chuckleslord ,

Those math questions that rely on purposeful ambiguity in order to drive engagement are annoying as fuck. It's like "congratulations, you just proved that in math (and questions in general) if you're not clear with what you're asking, people will get different answers". What fantastic value! What a novel hypothesis! Now fucking knock it off. I'm tired of literally everyone screaming about how their way is right when it doesn't fucking matter, the question was asked in a bullshit way in order to piss everyone off.

Bonus, PEMDAS, BEMDAS, PE-MD-AS. It's a goddamn terrible mnemonic that twists itself in knots to make the acronym work, rather than to make the order of operations clear. Screaming it doesn't make your shit any clearer anyways.

Euphorazine ,

If they weren't ambiguous, then you wouldn't see them getting popular. The difference of opinion drives engagement which means it's more likely to show in your feed because that's how most social media algorithms work.

Things that everyone agrees on don't get engagement, so they don't bubble up to the top.

SmartmanApps , avatar

If they weren’t ambiguous, then you wouldn’t see them getting popular

They get popular because people who don't remember all the rules of Maths want to argue with the people who do remember all the rules of Maths.

frezik ,

Join me in RPN land, where we sit by looking smug while people thought different systems of infix notation debate the right answer.

SmartmanApps , avatar

different systems of infix notation

There's not different rules of Maths though, and the people "debating" the answer are those who don't remember all the rules.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Three are also tests where you are expected to think like the person who made the test to figure or what the “correct” answer us. It’s not really correct, but it is the one that gets you the points.

Also some IQ question have several correct answers, but only one of them gives you the points. Super annoying. If you’re creative and smart enough to come up with a logically consistent answer you’re still not guaranteed to get the “correct” answer.

SmartmanApps , avatar

Those math questions that rely on purposeful ambiguity in order to drive engagement

The engagement is driven by people not remembering the rules of Maths.

Sheeple , avatar

People overlook vegetarianism and semi-vegetarian lifestyles as an option too much and it is not helpful that real life examples of vegetarian cultures, get co-opted by Vegans purists as "Vegan cultures" in easily disproven claims- thus hurting the whole movement

BruceTwarzen ,

I don't eat meat or dairy, so i technically i'm a vegan, right? But i wouldn't identify as a vegan. When someone cooks and says: oh i forgot that you are vegan, and i used butter, still eat it. When i'm at a bbq and there is a steak leftover, and no one eats it and it goes to the trash, i would eat it. I find the idea of factory meat absolutely repulsive therefore i don't support it in any way. Once i talked to a vegan guy, and he was super weird so we didn't have a lot to talk about. I told him something like: when i was a kid i was really into chicken wings, and now in hindsight, i don't think chicken is actually good. And he said: oh, you are one of THOSE people. Meat eater are like pedophiles, once you fucked a kid, you'll always be a childfucker.

Eh... Okay, i'll just stand over there and make sure to never talk to you again

nudnyekscentryk , avatar

this is called flexitarianism and is totally valid in terms of not wasting food and cohabitating in society. unfortunately some vegetarians would bully a person like you since ideological purity is more important than not wasting food to them

Sheeple , avatar

*Some vegans

I've never seen a vegetarian bully someone for not being purist enough. Vegans however do it constantly and even harass vegetarians

nudnyekscentryk , avatar


aroom , avatar

they are great conversations about why people are so annoyed by vegans and most of the time it's not because vegans are harassing or pushing their agenda, it's more a question of how we perceive ourself when comparing ourself to others.

it's due to cognitive dissonance.

agent_flounder , avatar

For me it is usually due to how incessantly preachy and judgemental some vegans are. I respect their choices and consistent choice of morality. But people tend to get annoyed when someone else feels the right to dictate their morality to them. See also: religious nuts.

Nath , avatar

I've had debates with vegans on something similar:
I'm not vegan, I'll never be vegan. That's a complete non-starter for me.

What I have done is reduce my meat intake from 2/sometimes 3 meals a day to 1 meal per day - occasionally (less than once per month) two. Once Lab-grown meat is a viable alternative on cost/taste/texture, I'll be all over that. I still won't be vegan. Even if I reach a point where no animals are harmed from my diet.

I believe it is far easier to convince 1 Million people to do this than it would be to convert 100,000 people to full veganism. A Million people doing this would save Billions more animals per year than 100,000 vegan conversions and maybe even in itself convert a few of those people to full veganism along the way.

