Agent641 ,

Becoming a millionaire is surprisingly easy if you follow these steps:

  1. Make coffee at home
  2. Cut back on Avo toast
  3. Be born a millionaire
captainlezbian ,

Can I get some help on #3?

RawrGuthlaf ,

After making coffee at home and figuring out exactly the way I like it to be made, I hardly ever consider rolling the dice on one if I can help it. Getting it while out and about is only for when I have no other choice (not being home for a long time). The cost savings are just gravy.

thirstyhyena ,

Have you considered not eating? Cutting down on the breakfast, lunch and dinner could potentially save a lot of money.

Sarmyth ,

First off, I want my coffee first thing. So I make it at home so I don't have to be dressed and already up.

I don't think I have access or motivation for the amount of fraud that would make me rich in the short term. I'll keep my ears open, though.

EmperorHenry , avatar

Be like Logan Paul and make several different pump-and-dump schemes to scam a bunch of children all over the world.

But with the stock market.

jaschen ,

I'm currently a millionaire because at the time, it was cheaper to buy then it is to rent. There was a first-time homebuyer bonus also and we only needed 3.5% down. We figured if we just broke even when we wanted to move, it would have been worth it. This was back in 2009. Then, waited 10 years and I can't afford that condo that I bought with my income today.

AA5B ,

I’m in a weird situation where:

  • my house is double the value
  • my equity has tripled or quadrupled
  • yet my mortgage is bigger than the original purchase
  • and the payment is half, as a percentage of my monthly income.
jaschen ,

What kind of mortgage did you get? Is it on a 15 year arm or something?

AA5B ,

2.3% fixed. I refinanced just before rates went up a few years ago

jaschen ,

Man, crazy deal. It's pretty much free money. It's below inflation. Gotta keep that until you pay it off.

TokenBoomer ,
UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

All true. But this is on a linear scale. Worth noting that wealth aggregates exponentially. Which is to say, getting from $0 to $1M is far more difficult than getting from $1M to $2M, thanks to our financial system's method of compounding returns on investment over time.

The cost of one's basic living needs heavily weigh down one's ability to aggregate wealth when one is poor. But basic living costs are trivial to someone who is rich. Same with one's ability to leverage borrowing power. It is very easy to become a billionaire if you can get ahold of a billion dollars in credit. And much of the real value of modern billionaires is measured in their credit-worthiness rather than their real liquidity. Elon Musk is a great example - a guy whose billionaire status is almost entirely bound up in how his car company and his social media company and his aerospace company are valued.

The speculative valuation of these firms is driven by the availability of lending. That's why Tesla, a company that produces less than 1M vehicles/year is valued at twice the market cap of Toyota, a company that produces over 10M vehicles/year.

TL;DR; The millionaire/billionaire distinction isn't linear. It is exponential and heavily speculative. Real utility value isn't what gets measured. And so the distinction between a millionaire and a billionaire is far more about one's ability to borrow money than one's actual accumulated assets.

TokenBoomer ,

That’s an interesting way to think about it that had never occurred to me. Thanks.

Schadrach ,

And much of the real value of modern billionaires is measured in their credit-worthiness rather than their real liquidity. Elon Musk is a great example - a guy whose billionaire status is almost entirely bound up in how his car company and his social media company and his aerospace company are valued.

This describes most figures with a net worth over a few million - most of the time most of that wealth is in the form of non-liquid assets like owning pieces of companies or real estate. Much of their wealth is in their ability to borrow against speculative income from those sources.

Kusimulkku ,

It's pretty useful to do little savings like that though

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Until you hit your first billion dollars, and then its trivial.

Kusimulkku ,

Well that's certainly something to look forward to. Right now I'm just looking to save money for a better bed lol.

doingless ,

I feel this so much. My mattress has huge dents in it from weight & time. It's memory foam but it only remembers dents now.

Matriks404 ,

If becoming a millionaire/billionaire is an actual goal for some people, no wonder this planet is fucked.

fidodo ,

You pretty much need to be a millionaire if you want to be a home owner in a lot of places, although the problem is the inflated market.

paultimate14 ,

You don't see the ultra rich getting fancy coffee from your local barista.

They pay assistants to do that for them.

Swedneck , avatar

which is honestly fucking sad, you bet your ass i'd be buying the most expensive shit from the local coffee shop if i had a billion dollars

laurelraven ,

It's one coffee, Michael, how much can it cost? $100?

ryathal ,

Being a millionaire is just saving a portion of income for 30 years and you can easily hit a net worth of a few million dollars.

Being a billionaire requires some level of absurdly lucky success, fraud, exploitation, and rich parents.

gamermanh , avatar

That's setting aside $33,333/yr

That's not easy for most people


How to be a millionare by 30:

  • get 2 million as a gift from parents
  • Start a buisness in an untapped market
  • get investors
  • work all day every day
  • workout and meditate to keep you body and mind healthy
  • save as much as you can, no starbucks!
  • sell the buisness once it is valued over a million
  • use that money to start a new one
BirdyBoogleBop ,

I have seen many adverts rich people make so heres a schedule:

Wake up at 4am

Get dressed 4-5

Go to gym 5-7

Get changed 7-8

Eat breakfast 8-8:30

Read newspaper 8:30-9

Work 9-12

Lunch 12-13

Hit the club 13-17

Dinner 17-18

Club again 18-?

Do these and you will be a billionare in no time. If you are an older gentleman replace the club with golf.

dangblingus ,

Sell business once it is valued over a million

-invest in GICs/Bonds on a 5 year maturation or high yield savings accounts (~5%)

-Every 5 years collect $275,000 on a $1M principle.

-Now you make average money and you don't even have a job.

Ensign_Crab ,

I don't like avocados. I've literally never had avocado toast.

And somehow I'm not a millionaire.

Diplomjodler ,

Have you tried getting a 10 million dollar loan from daddy?

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