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maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,

tldr the bond market is about as distorted as soviet economy, this eventually meets reality

maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

Come on. If we don’t dig it up and burn it, it’s going to stay under the ground.

Those who think we should continue using fossil fuels despite the climate change and weather effects we’re already seeing do not understand the physics of how the world works.

our energy requirements for being alive are much higher than a population that didn't get itself on a hockey stick shaped population chart. we are in an intensification trap. we must continue to use fossil fuels to maintain the population and standard of living, unless we are willling to sacrifice the population and standard of living and/or renewables grow so much they take up the slack.

so any talk of leaving it in the ground needs to also include talk of how we are going to allocate the misery that comes from such.

maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

as of 2024 meaningful carbon capture is still hopium and copium

Researchers and practitioners have questioned society’s ability to reach Gt-scale CDR from novel approaches such as BECCS and DACCS, given the small role these technologies play in climate change mitigation today

Others have highlighted the potential environmental (10–12) and social [e.g., food prices (11)] impacts of CDR, particularly for BECCS due to its high land and water requirements but also for DACCS.

They have also critiqued the role that CDR plays in net-zero policy narratives, arguing that optimistic assumptions about CDR in the future may be used to delay action today and represent a moral hazard whose risks are disproportionately borne by low-income countries and future generations .

... institutional, behavioral, and social barriers ..., experience with related technologies suggests that they may be substantial

maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

Evergrande and chinese property are just shufflings of abstract information in the form of money . the real economy is biophysical.

Expect waves of stagflation of various sizes and duration to be the principal form of economic collapse experienced by the working class. It doesn't have to come as a collapse just a slow grind across a lifetime of declining standards of living.

maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

punctuated stairsteps down. sure there are crashes but its never that one crash that is the crash there is always the next one. 2008 was a crash , lots of people didnt really recover but we move on. the decline can still last a life time and we never cross the proverbial "collapse" where everyone busts out their bondage outfits and dunebuggies . People still go to work every day, people still need doctors , doctors still make more than day laborers , people still own stuff and parasitize those who dont etc...

Most people in collapse forums talk about collapse but have no real metric to measure by. I would look at global population , global "real" gdp, global institution size ie.. supernational instituions like European union cracking up then later nations that were put together based on nonsense balkanizing. Life expectancy global and local. etc..

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  • maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    To be fair the ecofascists and the palo alto eugenics crowd are different crowds so shouldn't conflate them as being the same.

    Also there is nothing inherently immoral about eugenics unless its coerced. If you read the history of eugenics you will see many leftists and anarchists had nuanced pro-eugenics arguments that were life-affirming and non coercive .

    Also i kind of think ecofascists are almost a myth. I spent the majority of my life purposely seeking out and interacting with everyone from the most extremist libertarians to anarchists to all the flavors of leftists to weird neoreactionary occultists . In my entire life ive only interacted with one person that had ecofascism as part of their identity and they are primarily an internet blogger edgelord.

    the fascists fucking hate nature and see it as an abomination to be dominated and converted to money for the most part, they see ecology as the domain of homos and liberals. This is why the venn diagram of eco and fascii doesnt have much overlap

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    The human enterprise is in overshoot; we exceed the long-term carrying capacity
    of Earth and are degrading the biophysical basis of our own existence. Despite
    decades of cumulative evidence, the world community has failed dismally in
    efforts to address this problem. I argue that cultural evolution and global change
    have outpaced bio-evolution; despite millennia of evolutionary history, the
    human brain and associated cognitive processes are functionally obsolete to deal
    with the human eco-crisis. H. sapiens tends to respond to problems in simplistic,
    reductionist, mechanical ways. Simplistic diagnoses lead to simplistic remedies.
    Politically acceptable technical ‘solutions’ to global warming assume fossil fuels
    are the problem, require major capital investment and are promoted on the
    basis of profit potential, thousands of well-paying jobs and bland assurances that
    climate change can readily be rectified. If successful, this would merely extend
    overshoot. Complexity demands a systemic approach; to address overshoot
    requires unprecedented international cooperation in the design of coordinated
    policies to ensure a socially-just economic contraction, mostly in high-income
    countries, and significant population reductions everywhere. The ultimate goal
    should be a human population in the vicinity of two billion thriving more equitably
    in ‘steady-state’ within the biophysical means of nature

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    diminished omega 3, not 6. you got it backwards.

