@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange cover
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar



Features editor at Dark Reading. Full of love, fear, and carbs. Too serious and too frivolous at the same time. Trans rights are human rights. Header image is a closeup of Nibbler, a fuzzy brown tabby, sitting on my chest in bed; avatar is a selfie of me, a smiling white woman in a yellow cardigan, lying in bed with Nibbler's striped tail wrapping around my face. #journalism #journalist #DarkReading

Most posts auto-delete after 3 months, so grab that meme when you see it! :)

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spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

Morning cuddles with the living Squishmallow, TLC.

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

Nibbler is celebrating the best way he knows how: by getting all up in my face.

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

The Lady Catherine loves it when I say nice things to her.

spiegelmama OP ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry Adorable! I hope Eevee is a very good kitty, then. ❤️

jerry , to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

Child 1 rebuilding the pitcher’s mound after tonight’s game

spiegelmama ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry How fun!

jerry , to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

Roses are red
The background is blue
I had a shitty day
So I took pics of orchids for you


spiegelmama ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry I really like the first photo, especially how the structure of the plant sneaks into the corner. It's easy to think of the orchid as a flower supported by a plant, when it's a plant that uses its flower to propagate. Something about that little green elbow joint lights that up for me.

spiegelmama ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry And I'm sorry your day sucked. I hope it's just a hitch and you can skate past it.

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

Waiting for MRI, and I forgot my Ativan. Ugh. Can't believe I have to rawdog the metal tube.

spiegelmama OP ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry Thanks! I'm not even that claustrophobic, but those things are a little tough to take. They've apparently got aromatherapy patches, which will have to do. On the upside, now I have an Ativan for my next plane travel!

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

It appears I'm past being done for the day. 😞

spiegelmama OP ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry You know what, that's a good idea. I'll just roll over a little and take a nap.

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar
LRRRonEarth , to random
@LRRRonEarth@beige.party avatar


spiegelmama ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@LRRRonEarth Look at that shit-eating grin. I guess we know her motive!

(As a chronically ill person, I'd be devastated if my picture appeared next to a headline like that and people did NOT make the most horrifying joke they could.)

jerry , to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

My dog likes to walk in our neighborhood forested park in the evenings, mostly so she can eat her favorite weed. Normally, the mosquitos drive me crazy there, but today it was gnats. I made the mistake of carelessly taking a deep breath through my nose while walking uphill. And I inhaled approximately 9000 gnats.

This is Spider-Man’s back story, right? Gnat-man doesn’t seem to have the same ring to it.

spiegelmama ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry Gna-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

jerry , to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

Update on my dad...

For background, my mid 70's parents drove from ATL to Michigan on Thursday to attend my neice's high school graduation. Friday morning, my dad wasn't feeling well and he kept feeling worse. After convincing himself that it wasn't just indigestion, he went to a local hospital ER. While there, he started developing intense pain in his chest. The ER docs hooked him up to an EKG and ran an enzyme test to see if he had a heart attack. They came back clean. But the pain was worsening. The doc administered some morphine, which apparently did nothing. They hooked him back up to the EKG and monitored him for a bit. While monitoring him, he had a heart attack.

The docs rushed him into surgery where he needed 3 stents to open up an artery that was 99% blocked.

He was moved out of ICU into a regular bed today and expects to be discharged tomorrow. He has to wear a defibrillator vest for the next 3 months, while he is assessed for futher treatments. My dad describes the vest as a "bra with metal pop-tarts all the way around his chest". I had a chance to talk to him today and he says that he feels better than he has in many years, other than the pop tart bra.

The doctor told him that the only real reason he was able to survive was that it happened while he was in the hospital. Apparently this sort of heart attack is not one that people commonly survive otherwise.

I am immensely grateful to the doctors, nurses, scientists, janitors, clerical staff, and so on, that gave me and my family the incredible gift of more time with my dad.

spiegelmama ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry Oh, that is so, so good to hear! May be continue to recover well.

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar
jerry , to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

Crazy story - my dad went to the hospital with chest pain he’d been having for several days. The ER docs ran blood work and ekg and concluded it wasn’t a heart attack. He started complaining that the pain was getting a lot worse, moving into his jaw. The docs gave him some morphine and he said it wasn’t doing anything for the pain. So they hook him back up to the ekg. While they are watching the ekg, he has a heart attack, which they then confirmed with bloodwork.

So yeah. Hope your day is going better than that.

spiegelmama ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry He was in the best possible place to have a heart attack, and I'm glad he was loud enough in his complaints that they took him seriously. Wishing your family strength as you all move through this crisis.

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

My husband likes to tease the cats when they're in the window. #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfInfoSec #Nibbler #Caturday

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

My kid learned about the president of Iran through this Tumblr post.

spiegelmama , to random
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

Bonus tiniest blep from Nibbler, my little clingasaur. #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfInfoSec #Nibbler #Caturday

spiegelmama OP ,
@spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry Aww, he thanks you for acknowledging the plain facts.

