@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar



Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at !taylorswift )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

They did this actually, and it failed miserably. Around 2105isj

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

In Iowa the governor refused free no strings attached federal money to help pay for underprivileged kids' lunches. Her reason? "There's an obesity epidemic".

Republican states read like an actual onion article.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Very cool! Thanks for posting this. Minio was great, but they started tailoring to enterprise clients, and it's become more and more annoying to keep it running in a homelab. (Security is 100% a great thing, but forcing high levels of security on me when I'm running 2 containers in a compose stack, where the minio container will never have exterior access... eh, I just gave up). So, I'm happy there's one tailored a bit more towards self hosters

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Mass Effect trilogy
Cities Skylines,
Halo series
then probably a bunch of simulators

Are there any EV cars without any "technology"?

Like the title says, are there any EVs that just have a Bluetooth radio and that's it? Like a normal car, not a smartphone on wheels? If not, do you all think that this will actually happen at some point? This is the main reason why I can't (and will never) buy an EV. I like to have actual buttons everywhere on my car. I think...

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I mean, I think EV needs to be separated from the fancy systems here. I see ICE vehicles with fancy touchscreens with no buttons, they aren't an EV specific thing.

As for me, I have the Hyundai Kona EV, I love the thing. Yes, it has screens, I think they're neat, but specifically it has physical buttons below the screens to control the entire car with physical buttons. That was a hard requirement of mine. So, if you want no screens or anything then no, unless you buy the cheapest car out there right now you're probably getting something "smart", and those happen to be ICE cars because at this point they're cheaper. If your actual issue is physical buttons, then sounds like you need to go actually test drive some. The only EV I know of with no buttons is a Tesla, and there are a ton of other EVs out there.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That's what I tell people who are just pure "anti" EV. No one should be anti EV, that's a stupid take IMO. (Even the things about the environmental cost, I mean, fair, except their solution is to continue to keep destroying the planet by burning gas/diesel so you know they don't actually care about that issue).

EVs are perfect for commuter cars and around town cars, which I'd say is 95+% of driving for most people. They just don't want to admit it. Their vision of how they drive is wild and free on an open road, but most of them are just going to walmart, to work, for groceries, and around town. Since most of America is 2+ cars per house, it makes absolute sense for one to be an EV and the other to be an ICE/hybrid.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Seeing how OP hasn't replied to any comments, I'm starting to wonder if they're just anti-EV and trying to stir the pot. I test drove the newer bolt, the leaf, and a few others, it's clear OP hasn't really done much research if that's an actual complaint they have, most are as you said. They range from basic to super fancy.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It does! Just used it today! There's a wireless charger just under the main dash in front of the drink trays, and I can confirm Android Auto works perfectly wirelessly. When we got it the sales guy said it'd be coming in a later update, and we were like "uh yeah, sure", but it honestly worked day one, no updates needed. Feel free to DM me, happy to answer any questions honestly.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is one of those things that sounds really easy but would just be a ton of work, and Lemmy is just 2 devs afaik. How do you know this query parameter is a tracker vs something required for the page? There's no way to know programmatically, so they'd need to maintain a list of known bad parameters - and even then those are probably site specific. What if one site uses the query parameter as tracking and another uses the same name coincidentally and it's a part of filtering or sorting?

This sounds like a better task for a browser extension or an npm package they could consume instead, rather than it being a part of Lemmy itself.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Then I'd say that'd be a great 3rd party plugin for Lemmy (which they just enabled support for btw). I don't think that should be a core lemmy feature, to be dependent on a list of query parameters that need to be kept up to date, but it would be a perfect use case for a plugin, which could call out to a database/script/file of known trackers and their domains, and throw up a warning like you're saying.

Not trying to demoralize you, actually the exact opposite, this would be a great project for you if you already have a list! If you built a plugin that could do that for Lemmy I would be one of the first instances to install it!

