@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online cover
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar



Sharing advice and assisting with the great migration, plus various thoughts and perspectives.

Banner Artwork: Julio Lacerda https://linktr.ee/julio.lacerda
Avatar Artwork: Brandon Pilcher https://brandonpilchersart.com
Individual account not representing any entity or organization.
Curates: @ClimateMigration @AstroMigration
#mastodonmigration #twittermigration

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ #RNC considers move to make #Trump presumptive nominee

“While Trump would still need to reach delegate requirements necessary to win the nom, if the resolution is approved, he’d have access to RNC’s data operation, benefit from fundraising w RNC, & have support of all of the committee’s ground ops. It would also mean the committee would be supporting Trump & effectively opposing Haley – an unprecedented break from party’s past approach to nom process”


mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


They must be getting worried.

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

#Trump #EJeanCarroll #legal 🧵 for as long as I can comfortably last. 1/…

Inner City Press who I refer to as Press:

They're back.
Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba, do you have any other witnesses?
👉🏼: Yes, President Trump.
Judge Kaplan: I have a few things to say

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


What's interesting is that despite all his bravado, when the chips were down inside a real court with a real judge, he lost his bombast.

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Stand corrected. Should have said "failed to succeed in disrupting the court."

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Again, thanks for your replies and kind words.

I’m reading, just not replying. Too tired, up half the night. But I’m perfectly able to do what I’m doing, and I am resting, so please don’t worry.❤️

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


You're the best Laffy! Take care of yourself.

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Some good news to celebrate: EU fossil fuel CO2 emissions hit 60-year low.
“The 8% reduction in emissions should be celebrated, but more must be done to wean the EU off fossil fuels, reduce reliance on petrostates such as Russia, whilst also leaving the world a better place for the next generation.”

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


This is good news. As other replies here bemoan this reduction is not enough, but it is very significant. The EU is clearly ramping up serious efforts to transition to cleaner sources of energy, and this should serve as an example to the rest of the world that real change is possible.

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Why yes, I AM still getting deluged by trolls who are intentionally calling me Pro Genocide after my earlier post.

Thanks for asking.

Adding: I did not take a stand on anything other than to stop calling Biden "pro genocide," and saying that disagreement with his policies is fine by me & that I don't discuss that war in my feed... because of... this kind of reaction by trolls and others who are trolls in training, apparently.

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


This deliberate misrepresentation is unfortunately a common and very frustrating tactic. You were very clear that you were referring to the use of a specific term and that you were not taking a position on the larger issue. To then mischaracterize your position and attack you for the strawman they fabricate is a cheap shot. Social media lends itself to this tactic because it is easy to gloss over nuance.

Hang tough. We know what you said.

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

You may disagree fervently with Pres. Biden's Israel policies, and that's fine. But if you come into my feed calling him "Genocide Joe" or any variation on that theme, you're blocked.

I've already had to block a few accounts for this.

Pres. Biden is not "for genocide." I will not argue with you on this topic, nor do I discuss the Israel/Hamas war here.

But I will not tolerate accusations of "genocide" by Pres. Biden. He's not "pro genocide."

If that's a prob, it's on you.

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Thank you for stating this policy in clear terms. Your feed is a treasure and you have every right to spell out what types of replies cross the line. Your many followers certainly appreciate your efforts to keep the feed interesting and constructive.

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@GottaLaff @birdpoof

Would argue that the benefit they derive is from disrupting interesting and constructive discourse on the subject. It's like a form of heckling.

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


What's interesting is that this post predictably generated a slew of folks who deliberately used the subject term. Once all of them have been blocked the feed is quite reasonable and interesting. Don't be afraid to remove loud noisy nonsense from your social media experience.

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@Lizette603_23 @GottaLaff

It is frustrating to see Mastodon sliding into the same toxic discourse as characterizes other platforms. That is why posts such as this one are important. We need to build community around setting reply standards.

The idea that you have a right to establishing clear limits to what you will and will not accept in your replies is important for creating a framework where community norms can be established.


mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@Lizette603_23 @GottaLaff

This is not to say that you can not come barging into any feed and start spouting whatever angry rant is on your mind. Provided you don't violate the use policies, no one can stop you.

