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zerkrazus ,

Pretty much. Gentrification in action. They're pricing out workers who work these jobs and then the rich people who move in pitch a fit about how there's long waits and "no service" and how "no one wants to work anymore." You all did this to yourselves. You chased away the workers. If you have a problem with the environment you created, perhaps you should stop doing that or go work these "great" jobs yourselves?

zerkrazus ,

Gentrification: the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process.

It literally is gentrification. And yes they are NIMBYs too. It's both. It's the same coin.

zerkrazus ,

I hope they fine all of them trillions and jail the top level people. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this BS. There's been rampant price gouging, fixing, and collusion going on in this country for a long time now across industries and it sure would be nice if someone would do something to stop it.

zerkrazus ,

Agreed. Corporations should not be allowed to own housing. It has zero benefits for the public and little to no drawbacks for the corporation.

zerkrazus ,

Yep, pretty much. They'll never issue a real fine.

zerkrazus ,

Good. Let's issue warrants for all current and former presidents too as they're all war criminals.

zerkrazus ,

Right? There's people still spouting that "all of that money from the pandemic" is somehow still sustaining the lives of thousands and thousands of people 4 years later.

zerkrazus ,

Seriously. They act like it's 1924 not 2024, when ~$3,000 was the equivalent of ~$55,000 today.

Majority of Americans watching Biden’s SOTU speech had positive response: CNN poll ( thehill.com )

People really need to learn how to distinguish between words and actions. It doesn't really matter so much what he says. It matters what he does. And thus far he's been a shit president, as they all have (in my lifetime at least), IMO....

Biden's State of the Union may try "to portray former President Trump as harboring disdain against Latinos" ( twitter.com )

What fucking racists they both are. Latinos/Latinas are not one homogeneous people with the same nationality, culture, identity, beliefs, etc. There are many who live here who are from many different countries. A lot of Cubans for example tend to lean conservative IIRC.

zerkrazus OP Mod ,

Thanks for adding the additional links.

zerkrazus OP Mod ,

Right on, and you're welcome as well!

zerkrazus Mod ,

I agree. Elections are about conning gullible and stupid people into thinking they have some say in what goes on. They don't. We're an oligarchy-kleptocracy and have been since at least the 1980s, if not earlier.

People think the primaries allow us to pick candidates, but do they really? Not IMO. How often do you see a random Joe or Jane from a middle of nowhere town of 200 people as one of the candidates? Hardly ever. And even if they were, would they ever get the nomination? Doubtful. The oligarchs pick the candidates for the primaries.

Even if someone honestly believes we have a democracy, we don't at least not when it comes to presidential elections, not IMO anyways. Those who vote are voting for electors, who is, in theory, supposed to then vote for the candidate the voters voted for, but they don't have to AFAIK (faithless electors). IMO democracy is direct, not indirect. I know there's representative democracy (indirect), which is what we have, in theory, but I don't agree that it's that democratic. Especially when the oligarchs get to pick who they want to run.

Electoral politics are a sham and you can’t vote out fascists and oligarchs. They will just change the rules if the election doesn't go the way they want. And yes, both Democrats & Republicans are fascists and run by oligarchs.

zerkrazus , (edited )

If this doesn't help convince people that Democrats are Blue Republicans, I don't know what will. She's literally part of the other party.

Keep on licking boots. That'll fix things. You've been doing the same song and dance for 40+ years and what's happened? The rich keep getting richer and everyone else keeps getting worse off. You're not going to get the results you claim to want by doing the same thing over and over and over and over.

zerkrazus ,

Where exactly did I say to vote for Trump?

My saying doing the same thing over and over and over was perhaps too vague. I meant we shouldn't keep voting for Republicans AND Democrats and expecting them to fix things because neither have any interest in doing so. They only care about making themselves rich and their donors rich.

McConnell endorses Trump for president. He once blamed Trump for ‘disgraceful’ Jan. 6, 2021, attack ( apnews.com )

With McConnell’s endorsement of Trump, it gives the green light to other remaining skeptical Republicans — and the deep-pocketed donors who fuel campaigns — to fall in line despite any reservations they may have about a return to the Trump era....

zerkrazus ,

As per usual, they talk trash but they all kneel and kiss the ring at the end of the day. Fuck Trump and fuck McConnell too.

zerkrazus ,

Because they're Diet Republicans. Years ago, Republicans were conservatives and Democrats were liberals. After Reagan trounced them in the 80s, the Democrats decided it was more important to be more like Republicans and have become more and more conservative with each election. Now Republicans are full on fascists and Democrats are the 1980s Republicans. And liberals have become 1980s conservatives. There is no mainstream representation for anyone who is actually left (i.e. communists, socialists, etc.).

zerkrazus ,

I respectively disagree. IMO, they're centrists, Neither are communists nor socialists.

Both campaigned on being left. But what have their actions been since they got into office? Campaigning and in-office actions are not always the same.

In Bernie's case he used to be left, but when Biden got in office he has bent the knee and been milquetoast centrist. And AOC is Pelosi 2.0. Doesn't care about anything except making money and protecting her own image. She's full of shit. In any other country she'd be right wing.

zerkrazus ,

Yes, because that'll certainly help things. /s

Didn't we already try little to no regulations at least once in this country? Deregulating doesn't generally help anyone except the rich.

zerkrazus ,

What an asshole this guy is. Fuck off with your gaslighting Darren Woods.

zerkrazus ,

Good riddance. Hope she fucks off into irrelevance.

zerkrazus ,

Okay. Why can't they just get rid of the fees altogether? Why do we need to have ANY kind of junk fees for anything? Oh wait, I know. To make rich people richer.

2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season Names ( en.wikipedia.org )

The following list of names will be used for named storms that form in the North Atlantic in 2024. This is the same list used in the 2018 season, with the exceptions of Francine and Milton, which replaced Florence and Michael, respectively....

zerkrazus ,

Good luck getting that to pass in the U.S. They'd rather use abortion rights as a carrot-on-a-stick for fundraising.

zerkrazus ,

Because they're scumbag fascist pigs who shoot first and ask questions later.

zerkrazus ,

Oil companies are some of the scummiest scumbags there are. I hate them.

zerkrazus ,

Wow. Looks like Georgia doesn't want to be left out of the fascist fun states like Florida, Texas, Arkansas, etc. are doing.

zerkrazus ,

Not surprising. Bosses/managers these days don't want employees with drive or ambition. They want mindless cogs-in-a-machine wage slaves who will toil away at the same job for 30+ years without demanding raises, time off, etc. They don't want to train people either for any job. Hence all the 5+ years of experience for "entry level" jobs.

zerkrazus ,

Politicians and the media keep talking about crime in general and keep claiming it's rampant, which it isn't. But funny, they never talk about the crime that actually IS rampant, wage theft. Wage theft is bigger than all other forms of crime combined in terms of dollars lost, yet hardly anyone ever talks about or mentions it or cares about it.

Why? Because the people/companies responsible for committing it, also own the media outlets that would be responsible for covering it. They're not going to expose their own crimes in other words.

zerkrazus ,

Yep. And there's actually really 2 economies in this country. There's "the economy," which is the one the government and media talk about incessantly. That's the one that is booming and it affects only rich people. The economy, is the one that affects the rest of us and it's in the shitter and has been for decades. But they won't ever talk about that, because that ruins the narrative and more people would wake up if they knew how awful it truly is.

zerkrazus ,

Because if we get most of our needs met by UBI, we'd have less reason to work their horrible low paying jobs and less likely to stay a wage slave.

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