They're never interested. It's all or nothing. Black or white. Vegan or Animal killer. They usually have issues with lab grown meat, as well.

It's as though they're a member of an elite club and membership is more important than actually saving animals.

rwhitisissle ,

Pitbulls are not more genetically predisposed towards biting or mauling than other breeds and the supposed "statistical data" on the subject is based around a confluence of inaccurate metrics caused by 1) people not being very good at accurately identifying dog breeds, 2) existing groups that hate pitbulls pushing bad statistics for political purposes, and 3) a self-fulfilling prophecy of pitbulls having a bad reputation and actively being sought out by people who want vicious dogs and who will treat their dogs in such a way as to encourage that behavior. And I say all of this as someone who does not own a pitbull and probably never will.

DharmaCurious , avatar

Add into this people who love pits and own them, but also believe they will "turn," and so constantly give their dogs subtle cues to be on edge, stressed, and like something is wrong. They're no more prone to dangerous actions than any other breed, they're just very, very intelligent dogs that learn how to react to their surroundings. The myth of the aggressive pit is what causes the aggressive pit. We need real education on dogs in general, because that Labrador you love or the poodle who was your best friend when you were a kid is just as capable of snapping or "turning." All dogs can bite, and all breeds can be sweet and well behaved.

Fenrisulfir ,

Timezones are fucking stupid. Everyone should just use UTC or Zulu

ergifruit ,

correct. also daylight savings and the 12-hour clock is bullshit. we should at least have Greenwich/UTC as a secondary clock, kinda like how some regions have their own calendar and have the Gregorian calendar as a secondary.

tomatolung ,

As a seafarer who moves through the world, arguing out of timezones is an uphill battle. (Minus the half hour timezone insanity.)

Daylight savings on the other hand, can be dropped like the smelly turd it is.

trolololol ,

Timezones are stupid and using European as the reference is imperialistic. Every clock should be set to the time calibrate where I live.

Persen ,

Andrew Tate is a mysogonist fuck-up profiting from dumbasses and his "very legal" whore buisness.

the_post_of_tom_joad , avatar

Time doesn't slow down when you approach the speed of light and the theory we're using to describe much of the universe is based on a bad premise, that the speed of light is constant.

I don't care that I'm not as smart as einstein or that a lot of complex theories i also don't fully understand are validated by special and general relativity. I, an everyman, know better.

I'm right

DefinitelyNotAPhone , avatar

Time doesn't slow down when you approach the speed of light

Correct, but only from your perspective. To other people you've slowed down, but from where you're sitting (or careening through the cosmos at the universal speed limit) everything happens just as fast as it normally does.

the theory we're using to describe much of the universe is based on a bad premise, that the speed of light is constant.

Quasi-correct. "The speed of light" as we think of it in physics is actually the speed of information, which dictates how quickly changes can propagate outwards (or put another way: how quickly you can know about something happening elsewhere). We refer to it as the speed of light because photons move at that speed in a vacuum due to having no mass and thus moving at the fastest possible speed, but things like gravitational waves also propagate at that same speed and have nothing to do with EM radiation. However, the speed of information doesn't change; it's a hard natural law with no known exceptions.

Physics in general is cheating for this thread though, because the answer to what makes stuff happen as we understand it is a giant metaphorical mass of "I 'unno." The Standard Model, relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, etc all have giant gaping holes in them that other models can often fill, but cannot be properly combined in any way that we've tried so far. They're still correct enough to base your entire life around without any worries, but there's always that last 0.01% that amounts to the margins of old maps reading "Here There Be Dragons".

originalucifer , avatar

health insurance != healthcare

health insurance profits only exist at the expense of human suffering.

but lets make sure everyone has insurance but not care

dillydogg ,

I thought this thread was for hot takes 😉

dmention7 ,

Is this your first time in an "unpopular opinion" thread? lol

UnfortunateDoorHinge ,

Teachers should be paid 50% more. If you want good teachers to stay, you have to walk the walk, otherwise you'll get a perpetual cycle of overwhelmed grads being bossed around by rusted-on bottom teer heads.

worldsayshi ,

That is hardly an unpopular opinion.

bjoern_tantau , avatar

Any comment that gets more than one upvote fails the subject.

grue ,

I gave your comment its second upvote.

bjoern_tantau , avatar
RampantParanoia2365 ,

Hawaiian pizza is good.

