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michaelmrose ,

This was tested...sort of. He didn't give away his money he just supposedly didn't make use of it essentially hitting the road as a fake homeless and making money by selling stuff he bought on facebook market.

The fellow was a millionaire not a billionaire and I think he went from nothing to ~50k in nearly a year. He called it off early because he was basically destroying his health.

michaelmrose ,

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13332399/Millionaire-Mike-Black-homeless-broke-purpose-ends-bizarre-social-experiment.html He made 64,000 before he tapped out. His trajectory is also not entirely kosher

Eventually, a man with an RV allowed him to stay for several nights in his van. Black started off small and managed to make his first $300 by selling furniture online.

Nobody lets a homeless stay in their van to bootstrap their buy and sell craigslist furniture business

Three months into the challenge, Black's entrepreneurial spirit appeared to shine through having set himself up as a social media manager, managing to land clients - while even coming up with his own brand of coffee.

Most people who were homeless 90 days prior is going to be in a position to be appointed someone's social media manager or else they likely wouldn't even be homeless in the first place.

Even with obvious cheat codes he couldn't get more than 64k starting from "zero" wherein zero means being homeless in nice gear with your $1000 phone and unlimited internet plan with a health plan and a GP and specialists

Throughout the entire project, we haven't shared it with you, but I've been in and out of the doctor's office.'

michaelmrose ,

You should report him to the FBI and your work. The statement is enough to probably get him fired and with luck his gun horde will be illegal when the FBI comes knocking

michaelmrose ,

Keep in mind that if you ask a random sample of people who they will vote for and ask a sample of people who they will vote for and throw out all the people who didn't bother to vote in either of 2020 or 2022 you get a different answer.

'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT ( www.rawstory.com )

As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both "prickly" and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her....

michaelmrose ,

You hang out with stupid people. You have confused your friends with a random sample of the population.

michaelmrose ,

Already compressed files like video don't meaningfully compress more. Compression isn't magic.

michaelmrose ,

WWI and WW2 were absolutely necessary actions to contain others aggression. The Korean war is the only reason that the entirety of Korea isn't under an insane dictatorship. Afghanistan attacked the US (stupidly enough) Iraq v1 was to contain a war of aggression.

Vietnam and Iraq v2 were wrong.

and fascism committed by your armies on foreign soil.

How does one commit a fascism?

michaelmrose ,

the idiots in Texas would have found some reason to prosecute President Biden over his “handling of the Southern border”, no matter how much bullshit that stance is.

Then the court can take a few moments to deal with the actual facts of that poorly considered case the same way they could take a few moments to deal with the actual facts of this legit one.

michaelmrose ,

This implies that the party with less power couldn't have initiated the relationship. It implies that the attraction couldn't have been mutual. It implies that 2 people can't have an adult interaction where turning down the more powerful party instantly turns into recriminations. It implies that people can't be anything but cardboard cuttouts.

michaelmrose ,

To aid in contextualizing this they are being asked to spend at least $2,500 of the $14,000 on labor which isn't remotely unreasonable

michaelmrose ,

Most of that labor can be filled by nurses aids which make on average $17 an hour not $90

michaelmrose ,

Their asshole

michaelmrose ,

You want people who other people vetted as good enough to do <blank>. It's often a first pass filter to even get to your inbox. Why wouldn't you read the rest of the resume.

michaelmrose ,

Herrera shopped around for a new plan, but he struggled to find a policy. Louisiana Citizens, the insurer of last resort for property owners in the state, was out of the question. It would have cost more than $7,000 annually. Herrera eventually found a policy with a small company in the state that charged him $4,930 annually — a 208% increase from what he paid in 2022.

There were at least 2 options $5000–$7000. Sell to someone at a discount with the understanding that buyer is willing and able to bear at least $5000 in annual insurance costs. Do this before its actually uninsurable.

michaelmrose ,

You could at least eat the can of beans without getting an STD

michaelmrose ,

He didn't give psychos a pass, he didn't mansplain, he didn't say it was on woman to teach men boundaries. Those are just things YOU said.

He said you should be reasonably prudent but that you shouldn't live in fear. This is reasonable advice

michaelmrose ,

What is right wing about suggesting woman carry pepper spray to deal with shitheads who wont take no for an answer?

michaelmrose ,

If a property is seized the government only gets the equity that the owner had in it so if Trump owns a 2B in property but owes 1.5B then the government may seize all 2B in order to satisfy the debt he owes the government. Worse the government will try to get as much value as possible but the value realized by a short term sale may be less than could have been realized had the customer had time to find the appropriate buyer. So if they only get 300M they can seize additional properties to satisfy the debt.

