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Bytemeister , in Anon reflects on e-sports

I remember CRTs being washed out, heavy, power hungry, loud, hot, susceptible to burn-in and magnetic fields... The screen has to have a curve, so over ~16" and you get weird distortions. You needed a real heavy and sturdy desk to keep them from wobbling. Someone is romanticizing an era that no one liked. I remember the LCD adoption being very quick and near universal as far as tech advancements go.

Kit ,

As someone who still uses a CRT for specific uses, I feel that you're misremembering the switch over from CRT to LCD. At the time, LCD were blurry and less vibrant than CRT. Technical advancements have solved this over time.

Late model CRTs were even flat to eliminate the distortion you're describing.

Pulptastic ,

I had a flat CRT. It was even heavier than a regular one.

Soggytoast ,

They're under a pretty high vacuum inside, so the flat glass has to be thicker to be strong enough

mindbleach , in Anon reflects on e-sports

CRTs perfectly demonstrate engineering versus design. All of their technical features are nearly ideal - but they're heavy as shit, turn a kilowatt straight into heat, and take an enormous footprint for a tiny window. I am typing this on a 55" display that's probably too close. My first PC had a 15" monitor that was about 19" across, and I thought the square-ass 24" TV in the living room was enormous. They only felt big because they stuck out three feet from the nearest wall!

JackbyDev ,

The heavy part truly cannot be overstated. I recently got a tiny CRT, not even a cubic foot in size. It's about the same weight as my friends massive OLED TV. Of course, OLED is particularly light, but still. It's insane!

mindbleach ,

And it's a vacuum tube. How does nothing weigh this much?!

Plasma screens weren't much better, at first. I had a 30" one circa 2006, maybe three inches thick, and it you'd swear it was solid metal. A decade later we bought a couple 32" LCD TVs, then a few more because they were so cheap, and the later ones weighed next to nothing. Nowadays - well, I walked this 55" up and down a flight of stairs by myself, and the only hard parts were finding somewhere to grab and not bonking any walls.

don ,

The vacuum itself might not weigh anything, but the glass strong enough to resist the implosion the vacuum would cause has to be pretty thick, which is where the weight is

mindbleach ,

And that scales nonlinearly with volume, so smaller monitors are even denser than big monitors.

Psythik , in Anon reflects on e-sports

Hell, modern displays are just now starting to catch up to CRTs in the input lag and motion blur department.

It was brutal putting up with these shitty LCDs for two whole decades, especially the fact that we had to put up with 60Hz and sub-1080p resolutions, when my CRT was displaying a 1600x1200 picture at 85Hz in the 90s! It wasn't until I got a 4K 120Hz OLED with VRR and HDR couple years ago that I finally stopped missing CRTs, cause I finally felt like I had something superior.

Twenty fucking years of waiting for something to surpass the good old CRT. Unbelievable.

Heavybell , avatar

LCDs came in just in time for me to be attending LAN parties in uni. Got sick of lugging my CRT up the stairs once a week pretty quickly and was glad when I managed to get my hands on an LCD. I can't even remember if I noticed the downgrade, I was so thrilled with the portability.

TootSweet , in Anon finds his dream job

I write software and I work for a pretty technophobic, brick-and-mortor kind of company thatcs still struggling to catch up in tech. (The unstated stance of the top brass was definitely that the internet was a fad until like 2015. And even now they're clueless, but improving.)

Wonderful place to work. I have surprising autonomy to work on interesting projects. It's easy to get away with long lunches or showing up late. (The boss kindof doesn't care.) Full-time remote (even though I live in the city where their headquarters is.)

The more Silicon-Valley-ish (yet "large") company where I used to work was really... culty? They expected everything out of me every second to the point I didn't get a chance to take a breath and think. And all my coworkers constantly expected and pressured me to work late at night and such. (Like, they genuinely seemed to want to be awakened at 3:00am to sit on a Zoom call where they couldn't actually do anything to help with the massive outage going down.) It's the sort of place that turns down applicants who aren't smart enough (unlike where I work now), but you'd have to be crazy to want to work there.

If/when I have to change jobs, I'm looking for a remote software engineering job at a company with manifestly the worst technology setup I can find. Lowes might be a good choice. Or maybe a regional grocery store chain. Or some hash-been company that's now a shadow of their former self like ToysRUs or Sears.

breadsmasher , avatar

Are you me?

Went from a FTSE200 to a significantly smaller, private owned business.

Vastly better pay, more autonomy

driving_crooner , in Anon finds his dream job avatar

Better propaganda efforts than the army.

OsaErisXero ,

The best part is that it's likely almost all true.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Idk, if I was being paid for a social media campaign for some shitty makeup company I'd consider sending some 4channers their way.

praise_idleness , in Anon entertains himself while his parents are gone

Wonder what their parents were doing for an hour.

Shard , in Anon interviews for a job

OP lied in his interview. Always bad form to lie in an interview.

OP was clearly Tardy.

KISSmyOSFeddit , in Anon interviews for a job

Everyone else in school was collecting good grades, while I was collecting tardigrades.

Cybermonk_Taiji , in Anon interviews for a job

Plenty of you tards are out there living kick ass lives. My first wife was a tarded. She's a pilot now.

Codilingus , in Anon likes Valve

I'm in the play test for this, and boy is this meme wrong.

whoisearth , in Anon interviews for a job avatar

Anon is a retard. Also why did that word go out of style? I know damn well it's because it was abused but by definition:

to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment

It's a fair critique. We need to stop this PC bullshit. I'm saying this as a father of two children in the spectrum and neither of them are retards.

joe_cool , in Anon interviews for a job

The comments are pretty interesting when you read them on

That instance has server wide word filtering enabled that can't be removed.