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

plugins are server side

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That "extensive wiring" is similar to a phone wire, and has been standard for a very, very long time

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

oh man, good call out on that. These people are always "Take back X", thinking something has been taken from them. They never stop to think maybe it wasn't taken... maybe they were left behind. Like, you aren't taking it back if the majority wanted it.

Agreed, make your own instance OP and then we can all defederate from you.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Transit is a big one for me. I firmly believe a lot of things get better for people when you can just get around easier. No requirements to be able to drive, no requirements for licenses, you can live in more affordable neighborhoods while working Ina completely different place. The list goes on

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah management are all for this, the first few years here are rough with them immediately hitting the "fire the engineers we have ai now". They won't realize their fuckup until they've been promoted away from it

How to combat creeping firefox enshitification? ( lemmy.sdf.org )

I deal with a lot of VMs for varying purposes, and it seems frequent that my purpose for opening firefox is derailed by some kind of nag. For example, I frequently get the "you haven't used firefox in a while" in vms that I rarely use firefox and have to go disable the "meta refresh" option in the "about:config"....

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I would argue this isn't enshittification. They aren't adding ads, they aren't plugging something you have to pay for (at least that I've seen, maybe their VPN service). To me, these are things most common users (read, not us) expect their browser to do now.

So it's a catch 22. Use hyper tech people would like it to remain a techie based browser. But we've seen that that doesn't do well for a company, and it'll become less relevant allowing Chrome to domineer even more. So, the alternative is they try to add features that will attract more people, and then they piss off the techie base. This cycle has been happening since the 90s

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

No, Microsoft Probably Isn’t Going To Buy Valve


scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

My mother wanted to give me a 2x2x1 foot bug zapper. I live in a small townhouse, only a few feet of outdoor space. What we do have is taken up with native plants trying alto attract bees and insects due to the shocking drop in them. We also live in a climate that does not have mosquitoes or annoying bugs really. In the 8 years I've lived here we have had one fly come into our home, we've never complained about bugs once, and we've constantly talked about how little space we have.

I returned it.

What is the Legal copyright on a Lemmy Post?

Most instances don't have a specific copyright in their ToS, which is basically how copyright is handled on corporate social media (Meta/X/Reddit owns license rights to whatever you post on their platform when you click "Agree"). I've noticed some people including Copyright notices in posts (mostly to prevent AI use). Is this...

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I don't think it exists at all on the fediverse. I've talked about it before, not a lawyer, but from a technical standpoint I don't know how anyone can claim copyright.

All fediverse apps start on your instance, you write a post. Great, maybe there's a disclaimer there. But then it's shotgunned out to literally anyone or anything that's listening. Other instances, governments, corporate, whatever. You're literally giving it to anyone who would listen.

So to me copyright is like saying "only people I approve of can look at this sign" and then posting that sign on every tree and post in town

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

But the fediverse isn't them taking that data, it's you giving your data to them. It's you placing your data directly on their server.

It's more than my flyer metaphor, it's you literally placing your flyers in someone's house and then saying "but you can't do x y or z". Even if morally you are in the right, how would you ever enforce that or prove something in court? You still have the hurdle of "if you didn't want them to have it, you shouldn't have handed it to them"

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I would argue that yes, you're posting publicly on a public forum, whose contents are shotgunned out to any listening servers/apis/whoever.

If this were in a courtroom, I'd expect the defense to say that the poster chose to post it on a public forum which was then shared with whoever was listening, that there was no way to expect it to remain private, and there is could be no assumption of privacy with the way it was shared.

For enforcement, there is no way to enforce any sort of licensing with the fediverse model, you handed your post to me, if you didn't want your post handled in a certain way then the response is "Why did you hand it out in the first place?". If someone did make your post into a book, then it's on you, the poster, to make the case that what they did was wrong, and I think it's enough of a grey area here to say that they were simply listening. To flip it around, what if their server has posted terms saying "Anything you give to us will be used for training and publishing." You sent it out to anyone listening, they posted their terms, who is right then?