However, be aware that if you cross the line of what the poster deems acceptable for their feed, you may get blocked, and blocked by others who value the integrity of that poster's contributions.


wdlindsy , (edited ) to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Lewis Grossberger on top reasons people vote for Trump — they include:

"They want a Strongman: Trump is unhinged, unpredictable, out of control and scary…and those are his good points! …

They want some God talk. MAGAs want to know this: Do you stand with us or the godless atheist commies? Now some of you elitists say Trump’s a heathen and a non-believer. Doesn’t matter."



mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Like this part...

"Trump is God’s chosen vehicle... Last time, God sent a perfect saint, a guy happy to die for our sins. And it didn’t work. The world stayed rotten. Well, God learned his lesson: No more wimps! Send a guy with dirty hands and a foul mouth who Can Get It Done! This son of God is a son of a bitch and he’s gonna kick ass. Trump won’t end up hanging on a cross, he’ll crucify them."

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Hey kids, the Republicans are coming after your retirement again. When they talk about voting being "harm reduction" this is a good example. Vote like your Social Security depends on it, because it does.

Center for American Progress: The House Republican Study Committee Budget Proposes Harsh Changes to Social Security >>> https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-house-republican-study-committee-budget-proposes-harsh-changes-to-social-security/

TonyStark , to random
@TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

People ask why I talk about elections and voting so much.

It’s because there’s always hope.

Florida Democrats flip Republican House seat in Special Election – WFTV:

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@TonyStark This is why we all need to vote. Elections right now are not about getting what you want. They are about arresting oppression and changing the playing field to lay the groundwork for positive change. Elections are about the numbers. Getting sufficient majorities to make positive changes. It's a long game, and we need to keep fighting, even if the frustrations are overwhelming. Stay the course. Build our numbers. Win everywhere and send these lunatic fascists packing.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"Trump operates by way of a 'permission structure,' where a leader signals that something that was once socially out of bounds is suddenly okay, even to be praised or glorified."

~ Jay Kuo

Interesting formulation, since both observers in Germany as the Nazis rose to power and historians note the same happening in Germany, as thugs and Brownshirts were given permission to engage in violent bullying behavior previously seen as off-limits.


mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


His followers revel in the hate. He gives them permission to unleash rage unapologetically. It's his single greatest power and his principle campaign tactic.

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Substack Migration Roll Call

Those moving off of Substack will likely lose subscribers. For many this is their livelihood. Their principle and courage should be rewarded. Known Substack migrants are listed below. Please consider subscribing to them.

If you've migrated off Substack, please provide the name, new URL, and a brief description in a reply. Will add mentions into the top comments.

To the Substack migrants, you rock! Thank you for your bravery and resolve.

mastodonmigration OP ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Substack Migrants

Casey Newton @caseynewton Platformer https://www.platformer.news/, your daily guide to understanding social networks and their relationships with the world.

Molly White, @molly0xfff, Citation Needed, https://citationneeded.news/, Keep up with the happenings in the tech world without all the boosterism.

Futurist Jim Carroll, @jimcarroll, The Daily Inspiration - Futurist Jim Carroll https://daily.jimcarroll.com/, In August 2016, Futurist Jim Carroll began writing his Daily Inspiration post...

mastodonmigration OP ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Substack Migrants

pacanukeha, @pacanukeha, it's all about control, https://pacanukeha.wordpress.com/2022/12/13/pacanukehamstdn-ca/, It’s cold. And there are wolves.

Michael / Chgowiz, @chgowiz Chgowiz's Games, https://chgowiz-games.etinerra.com/wp/, Sharing the love of TTRPGs and other gaming

Elena Rossini ✨🎥, @_elena The Realists https://therealists.org/, The Realists [explores] the dark side of our digital economy. The aim of The Realists is to shed light on surveillance capitalism, microtargeting, and the weaponization of data…

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

Business As Usual must go on, baby!

"Big Oil Launches Propaganda Campaign to Thwart US Energy Transition"

The American oil lobby launched an eight-figure media campaign this week promoting the idea that fossil fuels are “vital” to global energy security, alarming climate experts.

“US natural gas and oil play a key role in supplying the world with cleaner, more reliable energy,” the new initiative’s website says. The campaign comes amid record fossil fuel extraction in the US, and as the industry is attempting to capitalize on the war in Gaza to escalate production even further, climate advocates say.

Launched Tuesday by the nation’s top fossil fuel interest group, the campaign will work to “dismantle policy threats” to the sector, said American Petroleum Institute CEO Mike Sommers.

