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gAlienLifeform , (edited ) in German star at Cannes condemns ‘madness’ of protective culture for UK child actors avatar

“It feels a bit off-balance,” said Rogowski, who went on to point out that children already have many other damaging freedoms online where they are more exposed to danger and not protected.

So, there's a chance something could be getting lost in translation and I don't know the context here, but just taking this article's description at face value,

[Paraphrasing], "Kids can voluntarily be exposed to explicit content on the internet, so why do we need guardians around when I act creepy towards them (it's my job, no really)" seems like both a tellingly weird rant trigger for this guy and first line of argument in defense of it

e; I should have kept reading the article,

For Rogowski, though, the efforts now made in Britain are in danger of inhibiting creativity. His scenes in Bird involve several small children and teenagers who are depicted in situations of social neglect and even imminent harm. “It’s true that Andrea is very careful and respectful, but it would have been great sometimes if there was a bit more trust – and I think that’s a cultural thing,” Rogowski told the industry journal Variety this weekend. “We are so scared nowadays to expose our kids to maybe a swear word – which is ridiculous, because we allow them to use social media and YouTube.”

Ok, yeah, so maybe spoilers for the movie Bird (I haven't seen it but I've read a few things about it now), but it seems like this actor plays an abusive father figure type, and I could kind of imagine how doing that work would have you running into these regulations a lot and they might get kind of annoying, but a) they are there for a really good reason b) if I was your publicist I'd be writing a profanity filled resignation email right now, because you just created a PR headache for yourself

That all said, I think this guy is more dumbass than creep at this point

card797 , in German star at Cannes condemns ‘madness’ of protective culture for UK child actors

I don't see the problem. Protect the children. I suppose this fellow is fine with child abuse. It seems to be rampant in acting and entertainment.

1984 , in Severe flooding wreaks havoc across northern Europe avatar

Sweden has very warm weather right now, 20+ degrees with strong sun. That used to be happening in mid July for a country that is so far north. Now it's in May, and it was the same last year. Very early summers that goes away earlier too.

Global warming or whatever but weather has changed significantly during my lifetime, that's very obvious.

juicy , in Australians stranded in New Caledonia 'running out of food' amid civil unrest

The riots have been sparked by anger among indigenous Kanak people over a new bill, adopted by MPs in Paris, that give French people who have lived in New Caledonia for at least 10 years the right to vote.

Fuck colonialism. Fuck France. Viva New Caledonia.

gramie , in Australians stranded in New Caledonia 'running out of food' amid civil unrest

I have a family member in New Caledonia. He said that things have settled down somewhat. He also sent an interesting article describing how Azerbaijan is using unrest in the Pacific to punish France for supporting Armenia in a territorial dispute. The article said that the leaders of the violence in New Caledonia were trained by Azerbaijani security forces.

Lmaydev , in Climate activists glue themselves to Munich airport runway

Grounding planes is probably one of the most effective ways a person can cut emissions.

xor ,

nah, this is one of those "shills running the activists" examples.
a. self-mangling is a good way to discourage sympathy or participation.
b. disrupting a bunch of random travelers, and actually endangering them because planes are in the air and need to land... so, not helpful in getting sympathy for the cause... just press coverage... which will be mostly negative.
c. there are a lot more direct ways to cause disruption, and a lot more sympathetic, less self-harming tactics to get press coverage.... and much much much more effective than delaying some flights at one airport for a few hours... this is peak stupidity at worse, but more likely, peak infiltration...
e. did i mention it even fucks up the activists physically!!! it's so fucking stupid and counter productive

Teppichbrand ,

No it's not. If there was a right way to protest everyone would do it. But protest is always messy, some people will hate you, some will applaude you. So choose something and try it. Or sit on the couch and comment on the internet like you are not part of the collapse thats coming.
The opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Indifferent to the problem and indifferent to the solutions.

xor ,

i’m talking about how one particular thing is the wrong way to protest, yet you’re pretending like i’m against all possible protest or something

Teppichbrand ,

These people ruin their (financial) lifes to protest for your future. Everything else failed, so they desperately try something more risky and you dare to call them fucking stupid.

xor ,

the action is stupid, not the people, necessary.

and how does posting a wikipedia article to general topics like “ExxonMobil climate change denial” supposedly apply to gluing yourself to an airport runway?
a link that’s just a keyword search to pictures of Earth Day 1970???????
you’re pretending like you’re responding to me with some proof, but you’re just sea lioning.

why not go block an oil refinery, some shipping ports where oil is being loaded onto trucks? DDOS exxon’s backend online? throw feces an exxon ceo’s?

it’s a stupid fucking tactic and don’t you dare pretend like i’m talking about the concept of protesting climate change in general.

i’m talking about people like you tricking people like them into harming themselves.
and you’re awful.