This is different from normal social media where you posted to a walled garden, where you're bound by just their terms. Now any server can have any rules or terms, and we're blasting our data out to all of them (unless they are explicitly defederated)

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Movies though have a license that you accept, and it comes encrypted. License is on the box that you are allowed to watch it at home, with so many people, on approved devices. By buying it you are accepting the license. Even modern day blurays have a license, and they can actually revoke the license (by pulling the encryption keys). If you don't approve of that license, you simply don't buy it. (However people get around it and as you said it's unenforceable).

Whereas Lemmy and fediverse you're giving your stuff out license free to anyone, and any other server can have their own terms. Such as "By giving me your data you are giving it to me license free, and remove yourself of all ownership." Unless it's specifically defederated, well there's no way of you knowing and so you give your data. What does a judge say in that case? You said not to use it, but you put it on a server that said they can use it however they want.

I agree with you mostly, just pointing out the slight differences on how movies and studios get around that little hurdle of "ownership". (i.e., we don't own it)

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

ah but an important distinction. The servers aren't going out and asking for data from other servers. Federation means instances push data to listening servers. It doesn't sound like much but it's an important difference when we're talking about it. So for me, I view that as a whole different thing, because by pushing data you're saying "I don't care who is listening, I'm sending it anyway". If it were a pull model then it would be like what you are saying "Hey, I only give you access to this on my terms". By pushing, you remove your server and it's rules completely.

and that's why I keep going back to my imaginary court. If you're trying to tell a judge that "They shouldn't have used it to train AI/write a book on, I didn't want them to do that" the obvious next question is "Well, why did you give it to them then?" They didn't take it from you, you gave it to them.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I'd argue that isn't settled yet. Take this. I run my own server, I don't want your "licensed" comment. I can go and add that to my ToS right now, that anything you give me will be trained. I say in there that I will disregard any license on there, and by placing anything on my server you are relieving yourself of any license. Since it's my server, I can say that. "If you don't want your data trained on, don't put it on my server."

So, I don't think it's as simple as you make it out to be. It's exactly the same as Facebook's ToS, they state in there that by using their service and putting data on their servers that you allow facebook to use that data however they see fit. Why is me doing the same thing on my server any different?

So, to use your own format

“Other server owners, did you follow the license that the content is licensed with?”

"No, you're honor, you can clearly see on our homepage that it's stated that any and all licenses are lost when they give us information.

Did they accept any ToS saying as such?

"That's irrelevant, our legal terms are clearly stated on our website, if they didn't want their information shared to us, then they shouldn't have shared them with us."

This format isn't well designated in the courts, there are no real precedents for the fediverse or how it works. You're arguing that it should work that way. I'm arguing that how it should work is irrelevant, and right now there is nothing stopping anyone from using unencrypted data given to their server in any way.

What could happen, but isn't really set up at least on Lemmy yet, is that when one server federates with another the receiving server sends a ToS/license that is server wide, forcing the subscribing server to accept or to not federate. I think that would shore up gaps in the law here, because in your example they could respond with "Your honor, we gave them terms and licenses to subscribe to our updates, and they accepted". I also think that then would be required for new users signing up, to see how data is licensed from other servers. If this were a github issue I'd back it 100%.

However, in both scenarios, both current and what I'd like to see, I don't see that adding a license at the bottom of your comment will ever hold up in court.

(Of course I'm not actually doing that, this is all a thought exercise, but I do 100% guarantee someone is just accepting all of our data and using it, license linked or not)

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Me giving an example of something that might break what you're saying is not a straw man. A straw man is if I said "oh so you think no one should be allowed to train any data ever".

I hold to my argument. In the current Lemmy (and fediverse environment as a whole) I can put on my server that my placing data on my server, you forego all licenses, and I can do what I like.

At this point, I don't see anything legally that prevents me from doing that. I think that would be a valid argument, unless you can show me where it says I can't do that, because I don't think that is law that has been made.

