jprice , to collapse of the old society in The West is warming and drying so fast that a crucial drought-monitoring tool can’t keep up, study says

The Everglades are dry by the way.

Jakdracula , to collapse of the old society in The West is warming and drying so fast that a crucial drought-monitoring tool can’t keep up, study says avatar

Non paywall linky:

the_post_of_tom_joad , to News in Group tied to Colorado election overhaul drops $1 million in last-minute primary spending

Yeah i hate this guy, saw the piece on him by John Oliver. But i don't see how he gains by backing this. Perhaps this is his broken clock time to be right?

Colorado already allows unaffiliated s to vote in all primaries iirc. Maybe this could be leveraged against the public in some way i cannot see, but that's moot imo since our current system is rigged to hell already

mozz Admin , to News in Group tied to Colorado election overhaul drops $1 million in last-minute primary spending
mozz avatar

I can’t help but think that this whole framing and construction is slanted as hard as it can possibly be to make this sound like a bad thing

The combination of “time for many of us to stand up for the majority in the middle” to make people on the left suspicious, along with framing in terms of a wealthy donor “dropping” an honestly not all that large amount of money into “an election already awash” with dark money and “outside spending” to make people on the right suspicious, is honestly very well done.

einkorn , to World News in Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’ avatar

I hope there are no Japanese torpedo boats in the way.

supertrucker ,

Or worse yet, British fishing trawlers

freagle , to World News in Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’

This is SO bold that I have to imagine it's a sign of a very very significant intelligence advantage Russia has over the USA. They're not going to do this in an attempt to get the US to attack the ship to escalate conflict. They're likely prepared to lose the ship to US violence, but that contingency is likely counterbalanced by a gambit to reduce the USA's diplomatic power by allowing it to erode it's legitimacy. It's also telling that this is happening at the same time that China is reported to be engaging in "intense diplomacy" in LatAm this past week. It feels like a concerted effort to significantly reduce the USA's sphere of influence in a very short period of time, which is only something you would try if you had serious preparations, intelligence, and counterintelligence indicating that now would be an advantageous time.

One alternative is that its desperation, but I don't see a lot of evidence for that.

Aidinthel ,

Putin thought he could defeat Ukraine in three days, and the result is two years and plus of war, tens of thousands of casualties that he will admit to, and US-made weapons now being fired into Russia. I don't see him being the kind of 4D Chessmaster you seem to think he is.

stmcld ,

The three day victory bullshit story is so boring, you guys repeat it ad nauseum. Get better talking points.

And it's so funny since it was the US/ Nato that mentioned the three day bullshit story. There's not one record of Putin or any Russian official even saying such a thing.

Lmao you guys are pathetic

NuclearDolphin ,

Long, drawn out siege warfare was even a stereotypical strategy of Soviet generals. This is precisely how Russia has been waging war in Ukraine.

stmcld ,

Exactly that. They're achieving their goal by careful and thorough advancement.

The priority is liberating the Russian part of the Ukraine from the Zelensky dictatorship and his neo nazis. Why would Russia want to occupy western Ukraine? It will just be a nazi filled mess to govern and be targeted. That's how i see it. I'm sure I'm way off on certain things lol.

But these losers will say that Russia is losing because they can't make it to Kiev, or some such nonsense.

pingveno ,

It was a wrongly attributed quote from Lukashenko. But wanting to topple the duly elected Ukrainian government using some bullshit excuse was definitely a correct quote.

TeddyKila , avatar

duly elected

History began Feb 2022. The "Euromaidan" was a myth spread by tankies.

pingveno ,

Ah yes, Zelensky, famously elected in 2014.

davel , to World News in Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’ avatar
tacosanonymous , to Denver Post Comment Section in Social media searches play central role at jury selection for Trump’s first criminal trial

It had to be so hard to find a sane human being that doesn’t hate the nastiest narcissist billionaire America has to offer.

jpreston2005 ,

I can't imagine how someone could just sit idly by on the sidelines of American political discourse for the last 8 years, all the while thinking "I haven't seen/heard enough to form an opinion on this guy."

Like, how crazy must your life be, to have never had the opportunity to reflect on any of the countless examples of his unfathomable idiocy, blatant narcissism, or his outright contempt for the avg person?

CharlesDarwin OP , to politics in Letters: Christian Nationalism threatens our freedoms and democracy avatar

Meant to post this to the Denver Post Comments community. In any case, while it's nice that Kafer called out xtian nationalism in her original column, she had to slip what I've heard driftglass call "the razor in the apple" in there. The cons just really cannot help themselves.

The razor:

The atheist communist government in China mercilessly persecutes Muslims and to a lesser degree Christians.

bostonbananarama ,

The important thing for everyone to remember is that atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods. It can't cause anyone to do anything. Christianity on the other hand is the driving motivator for repressive laws meant to subjugate and punish "others" based on the wants and needs of a non-existent imaginary sky friend.

Also, China might be atheist but the Nazis were Christians.

FenrirIII , avatar

China worships the party (CCP) and country (nationalism).

Spitzspot , to Denver Post Comment Section in The US didn’t just avoid a recession — it’s adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs avatar

Dark Brandon rises!

CharlesDarwin OP Mod , to Denver Post Comment Section in Trump racks up endorsements from Republicans in Congress as any resistance that once existed fades avatar

Was anything less than this expected for the party of authoritarianism?

I bet more than a few of them would get on all fours and let little d have his way with them if he told them to do it. And not just metaphorically.

Kit , to politics in Americans’ economic outlook brightens as inflation slows and wages outpace prices

Y'all are getting higher wages?

doingthestuff ,

Took a pay cut this year.

Maggoty , to politics in Americans’ economic outlook brightens as inflation slows and wages outpace prices

I'll save everyone a click. Pay is up 2.5%. Food is up 20%. Those are not typos. They're trying to spin this so hard they're making cotton candy out of it.

FenrirIII , avatar

I don't care. Please tell me corporate profits are up?! /s

Maggoty ,

Oh definitely.

b3an , avatar

But it clearly says everyone is so happy! Our problems are solved! Oh and wages are outpacing the price gouging!… who the fuck writes this shit

papertowels ,

Some much needed context - the numbers This comment refers to are calculated from since the pandemic - the headline of this article probably refers to the results this year, which are.... Less bad. Not quite good, but less bad.

Maggoty ,

Lol. It's not like like that inflation went away. It's baked in. Until wages outpace inflation long enough to eat that lead back up. A good way to visualize it is as a race. Inflation gained a huge lead and wages going faster for one lap isn't going to close that lead.

papertowels ,

Right, but the headline isn't as ridiculous as your original comment makes it out to be. Folks can easily interpret your comment as the article is trying to spin food prices being up 20%, and wages being up 2.5% as a good thing, when it's not saying that. Things are getting better, but there's a long way to go.

Maggoty ,

There's been a long way to go since the 1970's. And that's exactly what they're trying to spin. They want people to read the headline, feel okay, and then not understand the numbers.

Blackout , to politics in Americans’ economic outlook brightens as inflation slows and wages outpace prices
andthenthreemore , avatar

Reduced inflation ≠ deflation

EmpathicVagrant , to politics in Americans’ economic outlook brightens as inflation slows and wages outpace prices

Wages outpace nothing. I got a raise because state minimum wage came to $15, and rent went up 10%.

fidodo ,

Landlords absolutely collude over pricing and land is a limited resource so there's no competition allowing them to bleed people dry. We need to put up limits on rental profit and we need it like 5 decades ago.

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