Prethoryn , avatar

The average Lemmy user knows fuck all about, security, privacy, operating systems, act like they are unique, and are inclusive despite wanting more people to understand more about the way they see things.

Libertarianism and anarchism aren't cool and don't work.

You are a part of the problem if you hate Nintendo but think you are helping the developer by pirating their games.

You are an even bigger problem to bringing more people to your way of thinking if you are constantly negative about those people buying something they like just because you wouldn't.

Thinking you are alternative because everything you think is mainstream makes you mainstream.

Your choice of FOSS and OS doesn't make that product good by design. Just because you can't operate and OS doesn't make that OS bad.

ICastFist , avatar

Libertarianism and anarchism aren’t cool and don’t work.

I thought that was just common sense for anyone with 2 working neurons.

tweeks ,

Euthanasia should be available for anyone at any age. You don't choose to be born, life has no inherent value, suffering is strictly personal. Suicide is a terrible option with lots of drama, an extremely high failure rate and lifelong treatments or medication that are seen as the solution by society is a conservative convulsion of keeping people alive under any circumstances.

We could set up three sessions with a therapist, to keep people from losing loved ones too fast. But honestly, to me that would feel patronizing. That other people find it important someone stays alive is their problem. If it hurts them too much they can do the same.

There is joy in life and that's beautiful, but on a scale suffering has the possibility to be more intense. Let people die without drama, let them say goodbye if they want with a ceremony, let them choose.

That's the next step in the mentality of a modern civilization. It will fix the drama of wars, hunger and pain as you always have a simple painless solution if the suffering gets too heavy. Just end it, peacefully, whenever you want.

BedbugCutlefish , avatar

Movies and TV are boring. In the past two decades, there's been a small handful of stuff that's watchable, but most of the media is like, painfully boring.

BynaD ,

I find it insane that the same people who are anti-fossil fuel and want only green energy is also anti-nuclear power. I also want fossil fuels gone, but nuclear is the only way we are able to get to where we need to.

val , avatar

wouldn't say this is an unpopular opinion. many people share your pov

ARg94 ,

But the truth makes Greta sooo angry.

ChilledPeppers ,

*it is one of the pieces of the puzzle. It is not renewable and generates trash that lasts thousands of years. It is another tool, and dismissing it is dumb, but it is not a silver bullet, and also isn’t that desirable for the long run.

theragu40 ,

A lot of things around the world were better before the Internet. And they were definitely better before smart phones reached ubiquity.

Erasmus , avatar

Both parties - Democrat and Republican - here in the US - are part of the ‘problem’ and need to go. We desperately need a third or multi party system and an end to this bullshit of geriatrics ruling our government and making decisions.

I would make comments about the first line all the time on Reddit and immediately get downvoted to hell because people would start arguing or making comparisons to the old ‘two sides of the same coin’ bit. That’s fine if that’s how you want to see it.

I get it, we all have certain things we fight for that the other party shits on, women’s rights (abortion), equal rights, labor, gun control, taxes, etc.

But both parties still serve their corporate masters and still do their damndest to turn people here in the US against each other using ever scare tactic imaginable and thru the media sources (Fox, CNN).

They just keep playing the Game to turn people against each other and create more decisiveness and more power for them.

socsa ,

Liberalism and socialism aren't entirely incompatible concepts

MrFunnyMoustache ,

Trying to get people to change problematic behaviour, language, or opinion through yelling, or shaming is ineffective most of the time. Obviously I can't expect people who belong to minorities to not be angry, not everyone can be Daryl Davis, but if you are white and don't have a personal trauma, you should use more effective methods to correct people's problematic behaviour.

Source: I was able to get my family to stop using the N word, and even my elderly father who doesn't actually remember that it's bad to use the N word has stopped using it thanks to this very simple technique: every time he says that word, stop the conversation and explain why this word is harmful and dangerous to use, don't let them steer the conversation back. Being visibly angry with them will only make them dig in their heels and seek comfort with other people who are racist, making it more difficult to get them out.

