
Blaze , in Is Lemmy.world centralization worth fighting against?
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

@otter, I wanted to ask you about something: I posted to !til in the past, but it seems that now the community isn't actively moderated, and on the other side !todayilearned is getting a resurgence.

Do you think it is worth it trying to post to the lemmy.ca one, or should we go with the flow and post on the LW one to make it grow?

otter ,
@otter@lemmy.ca avatar

We were actually checking into this recently! While the mods look inactive from the post history, there is an active mod keeping an eye on the community.

I'm planning to make more posts to !til, and while I'm not sure which one will be best in the long run, I want to try and see if we can grow this one.

As for the other communities, I'm planning to go through and clean up moderation sometime in the next little while :)

Blaze ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Alright, good to know! I see if I can find stuff to post there, but usually I post to !interestingasfuck as there is some overlap, and the community got some traction a few days ago

Blaze , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

@livus for their work on several kbin communities

aaaa , in We are currently around 50k monthly active users. What do you think could lead to the next newcomers wave?

Think about the experience new users have.

I bring this up a lot, but among the things putting people off from sticking to Lemmy, the new user experience is just not great. I'm not talking about choosing an instance, I'm talking about the general attitude Lemmy has towards content in the feed.

I know it's a very popular idea that if you don't like communities or instances or users, you can block them. Unfortunately, most social media users aren't interested in spending a couple of hours curating their feed to make it useful for them. People are coming in to a feed full of a growing number of niche porn communities, and if they can sort through that, they find heavy-handed political messages, FOSS bros telling everyone how popular software sucks, repost bots with zero discussion, and small community moderators desperately posting dozens of links into the void, hoping for bites.

At the very least, Lemmy needs a sort algorithm that is capable of keeping a page of the feed from being dominated by one community. Going further, I think we could benefit from giving instance admins the tools to curate a default feed that appeals to a wider audience of users.

Maybe then the smaller communities would have a shot at growing.

Blaze , (edited )
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

You have a good point.

Most of the people here despise sorting algorithms, and are fine with doing their own filtering, but to appeal to a wider audience, there should indeed be a way to suggest new joiners that they subscribe to a set of general communities that can be appealing to almost anyone. Of course experienced users can disable that, but that would definitely help.

By coincidence, I had to come up with a list of "active communities that are not memes, tech, news or politics", and here it is. It might be a starting point





Manual Hobbies



anon6789 , (edited )
@anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

I'll upvote you as per my support for you in another reply...

But I notice an animal community egregiously missing from your list... 😅

Edit: Just checked the rankings. How am I below bats, racoons, and possums??? I don't get these users sometimes! (kidding) But seriously, how are all of these above Dogs? I'd expect them to be up there with cats just do to, you know, they live in peoples' houses with them.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

Edited 😄

Blaze ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

how are all of these above Dogs? I’d expect them to be up there with cats just do to, you know, they live in peoples’ houses with them.

Yes, I'm not a pet person but I was surprised too. Maybe dogs just have less active posters?

anon6789 ,
@anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

I just looked at the stats quick and it's somewhat insightful.

Dogs has the most subs (3.4k), but only gets a post every 2-3 days, so not as many daily users (42).

Opossums has about half the subs (1.9k) , posts once or twice a day, and has over 500 daily users, which I don't know if I've ever gotten...great for them!

Bats and Raccoons fall in the middle of those numbers.

I'm killing it in total comments though and have more subs than all but Cats, which has an outstanding almost 18k. Out of 50k users, that is pretty dang impressive. I'd like to think at least a quarter of my subs are due to the work I put in, but I assume most of them came looking for a clone Reddit group.

Does any of it mean anything? Probably not. I'm glad to see them have a chance to shine. I like all the animals anyway. I enjoyed my ride on the first page of communities during Owl of the Year and picked up a lot of new subs during that, and I hope they make the most of it too. I don't know how hard it is to find new and unique pics of some of those animals day in and day out though. Again though, I feel that would make Dogs higher up as many people can just glance down and see a dog! I guess Lemmy folk are just cat people.

anon6789 ,
@anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

Very valid point here. I've forgotten what an unfiltered Lemmy would look like at this point. Even with a filtered list, I just scrolled through my usual All, Top 6 Hours and didn't find a thing I wanted to read as it was all depressing news for the first 3 pages.

The critique about one community dominating is a good one also. I block just about all the meme comms, but I leave the Science Memes one unblocked because there are a few I enjoy, but there are days where it's just my whole front page and it's like, give someone else a chance guys!

