
PiJiNWiNg , in Motherly advice

Surprised to see nobody has mentioned Banksy's "Mother and Anarchist", this is pretty close to it.

Cethin ,

There's no way this isn't a reference to that. The mom is essentially just traced over.

PiJiNWiNg ,

Thanks for sharing the picture, i should have done that 😅

VerticaGG ,

Fun /s facts i learned recently about Banksy:

  • intentionally does art near low income neighborhoods, thus gentrifying them to all hell
  • he built a hotel 4 miles away from the Gaza Strip that trivialized everything Palestine was going through for the past 78 years, and told a story of how the genocide is “a nuanced and debatable issue”
VerticaGG , in LLM political position

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

Ptsf , in LLM political position

If you specify "against stealing except food in times of starvation or hunger " it replies "utilitarian" instead. Just an FYI.

thefartographer , in LLM political position

I believe that stealing food is wrong. Primarily because the ones who make it possible to eat are the ones going hungry. It's not stealing, it's taking back.

The only theft here is being forced to pay for what should be a universally available public resource.

irreticent OP , avatar

One word response. /s

thefartographer ,


NaibofTabr , in Big Bad Wolf Thought

Um, I think this is literally advocating "might makes right".

TheOctonaut ,

Yes you understand anarchists now.

Of course anarchists will then reinvent the state to explain how they'd prevent this happening. But like, it's not called the state, so it's better.

winterayars ,

It's not so much advocating this situation as it is pointing out that it's the system we're living under. So you have an alternative to it?

NaibofTabr ,

It’s not so much advocating this situation as it is pointing out that it’s the system we’re living under.

This is not a valid interpretation, because the wolf is wearing a jacket with the anarchy symbol in the last frame, in which it advocates for the use of direct violence to seize property. Also, the frame before this says:

"The wolf devoured him on the spot, and redistributed his property among the wolf pack."

This is a sort of benevolent strong-man fantasy, where the mighty (violent killers) redistribute wealth (in a presumably equitable way?) because they are willing and able to exert force to do so. It wants to paint itself with the Robin Hood mythology (rob the rich and give to the poor) but it is actually a disgusting fetishization of violence as a source of moral superiority.

In fact, there's no reason why we should consider the wolf to be any more moral than the pig, as their story begins with property destruction (unprovoked, so far as we know in this context) and then moves on to murder and theft. The benevolence or charity they might perform after these actions does not excuse or redeem the destruction, murder or theft. Based on what is presented in this comic, the wolf is demonstrably a less moral individual than the pig. This isn't even ambiguous, because they didn't actually bother having a conversation with the pig - they leapt straight to murder as a solution to what they perceived to be a problem.

Perhaps the wolf is a valid representation of anarchist ideology. If so, anarchists need to reexamine their ideology.

nickwitha_k ,

Agreed on this. I'm an anarchist myself and find the "moral" of the comic to be absurd and contrary to much of the anarchist ideas that I am familiar with. It feels much more edgelordy and effectively seems to be promoting the use of violence to establish new hierarchy (hierarchical systems being kinda contradictory to anarchism).

Not sure if it is bad faith or ignorance.

TrickDacy , in Big Bad Wolf Thought

Ah yes, literally murdering and devouring people we don't like is the only way.

Lotarion , avatar

That's the anarchist movement for ya

db0 Mod , avatar

liberals and bad faith. What's more fitting.

TrickDacy ,

Probably contrarians and cutting off noses to spite faces

retrospectology , in Big Bad Wolf Thought avatar

So the pig is an anarchist too?

768 , in Tankies and the Left-Unity Scam

Can tankies and anticivs struggle on their respective platforms, please?

Stoneykins , avatar

Can I ask what comm you thought this was? I don't want to be an asshole but people seem lost on lemmy not infrequently... I'm wondering what it's about.

To be clear if you hadn't realized this is the anarchist community, hosted on an instance that I believe is owned (or maybe just operated by?) by the main mod of the anarchism community. This is their "respective platform".

db0 Mod , in Red Flags: Before You Join That Org… avatar

Find Existing Groups or Projects
This can be tricky if you're totally new to this scene, and there's no one way to
do this. The writers of this zine all got involved in completely different ways.
One way to start can be by poking around in social spaces. Local radical,
indie, and DIY spaces sometimes have fliers and zines that might tell you
about upcoming events where you can meet people. Ask around and reach
out. Learn to see things that aren't "leftist" as radical. There are powerful
social spaces that aren't legible to the state—like auntie networks—that will
always be the backbone of social life. Build relationships on the fringes!

An interesting point about this. A lot of ND people have trouble reaching out actively like this. Like, it goes against all our instincts to just join something new like this and a lot of coping mechanisms to be able to fight back against them. I feel groups need to have some way to do outreach in other contexts to attract people who might be open to such orgs.

punkisundead ,

Do you have any experiences which type of outreach worked for you personally?

db0 Mod , avatar

You mean, how I've been approached before, or how I approached others?

If you mean the former, I never was.

In the latter case, I didn't manage to be in an org by the point I realize I might need to do this. Currently I'm trying to setup my own org and we'll see how it goes.

technocrit , in Red Flags: Before You Join That Org…

This happens all the time on social media. I start following some "leftist" account. It seems ok. Eventually they start with the stalin, vanguard, promotion of fascist invasions, etc.

Once I was told I have "oppositional defiant disorder" for being anti-authoritarian. It's wild how red fash share the same techniques as classic fascism.

db0 Mod , in Red Flags: Before You Join That Org… avatar

At its core, the vanguardist's self-assigned task is to decide what is
"revolutionary," craft a blueprint for all of society, and seize the power
necessary to impose this blueprint on the world. The word "Vanguard" itself
expresses the idea that this select few is the necessary leader of the
unthinking masses toward "revolution," rather than the "masses"
themselves. They justify this with ideological concepts like "democratic
centralism" and "historical materialism." This highly theoretical view of
human society and history puts the machinations of the vanguard above the
concerns of individuals and whole societies, creating a rationalization for
harming colossal numbers of people. The underlying power dynamic is
hidden behind a smokescreen of ideological necessity: they claim to know
the only true path to revolution, and to stray from it is to betray the struggle
and lead us all to certain doom. This is great for them and bad for the rest of
us, both in theory and practice

A lot of the constant drum-roll about "read more theory" you'll hear from them is grounded in this. One needs to keep reading ML theory until they become enlightened enough to lead the revolution. And if you don't believe that's should be the case, you obviously haven't read enough theory yet.

Anyway, nice zine. I saw so many of these red flags in the Greek KKE and surrounding small parties. Good people to have a beer with, and with their heart largely in the right place, but useless revolutionary potential which causes massive churn and burnout of radicals.

haui_lemmy , in Deceleration: Notes on anarchism and degrowth avatar

One thing I would really like is more accessible text in regards to anarchism.

Things like logical conclusions pointed out, not just flowing in 20+ word long sentences. The people that really need to read this stuff imo dont have the comprehension or the interest to go through it. I myself would love to gain more talking points from this but its not easy to stay motivated let alone in more expanding writings which often get referenced.

It also helps certain people further their own agenda inside the movement imo. Text walls and drowning out others are common amongst charlatans and people who are always „right“.

TL;DR: I feel like anarchism is the way to go but accessibility needs to get better imo.

technocrit , in Wash your own dishes!
Kolanaki , in Wash your own dishes! avatar

I like the last two.

Down with washing and let's just smash the dishes.

DessertStorms , in Wash your own dishes! avatar

Made by someone who clearly doesn't understand at least half of these terms.. 🤦‍♀️

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