I know what you're claiming. I understand what you're claiming, that you retain ownership. I think this is a new area that doesn't have a clear definition yet, and since other sites can have clauses saying you give up ownership by using it, I think that could be argued here too.

scrubbles , (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Right, you keep using Lemmy.world and the safe harbor stuff. I'm not on Lemmy.world. I'm on my own server, and I don't agree to their terms or rules or anything. That's super you retain ownership there, but then lemmy.world hands it off to me, or anyone, who does not have those rules in place. Who cares what lemmy.world said? I didn't sign a ToS when I spun up my server.

and that license is on the content, not on the server, so as that content is federated, that license travels with it and is still in action, and must be abided by.

Who cares? My server says you forego that license, and if they wanted to keep it licensed then they shouldn't have sent it to me.

and from your bolded thing, yes, that is what I'm saying, it'd be extremely easy to "money launder" any text that comes through my server, because that's what can and is happening right now. They can talk to congress if they want, I don't think there are any laws right now preventing that. That's my entire point.

I agree with you in your last point, there is a new wrinkle to it, but as of this point, right now, I don't believe a license, tos, or anything applies for data willingly given to me. Should it? Probably, that's a new area, and it probably will stay status quo, but unless someone can show me where in their laws that ownership still exists in this case, I don't think it matters.

We have two conflicting agreements in this example. One from Lemmy.World saying you retain ownership, one from another server who receives data but clearly states that by giving them data you release all licenses. At this point, I don't think there are any actual laws protecting you or your content. Adding a license at the bottom I believe is a placebo. Until this area of the law is fleshed out, I wouldn't trust that anything I put here wouldn't go to it. Now I personally don't care, I think that's a small cost for having a free P2P system, that there will be a few bad actors, but I get to others that they will care heavily. To those like you who care, then I say at this point in the fediverse, I'd call your license pretty much toilet paper.

(Again, I use the term "my server" as just an example, just to play devil's advocate. I of course don't do anything with the data or my user's data)

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I added this as an edit, but I think it's fair to reply, I agree to the disagree, for fun I ran this through GPT just to see what it'd say. Not that I would trust it to be correct ever, but it’s interesting getting an “outside opinion” about this.

I’ll paraphrase the wall of text, but it looks like we’re both honestly correct. (If we trust chatgpt)

Right now, there is no law specifically for this scenario, so it will go unchecked until it gets challenged in court. In court, they will usually go off of the first place a user signed, so in this case lemmy.world, with the caveat that my server can override that if terms are presented and accepted by you, the user. There is no mechanism for that, so it would probably lose in court. However, the enforcement of such is pretty much nil, and getting it to court is a problem by itself.

So, I think we’re both right. I think you are right in terms of what should be happening, and the laws should be expanded to include federated content, and I think I’m right in that it’s impossible to expect privacy until the law catches up and puts it in writing.

One important thing for you, specifically though, is that your link at the bottom is more or less useless. All of these are based on the server, your server owner’s rules are what matter, what you leave in the comment does not. So if you chose Lemmy.world because of how they handle user privacy, awesome, that’s what will hold up in court. A license in the comment from what I see, probably will do nothing.

Anyway, I agree, we can leave it be. The only thing I'd encourage for you is to not trust that anything you put here is private or safe, this is not a walled garden, even if it's not legal anyone can have a server and be listening to our data, or training, or whatever. Just, be careful what you put out here.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I stopped going to corporate fast food and my life got easier. If you are a hungry person like me, a couple of mental rules I set up.

If I actually want to eat out, I need to be motivated enough to go out and get it myself. (No more doordash/grubhub/uber/ anything).

If I'm willing to spend my hard earned money, I will only spend it on good, local food. No more McDs, I go to my local burger joint now. No more dominos, I go to the sticky tabled pizza joint.

If neither of those sound good, then I'm not actually hungry enough.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh I definitely smell a soft news cycle story on this. Can't you just see the reporter in the classroom, no windows, full of kids.

They told (him|her) it was to improve test scores. How you ask? By moving these students to a repurposed office. One that does not even have... a window.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is just a fucking privacy nightmare. We like to laugh and play here about Linux quite a bit, but holy shit this is the actual "If you're using Windows and expect privacy at all, this is it, you should throw that notion out the window."