Nobody in their right mind wants the government doing this for them instead of mortgaging and or selling their own stuff. He committed such obvious fraud he should have known the jig was up when it went to trial and started seeking buyers or mortgaging. They could have self funded an appeal bond hoping to reduce the damages and prepared for worst case losing it all.

michaelmrose ,

Here is an interesting question in the example case where he owes 500M on a 300M property ergo negative equity can the government still force the sale when the expected return is negative ergo the government expects to get nothing? Alternatively are seizures irrespective of expected return and if it turns out to be overvalued it's his problem?

michaelmrose ,

I do believe the people previously loaning money on the property get paid BEFORE the government so the net effect of seizure isn't seizure FROM innocent parties. So if he owes 100M on a 80M property I'm wondering if the seizure goes through at all as there is no value to seize. if he owes 80M on a 100M property the government gets the 20M and keeps taking his shit. I suspect that the government ends up seizing a broad swath of property and holds it while they figure out what they have actually gotten and it takes months to actually shake out. I think if he's under water he'll end up losing it by virtue of being under water in the loan. In WA understandably a different state this is an issue with commercial property. If its revalued at less than the loan the loan can be called.

michaelmrose ,

To be fair people like Mr Barber often are very supportive of zoning that prevents enough housing to be built and any measure which makes their property appreciate much faster than inflation is sufficient to eventually completely destroy the useful housing market for anyone who doesn't own.

Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case ( www.commondreams.org )

Less than a month after New York Attorney General Letitia James said she would be willing to seize former Republican President Donald Trump's assets if he is unable to pay the $464 million required by last month's judgment in his civil fraud case, Trump's lawyers disclosed in court filings Monday that he had failed to secure a...

michaelmrose ,

This isn't bail with a small risk of loss paid for by the guaranteed loss of 10% to the bondsman. This is 99% Chance of loss on a settled case with the reasonable expectation that Trump would fight collection tooth and nail, try to pay less than face via bankruptcy etc. It's a risk of hundreds of millions of dollars that would take YEARS to settle. Years in which lenders could be earning returns if that money was invested elsewhere. 30 institutions said no.

He needs to secure the loan with cash or cash equivalents for the whole shebang. Nobody wants properties which he has already borrowed against even if the net of value and loan are positive to the tune of hundreds of millions its risky and challenging to sell. He should have started mortgaging when the judge told him he'd lost and they were only determining the scope of the loss so he could have obtained favorable terms.

michaelmrose ,

I think when we discuss large volumes of paper it is often the case that much of it is irrelevant and not overly hard to sort an analyze. EG he is asserting that its impossible for him to afford to do this. You don't need to actually keep reading the statements of his resources to each of the 30 institutions he applied to nor all the refusals unless its likely that something therein may be meaningful. We can probably read ONE and skim another and conclude that the statement that he can't raise the bond by pledging encumbered real estate he's constantly lied about won't work.

michaelmrose ,

Secret evidence is literally allowed all the time when dealing with secrets if the document in question is specs of nuclear weapons you redact all the strategically important info and allow them to see the header and subject matter without all the details.

michaelmrose ,

Yes we know from the reports of the documents that they included nuclear secrets and human intelligence sources. The later could cause people who are spying for us to be prosecuted and murdered and the mere suggestion that an idiot could leak this data has probably unfixably damaged our ability to collect intel for the next 20 years.

michaelmrose ,

Baby boomers are exclusively those born between 1946 to 1964. 55% of the living boomers are presumably females safe from the draft and 45% are male. 95% of the draft was over by 1971 whereas only 38% of boomers were of draft age by then. Of the draft pool about 8% were drafted.

On net 1.3% of boomers were drafted for Viatnam. 0% went through the great depression 0% went through WW2.

These times were also marked by extreme bigotry. Anyone who wasn’t a straight white neurotypical cisgendered man faced comical levels of oppression.

In case you hadn't noticed 99.99% of the whining is from straight white neurotypical cisgendered men. Comical levels of oppression or not they on average came out of it with houses that ballooned in value 8x over and now enjoy the same degree of freedom from oppression as you and I along with their money and house and are steady trying to reinstate that comical level of oppression at the hands of the dictator they intend to give our democracy to.

michaelmrose ,

If you go back far enough the primary occupations become gathering edible plants and killing animals. The US didn't get less productive per hour of labor between 1950 and 2024 the wealthy just started accruing a lot more of the benefits of our productivity.

michaelmrose ,

I would happily buy a below average size house instead of living in a below average sized apartment if that were an option.

michaelmrose ,

Increasing productivity per labor hour invested is sufficient for everyone to have a 1950s life because we are in fact many times more productive per hour invested than 1950. This more than balances the unusual characteristics of the 50s

michaelmrose ,

I'm 43. Statistically the people that are whining are themselves extremely privileged who on average came of age after Vietnam. They don't get to use other people's suffering as a fuckin excuse.

michaelmrose ,

So you look at people today demanding more and say "this has got to stop" and launch into some malarkey about how the worst generation actually honest had a real hard time and you believe other people are petulant. Alrighty then.

michaelmrose ,

Why would I have empathy for boomers? This is essentially a generational conflict. You don't win by having empathy.

michaelmrose ,

Moderating herein means kicking and banning people whose behavior is unacceptable or locking and removing individual posts and comments that are unacceptable. For instance a conservative sub may have threads on the virtues of tax cuts for the rich by relatively normal folks and threads calling for lynching black folks for imaginary crimes.

