@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar



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phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

The entire thing is based on their refusal to think anything other than the starting point is equal. When you base your view on that, everything they are crying about makes sense. It explains a lot. They think being gay or Trans is a choice too.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

DRM is mandatory in any spec you expect content owners to support. We don’t have to like it, but it’s absolutely not going away.

How do you get rid of "wet dog" smell in a dishwasher?

This is a thing with every dishwasher I've had, some models seem better than other. You wash the dishes and when they dry, they have a musty odor I can only describe as "wet dog". Other people often don't seem to notice this, so maybe I am just sensitive to it. Though if I point it out, then they smell it....

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

So what, nuke it and start over? How do we destroy the bacteria and still have the majority of our walls standing?!

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

JPL doesn't get enough credit. We just taken for granted that most NASA missions succeed. Space is incredibly difficult.

Dont you think it is horrible how people put their political ideologies / viewpoints over human lives

Something that i find prettyd disgusting these days is how certain people put their political ideologies / viewpoints over human lives, for example, celebrating the russian invasion of ukraine because it is "a blow against US / NATO imperialism" completely ignoring all the warcrimes, the deaths, and the suffering generated by...

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Yea, and I extend that to all Politics. I don’t want to see anti-Trump shirts, I don’t really want to see pro Trump or pro Biden. Politicians aren’t sports teams. Save it for rallies, and what not. Just tired of seeing it.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

If you’re going to force a woman to birth a child, you better be willing to pay up to help support that child. Pro-Life shouldn’t stop at birth. All too often I see people advocating against abortion, but refuse to promote real sex education, birth control, or government assistance that would support that life and eliminate more abortions entirely.

If your goal is lowering the number of abortions, we can all agree on some simple measures for that desired result. Otherwise it just comes off as wanting to control women.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

People do it for the community. The right wing has done it because they’ve been more or less pushed out of normal culture because of how awful they’ve become. Same reason conspiracy theorists stick together. At least with sports there’s a winner and loser and it mostly can’t be disputed or ignored.

The don’t talk about politics and religion at dinner thing is very true. No one wants to leave their house and be miserable.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

If you've ever complained about a CEO seeking to boost profits to benefit themselves and not care about the long term repercussions of their actions. This is you. You're doing it now. The GOP is seeking to remove democracy. They are allowing / endorsing it at CPAC. Republicans support Israel more than Democrats. A Trump term equals never having the ability to vote again + More support for Israel doing what it's doing, and likely having the US join in. They've been begging to invade Iran for decades. Global politics is messy. If you act like it's clean you're just going to get steamrolled.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Realistically Yes

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Literal Russia troll farms setup facebook groups to get people to do this. They did it throughout the 2016 election. There are plenty of useful idiots in the US that fall right into the trap.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

How can you vote for someone you’ve been accusing of genocide for months?

These stupid purity tests need to end. You can't cut ties with someone over single issues with insanely complex situations. Especially when the alternative is not possible on top of wouldn't be different.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

This is the answer. If Bernie actually had a base around the country he may have won in 2016. The number of people unfamiliar with Politics that were shocked that established Democrats didn't care for a guy who isn't a party member coming into it to try to win the nomination is downright laughable. If he stayed a Democrat and helped support like-minded candidates around the country, maybe he would have had a better shot in 2020. His heart was in the right place, but I think his strategy and feasibility planning was awful.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

I keep asking for a viable alternative and all I get is vote third party or stay home which solves exactly nothing.

That's wrong too. Voting for Biden keeps it the same. Voting third party or staying home makes it worse. Making it better isn't on the ballot.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

write all your congresspeople and tell them that they need to stop supporting Israel.

That's a bad idea. If the US stops supporting Israel, Hamas and their financial backers will immediately invade to wipe them off the planet. I don't know if the rhetoric I hear is mostly Russian propaganda, or people don't really understand the conflict. Israel didn't just decide to invade Gaza, there was an 9/11-esk terrorist attack by Hamas that triggered his retaliation. Despite being the defacto governors of Gaza, Hamas is a terrorist organization and operates like one. There is no attacking Hamas without attacking Gaza. They are essentially one in the same, and there is no peaceful solution when Hamas goal is to wipe Israel off the planet. It would be a kin to the US not going after Osama Bin Laden after 9/11. Do you think he would have stopped? I don't think I've heard anyone seriously suggest the US should have done nothing after 9/11. Going into Afghanistan was pretty well supported (Ignoring Iraq, because that's where the Bush Admin fucked it up). The only solution to 9/11 was a time machine going back and not getting involved in the Middle East in the first place, but now where talking a reverse butterfly effect of who knows what happens. The Israel-Hamas conflict is older than Hamas, and it quite literally one of, if not the most complex Geo-political issues in history.

Personally I think the best Idea would be the pressure Israel into larger oversight by the UN, or whomever. I don't see any true peace while Hamas or any other Islamist extremist organization exists in that region. The time for that was twenty plus years ago.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Running a Primary against the President would almost certainly guarantee a Democratic loss. It's like admitting failure and asking to try again. Furthermore there is no clear alternative waiting to run. "Votes are not owed, they are given" is kinda bunk. Someone is going to win the election whether you like it or not. If you treasure the ability to vote at all, there is only one person on the ballot that is going to ensure that moving forward. The GOP is actively talking about overturning democracy at CPAC. Especially in a topic about Israel, which the GOP has stronger support for than the DNC. If you'd rather see the US Military help Israel, by all means vote Republican, because they have been trying to find an excuse to go to war with Iran for ever, and starting another war in the middle east would be their we dream.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

They want to use it to cause “empire” collapse.

