randomaccount43543 OP , to xkcd in xkcd #2897: Light Leap Years
youngalfred ,

there's never been a "Papal starship"^[citation ^needed]

nickhammes ,

There hasn't been a Papal starship yet. I'm pretty sure he could Christen one, or delegate that authority to the bishop of the moon, an actual thing that technically exists.

wandermind ,
Kusimulkku ,

Clearly they don't know about Hyperion books

Frozengyro ,

That was my first thought

niktemadur , to xkcd in xkcd #2883: Astronaut Guests

This assumes that old thing that your property goes straight up so you also claim ownership of the airspace, as written by Lawrence Lessig in his excellent book "Free Culture".

In that case, on more than one occasion I've had several dozen people over for dinner, as a commercial airliner flew overhead.

Wizard_Pope , avatar

Do you really need to assume that or can you just interpret having them over as being above you? You don't need to own the airspace for them to he above you.

chuckleslord ,

Yeah, they're literally "over"

IWantToFuckSpez , to xkcd in xkcd #2932: Driving PSA

Roundabouts ftw. Best traffic invention to beat time traveling assassins.

wander1236 , avatar

Except the ones with two lanes that can both exit or continue

princessnorah , avatar

I have never seen a roundabout here in Australia that allows for these sorts of conflicting movements, that would be asinine. Are you saying there's multiple lanes that can exit or go straight such that someone in the inside lane can turn out in front of someone continuing around in the outside lane? Is this a North American thing? Of course that would result in accidents, don't build your bloody roundabouts like that!!

I drive through three lane (six lane road) roundabouts all the time and no one gets hurt. In fact I have to drive through two such roundabouts to get to the nearest freeway.

wander1236 , avatar

There are so many like this in the US. I don't understand who thought they were a good idea or why they keep getting made

nulluser , (edited )

I'm absolutely calling BS. I've never seen such a thing and wagering that you are just confused about what lanes can do what (or you're just making shit up). There are several roundabouts near me where an inside lane can turn out or go straight, but in all of those cases all lanes further out are required to turn out. The people that design traffic patterns aren't idiots, but there's no shortage of idiot drivers that can't follow even the simplest patterns.

If you want to insist, all you need to do is link to such an intersection in google maps so I can look at the aerial view. I'm honestly curious how they would paint the traffic lanes to indicate what you're describing.

4am ,
digdug ,

Even on that, a driver in the right lane must exit. If they want to continue to the left, they are required to make a lane change, in which case all lane change rules would apply.

Rai ,

I’ve got some near to me that both lanes can exit, but you must be in the inside lane to keep going round. They’re very strangely designed.

marcos ,

Imagine a roundabout where most of the traffic flows straight on only one of the streets. Things would improve a lot of you gave that street the right of way and cut a shortcut on the middle of the roundabout, wouldn't them?

(/s by the way, but a lot of transit engineers to really believe in this. Unironically.)

princessnorah , avatar

You jest, but we do kind of have something like this in Melbourne, Australia. Except the vehicles that get to cut through the middle of the roundabout are Trams. Plus while they're trundling through, everyone else has to stop and wait for them.

marcos ,

I was not joking when I said a lot of transit engineers believe on it.

That one is one of the least bad I've seen. Try imagine it on the cross of two roads (actual high-speed roads, country-side). I've seen many of those.

princessnorah , avatar

I'm bloody sorry but did you just say this is one of the least bad you've seen?? Let me give you a different view:

Trams traverse the traffic lanes at three points, as well as one making an immediate left turn exit. There are four traffic lanes. Royal Parade has inside lanes and service lanes.

But I also don't have to imagine that at all, those are common here too and I've never had a problem at them:

Notice how the approaching lane at the bottom left has an artificial curve added to it? It's traffic calming to help slow down cars before they get to the roundabout itself.

marcos ,

That second picture of yours is just a normal roundabout. Try making one of the roads pass directly through it. And don't change the signaling.

I've noticed that the tram line cuts the traffic in 3 points. What is the speed of that street? Anyway, the tram line is clearly signed in a way that can be noticed on the photo. And every car there is making a weird curve, nobody is speeding anyway.

princessnorah , (edited ) avatar

What is the speed of that street?

You'll have to be specific, all five of the roads that enter this roundabout are different, none actually continue through it. I think the maximum speed limit in the area is 60km/h though.

Edit: Also, the weird looking building in the first picture? That's the Royal Melbourne Hospital. There is A Lot going on at this roundabout. Though I guess as far as it not being "bad" it is probably the best intersection they could have built for this location. The cycle length if it were a signalised intersection would be insane.

3ntranced ,
Right near my old house, dubbed the "Suicide Circle" for how everyone drives through it seemingly unaware of any other drivers on the road.

princessnorah , avatar

I don't see any conflicting movements here. I have a roundabout almost exactly like this just around the corner. It's not complicated.