Didn't Reddit have a "welcome pack" of pre-subscribbed subs like Blaze mentions in their reply? It might be nice if the main site or some of the app developers would have welcome packs so when you installed you could select a "Tech," "Humor," "Science and Nature," etc starter pack of subscribed comms to get you into it, and then you can adjust as you see fit. I'm thinking when we came on board, there wasn't as much we had to block at first so we could do it a bit at a time.

I'm not sure how NSFW is handled now. I have most of it blocked because if that's what you want, I'm not sure why you'd come here to it when the rest of the internet is right there, but I agree again with your point. I'm pretty open minded, but there is a lot available here that while I don't feel it shouldn't exist, I don't feel the need to be exposed to that much of fringe fetishes that aren't my thing! 😆

If NSFW started off hidden and you could either click an "I'm All In" setting to unleash it all, or just have access to a comm list and you can uncheck what you see fit, that might be more useful to most people than the all or nothing we have now.

Also, while I'm talking about it, I'd be welcome to some more granularity is the NSFW, like the perennial NSFW vs NSFL (life) where we split up things like porn and gore, or even medical gore vs violent imagery, etc. I'd be interested in some of the medical stuff, and even in Superbowl, there's medical things I'd be up to share and educate about that the general subscriber base isn't going to want to see there, but is animal rescue/rehab related. If that was something people could leave on or turn off, the same community could serve 2 overlapping audiences without making a seperate group.

dditty ,
@dditty@lemm.ee avatar

Totally agree. Differentiating NSFW and NSFL is a must have. Right now I have NSFW turned on bc I occasionally want to see Ukraine combat stuff, but I've probably had to spend like 2+ hours blocking all the niche porn communities which is becoming untenable as every day a few more spin up. And I love the idea of a welcome/starter pack for new users; that's the other part of Lemmy that's really lacking - finding the communities you want to be a part of (if they even exist on the fediverse yet)! So many communities are ghost towns, other topic-based communities have duplicates or triplicate communities on different instances, etc. my strategy is to subscribe to communities as I find them in my feed, but having an index of the most popular communities curated for new users would be a game changer.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

I created a list in a comment below, feel free to suggest any community you think should be there too

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Sopuli kind of achieves this, by defederating the instances that are for the kind of content I would want a separate account for anyway.

Lemmy could really use a feature where instance admins can "shadow defedarate" instances and communities. They would not actually become inaccessible, but instead simply not appear in all, instead only appearing for users who have found the community some other way, and subscribed.

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar
Blaze , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

@witchdoctor for their map contributions.

I am not sure the community will be visible from your instance, so if you want to have a look at the discussions, you can start here: https://lemm.ee/c/fedigrow

Blaze , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

@FullOfBallooons for their contributions to the various !imaginarydirectory communities!

Godnroc , in We are currently around 50k monthly active users. What do you think could lead to the next newcomers wave?

The same thing that brings anyone: whatever cannot be found elsewhere. This could be functionality that was removed from competitors or content that is exclusive to Lemmy.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I agree to a certain extend, but that brings us to the question of how that content is going to be discovered by people not knowing about Lemmy. With search engines being only a shadow of their former selves, and Reddit shadowbanning Lemmy URLs that's probably another issue we should keep in mind

anon6789 ,
@anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

I mainly agree with this. We're in much the same situation as a small local shop vs a Walmart. We can't compete on the same things, so we need to focus on the experience.

It's the reason I'm very big on the take we should begin reigning in behavior of the user base and return to being a more welcoming and respectful place. If we don't build a better environment than Reddit, Facebook, X, etc, what do we have? And if we can't do it when it's this small, it'll either never get bigger or be too big to tackle.

I don't think taking more users from Reddit is realistic. Anyone who hasn't left by now isn't interested in leaving. We should keep doing what we're doing and embrace the audience we have. It's slower growth, but we can keep a better focus on quality and experience IMO.

Making original content and sharing it with friends in other places is what we can do right now. A lot of us in here are familiar with each other's names by now, so we're building awareness of what we're doing here, it's just going to take time.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

It’s the reason I’m very big on the take we should begin reigning in behavior of the user base and return to being a more welcoming and respectful place. If we don’t build a better environment than Reddit, Facebook, X, etc, what do we have? And if we can’t do it when it’s this small, it’ll either never get bigger or be too big to tackle.

I agree

Anyone who hasn’t left by now isn’t interested in leaving.

I'm not so sure. There is currently some debate in https://old.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/, more than usual, you see that some people are on the fence. Other people might have never heard of Lemmy ever.

anon6789 ,
@anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

Awareness of our "brand" could definitely be improved yet. 50k of people on the internet isn't even a drop in the bucket.