In a CNN interview, Sommers said clean energy can currently only play a limited role. “Renewable sources have a role to play, but oil and natural gas will be needed for decades,” he said.

The ad blitz comes after US oil production reached a record high in 2023, which was also the hottest year ever recorded.

“We’re already moving in the wrong direction on fossil fuels,” said Tim Roberts, professor of environment and sociology at Brown University. “They want to push us further.”

FULL STORY -- https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/01/fossil-fuel-oil-gas-api-propaganda-media-campaign-energy-transition/

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


This is so evil. Our clean energy future is both an existential and economic security issue.

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

So, you have decided to leave Substack! Good for you! Now what?

Ghost is a popular alternative. @caseynewton's Platformer and now Molly White's @molly0xfff Citation Needed are choosing Ghost. Here is a guide written by Molly detailing how she migrated to Ghost >>> https://citationneeded.news/substack-to-self-hosted-ghost/

Another is WordPress Newsletter, which now federates with Mastodon! @hildabast has a great guide on how to move your newsletter to WordPress >>> https://absolutelymaybe.plos.org/2023/06/22/substack-versus-wordpress-newsletter-first-impressions-and-migration-tips/

Whatever you choose, congratulations!

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Yesterday many left leaning pundits and journalists were suspended from TwitterX without notice. Some were subsequently reinstated after very public complaints from a few prominent individuals.

Vice: X Purges Prominent Journalists, Leftists With No Explanation >>> https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d948x/x-purges-prominent-journalists-leftists-with-no-explanation

We have seen this tactic before. Musk uses the ban hammer to enforce self censorship. The message is clear, step over the line and you will be silenced.

How can enduring this regime be worth it? 🤷


mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

If you don't follow Sue Stone @knittingknots2 and think you might like an excellently curated news feed, give her a follow.

This, from her introduction:

"Well, I have an odd hobby. I like to read and find news stories I think are worthwhile, both to keep from being blindsided by events and to stay well-rounded and informed.

My slant does tend to be human rights/justice oriented"

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Creating a Mastodon News Feed with press.coop

Quickly create a news feed of dozens of major media publications for your Mastodon account. The fediverse instance http://press.coop/ imports RSS feeds from popular press sites to the fediverse. These instructions will give you a Mastodon “List” that follows all of the press.coop publications. You can then unfollow any you do not want. They will not show up in your home feed >>> https://mastodonmigration.wordpress.com/2023/12/11/creating-a-mastodon-news-feed-with-press-coop/


mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

You may have heard that WordPress is now federated with Mastodon. What does this all mean?

Well, very simply, people with WordPress blogs can now automatically publish their new posts to a Fediverse address where they are available to Mastodon.

Here's an explainer: https://mastodonmigration.wordpress.com/2023/11/07/understanding-mastodon-federation-wordpress-fediblogs/

As an example, if you follow this address: @mastodonmigration.wordpress.com@mastodonmigration.wordpress.com

...you will see all new posts from https://mastodonmigration.wordpress.com/ in your feed.

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

We talk about wanting professional journalists to ditch Twitter and come to Mastodon.

When they do we need to make them welcome!

Today Chris Bing @Bing_Chris a distinguished Reuters reporter covering hacking and foreign affairs has joined Mastodon saying "Hi - Twitter is a garbage fire. I am going to try to use this platform more. Love,-Bing."

Let's show Chris some love!

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Mastodon User Tip

Make use of #Lists, and when you follow someone make a habit of adding them to a list right then.

It's quick and easy:

  • Set up at least three or four lists. You can number them to arrange the list display order.
  • After you hit FOLLOW, click the three vertical dots and choose "Add or Remove from lists". This will bring up your lists and you can click to add the follow to one or more lists.

They will make your #Fediverse life so much better.

#MastoTips #MastodonMigration

mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Mar 4, 2023

So, this is fun. We are their worst nightmare. Turn's out Mastodon "falls short for businesses" because it lacks "advertising support," says an ad industry publication.

CMSWire: Facebook Is Better for Business Than Mastodon. Here's Why >>> https://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/facebook-is-better-for-business-than-mastodon-heres-why/

"Social media has become one of the most powerful tools businesses can leverage for advertising... Mastodon, on the other hand, does not offer an advertising platform to businesses."


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