Which will ironically cause the GOP to throw away democracy in favor an an authoritarian state. Those people are either Russian propagandists or rubes.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Russian propaganda.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Citizens took bayonettes to the chest, and watched their body parts fly apart in opposite directions on foreign beaches, for our sacred right to choose who leads us. The alliegance is to the country, not any party.

No idea what you're tying to say here. Republicans are welcoming this shit.

You’re making Gavin Newson cry.

I don't think he's as universally liked as you think. There's so weirdness with one of his exes now being involved with one of Trumps kids too, so that's another thing that they'd hold against him.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

It's fake social media groups created by foreign adversaries that convince Americans to go out and do it. It's been well established that the likes of China, Russia, North Korea, etc have weaponized our free speech against us. We can't do the same against them, so we are at a disadvantage.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

What? A purity test is discounting someone on your side because of a small part of their views.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

They promote whatever view promotes apathy and division.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Both sides of the line support Israel. Either you’re saying it in bad faith or need to take your head out of the sand. Anti-Israel isn’t on the ballot. If you want a full fledge war in the Middle East, feel free to not vote Biden and give the GOP the conflict they’ve been wanting since the bush admin.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Support for Hamas is Growing

I don’t believe adding more guns solves any problem, so that’s a non starter for me.

However just today, Palestinian prime minister submitted the government’s resignation, so we will see what’s next.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Not that has any chance of winning.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

The policies are the same

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

I’ve said before that there is no resolution without getting rid of Hamas. Outside of that, there are measures like this. If these are meaningless, then all out war is the only answer and that’s what Israel is doing.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

? The reason it’s being pushed is Russian propaganda.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Show me a federal election that a green candidate has won. The goalposts haven’t been moved, they never were in a place where green could win in the first place.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

There won’t be a question on the ballot asking if I’m for or against the war. So you clearly understand I wasn’t speaking literally and just chose to be pedantic. The Green Party will not win the Presidential election. Voting for them will get you close to the opposite of what you want. Literally.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

That’s like saying moving your pawns closer to your opponent’s king is the right move because it gets closer to your goal. No strategy, No victory.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Oh you’re a child, sorry.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

US troops on the ground means another occupation where Hamas would gladly attack them too. I’m not sure the general public wants another Iraq or Afghanistan where Americans get killed and the outcome likely ends up no different. Hamas doesn’t want Israel to exist at all. A two state solution still needs to deal with them.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Simple solution. Ask the student to talk about their paper. If they know the subject matter, the point of the assignment is meant.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

This is incredibly misleading. I thought propublica was better than this. They calculated these billionaires “true tax rates” based on unrealized gains. Until they cash out they don’t actually make the money.

You can argue for higher income tax brackets, or a more progressive capital gains ladder, or regulations in banking stopping rich people from using other peoples money based on equity they have or any number of way more complicated things that aren’t income related, but outside of just a wealth tax which is something entirely different, these true tax rate numbers are nonsense.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

I know, and that’s what I was vaguely describing. It’s something entirely different than what’s being talked about.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Funny, because the generation who last went to war to fight communism was drafted into it.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Everyone couldn’t agree to put a simple piece of fabric over their mouths in public to reduce the spread of a deadly virus. You’ll never convince everyone of anything. You’ll absolutely hurt workers. Period.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Are you trying to say competition is good for the consumer?! That’s a wild accusation.

Fox show hosts said Taylor Swift "should be conservative" given her background, because to them it's an identity.

This only makes sense when I realize that to conservatives, it's an identity. They think it's an identity that Taylor Swift should have because she's (presumably) white, popular, rich, good looking, Midwestern, Christian, etc....

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

There is no conservatism. It’s grifting and using identity politics to keep grifting. Everyone should be insufferable against grifting. It’s a big con. You’re being conned. Their figure head would be the poster child for everything they claim to hate if he decided to be a Democrat. East coast elitist, divorced, paid a porn star for sex, insults military heroes, checks off a laundry list of warning signs of the Antichrist. It’s downright comical.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

There aren’t two party platforms anymore. There’s one political party, and one cult. The cult doesn’t have policy. They make decisions to make the richest in the country richer, and keep their voting block scared over fabricated issues or issues they don’t care that much about. They had 12 years since 2002 to build a border wall, why is it always an issue? Is it because it’s just a grift to pay out construction companies? Maybe. They can’t win democratically so they go after votings rights and make sure the wrong people can’t vote. They exploit the very undemocratic nature of the electoral college and senate to hold a majority of the power with a minority of the overall popular vote. And when that all fails they don’t abandon their bastardized conservatism, they abandon democracy.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Where are you getting your information from? Teenagers on TikTok or Tucker Carlson’s Twitter account?

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

YouTube videos by randos aren’t sources. Liberals are not against cochlear implants. Some in the deaf community are against them.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

When a lot of people that like that certain people are getting hurt and also don’t believe they won’t become the targets later.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

It is what it is. The Democratic primaries are the real elections in my mind where you can vote for the person you like the best. In the general it’s about stopping the cult from gaining power and taking away more of our rights. I dislike people spreading apathy like they did in 2016, because we see the result. The cult can do whatever it wants and their members will still vote for them. Democrats are held to a much higher standard comparatively. Does it suck? Absolutely. It is what it is.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

“Leftists” aren’t in control of the Democrat party. They have no power. It’s irrelevant.

Closing the Data Broker Loophole - Congress must pass legislation that prohibits government agencies from buying its way around the Fourth Amendment and other legal privacy protections. ( www.brennancenter.org )

Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240215123711/https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/closing-data-broker-loophole

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

New strategy: convince them this data collection includes information about their guns, and these third parties are collecting it in order to take them away.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Oh, thanks for reminding me; Also people who misrepresent your position and write it off in one sentence. You have no idea what I'm talking about.

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