3ntranced ,
It's more the amount of choke points that turn to gridlock at rush hour. That plus it's the Midwest so 85% of the population doesn't understand how they work.

princessnorah , avatar

I think it's probably got more to do with the drivers. There are plenty of roundabouts like this where I am in Aus, and they get used just fine. Over here they have a far lower rate of accidents than other types of intersections. We never have 4 way stops either, we just put a roundabout there.

FMT99 , to xkcd in xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas

I was under the impression that bloodletting could in some cases actually be beneficial.

FireTower , avatar

Yeah, it's still practiced. But the whole four humors thing is a bit old hat.

I think there's a few of these misplaced. Heelys>transition lens.

ZILtoid1991 ,

And also often in such cases, blood donation is suggested instead.

Viking_Hippie ,

Heelys>transition lens.

I dunno, seems kinda unrelated..

Mostly_Gristle ,

Yeah, for people with hemochromatosis (too much iron in the blood) the main treatment is still bloodletting.

deweydecibel ,

Or go piss off Magneto

IWantToFuckSpez ,

Yeah it can reduce PFAS levels in your system.

Though better to just donate that blood than let it go to waste.

chumbalumber ,

Also leeches are used to help veins heal after reattaching fingers/ears/other dangly bits, which is a form of bloodletting

Viking_Hippie ,

Didn't Paul McCartney write a song about blood letting?

🎵if this ever-changing world in which we're living makes you give in to need... Live and let bleed!🎵

aBundleOfFerrets , to xkcd in xkcd #2918: Tick Marks

This one is clever!

THE_MASTERMIND , to xkcd in xkcd #2894: Research Account

ULTP: Just point out opponents grammer or typos instant win.

meowgenau ,




PunnyName ,

My grammer died from COVID

WhiteHawk ,

My grammar died from covid

SomeBoyo ,

My grammer died from corvid



ItsAFake , avatar
OpenStars , avatar

Reminds me of this meme.

To be clear I don't care about the argument at all, only memes.:-D

PunnyName ,

A respectable position to take.

ben_dover ,

my grammer died from morbius

IndefiniteBen ,

You really are an Unethical Life Tip Pro.

dave , avatar

… opponent’s … typos—instant win.

jerrythegenius , avatar

Did you mean "for an instant win"?

Trabic , to xkcd in xkcd #2910: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Is this comic considered a hate crime in Canada?

AlligatorBlizzard ,

I'm pretty sure it is in Minnesota.

Pronell ,

I'm a Minnesotan that just sent this to like a dozen people.

I sang the comic!

Trabic ,

Canadians, find this southerner. This is the type of thing the Geneva Checklist is for!

Jarix ,

No frack you this is hilarious and awesome!

mildbeard ,

Wait, is he implying that Gordon Lightfoot is not an awesome songwriter?

Jarix ,

When you said he did you refer to Randall or Trabic?

hperrin , to xkcd in xkcd #2893: Sphere Tastiness

One can only predict that rabbit poop is delicious.

jawa21 ,

My dog seems to agree with this sentiment.

agamemnonymous , avatar

Rabbits seem to enthusiastically agree as well

Willy ,

I have many rabbits near me. I also have many rabbit poops. I have never observed rabbits eating poop in the wild. Are your rabbits special?

agamemnonymous , avatar

Rabbits have two kinds of poop: the hard little Cocoa Pebble looking ones and the soft glossy cluster-of-grapes looking ones. The former have been fully digested, the latter are designed to be eaten again to extract more nutrients.

Willy ,

I have to assume your are serious. that's disgusting. TIL. btw, are there any other animals you know of that do similar? do they always eat their shits or just when fresh food is scarce? I love that you used the word “designed”. what a glorious Lord that designed an animal and declared “you shall be gifted the ability to eat the same thing twice; second time not as nice”

agamemnonymous , avatar

It's always, it's a solution to the high-fiber low-nutrient herbivorous diet they have. Larger herbivores tend to have longer digestive tracts, rabbits use cecotropes. Designed was just shorthand for it being a regular function of their body and not some fluke of desperation.

randomaccount43543 OP , to xkcd in xkcd #2949: Network Configuration
xantoxis ,

Thanks, I really needed it this time.

Apparently this isn't how I do network configuration.

ZDL , avatar

This is one of those times when even having it explained doesn't make things any more comprehensible.

ornery_chemist , to xkcd in xkcd #2907: Schwa

Don't a lot of these use the "strut" vowel (/ʌ/) and not schwa (/ə/) per se?

My transcription would be

/wʌts ʌp? wʌz dʌg gənə kʌm? dʌg lʌvz bɹʌntʃ. nʌʔʌ dʌgz stʌk kəz əv ə tʌnəl əbstɹʌkʃən. ə tɹʌk dʌmpt ə tʌn əv ʌnjənz. ʊχ./

TheBananaKing ,

You use the same vowel for 'what' as you do for 'up'?