Eventually they will subconsciously stop using that word, simply because this causes the conversation to be interrupted every time. So while I don't punish them (can't exactly tell my father to go to his room or something), the repeated inconvenience of having the conversation halted every time will get it in their head eventually.

I think this is the most effective method to correct problematic behaviour in adults.

retrieval4558 ,

Anti-natalism makes some good points

Magnetar ,

Lemmy needs "sort by controversial" for entertainment purposes.

rikudou OP ,

Inspired by this, I wrote this quick function to paste in your browser console, if you're on PC:

(() => {
    const comments = [...document.querySelectorAll('main > div > .comments > li')];
    const commentsHolder = document.querySelector('main > div > .comments');

    const sorted = comments.sort((a, b) => {
        const upvotesA = Number(a.querySelector('.comment-bottom-btns > button:nth-child(1) > span').innerText);
        const downvotesA = Number(a.querySelector('.comment-bottom-btns > button:nth-child(2) > span').innerText);
        const upvotesB = Number(b.querySelector('.comment-bottom-btns > button:nth-child(1) > span').innerText);
        const downvotesB = Number(b.querySelector('.comment-bottom-btns > button:nth-child(2) > span').innerText);

        const ratioA = upvotesA > downvotesA ? downvotesA / upvotesA : upvotesA / downvotesA;
        const ratioB = upvotesB > downvotesB ? downvotesB / upvotesB : upvotesB / downvotesB;

        const diffA = 1 - ratioA;
        const diffB = 1 - ratioB;

        if (diffA === diffB) {
            return upvotesA + downvotesA >= upvotesB + downvotesB ? -1 : 1;

        return diffA > diffB ? 1 : -1;
    for (const comment of sorted) {

It sorts the comments by controversial, but first you need to scroll through all the comments to load them all.

dillydogg ,

I LOVE banana flavored stuff. When I say this, people will often say "even banana flavored Laffy Taffy?". Yes, that's the best flavor and it's not even close.

colonial , avatar

Too many people conflate the evils of corporatism and corruption with the general concept of "capitalism"/a market economy.

Now, I'm hardly an advocate of laissez-faire economics. But I'm not a full-on socialist either. I think the majority of problems people attribute to modern market economies can be corrected with aggressive anti-trust and pro-consumer regulation.

(The keyword here is majority. I'm sure it makes sense to socialize some things, but those details are best left to people smarter than me.)

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Nobody should have kids, we should just drift off into extinction. Nobody has been able to tell me why that would be a bad thing without using anthropocentric reasoning.

demystify ,

If you really think about it, why should life itself exist at all? The purpose of life is to simply reproduce. Well... what if it didn't? Nothing, it just wouldn't exist. It is a bad thing or a good thing?

You can get very philosophical with this one, but I do agree that we humans deserve to fade out. So many atrocities, so much... pain, and all for really stupid reasons.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Lack of good = neutral

Lack of bad = good

Non-existence is always preferrable.

richieadler ,

Funny how people asserting that, continues existing to assert that. I find that very inconsistent.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

So you don't see a difference between never having existed and killing yourself? Weird.

Catsrules ,

If we all die who would take care of our pets?

intensely_human ,

Tell me why anything should or should not happen without using anthropomorphic reasoning.

richieadler ,

Your position is nihilist anti-intelligence, so it has nothing to defend.

Today ,

Have kids and love them tremendously but the world is such a clusterfuck that I'm ok if i don't have grandkids.

Nonameuser678 , avatar

Everyone should try and reduce the amount of meat they eat as much as they can. Same goes for flying and driving.

ARg94 ,

Nah. John Kerry and Leo can stop flying everywhere in their private jets. That'll make a bigger difference than anything I do.

Lifecoach5000 ,

The Beatles were overrated.

TheRealLinga ,

Yeah, I like other insects more, like preying mantises!

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