feeling. That being the reason I left reddit - the march towards enshittification that most recently resulted in third party API lockout - started to seem less egregious to me as Lemmy's top instance condones just as much censorship.

This means that most communities I visit are rooted in .world, and stifle free discourse. It's extremely discouraging, even being that I was free to leave the instance and join another one.

Rooki , avatar

There is always an option where, you can just create your own community ( with hookers and blackjack ) on your current local instance, or just host your instance yourself.

stonedemoman ,

There's not enough users on this platform for that to be a viable option. It should also be no wonder why it's dying.

Canyon201 , avatar

Why are .world admins always so hostile? First Antik and now you?

Why does this instance continuously bleed admins? This is why we had an abrupt change on the piracy change

Why was that post shamefully hidden in your community while every donation post and survey pinned for days?

Why do you continuously make up lies about the lemmy developers and spread negativity about them when they promoted this instance at the start of the reddit exodus?

Rookie has a horrible track record with privacy concerns and user-data respect, first with the .world scraper discord bot and now with a microsoft survey?!?

From your reply below it is clear that .world is going to move to sublinks (you are all developing it right?) you mention a script that will automatically move communities there. What about those people that don't want to move, will you allow them to move their community away before you forcefully transfer it?

Will .world federate with Meta on Sublinks or with lemmy?

Will you commit to having a town-hall with the users? This is by far the worst instance for user communication and we deserve to know if that will continue.

SorteKanin , avatar

This is by far the worst instance for user communication and we deserve to know if that will continue.

Just want to point out that the admins don't owe you anything (unless perhaps you are an active donator, but even then it is a donation, not payment for anything) so you don't "deserve" anything from them.

If you are unhappy with your admins, move to another instance. With 0.19.3, you can export your user settings and import them elsewhere, so moving is quite easy and thankfully there are plenty of other instances.

Blaze , avatar

This. I feel like a broken record repeating this over and over again.

Maybe we should start !fediversmemes and post about it in meme form, it might get the message further

AchtungDrempels ,

I reckon it's less people not understanding, and more not to want to give up their account history.

Blaze , avatar

The old account is still there if you need to refer to a previous comment.

You "reputation" (in "people recognizing you in comments") can be the same if you keep the same name and avatar.

There are no karma requirements anywhere on Lemmy.

The one I get is moderators that don't want to move their communties, but for individual accounts, there isn't much to lose (and trust me, I have around a dozen alts)

AchtungDrempels ,

If people are really angry at their instance i'd guess they would like to delete their account, not keep it around. But yeah probably more an emotional than a rational thing, still a thing though.

I definitely noticed you changing instances all the time :) I personally would rather have a home base that i'm happy with and not change all the time.

SorteKanin , avatar

I personally would rather have a home base that i’m happy with and not change all the time.

Of course, I think everyone wants that. But don't expect the first place you try to be that place. Or at least, you need some good reasons for why the first place you try will be that place.

AchtungDrempels ,

I am also feeling a bit uneasy with how the world team seems to throw their weight against the lemmy devs. I don't know any deeper reasoning other than what was discussed openly on lemmy, so who knows if it may be rewarded.

Seeing sunaurus chime in on the supposedly toxic development environment etc. made me feel a lot more sympathetic to the lemmy devs and gave me a different view other than (some of) .world's obvious animosity. The discussion between the beehaw guys and the lemmy devs only reinforced that tbh, although of course here i also might have not all the knowledge to come to a fair conclusion.

All in all i found sunaurus to be the most transparent and sober in his takes, i will take SorteKanin's advice and start using my account more now.

the .world scraper discord bot

What was that all about, i saw it mentioned before but have no idea what happened?

Rooki , avatar

The .world scrapper discord bot he means the discord verification bot. It simply uses the lemmy api to dm you to verify you are the real AchtungDrempels on discord as on lemmy. To reduce trolls and spammers.

ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

IMO that seems like a reasonable use of resources. I wouldn't want anyone to sit on discord and shit on people in my name.

Rooki , avatar

Exactly what our reasoning was with it. We wanted a reliable way to identify if its really you. And a easy dm verification did that.

