@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space cover
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar



ceramicist making shinto and shamanic raku sculpture to save the world. i love nature and cats and get v upset about the state of everything. studied archæology & etymology.

from wales/ie, in france but heading home soon.

autism + enby + not very human + hEDS, autoimmune (lupus/sjögrens+), MVP, dysautonomia + POTS, MCAS, etc.

sculptures: https://www.driftingspirits.art


have a lovely day hoomans :BlobCat_Flower:

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moonrabbit , to random
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

hello to everyone and happy friday!

i had somewhat of a breakdown in the middle of night — the accumulation of everything i guess — so we have had a day off today. too windy to go out, but i've played lots of bg3 and sat with blankets and softfrens and eaten biscuits and cherries and had hugs and all.

we've also had an update re mao, who had a peaceful first night in his new home and is already making friends with the other cat there :blobcathearts:

i hope you're all having a good friday: what've people been up to?

take care hoomans :Blobhaj_Heart_Rainbow:

moonrabbit OP ,
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

@RolloTreadway thank you :Blobhaj_Heart:

how are you today?

i think it was that i could finally stop worrying about mao ... i've been going so hard trying to sort something for him and us and i just pushed myself way too far. it all came down at about 6am. like when people get sick as soon as the hols start, i guess.
but yes i'm feeling more stable now (although i keep randomly crying) and will try to take it easy over the week-end. ish. or something.

has your today been any easier than yesterday?

moonrabbit OP ,
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

@RolloTreadway you're very right :Blobhaj_Heart_Rainbow:

and i'm glad that you're a bit better. goodness yes other people not being around to bother when you're trying to work is huge.

are you able to rest and relax this week-end? preferably somewhere with no pollen ha.

moonrabbit , to random
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

MAO HAS FOUND A HOME!!!!! :blobcattoot: :blobcathearts: :Blobhaj_Heart_Rainbow: 🎆

moonrabbit , to random
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

apparently a day has happened or something.

how are folk?

moonrabbit OP ,
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

@RolloTreadway crap, i'm sorry. that all sounds not good at all. at least it's friday tomorrow?
is the work stuff affecting your sleep, do you think?

i'm empty. was up till 3am and have spent almost all day trying to find something for the stray cat, but no luck. i just feel broken about the whole situation really, especially as we learned today that our départment is on murderous tip when it comes to FIV cats.

plus we still can't find anything for ourselves and i'm not well, so it's a bit ... like that really.

plus it's so humid!

what's your weather like, villainous pollen aside?

moonrabbit OP ,
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

@RolloTreadway thank you. hugs always welcome and available in return, if wished for.

we've just heard that the cat has found a home, so that is at least one amazing bit of overwhelmingly miraculous goodness.

but ugh to the hayfever making the legs worse. and to summer making the hayfever worse! does it last till autumn or will you get some relief when the current whatever is done whatevering?

sending much easy breathing to you :Blobhaj_Heart_Rainbow:

moonrabbit , to random
@moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

🔥 please, this is a desperate post: can anyone in give a home to a gentle / timid FIV+ stray cat?

he's at the vet now getting treatment, but if we don't find a home by tomorrow midday, the refuge helping us will drop him back off here. we're moving internationally soon, have 2 cats already, and can't take him. (we've also been told we can't take him bc FIV.)

he’s a beautiful, sweet boy who deserves a good life.

please boost / SVP boostez

SVP, avec désespoir: est-ce que quelqu'un en qui peut donner un foyer aimant à un chat errant mais très gentil qui est FIV+ ?

il est au véto pour être traité, mais si nous ne trouvons pas un foyer avant demain midi, le refuge va le relâchez ici. nous déménageons hors de la france bientôt, nous avons deux de nos propres chats, et nous ne pouvons pas le prendre (et apparement c’est pas possible pour voyager avec le FIV). il est un garçon beau et doux qui mérite une bonne vie.

🙏 (dépt 16/24)

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  • RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Someone just came to the house canvassing for my local Tory MP.

    I couldn't help myself, I started laughing.

    He left.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway :blobcattoot: 😂 d'you reckon that would work on them en masse? quick! go laugh at them all!

