EduTooters group

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JourneysInFilm , avatar

Good Climate News! Advocates celebrated Monday after a Boulder, Colorado judge rejected attempts by ExxonMobil and Suncor Energy subsidiaries to dismiss a landmark lawsuit that seeks damages for the harms the fossil fuel companies have inflicted on the climate and local communities.

We're pleased to offer a teaching guide for Youth v Gov, the documentary about the Juliana v. United States lawsuit, in which 21 young people are similarly suing the US Federal government over climate change. These resources are great classroom tools for putting climate litigation news into context.

Get your free guide from our library:


ShaulaEvans , avatar

Friends of mine in education want to join Mastodon, for education-focused accounts. (Yay!)

I am looking for instances to recommend to them that:

  • Are a good home for a K12 (and sometimes K16) education account.
  • Have good moderation.
  • Stable instance, probably going to last for a while.
  • probably not a massive instance, medium-sized is better.

I'm aware of

If you have recs, please share. Thank you!

#edutooters #education #K12 #K16 #Mastodon @edutooters 1/3

JourneysInFilm , avatar

@SteveMcCarty @ShaulaEvans @edutooters @academicchatter @academicsunite Thank you for the recommendation, Steve. It was perfect! We're very excited about our new Mastodon home!

SteveMcCarty , avatar

@JourneysInFilm @ShaulaEvans @edutooters @academicchatter @academicsunite

Thank YOU for letting me know you joined the Knowledge Commons instance as a result of my above report on it. They -- @hello -- might also be glad to know this.

Speaking of your mission of films for social activism, through our family friend in Tokyo, I happened to encounter such a group based in NYC led by a Chinese-American woman, with collaborators in Canada and here in Japan. I reviewed their most recent documentary -- available free at -- on professional photography of Japan's hostess bars, as explained at

Being a career academic, it was my first foray into a film review or that kind of content, but it all goes toward my challenge as a Japanologist of explaining this inscrutable culture (for once a stereotype is an understatement!). If you happen to contact Hi Lo TV, please give them my regards.

Publications on Japan:

CriticalThinkingGames , avatar

The "SIFT" strategy for spotting mis/disinformation:

(S)top & reflect before reacting
(I)nvestigate source
(F)ind trustworthy sources
(T)race the origin of the claim


[source: BBC]


jeffgreene , avatar
geonz , avatar

@jeffgreene @edutooters @psychology @academicchatter Also, the low-key low-stakes retrieval practice with the stuff of making connections and reflecting are good prep for high stakes tests and I don't think they're going away any time soon.

jeffgreene , avatar

Intellectual humility is a wonderful virtue that the world needs more of. But how can we promote it in students? Find out, here:

@edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

Durff , avatar

@jeffgreene @edutooters @psychology @academicchatter so mastery learning. Not the norm in highered How do we change that?

jeffgreene OP , avatar

I think the un-grading movement has done some good work in this area.

@Durff @edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

jeffgreene , avatar

Yes! Here's a new article in our Topical Collection on Theory Development in Educational Psychology: Drs. DeCuir-Gunby & Schutz describe their metatheoretical approach to race-focused and race re-imaged research & its influence on the field.

@edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

jeffgreene OP , avatar

This article builds on what I consider to be one of the most important articles in Educational Psychology in the last 10 years: DeCuir-Gunby & Schutz (2014). Finally, this new article was expertly guest edited by! Kudos to everyone involved!

@edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

leaton01 , avatar
leaton01 OP , avatar
moritz_negwer , avatar

@leaton01 @academicchatter @edutooters

Disturbingly plausible.

"OpenAI will settle with the New York Times out of court, and we won’t get a ruling. This settlement will have important consequences: it will set a de-facto price on training data. And that price will no doubt be high.
By settling, OpenAI will eliminate much of their competition.
OpenAI keeps its hands clean, and its legal budget unspent. They can win by losing—and if so, do they have any real incentive to win?"

jaap , avatar

Re-post: I would like to ask for your help.

As part of my dissertation project, I'm aiming to collect a large research sample to help construct a validated measure on Teacher Attitudes towards Multilingualism.

If you are a teacher (primary, secondary, tertiary education), and you teach multilingual students, could I please ask for 10 minutes of your time?

The survey is available here:

Please boost—thank you so much!

@edutooters @academicchatter

MrBerard , avatar

@grant_h @brohee @jaap @edutooters @academicchatter

Gave up in the middle too. Wording of the questions are tricky, and, call me a fence sitter, but I wished for a "neither agree nor disagree" option.

WildWildEyes , avatar

@edutooters @academicchatter @jaap I’m in the US and teach in a district with many multilingual learners—does it matter where we teach?

leaton01 , avatar
leaton01 OP , avatar

I would also say it's a nuance consideration because given how LLM's work, saying it's plagiarism is not actually a 1:1 comparison to individual plagiarism and moves us more in the metaphorical space.

Plagiarism is being used in a metaphorical sense--the same way "piracy" is used metaphorically when talk about when people make digital copies of music, videos, or books.

@elmyra @academicchatter @edutooters

leaton01 OP , avatar

In both cases, we take something new, given it an old name, and therefore confine the discourse to something we're familiar with.

For me, I don't buy it (pun intended?) in both instances. That doesn't mean I don't have issues with AI companies for a variety of things related to AI but plagiarism is not on that list.

@elmyra @academicchatter @edutooters

jeffgreene , avatar

Want to learn how the hype around AI is dehumanizing? Find out at Bemusings, where I synthesize and share research on thriving in the digital world.

@edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

MylesRyden , avatar

@jeffgreene @edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

I am a big fan of the , everyone should give it a listen, it is always interesting.

I do wish we would stop using the phrase (word?) "AI" as it strongly implies that it actually is that when it is clearly not.

I also do have to keep reminding myself that there are many applications where running huge numbers of mathematical correlations and other models make perfect sense and are very useful (for example investigating proteins or deciphering ancient documents). I almost feel that all the AI hype is actually hurting those kinds of applications by distracting engineers into thinking that having computers write travelogues in the place of people who have actually been to the place is much more profitable.

jeffgreene OP , avatar

@MylesRyden @edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

Agreed - there are plenty of useful and helpful applications of "AI" (more often actually machine learning or even just adjusted regression techniques). The term "AI" is become a "catch-all" that means everything and nothing.

jeffgreene , avatar

Writing helps people think more effectively, thus effective writing instruction is crucial to education and learning. If you want to know the latest on writing research from one of the experts in the field, then check out this APA Division 15 podcast with Dr. Steve Graham.

@edutooters @psychology @academicchatter

Richard , avatar

@jeffgreene @edutooters @psychology @academicchatter Completely agree that regular writing assignments in the classroom is effective learning. It is a strong segment in my plan to overhaul and implement strong that I touch on here (sorry, not intended as self-promotion, but is intended to help spread the message of and Reform in transforming society). Breaks my heart of universities are limiting and watering down writing.

leaton01 , avatar
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  • SerhatTutkal , avatar

    Here is the collection of shortlisted papers for the British Journal of Sociology of Education Best Early Career Article:

    @edutooters @academicchatter @sociology

    languageservicesco , avatar
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