    There are some GMO plants that like camelina that synthesize DHA/omega 3s and a soybean that produces other long chain SDA which are omega3 DHA/EPA precursors, which could be used as farmed fish feed to help get them back to natural 3:6 ratios but the govs make it hard so they keep making unhealthy fish and feeding bycatch

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    Im not really one to think every weather anomaly is worth talking about on here but my brother has been living on a ranch in texas and they had a 100 year flood that peaked at 48 feet deep. He sent me videos and it looked like a lake all around. luckily they had a really good huge limestone hill on the property , some extra cattle washed up on it still alive from somewhere far away. he said flood was from 6 hours of upstream rainfall.

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    whats americas incentive for attacking europes manufacturing and industry?

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    Perhaps i overestimate USAs friendliness with eurozone. I kind of just worked with the assumption that keeping europe solid was in USA national interest but i dont really know at any moment what special interests have their tentacles in the deep state. I figured blowing up the pipeline was to target russia with the european energy situation damage just being "collateral damage". I kind of have doubts usa elites were even clever enough to realize it would shift energy intense industry to usa. Hard for me to parse the malice and stupidity

    maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,

    When oil falls off all that nat gas byproduct also falls off so it can lead to an accelerated decline curve for nat gas too. and nat gas is doing a lot of the fossil fuel work in the total energy mix. I think nat gas prices would have to be quite higher to support the fracking for them without the oil acting as the prime motivator

    maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,

    There are lots of counters to this which is probably why it got published in economics journal rather than anthropology or other more domain informed journal. still an interesting contrarian take.

    The Human Ecology of Overshoot: Why a Major Population Correction Is Inevitable ( )

    Homo sapiens has evolved to reproduce exponentially, expand geographically, and consume all available resources. For most of humanity’s evolutionary history, such expansionist tendencies have been countered by negative feedback. However, the scientific revolution and the use of fossil fuels reduced many forms of negative...

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    the nobel in economics is just a fake award of other pseudoscientists tugging each others dicks.

    There are plenty of absolutely damning counterarguments to nordhaus that make it so that nobody serious takes him seriously. hes a shill plain and simple

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    plagues fit the role better

    Can Wind and Solar Solve Climate Change? ( )

    "The fact that renewable energy is failing to decarbonize the electricity sector may surprise many readers accustomed to breathless reports of the rapid growth of renewable energy around the world. What Christophers means by this, though, is that while renewable energy is growing rapidly in many places, these increases are not...

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    Here is a question.

    Capitalism requires planned obsolescence and is hugely inefficient

    I truly believe consumers want to purchase things that can last a lifetime presumably one could make a factory that makes these items, i know for sure they can be engineered to last and be easily consumer repairable. I think the amount one could sell would be large enough with the global population that it would sustain a factory especially if it produced all the generally available common household items, the workforce could be moved from section to section as the demand for any particular product dropped because the market saturated. Even if you sold the shit for 10X the price of a normal thing and just made it a status signaling object this would work in the west while people still have money to waste on status signaling. This would be a great business to start as a co-op or worker owned and run business.

    The only thing standing in the way is getting enough people to be willing to put their skin their anticapitalism game and by skin i mean invest the money to start it.

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    how does what you are saying make sense in relation to the article posted?

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    i dont know man, it seems like people get dumber with each heat stroke

    Potential Perturbation of the Ionosphere by Megaconstellations and Corresponding Artificial Re-entry Plasma Dust (2023) ( )

    500,000 to 1 million satellites are expected in the next decades, primarily to build internet constellations called megaconstellations. These megaconstellations are disposable and will constantly re-enter and be replaced, hence creating a layer of conductive particulate. Here it will be shown that the mass of the conductive...

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    Anyone know the theoretical implications of this?

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    paper came out some years back about similar effect with methyl mercury , areas with sea fog, animals affected

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    10 billion is possible but so is 16 billion if we all eat cardboard and roach pellets.
    we are already over carrying capacity socialism doesnt prevent people from continuing environmental destruction. A socialist Iphone ..ahem.. WePhone^TM^ destroys the environment just as much. we are already ballls deep into a mass extinction, giving the proles more money just accelerates the ability to be rapacious shitbags.