ArmokGoB ,

Mass censorship is very cool and definitely not a stepping stone to an authoritarian hellscape.

joe_cool ,

I'm actually OK with it.

It's their instance, you can check the wordlist in the config. It's the slur_filter_regex. If it would bother me too much I'd change instance or spin up my own.
I'm more enraged by shadow banning like on "other platforms".

echodot ,

ml hands out bans people who slightly disagree with their Communist loving opinions, how is that not censorship like on "other" platforms?

bionicjoey ,

Lol it's too much credit to call them communist loving. Marx would be turning in his grave if he saw the regimes these tankies venerate

echodot ,

Of course Marx isn't really a good hold up either. Any actually communist society probably wouldn't follow a lot of his doctrines. His beliefs, if actually implemented, would have all ended in civil unrest anyway. His views were inherently unfair and very much open to abuse and corruption. If you were unlucky enough to be on the bottom rung of society then that's where you stayed.

A modern view of communism would be much closer to socialism than anything Marx advocated for. At least socialism allows for social advancement.

On a continuum where you've got tankies on one side and socialism on the other, Marx would be closer to the Tankies end of the spectrum than the socialist. He's definitely not in the middle.

intensely_human ,
zalgotext ,

Man, regex is really not the tool for the job here is it?

Alamp ,

The idea that moderating slurs on an online forum is a stepping stone to an authoritarian hellscape really requires a special kind of brain worms

ArmokGoB ,

I got an instance ban from ML for two weeks because they treat "tankie" like some sort of slur.

echodot ,

The biggest bunch of snowflakes there ever was. They don't like it when you actively describe them.

intensely_human ,

Tankies hate accurate description generally. It threatens their way of life when people communicate.

echodot ,

Perhaps it's a sexual thing. You know like if you are hit a lot as a child.

Perhaps Tankies learn to enjoy censorship and repression. That's the only justification I can think of for censoring themselves, it's pretty hilarious when you think about it.

ryannathans ,

Now that's rtarded

Ilovethebomb ,

What's hilarious about that place is you can type removed and they can't tell the difference between that and a slur being blanked out by the system.

thorbot , in Anon interviews for a job

I’m retarded to work almost every day

Rez , in Anon interviews for a job avatar

What is tardy supposed to mean?

SkyezOpen ,


morgunkorn , avatar


It comes from Latin tardus = slow

stebo02 , avatar

or in french, plus tard

Cheradenine ,

Je suis en retard

hakase ,

I still cackle like a twelve year old every time that comes up in Duolingo.

Wirlocke ,

For normal people, to be late to something.

For this guy, the R slur against those with learning disorders.

kiagam ,

you know this is the internet and you are allowed to type whatever you want, right?
let me show you: "retarded"

wetnoodle , avatar

"whatever you want"... they wanted to be a respectful person.

Aermis ,

Is saying the word retarded without calling some it disrespectful? Is it now a trigger word? I'm genuinely wondering. Because when we were growing up we used the word EVERYWHERE. It was as common as saying "fricken"

Sotuanduso , avatar

It's a slur, that's why. Some slurs are major slurs that are considered offensive even when it's not referring to someone, and I think this is one of them. They're often forbidden because of it, and a lot of people find it easier to follow universal rules than to check the rules of each place they post, because the universal rules will keep you in the clear 95% of the time. And even if not, it's still respectable to not want to use slurs.

And yeah, it did used to be a lot more common. And before that, it was a medical term. That's the way it goes, we have a word to insult people's intelligence, doctors deal with patients who have a disorder causing that, they don't want to use the mean word to refer to the patients, they come up with a new word for it, the word gets out, and then everyone makes it a new word to insult intelligence. Though this one seems to be taking a different track because it hit modern sensibilities, and at the same time I think doctors now know better than to come up with a new word for mental deficiencies.

randy ,

And yeah, it did used to be a lot more common. And before that, it was a medical term.

It's the euphemism treadmill in action.

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy ,
SkyezOpen ,

I found a training thing that included the phrase "retard power" in an aviation context. The best part was the way it was enunciated. Not "ri-tard" like you do when it's a verb, but long E ree-tard. I absolutely clipped it.

HackerJoe ,

You might be surprised that your sprinkler system has a retard chamber. Also you can still order it under that name.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

That's hilarious. Is it still in use or say it differently now?

I'm thinking about master>slave in tech. Or rapeseed became Canola. Or how we say Uranus differently.

SpikesOtherDog ,

Printers used to refer to the page separation rollers as retard rollers.

ryannathans , in Anon interviews for a job

To be fair retarded means slowed or delayed so how many times was anon retarded in getting to work?

dephyre , avatar

That's it, calling in retarded to work tomorrow.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

I'm retarded at work every day!

dumbass , avatar

Really changes the theme to Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get Retarded

explodicle ,

It would be funny if the song got slower and slower

mnemonicmonkeys ,

You're asking too much from them

JustARegularNerd ,

I never actually understood why retarded was used by mechanics when a car wasn't running right "The timing on this is a bit retarded" but now I know. Thank you

HackerJoe ,

surprisingly the opposite is advanced timing, protarded isn't a word.
There is retrograde <> prograde but only Kerbal players know what it means ;)

barsoap ,

There's also a thing called a retarder built into lorries and other heavy vehicles so they don't melt their brake pads, think engine breaking as the basic version, add special engineering sauce and you get something that is good at slowing stuff down without burning up, but not good at all at arresting it in place. The term is also used with railroads but those are actual breaks. Similar to the ones you see on roller-coasters.

bionicjoey ,

I was just on a trip to France with my brother who doesn't speak French. He was quite amused by all the signs that said retard, like when a train was running late. I speak French so it was utterly normal for me

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