Not that it's the best pizza, or even my favorite. It's just a fine option.

Robbsen1 ,

That whole "pineapple on pizza" meme is incredibly lame

DeepGradientAscent , avatar

Extreme leftists, A.K.A. "tankies" (i.e., apologists for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the CCP, the DPRK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Xi Jingping, etc.), are threats to a free, egalitarian, and open society, are just as violently authoritarian as their religious, corporatist, and fascist counterparts, and should be treated with the contempt, distrust, and ridicule they deserve.

They claim to speak and fight for the proletariat, promising a new utopia, never before seen, once their revolution executes the last "class-traitor". In practice, once they're finished with "seizing the means of production", they'll never relinquish control and become the new ruling class.

They'll assume the mantle of an enlightened elite post-revolutionary administration to guide the proletariat to their promised utopia of "each according to their need, each according to their ability". In practice, they'll "need the most, because they're obviously the most able" in reorganizing the economic and political structure of society. The utopia of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" will never exist, only the dictatorship of the "revolutionary party". Repression and execution await those who question their claims and decisions. The former champions of labor will become champions of death.

They're akin to the pigs in Animal Farm, the loudest voices in the revolution, but a bit "more equal" than everyone else after the farmer is done away with. Fortunately, the pigs, like the farmer, got their comeuppance in the end of the story.

Your liberty and self-determination are beset by many threats: the religious, the nihilists, the corporatists, the fascists, and the supposed collectivists. They all claim to be the true authoritative "voice of the people".

Beware of their cults. Your life is worth more than their "cause" and/or "solution". Understand what they really are; power over everything, forever, is what they seek. They want you either as a willing pawn or dead, just like all the other presumably benevolent dictators throughout history. Arm yourself with knowledge and clarity in perception. Train your mind and body. Fight and deny the peddlers of arbitrary authoritarianism as if your life depends on it - because it does.

E: Lots of butt-hurt invertebrate Molotov-sippy-cup-throwing wannabe-dictator tankie shit-heels out there, all tryna start the revolution tomorrow. Good luck, comrades.🖕🏽

Lols ,

this is the mainstream view on the far-left

DeepGradientAscent , avatar

We have different opinions on what the extreme or far left are, or perhaps where the "center" is.

Lols ,

i didnt voice any opinion on what the extreme or far left are, so i imagine you either didnt understand my comment or are being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian

toomanypancakes , avatar

Vegans oppose animal cruelty.

Vegetarians don't, as the production of eggs, milk, etc is cruel.

whenigrowup356 ,

Looks left at 90% of the human population causing untold suffering without giving 2 shits.

Looks right at the 5% that are actually bothering to do something.

"Yes, let's shit on them"

birthday_attack ,

Man I had to rephrase this a dozen times and I still don't have a good way to communicate what I'm trying to say.

The goal of this kind of callout is to make vegetarians, people who already value animal welfare, aware that they may still be contributing towards animal cruelty. For example, I was a vegetarian for years and then got rocked by the realization that, "oh wait, vegans aren't just crazies that I can blow off, it was me who was ignorant the whole time."

So I anecdotally assume that a huge percentage of vegans are vegetarians who went from thinking "vegetarians and vegans are basically the same, besides vegans taking the idea too far" to "oh wait there's a huge important difference between the two." On vegan spaces, people often joke that "bullying worked on me lol" because the gentle approaches are easily ignored, but the really blunt "your actions don't align with your stated ethics" is really difficult to brush off.

undefinedValue ,

Onions taste gross and have no tangible benefit to cooking. Fight me.

DahGangalang ,

This thread really has brought out some real crazies.

But you sir are, in fact, a demon among men.

Xariphon ,

Young people are people and deserving of rights, including but not limited to the vote. There is no stupid thing a young person could do with their vote that old people don't already do and we don't require them not to in order to keep their vote.

qooqie ,

When I was mid 20s I thought young kids were too naive. I got older and saw how fucking stupid most adults are and think young kids are much smarter than their predecessors. They should absolutely have a voice in elections. 16 seems like a good age to me

Makeshift ,

Parents who purchase animal products care more about their “personal choice” than the world they’re leaving for their children. Bacon is more important to them than their own kids.

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