@lung@lemmy.world avatar



Expert developer, Buddhist

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lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Oh wow, I really didn't expect this, and aside from all the problems with sex trafficking, this is a huge win for privacy... for now

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I mean that argument is ridiculous, saying that things are "documented" when the thing is literally called tmpfiles.d and the man page starts with the following explanation:

It is mostly commonly used for volatile and temporary files and directories (such as those located under /run/, /tmp/, /var/tmp/, the API file systems such as /sys/ or /proc/, as well as some other directories below /var/).

So basically some genius decided that its a good idea to reuse this system for creating non-tmp directories. Overall my opinion of systemd is reluctant acceptance though I always wondered why the old way was a problem. Need a service started on boot? Well, we had crontab and sysvinit with some plain files. Need a service shut down? Well that's the kill command. I guess I don't really know why systemd was made

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I guess reading the history, systemd did a better job of dependency resolution and parallel loading of startup services. Then some less interesting stuff like logins, permissions, and device management - which definitely seems out of scope. There's been like 15 alternatives since it was made, but none of them got critical mass, and now pretty much every mainstream distro can't run without it. Sad face

While I'm here complaining, I really miss the days when Arch was configured from a single global file that handled many things like setting your hostname, locale, etc. I think it was dropped bc of maintenance & being not unixy enough. Kinda ironic

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I used to think lawns were dumb but then I moved to a place where if you don't take care of your yard, it's just overrun with bugs and weeds. Planting too many trees makes things damp and miserable, open areas are key, but that's where stuff grows. Most plants can't survive being mowed, but grass loves it, and the birds can pick out insects when it's low. So now I like lawns, it's the human version of a meadow. And I don't see an alternative, other than growing an extra long beard, converting myself in mud, and becoming a druid

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Well, US is doing exactly this too. It doesn't appear so incoherent - from a perspective of achieving objectives while attempting to reduce casualties. (And making a ton of money in the process)

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely terrible way to compare foods. The fact that many veg proteins are incomplete means they only have some of the amino acids we need, and must be paired with other foods to get a complete set. Generally that's "rice and beans" kinda combos. Though some plants have complete proteins

Also there are obvious downsides to many of the foods on the right side, like high cholesterol/saturated fats that will kill you from heart disease, and red meat being linked to diabetes/cancer

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I guess I need glasses bc I can't C#

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Well not really @ last part bc the president can declare an emergency for ~any reason and appropriate funds. Yaaay demoncracy

Generally, us presidents fall into the do whatever they want, "move fast and break shit" philosophy. And as the world's arms dealers, the USA has every reason to be involved in every conflict. That's our greatest national industry

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Cool info, thanks

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I mean how much new shit can you really come up with at this point? R&M ran dry after like 3 seasons and latest one was just gore porn and callbacks

What would you do if you're the writer? I think I'd pat myself on the back, milk a paycheck for a while, and find more fertile ground to impregnate

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the recs, though I thought season 7 was pretty boring and do not remember the episode you're referring to haha. But 1-3 I know basically line for line

But yeah krapopolis and lower decks seems cool

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Damn dawg sucks that duckduckgo is bing under the foreskin

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

82% of what... Packages delivered??? Cmon meow

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Interesting to read about how borrow checker constraints affect iteration speed in game dev

Yeah seems like the wrong choice overall. I think Rust found its way to the niche of being a "new C" that's pretty much just for when you need something very optimized like kernel modules and backend hotpaths (and Firefox I guess). That's a cool niche to fill

I most enjoy Go for servers, and JS unfortunately is mandatory for many things. I don't tend to write code that requires Rust's performance. For mobile, the Flutter stack with Dart is pretty cool. For automation & simple cli, shell scripts suit me fine (but any language can do this ok). Python is tragic, Java is evil, C# is MS Java, node/npm are a toxic hazard, and webassembly with preloaded runtimes in browsers cant come soon enough