ElleGray , to random
@ElleGray@mstdn.social avatar

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  • spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @ElleGray To anyone using a screen reader, can confirm - these cats look haunted.

    spiegelmama , to random
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    Story time! One night, I stopped by the Taco Bell near my house to get a bean and cheese to soak up some of the booze I'd been taking in at The Mint (or possibly Zeitgeist, but that doesn't matter for the spirit of the time) It was one of those tiny Taco Bells, small as a Fotomat, that mostly served as a drive-thru. It was so small it wasn't even half KFC, and it for sure didn't have seating or a bathroom. And in that tiny Taco Bell were me, a pair of club kids, and a small group of drunk girls. One of the girls said loudly that she needed to pee, and that someone needed to come with her as protection. Her friends were focused on ordering and getting food, though, so she grabbed my arm. "Come watch me pee!" she said. And being worried that she might take a tumble in front of a truck at the drive-thru, I went with her. So she drops trou in the parking lot, which is two spaces and a driveway, and squats by the side of the lot, which is maybe six feet from the sidewalk on 14th Street. I'm standing there trying to keep enough of an eye on her to make sure she doesn't fall over while not actually watching her pee, while also shielding her as much as possible from the raking headlights of cars heading for the drive-thru and making sure her pee doesn't get on my boots. She stands back up, rearranges her clothes, and I walk her back to the restaurant, hold the door for her, and wave goodbye and head home. And that's my Taco Bell story, @jerry.

    spiegelmama OP ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry Hahaha! That is amazing. It's so similar, but I didn't have to hold onto this woman. It was probably 1998 or so.

    jerry , to random
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    I am not sure why, but this gif always reminds me of Taco Bell


    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry I have a very good Taco Bell story that seems wrong to tell in the middle of the afternoon. I'll finish this edit and then write it up.

    ergative , to random
    @ergative@wandering.shop avatar

    John Oliver: The very fact that this man calls it a 'gambling casino' proves that he has never been inside of one.

    Me (who has never been inside of one): wh--bu--what else would you call it?

    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @ergative Just "casino" is fine!

    jerry , to random
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    Visiting with some friends and a blue heron came to visit


    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry I love those terrifying dinosaurs

    jerry , (edited ) to random
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    I am getting quite tired of the hate filled name calling that is going on in political discussions here. I understand that emotions are high, people are dying/have died, etc. Being an asshole to other people doesn’t change that and doesn’t change a single god damned opinion. Stop. It.

    Ban hammer is out.

    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry I had to scroll through my timeline to make sure I wasn't in this group. I do try to stay reasonable and as kind as I can. And if someone is being horrible, I tend to just mute or block them. But this is a good reminder to turn down the temperature. Thanks for everything you do.

    jerry , to random
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    Wednesday night at the beach means beer and bingo at the outdoor bar


    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry Oooh, that looks like cider - even better. Have fun!

    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry I'm a bit of a beer person, but cider is so much easier. I love the stuff.

    spiegelmama , to random
    @spiegelmama@allies.buzz avatar

    Fantastic. Was balancing my phone in my left hand and writing with my right when I startled somehow and threw my phone at my face. I know it's hard to tell among the flush, but I have a good welt on my nose.

    A more sideways view of the same pink face, where if you look closely, you can see a small puffiness on the bridge of the nose.

    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @dillyd @spiegelmama I once did that with a cup of coffee at a vendor meeting.

    spiegelmama , to random
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    Well, I just managed to bite, not my tongue or the inside of my cheek, but the little wobbly lobe UNDER my tongue. But how, tho

    spiegelmama OP ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @dillyd "Oh, you can tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue? Well, I can bite the underside of my tongue while eating tofu."

    spiegelmama , to random
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    This can't be comfortable for Nibbler. #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfInfoSec #Caturday #Nibbler

    alice , to random
    @alice@lgbtqia.space avatar

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  • spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @alice I wouldn't apply to the X-Men - sounds like a sausage fest.

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    I colorized a tracing of her. This helped me to understand her geometry and texture. I'm going to try free-handing it next.

    Say hello to Harpegnathos saltator!

    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @futurebird Does she have two differently shaped ... claws? coming from her face?

    spiegelmama , to random
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    It's awfully Los Angeles out here this evening. #sunset #LosAngeles #ILoveLA

    spiegelmama , to random
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    Saw this on Tumblr and thought of @futurebird

    futurebird , (edited ) to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Alex Jones was born in 1974... He's... so much younger than I thought! I thought he was two decades older than me but it's less than one.

    Some things age you, I suppose.

    (ETA: a photo... he's not just "gen X" he's a late gen Xer. borderline Millennial. )

    (ETA 2: He made a lot of his fortune, which he isn't paying out to the victims of his attacks... selling HEALTH PILLS. They obviously don't work!)

    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @futurebird He's younger than me. Oof.

    lowqualityfacts , to random
    @lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

    I will never own a better shirt than this.

    spiegelmama ,
    @spiegelmama@infosec.exchange avatar

    @lowqualityfacts Where did you get that shirt?

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