Teppichbrand ,

I was trying to tell a VERY brief story of 50 years of protest that did not change anything, co2 just rises. So people try new stuff.
But I agree, this topic is too complex for a random internet fight not even in my native language. Had to look up sealioning, what are you talking about?! I am not awful, you are the one throwing around insults. Am I debating 17 year olds again?

xor ,

you’re lying, disingenuous, and not trying to tell a story by posting a link to a search result for images of earth day….

but, pretend like you’re genuine:
trying new stuff is FUCKING GREAT.
try to glue yourself to things is FUCKING STUPID.
why harm yourself, when there’s CEO’s with houses and addresses you could….

there’s a lot of waaaay better tactics than hurting yourself to gain sympathy… it’s basically turning munchaousens syndrome into a form of protest….
or, what you are doing, is referred to as munchausen syndrome by proxy
in english, at least….

please fucking stop advocating for SELF-harm

silence7 ,

People have done all the things you propose. Repeatedly. It maybe gets some minor local attention, and a police crackdown, but hasn't changed much of anything. That's why people have resorted to stuff like putting soup on the glass protecting artworks or gluing themselves to runways.

TropicalDingdong , in 'A big mess is brewing’: Thousands of Russian fighters are flooding into Libya, raising concerns over what the Kremlin might be planning

The fuck is Russia funding all this?

Blue_Morpho ,

It's near the bottom in the article. The Libyan Haftar family is paying Russia.

djsoren19 , in 'A big mess is brewing’: Thousands of Russian fighters are flooding into Libya, raising concerns over what the Kremlin might be planning

Jesus fucking christ, are the Russians seriously going to go through all of this for a port?

Pulling troops away from the Ukrainian front seems almost ludicrous. Instead of trying to press an advantage while U.S. supply shipments were stalled, they have chosen to use the time to bully one of their puppets.

andrew_bidlaw , avatar

It's either profits to keep them afloat and kicking or another conflict to draw attention and cause discord, or both. Palestine-Israeli conflict caused that pause in supplies. They probably want to prolong it by causing another one.

pantyhosewimp , in Algerian man found alive after 26 years in neighbour’s cellar

My guts tell me this has something to do with it.

june , avatar

Possibly, the article implies it just had to do with the civil war in the 90s. Why do you think homosexuality was a factor?

IzzyScissor ,

A 35 year old man kidnapped a 19 year old man and kept him hidden for 26 years. I would be shocked if there WEREN'T a sexual aspect to the story.

june , avatar

So you are saying the reason that they acted on the tip was because of the implication of sexual slavery involving two men rather than just the sexual slavery part?

JoMiran , in Algerian man found alive after 26 years in neighbour’s cellar avatar

Me: I am sure the headline is clickbait and the story is not that weird.

* reads story *

Me: W...T...F?????

hypnicjerk ,

Mr Bin Omran told his rescuers he had at times seen his family from his prison, but claimed he had been unable to call out for help “because of a spell that his captor had cast on him”, local media reported.

i uh... huh.

june , avatar

Bad translation/cultural interpretation? Maybe they meant something along the lines of "if I spoke he would have hurt my family" which is a verbal phrase that holds power over him, sort of like a spell.

Flyswat ,

No translation issue there. Northern Africa is quite known for witchcraft.
People here might have trouble coming to terms with this, but it is what it is.

livus ,

He was only 19 when he was stolen and may not have had a science based education.

Reminds me a bit of the Jaycee Duggard case, she ended up interacting with lots of people without telling them that she was being held by a kidnapper.

downpunxx OP , in Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse avatar

Fascinating side of this story I hadn't even thought of until reading this.

I can't believe the FBI confiscated these poor bastards call phones, haven't already copied all the requisite logs and data to return them, and didn't immediately set them up with temporary ones, or allow them to retrieve their contact information, or let them onto shore, or even another boat, or anything.

These poor fuckers have been trapped on that ship for months now, and made to stay onboard while the Coast Guard literally blows off explosives and tons of steel from it's bow.

This is unbelievable (though completely believable). I'm gobsmacked.

Hope these guys are getting paid for every second they spend on the ship, and every second they spend until they are once again safely home.

MrPibb , avatar

I’m not discounting anything you said but this crew also killed six people with their negligence and knocked down a bridge. I feel worse for the families of the workers on the bridge they killed then I do them.

taanegl , avatar

Excuse me, wtf? You're not "discounting", but indirectly condemning the whole crew when obviously it was the navigator and captain responsible for the negligence? Not only that, but almost indirectly affirming that they all deserve to be there?

"Oh I'm sorry, but this is ancient Egypt and you must be buried with the pharaoh."

Prick. And no, don't come at me with "but those 6 people who died", because that justifies nothing.

Car ,

The ship had an engineering casualty which led to a loss of control. The navigator didn’t decide to drive into the bridge.

The captain is ultimately responsible, but the crew is not without fault.

FartsWithAnAccent , in Orcas Just Sank Another Yacht avatar

"Eat the rich."

-Orcas probably

moon , in Orcas Just Sank Another Yacht

Big W from the Orcas. They have my vote!

m13 , in Orcas Just Sank Another Yacht

Uncritical support to the orca intifada.

qooqie , in Orcas Just Sank Another Yacht

So how can we arm these orcas to make it easier?

nieceandtows ,

Tactical nuclear war-orcas

Fetus ,


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