BuxtonWater ,
@BuxtonWater@beehaw.org avatar

Today's date with the chef girl went very well, we had a great time chatting and getting dinner, then she shared her fav memes with me till my ride arrived and she was trying to extend the date as long as possible, tbf I was too lol. She asked for a second date immediately. Meeting next Saturday again this time in my city :)

comicallycluttered ,

I don't know, man.

Weird. Brains are just fucking weird.

Gwynblade ,

Work is still challenging, but more manageable. Hoping to make some sort of career change this year, even if it means lowering my pay for a bit to get my foot in the door.

alyaza OP Mod ,
@alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

a wonderful new year update: we are currently paying $1,600/mo for this shitty apartment. love landlords

noctisatrae ,
@noctisatrae@beehaw.org avatar

EDIT: Listening to Everywhere at the End of Time by The Caretaker didn’t help lol but I don’t know, it was so gripping I couldn’t stop listening… it was like looking in the abyss… and feeling like loosing yourself. I want to make some music like that.

My mind has been conjuring the worse nightmare and sad shits I thought I could imagine. To fight this I decided to release some of my music. There aren’t much people that listened to it (30!!) but the good comments help me get through the last days.

TheRtRevKaiser ,
@TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org avatar

Better than last week, so far. I made a decision earlier in the week to try something that I've been wanted to do and pitched a cowriting project to my sister, who was really enthusiastic about the idea. We've both struggled to write in the past, I think we both have a hard time getting stuck on details. I feel like there's a real chance that having a writing partner will help us both push through those times when we get stuck on a word or phrase or detail, because we tend to obsess about different things.

Also, she's better at punctuation than me, which is good because my approach to commas is usually just to sort of sprinkle them liberally wherever I would naturally pause. I know that isn't right but so far it's a habit I haven't been able to break.

janabuggs ,

I got married Monday at a Mexican restaurant. We decided Friday night, bought pawnshop rings on Saturday, and got the certificate on monday morning before work. My cousin is a universal life church minister so he signed it for us and our waiter was witness. As untraditionally romantic as this seems, it was one of the best days of my life.

Last week I got the breast cancer diag, so hopefully this is more positive :)

apis ,

To me, this is the epitome of a romantic wedding, so it gladdens my heart to learn of it.

All the best with everything that comes next, now you've been diagnosed.

Penguincoder ,
@Penguincoder@beehaw.org avatar

Thanks for asking. Doing better this week than last; feeling better and handling things better. Kiddos are still annoying, but not as as stressful. Work stuff is still anxiety inducing. trying it ignore it.

How're you doing Alyaza?

BuxtonWater ,
@BuxtonWater@beehaw.org avatar

Boo, the nice asexual girl I was talking to and planning on a date with just silently unmatched me on bumble without a word, feels great man. Like I get the fact I am likely option on the number of potential dates but it still feels really shitty to do without a word.

Still have two other dates with two other girls but this really bums me out since I liked her the most so far out of all of them.

autumn ,
@autumn@beehaw.org avatar

the foster dog still has a limp in her right front leg after she’s been napping, so i’m setting her up for a vet appointment.

RAGBRAI (largest organized cycling event) announced the route for this year, which will be shortish but also very, very hilly. guess i’ll need to get some hill training in before july!

i’m taking some time off alcohol, currently on day 10 with the plan being to stay sober until valentine’s day. i really only drink on weekends when i am drinking, but it had gotten a little out of hand with the holidays like it tends to, so a break was much appreciated.

spencer ,
@spencer@beehaw.org avatar

slowly recovering from tonsil surgery! pain's still a problem but i'm most of the way back to eating normally which is nice.

its_me_xiphos ,

Woke up. Got out of bed. Dragged a comb across my head...saw water damage in a room. Had a cup, noting I'd be late chugga chug chug Saw a pipe spraying water out my wall.

So I got that going for me, which is nice.

Otherwise, not too shabby. Thanks for sharing everyone and hope you have a good week this week. Remember, even when shit hits the fan there are still people that care about you. Even digital strangers with water shooting out of places water should not shoot from.

QuentinCallaghan ,
@QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz avatar

Fixing things that made Sopuli crash so often in the last few days. Apparently some swap space is necessary to prevent kswapd0 gobbling 100% of CPU which also causes all user processes to freeze. This is so tiresome.

Penguincoder ,
@Penguincoder@beehaw.org avatar

Damn that's rough. See if something like zram can help you.

QuentinCallaghan ,
@QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz avatar

Setting up and adjusting swapspace worked.

Gaywallet ,
@Gaywallet@beehaw.org avatar

I am back home from groove cruise and had my first full night of sleep in over a week. It was honestly one of the best experiences in my life. I have a lot of thoughts on how to improve my next go at it (sleeping arrangements are top of this list), but like my first EDC it's extremely clear to me that I want to do this most likely every year for as long as they are still doing this.

With all that being said, my shoulder is wrecked (and I need to spend a few hours on the line with insurance and billing to clear a multi month issue with coverage on getting the damn implant placed again), I still don't quite have my land legs back, I've been feeling like I'm maybe getting sick for the last two days, I'm nauseous looking at my phone and typing this up right now, and my body is exhausted (averaged 60k steps and about 2.5k activity calories per day on the cruise). But amidst all that I have to say that my mood is excellent, I'm feeling a huge amount of gratitude to have had that experience and I'm feeling very loved and positive about the communities and people I've chosen in my life.

Penguincoder ,
@Penguincoder@beehaw.org avatar


apis ,

Psst, go next year.

& take us too.

LallyLuckFarm ,
@LallyLuckFarm@beehaw.org avatar

We got some good snow overnight and I took the skis out to make some trails for myself. The skis were great but now I've got to go replace my boots. I still went and took pictures for you all because it was so lovely. Still, I'm a little sad that my time on the skis ended like this:


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