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    feeling very unable to human today

    moonrabbit OP ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway thank you :Blobhaj_Heart:

    how has your day been? very happy to return the hug favour ...

    moonrabbit OP ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway oh no. i'm sorry. here is a gif of a cute thing hugging another cute thing, in case that helps.

    have you eaten and done the necessary "look after yourself" things?

    sending many hugs, from round hamsters or otherwise.

    a cute, round, tan and white cartoon hamster is hugging a slightly smaller cute, round, than and white cartoon hamster. red heart are appearing above their heads when the hugs happen.

    moonrabbit OP ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway hugs
    i know that one. i'm so sorry it's so prominent for you today.

    but well done for getting the food and liquids in.

    is there anything nice you can do for yourself?

    i would buy you shrimp and bananas if i were there!

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar
    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Well, I got the exercise I needed to have today, but damn I feel rubbish now.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway oh bums. i mean good about the exercise, but not the rest.
    have you got much left to do today?

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway sounds like a good plan. well done for getting up and out though, even if you feel crappy now. i need to go try to do some exercises now but am stalling ... not breathing so well today so what should take 15mins probably take forever. but it must be done!

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    I've got shrimps and bananas again. I can't help myself.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway you deserve something nice in your day :Blobhaj_Heart:

    (although it slightly sounds there like shrimps and bananas is a disease. ugh, i've got shrimps and bananas again! 😆)

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Morning everyone. Had a rubbish night, didn't sleep nearly enough. Restless legs and bad dreams. Hope everyone is doing better than me.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway good morning to you. i'm sorry the night was not a peaceful one. any plans for today? take care and rest, if you can :Blobhaj_Heart_Rainbow:

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway getting into a doing anything space after a bad night is so hard. maybe after lunch?

    i'm ok ish. ish. got woken up (after not going to bed till the wee hours) by a neighbour throwing his roof tiles into a skip, so that was nice. he's stopped now but of course i'm awake now!

    finding the up in the airness a bit wearing really (ha maybe that's why i have trouble breathing: altitude), but onwards we go.

    have you got anything you have to do this w/e or can you take it easy a bit?

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    aide urgente chat, SVP 🔥 :BlobCat_Flower :

    nous recherchons quelqu'un en qui souhaite offrir un foyer aimant à un chat errant. c'est un minou très doux mais très timide.

    nous déménageons prochainement à l'international, et ne pouvons pas l'emmener avec nous. nous avons déjà deux chats, et nous emménageons en famille / essayons trouver une maison à louer ; nous avons eu déjà des plaintes concernant nos deux. de plus, nous ne savons pas du tout comment nous pourrions voyager avec lui : nous pouvons à peine le toucher. :blobcattrès triste:

    nous essayons de l’attraper afin de lui faire soigner par le véto, dont il a un fort besoin, mais après, il sera déposé encore ici comme un chat libre par le refuge qui nous aide. et après nous sommes partis, qui s'occupera de lui ??

    si quelqu'un à distance raisonnable de la dépt 16 (charente) souhaite un nouvel ami doux et adorable qui a besoin de temps et de l’attention, faites-le moi savoir.

    SVP boostez, merci beaucoup 🙏

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    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    urgent cat help request please 🔥:BlobCat_Flower:

    we are looking for someone in who can give a loving home to a stray cat. he's a very gentle but very timid boy; as far as we know, he's a local feral.

    we're moving internationally imminently and can't take him with us. we've got two cats of our own and are either moving in with family or going to a rental; we've already had complaints about our two. plus we have no idea how we could travel with him for several days given we can barely touch him. :blobcatverysad:

    we're currently trying to trap him so as to get him vet treatment, which he very much needs, but after that, he would just be dropped back off here by the refuge who are helping us. and with us gone, who will look after him??

    if anyone within reasonable distance of dépt 16 (charente) wants a sweet and lovely new friend who just needs time and attention, please let me know.

    please boost, thank you 🙏

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  • RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    I am in bed. Windows are wide open and I'm listening to the heavy rain outside. Send your best wishes that I sleep okay tonight.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway sending them all, and more besides. i hope you get some wonderful rest and feel ok tomorrow.

    may the rain carry you gently to sleep and back to morning again.