I haven't been to Reddit since the 3rd party ban other to try to search for product reviews, so I'm totally clueless as to the state of things there and I avoid most Lemmy posts about Reddit as well as it's too close to stalking an ex for me. We broke up for a reason and we should leave it at that!

I'll welcome anyone looking to come here to have a pleasant time though. I don't want to get all gatekeepy about this place though, as it's here for everyone, but I'd definitely prefer that they're people that conduct themselves politely, and not the standard Reddit or 4chan stereotype behavior, but that's what happens if/when this place ever starts getting more mass migration from other platforms.

I really wish Beehaw would have played out a bit different. I think they had good intent, but clamped down on things a bit too fast and they cut off their growth too early. For me at least. I haven't been on there in a few months, but when they talked about leaving Lemmy, I just couldn't invest the effort in jumping ship again as I was starting to enjoy what I was fostering here.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

I really wish Beehaw would have played out a bit different. I think they had good intent, but clamped down on things a bit too fast and they cut off their growth too early.

Definitely. They really put a lot of efforts in building their community, with their documented moderation guidelines etc., but cutting themselves off LW and SJW is just too much...

JohnnyEnzyme , in How do you grow your communities? Sharing experience
@JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.ee avatar

I've said this several times both here and at the other place, but it seems to me there's a big opportunity these days for any particular community posts to be randomly seen on ALL, which obviously has a lot less likelihood at Reddit. As the FV grows, that may be less of a possibility, so jumping on it now seems like a good idea.

So currently, just finding a little bit of good visual content (usually accompanied by a link and or mini-review) and posting once on a near-daily basis seems to keep snagging users without having to do anything else.

I also try to maintain a community index and major keyword searches to make it easier for users to find stuff that might interest them. After nine months of such regular work, there's now a whole bunch of decent content for users from any other platform to dive in to and enjoy for many hours, or longer.

I hope to keep adding content (particular the original content, such as mini-articles & reviews) such that it's going to be harder and harder for the internet to ignore our community. Of course eventually, I plan on flaming out in a supernova of resentment and hurt feelings, deleting everything and erasing all my backups.

(eh, JK about that last part)

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So currently, just finding a little bit of good visual content (usually accompanied by a link and or mini-review) and posting once on a near-daily basis seems to keep snagging users without having to do anything else.

Thanks for sharing, definitely my experience as well. Usually, if the content is a bit appealing, it will end up in the 3 first pages of Top of 12 hours

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

@JohnnyEnzyme for their work on !eurographicnovels , and the Lemmy promotion on Reddit!

JohnnyEnzyme ,
@JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.ee avatar

Thanks, subscribed, and will keep on eye on this!

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Happy to see you hear!

Blaze , in Would it be okay to also use this community to promote developing communities and instances?
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


The two communities you listed seem more adequate to promote existing communities, I've done it in the past when reviving a community.

About keeping activity, don't worry, I'm sure we'll done fine, we are regular posters after all, if there's a group with a high chance of posting, it's this one.

An another note, we could maybe promote those two communities to a wider audience, maybe !asklemmy ?

ALostInquirer OP ,

The two communities you listed seem more adequate to promote existing communities, I’ve done it in the past when reviving a community.

The newcommunities one in particular didn't take issue with it? That was part of why I was asking, as I didn't think they would appreciate posts about existing communities, but if they don't mind then I take it it's a non-issue.

On the last part, it may not hurt to see if different AskLemmy communities would be up for including them in their sidebars, and maybe featured posts with pointers to Lemmyverse and !lemmy411 if they don't have them already.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The newcommunities one in particular didn’t take issue with it? That was part of why I was asking, as I didn’t think they would appreciate posts about existing communities, but if they don’t mind then I take it it’s a non-issue.

Nope, see this post for instance: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/11513256

On the last part, it may not hurt to see if different AskLemmy communities would be up for including them in their sidebars, and maybe featured posts with pointers to Lemmyverse and !lemmy411 if they don’t have them already.

Yeah, that would be a good one. I'm not sure how to really do it though, I know the !asklemmy moderation team applies the rules very literally, so they might just flag any post there as "not a question" and remove it

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

@Five for their contributions to skrpnk.net communities

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

@ooli for their various contributions

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

@GreyShuck for their contribution to !nature

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

@Mr_Mofu for their contributions to several communities

Mr_Mofu ,
@Mr_Mofu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Aw thank you! I have been loving to support lemmy as a whole, feels like actually making a change!

Blaze OP , in Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
@Blaze@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

@willya for their excellent memes on !sexmemes

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