:confused Australian noises:

mihnt , avatar


WoahWoah ,

Oh you're Australian. Yeah, most dialects in the US say "what" and "up" with a schwa.

Wut up. The 'u' vowel sound in "up" is the same one in "what" in most American dialects.

The schwa is the same vowel sound in duzza. Wuzza uppa.

ornery_chemist ,


lugal ,

They merge in many accents merge these two sounds as Dr Geoff Lindsey explains here.

ornery_chemist , (edited )

Thank you for reminding me of this channel, I'd forgotten about it.

Interesting about the merging. Schwa has always been weird for me because in my dialect it can be many sounds. I grew up saying "obstruction" as [ʌbstɹʌkʃɪn] like those around me. Then I hit grade school and was told by a straight-faced teacher that both the first and last syllables in this and similar words were schwas while pronouncing them differently :)

ornery_chemist ,

The point about stress is interesting. I've been playing with pronouncing the phrase, and almost everything tends toward [ɐ] when I speak the syllables one at a time, even the ones I marked with and pronounce as a schwa in normal speech. The notable exceptions are the final schwas in "obstruction" and "onions", which tend toward [ɪ], and the -nel of "tunnel", which is something like [nɫ] (vocalic ɫ) ~ [nəɫ].

TheBananaKing ,

Australian version is similar:

/wɒts ʌp? wʌz dʌg gənə kʌm? dʌg lʌvz bɹʌntʃ. nʌʔʌ dʌgz stʌk kəz ɒv ə tʌnəl ɒbstɹʌkʃən. ə tɹʌk dʌmpt ə tʌn ɒv ʌnjənz. əχ./

nonfuinoncuro ,

Dann y'all are good at IPA

One day I'll learn it, after I learn the NATO phonetic alphabet, dvorak typing, and Morse code.

captainlezbian ,

Start with dvorak. It’ll ruin you best. You’ll be that person to your it department

ornery_chemist ,

It helps when most of the vowels are the same and most other letters match their English counterparts lol.

In case you get the urge to learn sooner:

Here are some quick refs for consonants and vowels in English (RP = received pronunciation (a standardized form of English from the UK), GA = General American). Wikipedia pages for specific English dialects (e.g., Australian English) also contain a bunch of word/IPA pairs. Here are audio charts for vowels and consonants.

Gork , to xkcd in xkcd #2884: Log Alignment

Apply the video version to your Zoom background for the perfect Max Headroom look and feel.

LPThinker , to xkcd in xkcd #2934: Bloom Filter

For anyone interested in learning more about bloom filters, this is a technical but extremely accessible and easy to follow introduction to them, including some excellent interactive visualizations:

gbuttersnaps ,

This was a great read, thanks for sharing!

Dagwood222 , to xkcd in xkcd #2911: Greenland Size

As per Roseanne Barr.

Of course men are better than women at reading maps. Only a man would tell you that one inch is the same as 100 miles!

randomaccount43543 OP , to xkcd in xkcd #2895: Treasure Chests
moistclump ,

I love the care and depth that goes into these explanations.

fernlike ,

Only prepare one chest and film it being burried three times.

That way you are only out $1000 and they'll keep searching for the other 2 (non existent) chests if/when they find the chest.

AThing4String ,

No, no, people will give up if it's just one. You need to do two chests, marked #1 and #3. Film a #2 being buried also, but dig it up immediately.

342345 , (edited ) to xkcd in xkcd #2908: Moon Armor Index

Putting on our moon armour could solve a lot of problems. It's not my most favourite solution though.

PS: Gonggong?!
Edit: dwarf planet. Discovered in 2007 and named after a god in the chinese mythology:

Gonggong was ashamed that he lost the fight with Zhurong, the Chinese god of fire, to claim the throne of Heaven. In a fit of rage, he smashed his head against Buzhou Mountain, one of eight pillars holding up the sky, greatly damaging it and causing the sky to tilt towards the northwest and the Earth to shift to the southeast, which caused great floods and suffering.


ClockworkOtter ,

Sounds like someone who didn't learn healthy coping mechanisms.

feedum_sneedson , (edited )

Ah, it is Chinese, interesting. I'm guessing it's not the gonggong in 公共汽车, because that's a bus.

What, it almost literally is. It's 共工, like "work together"... but not like, go to work together (on the bus).

342345 ,


These characters have multiple entirely different meanings. How does one find out what the supposed meaning is? Or is it up to the reader to decide?

feedum_sneedson ,

Context, apparently the word "set" has 430 meanings in the Oxford dictionary. So there's a lot of ambiguity. It's very confusing but I think we give as good as we get in that regard.

Jackcooper ,

The old guy from everything everywhere all at once

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