Rooki , avatar
  1. We are only hostile if you are hostile to us
  2. This was again, sry for this a misscommunication, but to be fair in a legal way, first act then announce it is a common approach.
  3. They just wanted a (indirect) test dummy to test their software on a big scale, and we are sick of it, we are always the first that goes head first into their untested, experimental features, that they probably even didnt started in their test environment and not even mark it as experimental.
  4. The .world "scraper" bot?! is a verificiaton bot for our discord server to reduce trolls, that just uses simple api calls to verify through a dm that it is you and btw, this isnt created by me it is created by someone on the sublinks team.
  5. This will be discussed, so no idea.
  6. Probably, if the users toxicity reduces here, probably yes, we are sorry for that, we hope to improve.

I am sorry but the FHF / Lemmy instance admins are just humans. And yeah there is a feature now to export your blocks, community subscriptions and we are not blocking you to use it if you are really sick of us.

gedaliyah , avatar

I think that people are so used to being consumers of social media that we really don't have the context to behave as guests/partners. This is not a Starbucks - It's a community garden. By the way, someone is still paying for all of the seeds and the water. Someone is showing up to do the gardening. Yeah, the fruits are there for everyone to enjoy, but have a little sense about it.

mo_ztt , (edited ) avatar

What the HECK man?

There's an underlying problem IMO with all Fediverse software and instances, in that because it's made available for free, people get entitled, moderators and admins are obligated to sort of do volunteer work on behalf of people who haven't earned it in order for any of the thing to work, which naturally leads to a inexhaustible wellspring of negative energy because the whole thing isn't right.

I saw the posts of Ruud asking for people to basically interview for a part time admin position and do a job which for skills and time investment is worth from $50k/yr-$200k/yr (calibrating for the fact that it's "only" 5-10 hours per week), and all I could think was whoa no no no this isn't the way. Not saying there's anything wrong with people volunteering their time to make available this great thing, but I think undervaluing them when they decide to do that is almost inevitable, which has follow-on effects that manifest in all kinds of ways and lead to things not being the way they should be. Occasional prickly or unfair behavior by mods or admins represent one example of that; comments like this one represent another.

What on earth is hostile about the OP post in any way?

Blaze , avatar

Well said

asdfasdfasdf ,

LMAO, Sublinks devs are so engrained in Java that they want to rewrite Rust in Java, and their survey they send is written in Office 365? They're a meme.

The Java idea is absurd and shouldn't be taken seriously.

I disagree with the Lemmy devs' political views a great deal, but:

  1. It's open source so you can audit if they're doing anything bad
  2. Just fork it and improve if you have issues with the code they're writing / features

Java is a horrible language. Nearly every developer I've talked to in the last several decades agrees, even previously hardcore Java devs. Please just stop.

Rooki , avatar

To your tips:

  1. We dont know rust
  2. We dont know rust

We dont want "just" to rewrite lemmy to java, we want to improve the code and thus we ALL dont know and want to understand rust, we chose to use java, as it is good old programming language where structure is already known.

Both languages are good, its just depends on what developer you ask. Both are valid options for a rest api.

Sublinks just wants to add a wider spectrum to the fediverse!

asdfasdfasdf ,

Hard disagree. I think Java is objectively bad.

I can give Rust to a completely inexperienced dev straight out if high school and they will be able to write a multi threaded program without data races since Rust was designed so that isn't possible. That's one example of many.

Even null is something the creator of null said was an objective mistake, and that concept is embedded into Java, while it doesn't exist in Rust.

Learning Rust to the point where your code is correct is absolutely not hard at all, which is why it's so bizarre when people create projects like this.

Rooki , avatar

Like said its personal opinion. But what do we see with lemmy? Its on rust and still there are many bugs in there and the feature development is relative slow than to other open source projects.

SorteKanin , avatar

We dont know rust

There is a solution to this problem and it doesn't involve writing any lines of Java or reimplementing a whole system.

GlitterInfection ,

Nobody uses Java… it’s too popular.

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