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah idk Rust seems superior in the less useful ways. Go's tooling, fast build times, hyper efficient parallel GC (not kidding, it's world class), interfaces, and simplicity are really killer features. Though honestly, even after many years, channels still confuse me - it's like plumbing, but plumbing needs pressure gauges, emergency valves, and buffers - so it always ends up with this string cheese of events spread over multiple files. I end up using a mutex half the time

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

writes poetry to a rhythm


lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Wait so is... uhhh how? Like you're literally not allowed to live somewhere unless you own it?? What about short term rentals and vacations? Or is the idea that we live in some kinda socialist utopia where homes are just idk assigned to people via lottery?

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Man must be sweet for Trump's pr team who can just take the day off and go suck each other off instead. Another media cycle secured

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

That is a dominant theory, yes. Well, and other similar environmental poisoning + climate change + ecosystem destruction + transformation of biomes into anthromes (human made)

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I live in the jungle and make shoes out of palm fronds, cups from coconuts, and candles from beeswax

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Idk if that's the right takeaway, more like 'oh shit there's probably many of these long con contributors out there, and we just happened to catch this one because it was a little sloppy due to the 0.5s thing'

This shit got merged. Binary blobs and hex digit replacements. Into low level code that many things use. Just imagine how often there's no oversight at all

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Yep remember all that showmanship about how the Republicans in Congress are evil and preventing aid. Well, then white house just decided to send it anyway, as if that wasn't always an option...

otl , to Fediverse

What have I done?! My abomination of an idea of bridging my email and
ActivityPub progresses. If you see this message, something is working!
Comments replies are welcome as it's a good test of this system :)

People keep saying ActivityPub is a lot like email. If it's so similar
to email, could I use my email client to interact with the fediverse?

Previously I did this by writing a SMTP interface to the Mastodon HTTP
API. That worked. But as we probably know, the fediverse is not
Mastodon; it's really ActivityPub. The real deal would be working
with ActivityPub directly, not the Mastodon HTTP API.

And that's now (mostly?) working! In shonky diagram form, sending
looks like this:

laptop --SMTP--> my_server --ActivityPub--> fediverse

Replies look like this:

fediverse --ActivityPub--> my_server --SMTP--> mailbox <--IMAP-- laptop

my_server translates back and forth between ActivityPub messages and
mail messages.

For example given the message:

Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2024 16:37:59 +1100
From: Oliver Lowe <otl@apubtest2.srcbeat.com>
To: localtesting@aussie.zone
Subject: test 2

test hello world!

The following ActivityPub message is created:

	"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
	"name":"test 2",
	"to": ["https://aussie.zone/c/localtesting","https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"],
	"cc": ["https://aussie.zone/c/localtesting"],
	"content":"test hello world!",

There's still a lot of bugs (of course) and unimplemented bits (of
course). I can't call this a proper fediverse service yet. I'm going
to roll with this for a bit and see how it holds up.

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Brilliant, who needs new fancy apps when you have email clients

Tell Google to give us back our RSS feeds too, they stole em

Then there's the irc client bridge to think about, posts could be channels and you reply in em

And ofc the extra spicy sms bridge where an AI gives you an executive summary of your memes for the day

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Shit man if there's an infinite amount of people there must also be an infinite amount of track. So forget philosophy, I'm getting rich!

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

What do you mean, I sit in my car all the time

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

He's not actually, and if you read it, he warns that assigning meaning to meaninglessness is a fallacy. People feel bad because there's no meaning but then that's applying meaning to it. Transcendence of meaning frees you from it entirely and leads to Buddhism, which also embraced "emptiness" at the core of reality

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Let's all of us stop making the mistake of trusting big tech. They always make a good product you actually want then rugpull once you're settled. YouTube music is passably okay but there's a dozen bugs and issues that I'm still struggling with that didn't exist in Google music

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I don't think a wealth tax is going to resolve all the problems of society. The rich are super good at off shoring their assets, mingling them into family, setting up legal entities to hold it, etc

The more solvable problems I see are (1) corporations basically don't pay tax (2) 1-2tn per year is not even accounted for by the US military

Why is graphene os only available on google pixels?