I don't care how much encryption there is, or the assurance that it's only on your hard drive, I've sat in too many corporate meetings in my career to trust that. There is no way Microsoft is just letting you have that data and they're not reporting it out. Very least? They're using ML on it to aggregate what it sees in the screenshot, and then saving that. Worst case, they're saving it to an encrypted blob storage, calling that encrypted, and hiding deep in the ToS that you actually agreed to that (even though it said in the big letters it was local only, sorry woopsie in the small letters it said it's also stored there.)

Fuck, ignoring the obvious pron implications that I assume everyone here is immediately thinking of, think of HIPAA, think of the private communications with therapists that people have, think of all of the financial documents you've opened, think about bank accounts, chats, fucking everything.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

don't forget shared with our "Trusted 3rd party partners"

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I honestly switched to PopOS, which has an NVidia version with the driver baked in, and it was stable as a rock. ended up just being easier for me. (Much better as a gaming OS all around tbh)

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

As others said, trial and error, and patience. My two cents, as a Windows convert who likes to game, I did PopOS. If you have an nvidia card they have a version with the drivers baked in. Steam was relatively easy, there were only a few things I had to go to the terminal for. Now it's my daily driver and I actually just uninstalled Windows a few months ago.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is a big one, accept there are things we cannot control, like world events. Do what you can, like voting. (People, please vote), and national elections is absolutely important.

But what's even more important is local. It sounds boring, but voting in local elections, getting involved in local advocacy, learning your city council members, pressuring for local change. Those things matter and need your support, and your support can actually change things.

My personal anxiety is climate change. I can't change anything nationally except voting (in every election). What I can do is make my own house greener, be greener myself, and push my local government to be greener and push that we as a city/neighborhood will be greener. Planting more trees, consuming less fossil fuels. Nay-sayers love to say there's nothing individually that can be done, but we can change our local governments and change our own neighborhoods. Now, if everyone started doing that...

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Welcome back! Depends on what you like, there's a good chunk of communities now. Just make sure to keep expectations in check, we're not Reddit, a good community here has a couple of posts a day and dozens, not thousands of comments. Your post here I'd say is doing pretty well.

We're still growing, slowly, but you're proof that people are growing tired of corporate social media.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah we don't have the post counts to ignore one just because it got down voted once ! There are many posts that come back from the dead.

And I say this to everyone, you're already doing it'd be the change you want to see. If there's a niche community with no posts, start posting. People will gather to it.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Choose a license is great, they did an amazing job. I'm personally a fan of gpl. Sorry Amazon/Microsoft/corpo world. If you want to use my stuff great, but then you have to share your stuff too.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It doesn't, but I do think we should be happy folks are sticking around. I'm almost at one year!

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Especially when posting on Lemmy, we can edit the titles people. Don't just copy the clickbait title. Folks here on Lemmy loathe clickbait and I see more things get downvoted to hell because of a lame title.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Great, now we can have traffic but on these old rails.

How about, and I know this is a radical idea, actually fixing up the old rail lines and putting trains on them instead of this gimmick?

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Depends on what you call a "whole ass train". Many of these routes could be easily service by a 1 or 2 car DMU like the rural routes in Scotland and Wales.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I've used those request stops! Those sort of rural lines are exactly what we're missing here in the states, just bouncing back and forth on the line. You can see here Americans don't even know what they are, but they're the perfect solution for these lines going between little towns

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

In my experience? Minimal. Although when you buy a single drive for over $1k you're also not super into cracking it open and repairing things. From what I can tell, it's like a blu-ray drive, but more complex, and more delicate. Not to mention since it's tape you technically need a clean room, because dust can fuck up the heads.

If I could source decent drives for less than 10 grand I'd be a huge supporter of it, but us pro-sumers are pretty much left with ebay.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I'd be interested to hear how it goes, I'm looking at replacing mine. If you get yours to work, please report back. I'm actively looking for a new LTO8 drive

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