I believe the rich should pay their fair share but I sure hope someone normal is willing to allow the former and ban the latter even if the would be lynch mobs threads are couched in polite and indefinite language while they spread their lies and hate. I feel like a normal fellow might be better situated to make such a distinction than someone of a conservative bent who is looking to follow the bare letter of the law so to speak.

michaelmrose ,

I know I'm not disagreeing with you but man its laughable because anyone who looked around would notice that most of these jobs are actually done by adults. There aren't enough teens who actually want to work to fill 5% of them, they can't work the specific hours you need them, or enough hours period and they aren't very motivated or very trainable because they have no reason to care.

michaelmrose ,

What good things do conservatives "conserve"?

michaelmrose ,

So no true Scotsman fallacy?

michaelmrose ,

They factually aren't starter jobs because the people overwhelmingly doing them are people that need to live on those wages.

Low end jobs cannot meaningfully structurally serve as stepping stones within an organization because such professions/companies need massive amounts of low wage labor, very few better paid workers, and most of the actually well paid positions are available via an expensive education not earned by hard work within the org. That is to say Burger Bob's thousands of franchises need tens of thousands of flunkies, hundred of slightly higher paid flunkies, and dozens of high paid people who are mostly recruited out of college or industry.

This is to say statistically approaching zero of Bob's employees can escape poverty by working hard for Bob. The alternative is imagining that a peanut butter sandwich can feed a stadium full of people because in theory any one of them could eat it.

White Rural Trump Supporters Are a Threat to Democracy ( www.thedailybeast.com )

In the popular imagination of many Americans, particularly those on the left side of the political spectrum, the typical MAGA supporter is a rural resident who hates Black and Brown people, loathes liberals, loves gods and guns, believes in myriad conspiracy theories, has little faith in democracy, and is willing to use violence...

michaelmrose ,

Firstly who cares who a Palestinian thinks about an American presidential election? Next Why on earth would you imagine that Trump would withdraw "support" from Israel. Our support is mostly selling them arms. He supports Israel. He supports their actions.

michaelmrose ,

65% of rural America voted for Trump in 2020 nearly half 47% believe the election was stolen that's half of all rurals not half of rural Republicans. Support for political violence is high with 1 in 3 Republicans nationwide and higher yet in rural America. It is easier for violence to take root where their is monocultural acceptance of the false premises used to justify it.

michaelmrose ,

Polls basically don't mean shit. The suggestion that Trump is winning is completely nonsensical.

michaelmrose ,

Your argument is that user hosts infringing_song.mp3 on file_host, a community on lemmy.ml has a link to filehost and lemmy.world has a cached copy of the text containing the link to lemmy.ml which has a link to filehost and you think lemmy.world has legal exposure?

michaelmrose ,

It would be preferable if you would lie less. Evil pirate uploads potentially_infringing.mp3 to to filehost. Filehost actually serves potentially_infringing.mp3, a community on db0 hosts a link to potentially_infringing.mp3, lemmy.world caches locally a copy of data from db0. Of those the one guy directly uploading the information is at risk of an extremely unlikely single digit thousands of dollars.

Nobody not even evil pirate himself is at risk of decades in prison or millions in debt. Companies responsibility basically ends at taking stuff down when specifically notified of infringing content.

michaelmrose ,

They CAN do all of those things but people would be right to critique them for it. Freedom isn't freedom from criticism or complaint. Furthermore they want this to be a functional community as much as their users do which is why this discussion even exists.

michaelmrose ,

Feel free to leave if this is how you talk to people

michaelmrose ,

The law in the US is that you aren't responsible for what your users post unless you are specifically legally notified and furthermore the communities at issue don't host links to infringing content they host discussions on the topic

michaelmrose ,

So is discussion on the topic of piracy that doesn't include actual links to content.

michaelmrose ,

The discussion is not whether they can set those rules its should they and should we keep participating

michaelmrose ,

Once you start hosting an instance that has open registration, it’s not just “their house” anymore. They are providing a service to people. They do so willingly. Arbitrairly blocking instances because you don’t know how something works and don’t bother to check it isn’t the way to host a free and open instance.

You seem to be uniquely bad at reading so this is comment is the start of this subthread you originally replied to. Nobody ever suggested they COULDN'T implement any rule they please. It was never a point anyone brought up for you to be refuting. It is literally you dishonestly trying to steer the discussion away from the actual point of discussing SHOULD they.

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