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What song should I play for my bathroom neighbors?

The work bathroom is currently a warzone, on their phone speakers people like to play music, play games at full blast, and one guy likes to chill to ambient rainforest. What song can I play to passive aggressively make it known that I don't want to listen to their tik tok feeds while I work out my demons?

yggstyle ,

This is the song that never ends.....

yggstyle ,

Apocalypse now - extended edition. Move the sub in the bathroom. Turn it all the way up. War is hell.

yggstyle ,

Yoooo be cool man. They only made 9.61 billion last year. They gotta keep those margins up.

1,000 Harvard Students Walk Out of Commencement to Support 13 Seniors Barred from Graduation over Gaza ( www.democracynow.org )

More than a thousand Harvard students walked out of their commencement ceremony yesterday to support 13 undergraduates who were barred from graduating after they participated in the Gaza solidarity encampment in Harvard Yard....

yggstyle ,

Graduation is optional. The dream we were sold in highschool of "go to college" was propaganda spun up by colleges looking to pad their books with your tuition. Many jobs you are seeking have apprenticeship programs where they pay you to learn.

College is and remains a giant expensive mixer to find someone to date. That's mostly it. Anything outside of a select few professions can be learned outside of a campus with fresher material.

If you want to learn a profession there is nothing gatekeeping you from doing it.

yggstyle ,

Don't worry though we solved inflation. We just removed it from our calculations. If we don't count it: it's not there!

yggstyle ,

There's a certain point where you shift from abject horror to "...Yeah that may as well just happen."

Really was hoping that this year was gonna be boring and unremarkable. Next year. Gonna get a winner eventually.

yggstyle ,

*Ominous rumblings of the horde of Nintendo lawyers being summoned.*

Nintendo cease and desist (or worse) in 5... 4... 3...

yggstyle ,

Nintendo has a horrible history of shitting on its fans and projects such as these. In all probability the modders are actually inadvertently (I haven't checked) falling into Nintendo's trademark trap on the Gameboy. The Nintendo logo it shows at the start is a check that enables the boot of the game... and is an asset that must be present on each cart. That means if the logo is displayed... they can sue for trademark infringement. If not then they are exploiting the hardware- and we know what happens from there, unfortunately.

This is a cool project and I hope it does well but Nintendo is a shit company that doesn't deserve the fanfare they are given.

yggstyle ,

Illegal to develop for? No.

Illegal to bypass security mechanisms? Gray area. Courts typically side against the hackers, historically.

Illegal to display trademarked material? Yes.

The NES has defeatable copy protection which led to a decent dev scene that could 'legally' publish games. The game boys copy protection is interesting in how they approached it:


Basically the catch is you either have a hacked cart or display Nintendo's logo ... so they can go after you either way.

yggstyle ,

+1 for the anti-consumer statement.

This is a company that goes after groups who hold tournaments with their games and issues takedowns against people on video platforms just playing their games. Genuinely an awful company (good games don't excuse the behavior.)

yggstyle ,

It depends on a few factors, but in general yes. The issue is how it gets on the system. Nintendo is staunchly against emulation and has also gone after people who bypass their game systems security. They have a rabid pack of lawyers and the company is more than willing to use them.

yggstyle ,

Can't wait till we find out that the arbitration agreement they forced on people was penned up shortly after they discovered the breach.

yggstyle ,

Simple son. Capitalism grew with us - the generation that has the most bodies. Over time we distorted it to fit our needs as we aged. We postdated checks and took credit. You have our capitalism because this isn't your government- it's ours. Don't worry though you can have it when we're done.

.... Son...? You're shaking...

yggstyle ,

Gaps grew (in part) because of capitalism. Back when the previous generations were working- people were compensated fairly and given regular raises... it wasn't uncommon to work for the same company until you retired. What changed? Line goes up above all else. Cut raises, mandatory pay cuts, layoffs etc. Line went up. But that has an effect that amplifies over time.

Raises were largely responsible for offsetting inflation - this is the gap that steadily widened. There are of course other factors but most of these are, at least in part, also effected by inflation.

Generally speaking capitalism works, sure. But this is no longer capitalism. We have too big to fail, price fixing to choke out competition, and a governing body bought and paid for by megacorp.

yggstyle ,

I consider this campaign fundamentally different than his first.

First and foremost - he is a grifter and conman at the end of a con with enemies on all sides. This is a desperate man. If elected his goal is to first wipe his slate clean via a pardon - and then will be to retain power thereafter.

To achieve these goals he will do anything. What makes this terrifying is he genuinely believes himself to be the smartest person in the room. He is a shortsighted idiot that is playing chess with blinders on while the rest of the world is playing 4d chess.