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    why do estate agents list houses and say in the listings that they're already fully booked for viewings? it's just wasting everyone's time and making me sad.

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    house listed at £600 turns out to be £900 because estate agents can't type / realised they could put the price up given the demand.

    can't cope can't cope not good.

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    quiet couple with two well-behaved cats looking urgently for a house / quiet ground-floor flat to rent in the UK, preferably Wales. budget is £600/month + bills.

    if anyone knows of anything, please let me know!

    thank you :BlobCat_Flower:

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    so much pain, so much tired, so much being tired of pain and tired. boo.*

    *boo as in bums as in bah as in arse. i'm not trying to frighten you! :Blobhaj_Ghostie:

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    happy week-end fedi folk :BlobCat_Flower: how are you all?

    i have left the house to go the chemist, where i was astonished at the cost of compression stockings and very glad that they were covered by healthcare. i managed to stave off the inevitable episode till we got home (not far) and have since had a lie down, but it occurred to me that i should've been wearing compression stockings while i waited for my compression stockings 😆

    i hope everyone has a happy saturday and gets at least some funtimes today.

    moonrabbit OP ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway you able to take it easy this week-end? how are you feeling otherwise?

    pretty much everything is exhausting. plus it's so so humid here (it never used to be, which is partly why we moved here in the first place) and i can't breathe enough. boo.

    mutters stupid everything.

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Asda's giant shrimps and bananas* are exceptionally good. I wish I'd bought more. The kings and queens of foam sweets, so smooth, almost creamy. Your everyday normal-sized shrimps and bananas are not on the same level at all.

    *the foam sweets, not actual shrimps and bananas. Although, who came up with the idea that, if the banana-flavour foam sweets are banana-shaped, then the raspberry-flavour foam sweets should be shrimp-shaped? Where did that come from?

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar


    my brain:

    • did you buy shrimps and bananas together? is that a thing?
    • oh right, sweets.
    • why are shrimp sweets raspberry flavoured?
    • i didn't even know shrimp sweets were a thing
    • actually, what is a foam sweet?
    • when you say normal-sized shrimps and bananas, so you mean the actual things that are shrimps and bananas?
    • are the sweets smaller? they must be smaller. but they are kings and queens so they rule us all, ack!!!

    all of that aside, i'm glad you like them. treats are always good, especially when they're much needed, which it sounds very like they are.

    i'm going to go have a lie down.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway i have not. although i wouldn't have identified those as shrimps or bananas (pale baguettes and ... things?), so i clearly know nothing 😆
    but i'm allergic to most things that people put in their faces, so that may well be why.

    so those are the giant ones? do they come together?

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Oof. Had to work hard today. Bit of a break, so let's have a .

    @neurothing wants songs. Obviously, I've a mind to pick any five of the Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs, but I shan't. I'll just have one of those (and it's likely the finest queer love song that I know).

    The Magnetic Fields - Papa Was A Rodeo

    Arooj Aftab - Last Night

    Parenthetical Girls - Love Connection (Xiu Xiu remix)

    Scott Walker - The World's Strongest Man

    Frank Wilson - Do I Love You (Indeed I Do)

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar


    how are you feeling overall? was the hard work ok?

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Morning. Had another very rough night. I'm now mentally clearing the list of things I planned to do today, which will all now have to wait until the weekend.

    Hope you're all doing well.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway oh i'm sorry. any chance of rest today? sending comfort to you :blobCat_blanket:

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway that sounds very good: resting and gentle gardening.

    i'm not great ... had a very bad pain episode last night and nearly phoned the ambulance. it faded off, but i'm feeling pretty rotten today still. plus we've found a house that will accept us, but it's expensive and really far from everywhere and everyone ... we need to decide today but have no idea what to do.

    ha as i'm typing this i've just been sent the following gif, so i shall send it to you to illustrate how i feel / where i wish to be ...

    a GIF of homer simpson merging back into a big green hedge while staring straight ahead. i just keep watching it over and over ...

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    I've been watching two baby starlings sitting on the seed in the feeder, trying to figure out how it works.

    One has been giving it a go, thrusting his beak around, although I'm not sure he actually managed to swallow anything.