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    there are more internal combustion cars every year

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    electric bikes a bad ass, just get a bike trailer . good for most stuff you use car for. you can produce your own electricity with just a couple panels at home to charge it. 10x-100x the efficiency of electric cars

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    "socialist revolution" wouldn't do it either. it would quite possibly increase the destruction by increasing the affluence of the poors. asssuming it wasnt the type of socialist revolution that destroys the economy. or the worst of all worlds type as historically happens where they manage to destroy the economy and the environment

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    We are just becoming the Ants. In 3000 years we will be eusocial subterrainian dwelling mole rat leafcutter ant hybrids. Morlocks going up to hunt the occasional Eloi

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    You should start looking now for used lab equipment like Laminar flowhood and pressure sterilizers. Over time I built out a quite decent lab from things being discarded from colleges and hospitals that junk dealers bought for cheap and had no market for. i got a $10000 laminar flowhood for $800 and probably could have got it cheaper but i had to ship the 300kilo beast and that was half the cost. i just contact the junk dealers and haggle with them quite a bit. i dont know if european/german hospitals and schools are inefficient as in usa where they just periodically rip everything out and buy new stuff for no reason, auctioning off perfectly fine equipment for pennies on the dollar. I used to see sealed cheap surplus soviet era NBC and HEPA filters for sale you could build homebrew laminar flow system out of too, but haven't looked in a long time.

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    I knew fracking was a big part of natgas supply but thats much more than i thought in relation to conventional

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    Waiting for data on longevity of such panels

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    Problem is that other wildlife is unlikely to survive the bottleneck of human population

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    you can expect similar with crop yields and other weather thats powered by these extremes.

    this is what will deplete the global yearly carryover grain stocks when we get more clusters of back to back bad years

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    i was also a mod of collapse reddit a long time ago. Got kicked out for being anti-censorship and arguing self defense isn't the same as violent aggression. personally moving away from big corporate net slowly but surely.

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    you aren't explaining yourself because you don't make sense, don't pretend like its because you are taking some high ground .

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    should have a copypaste of something like this so we dont have to type it out every time someone comes in parroting the "blah blah science is ecofascism" nonsense

    maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,


    globally, about 20% of agricultural soils face severe potassium deficiency, with particular regions likely to experience more critical shortages, including 44% of agricultural soils in South-East Asia, 39% in Latin America, 30% in Sub-Saharan Africa and 20% in East Asia, largely due to more intensive agricultural practices.

    Canada, Russia, Belarus and China producing 80% of the world's total raw potash.

    in April 2022, the price of potash increased 500% above the previous year following a "perfect storm" of factors, including rising fertilizer demand, escalating fuel prices, recovery from the pandemic, a range of government actions around the world, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Russia and Belarus together export about 42% of the world's potash supply

    2021, global potash consumption reached 45 million metric tons

    And then of course they come in with some hopium crackhead dream bullshit like "Developing a global circular potassium economy that minimizes the use and maximizes the reuse and recycling of the nutrient" as if the current system is retrofittable for anything remotely like that. Even with perfect circular economy at scale, potassium still leaches from soil and is lost from agriculture.

    maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,

    as long as canada stays friendly usa supply is secure , and if canada doesnt stay friendly we will just start wondering why jesus put all of USAs potash in canada and go liberate the canadian people

    maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,

    There is still plenty of potassium its just about cost of extraction and shipping.

    The phosphorus supply is much more concentrated mostly in morrocco & western sahara , we high graded the low contaminant stuff already and are getting nastier P with more heavy metals. Africa is almost wholly P deficient and population is supposed to rise by 3+billion, yet they have the highest fertilizer costs in the world because supply chains and transport dont penetrate cost effectively with roadblocks every 100km across much of the continent that require bribes. so paradoxically the continent with like 80% of global P reserves and the most desperate need gets the least. Even governments and corporations doing land grabs have had trouble getting production up to standard and the costs of inputs in africa .

    maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,

    you have to take into account the article is mostly about extremely deficient areas with insufficient application, not the industrial super powers like china and usa that can afford to dump for maximum economic yield.

    maketotaldestr0i OP Mod ,

    The soils in the deficient regions are not just deficient in bioavailable but also in the forms that would need to be liberated for plant use throughout the growing season. just look at the chemistry of a Brazillian or sub-Saharan Oxisol.

    maketotaldestr0i Mod ,

    what area are you in?

    photosynthesis type c3 reaches peak efficiency around ~74F and c4 around ~86F if i recall correctly

    Ive found when banana trees die in threshold level frosts they usually return from sprouts around the mother plant, as long as the ground doesnt freeze more than an inch

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