Other nations fears of another term with that man are not unfounded.

yggstyle ,

Oh that's gonna be premium in a year or two. Welcome to your 'block.'. You get sunshine indirectly between the hours of 11 and 1. Curfew is at 10. Be back in your cube by then.

We have the capacity to build green open neighborhoods using existing block structures and infrastructure... we just chose not to because it's prime real estate. Roads and repairs are expensive... but if we replace it with more homes it's better revenue generation.

I'd love to see a proper balance struck but for an idea to take root the seed must be blessed by capitalism. For it to grow it must, above all, be profitable. For adoption it must be accepted by the elite.

I cannot go into details but - I've seen some outstanding ideas of how to convert a city block by block and they do give me hope... but listening to discussions and debates on it is soul rending.

I'd genuinely love to see it in my lifetime- And in a form that strikes a balance that is both sustainable and actually an improvement in living conditions.

yggstyle ,

Yeah direct sun can be a problem too - it's getting toasty out. That said there are unquestionably better ways to do that without making anti car into a maze of alleyways.

yggstyle ,

Yeah that is far more logical - The pics in your other post illustrate the concept well. The major hurdles are transportation and retrofitting. New towns and construction are well and good but for adoption to take off benefits must outweigh existing convenience and not eliminate mobility overall. Scalability is another one.

It's a lot to try to balance. Designs I've seen get the most traction involve reclaiming blocks and offering elevated rail to move about or use of subway where logical. The more modular the better. And I've seen a few like that get /close/ but they'd strike out on scope or would piss in some lobby's cereal and get early enemies. That one's a minefield.

I feel like we could see some rapid creep if someone got the ball rolling and it was reasonably successful... but that's a hell of a big step to take. And make no mistake - it will be a retrofit that starts the creep. Has to be a city or a substantial dense town to draw interest.

yggstyle ,

Shade is good - been in the south for 8ish years for work - It gets toasty down here.

A combination of artificial shade and greenery can have multiple benifits. (where applicable obviously - not all regions can support it nor should they try)

Shade can be functional too. There's been some interesting research into panels/pigments that radiate infared light at the wavelength that can escape our atmosphere producing a cooler than ambient surface that could have a variety of uses. A ton of recent advances in solar technology as well.

yggstyle ,

I think you're correct. I think this was likely min/maxing on the designers part. Assuming there were open / and 'green' spaces inside or within, say, a cluster of these I'm sure it would be generally acceptable for most people. My fear with designs such as these is vertical creep. What is nice and functional at 2-3 stories becomes a dystopian concrete labyrinth quite rapidly.

yggstyle ,

I don't suppose you have a link to said video? I'd be curious to see it in more detail.

yggstyle ,

Can't wait until this spurs the security community into doing a deep look at the roms on these cheap Chinese boards. Yeah the malware was caught - but what's more important is the intent. This is a country that is constantly behind breaches and botnets... and here we have these PCs being marketed as router replacents and mini servers. It doesn't take much to figure out that this is free back door territory.

yggstyle ,

Yeah malware is everywhere - This could simply be a product of an individual actor abusing their position in a supply chain.... but this also goes for hardware as well. It is certainly a more difficult vector to attack from but due to its 'level' it's a valuable position to compromise.

yggstyle ,

I believe it is based on the utilization of credit (so the total sum, compared period to period)

It's gone up. Considerably. Contrary to what that picture shows a lot of households are absorbing the combination of shrinking portions of food / rising prices with cards.

yggstyle ,

I believe it's existing balance at the end of the period so technically while you pay it off that balance would be reported (though it would change month to month based on whatever that new balance is.)

These are market wide reported numbers so it's hard to say exactly what metric they are using under the hood.. so this is my best guess. In terms of the reported numbers they have been rising though - by whatever metric is being used.

yggstyle ,

In unrelated news 2,725 Russians died in a bizarre radioactive tea poisoning incident. The poison would have been fatal had the fall from the open windows not happened.

Just terrible. Complete mystery.

yggstyle ,

Long short, long volatility until it flatlines. Basically free money. Their product is users and their data. If they upset the ecosystem users leave and decrease valuations... leads to layoffs and cost saving measures. Rinse and repeat until sufficiently dead.

yggstyle ,

Without a doubt. They can't reasonably increase revenue so they need to pad* the books with layoffs. Those will result in the platform rotting out (further) from the inside. That's the long short position. Long volatility while the price bounces around like a coked up jack russel terrier.

yggstyle ,

Look - they got 1 guy to cave and pay half. That's good enough right?

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