    The other just sits there yelling for parental assistance, and occasionally trying to put his beak on the feeder itself.

    I assume parent is watching from a safe distance to see if the babies will figure it out themselves.


    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway oh bless them, so lovely

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Morning everyone. Distressing dreams again, plus lots of hayfever (so so much) and a lot of work to do (because I didn't do enough yesterday), and I'm just not going to have a good day at all. Hope it's better for everyone else. Sorry I keep moaning.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway don't be sorry at all. i'm just sorry you're struggling. :Blobhaj_Heart:
    i hope today improves for you and that the sniffles piss off. sending strength and hugs and comfort to you.

    sheepnik , to random
    @sheepnik@toot.wales avatar

    I'm sat in my office with the window open. I just sneezed for the elebenty-millionth time today, and someone walking past said "bless you" 🤧

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway @sheepnik

    stop the pollen: the new anti-allergy election slogan

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    we did not get the house.


    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    if anyone has any good vibes to spare, please send them our way? we have found what appears to be the perfect hours (in the perfect place) to rent and we can afford it. i've spoken to the agent; she's speaking to the landlords today but there's SO MUCH competition. we are crossing everything ...

    18+ RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Morning everyone. It's June, so I turned over the calendar. Does anyone want to see the picture for this month? It's a pair of great tits. I hope everyone enjoys looking at great tits.

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  • moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway there are some here, although i wouldn't say they're mine, exactly. they just bob around in the garden.

    happy june to you and those two great tits you've got there.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway i expect that certain sorts of men and bears would be delighted to encounter great tits in the woods. i expect some men (probably not bears) employ binoculars for just that purpose.

    i'm a bit wobbly, but i think that things are improving considerably. the next couple of days will be significant.

    and busy :blobcatscared: (we are definitely still moving, we just might be able to go straight to somewhere that is not under in-laws garage!)

    any week-end plans?

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    don't trust your fingers at night; you just can't count on them after ten.

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    I should probably go up to bed. You know what? I'm really looking forward to bed. So comfortable. So cosy.

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway these days especially, i love bed and the safety it offers.

    i hope you sleep very very well.

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    Morning everyone. I am very tired. Is anyone else very tired? I bet some of you are, at least.

    My earworm this morning is Black Trade, especially the Unthanks' version.

    (I've posted this before, but still worth clarifying: for those unfamiliar with shipyard slang, 'black trade' means the people who do the dirty jobs, welders and riveters and pipefitters etc - as opposed to the clean workers like draughtsmen and joiners.)

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway good afternoon to you. are you any less tired now? or are you even more tired?

    (i am very tired too)

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway goodness yes it always is. have you got much to do this afternoon?

    RolloTreadway , to random
    @RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

    I turned on Channel 4 to watch Taskmaster, which starts soon. There's the end of some property show.

    The people had a nice, homely, colourful house. Needed a bit of spit and polish, sure. But basically pleasant.

    And now every room is white. With white cabinets and white shelves. White white white white white. Everything is completely and utterly and inhumanly plain.

    And now they're talking about how a place can be 'perked up'?! There's no perk! They've taken away any hint of character and humanity!

    Stop making everything white!

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway ugh i hate it. no colour, no life, no personality. nothing human or real or alive. sigh.

    you might find this interesting:


    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway @purplepadma

    have you seen ... i can't remember what they're called, but they're sticky pads/hooks for hanging stuff that come off without leaving a mark. we've got some here ... we always rent too so have to be careful!

    moonrabbit ,
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    @RolloTreadway @purplepadma

    good idea! we will be bereft of our own art and colour (again) soon, but there are i think two paintings that i'm definitely taking with us rather than putting into storage. if i can work out how to transport them safely separately from the rest, that is.

    moonrabbit , to random
    @moonrabbit@strangeobject.space avatar

    hello fedi folk

    we're a quiet couple with two well-behaved cats looking urgently for an unfurnished bedsit/ground-floor flat/house to rent in the , ideally . rural or the outskirts of somewhere.

    tiny tiny budget but this will improve as we get up and running again, plus we can help with stuff. husband has building skills!

    thank you so much.

    (please boost if you don't mind)

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