I want to mainly use it for privacy over its "security". I don't know what makes everyone fine with running it on fucking google pixels. Is there some kind of "low security" version or something for other phones? I'm so tired of certain organizations infiltrating privacy communities and making people believe in improving...

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I vote that this is art, it must have taken ages and OP should put it in a gallery in new york

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Yes the hypocrisy and showmanship here is out of control. Of course Biden could send aid to Ukraine without Congress, but I guess it's better for him to make the Republicans look bad before the election. Pure evil stuff

It's shady shit like this that is a constant reminder, that we are being painted a false dichotomy by the ruling parties. And people eat it up, chanting "Republicans bad" and downplaying the genocide. Of course Palestinians don't have nukes so America & Israel can just go hog wild and bathe in the charred bodies of children with no awkward escalation problems

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

The article math linked lays it out but it's always the same formula. Someone declares an emergency (like Blinken just did for Israel) and then just goes ahead and appropriates the funds

But broadly, presidents may issue executive orders for just about anything. The way this works is congress reviews them after the fact, and new presidents tend to review them when they come into office

Read the wiki page on Executive Orders, history, and constitutionality if you think I'm lying. And yes, Trump even declared an emergency and took privilege to build the wall in recent memory. But there's been literally wars, desegregation, ordering all mined gold to be given to the treasury... by executive order

The big picture is that American presidents have extremely broad powers and the only real recourse is impeachment. This is generally a good thing, it makes the government tremendously more efficient

The other big picture is that the Pentagon refuses to explain where they use 1-2 trillion dollars per year. This is dark money that runs the world, and that's not a secret. They don't pass audits, and they barely try. So most of the country's money is used for military spending, and frankly it's hard to imagine they can't find some cash for key nato borders

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I used to be a tiling wm arch purist, even worked on a tiling wm called Awesome. Until one day my boss pointed out that all any dev wants is a terminal with splits and a full screen web browser. It was this moment I became enlightened

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Conventional wisdom is to keep a balanced circadian rhythm. Sleep at regularish times. Your body clock is set by when you first see blue light from above, so going outside first thing and looking up. Meal times too. Consider your diet and pre sleep habits - sugar, tv, caffeine tend to mess with sleep. Alcohol disables your adrenaline and helps fall asleep but then lowers the quality. Weed largely removes dreams and helps feel rested, but then there's a slight hangover that encourages you to keep smoking

In short, it's a holistic lifestyle thing. Everyone is different, so keeping a journal and experimenting helps. And of course your daily level of stress is a factor

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Hahah what a hobby, using image processing and probably AI to check old papers that predated the tools. Kinda like using DNA to solve old crimes

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Oh he's got policies and they are popular. Some of them are totally nuts but the core of it is "American industry first" - his domestic and foreign record reflect this. He's not big on war, which is a relief, and is big on protectionism (i.e. restrict trade to help local economy). He's the party of tax breaks for business & favourable trade & strong borders & Christian nationalism & not starting beef internationally

Overall, despite all the drama and racism, at least he's not a warmonger (like pretty much everyone else). He just did one little local coup/riot. "Boys will be boys" as they say XD hahaha

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Haha he talks trash but didn't really do anything

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

The thing with Canada is exactly the definition of protectionism that I mentioned. He successfully did not start new wars afaik, and the overall stance is "fuck the world, America #1, peace out or ill nuke you"

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

It literally doesn't matter

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Garbage features for noobs

  • mouse in the terminal??
  • ssh profiles?? That's the ssh config files
  • tabs?? Use NeoVim or tmux or zellij
  • and on and on...
graphito , to Joplin
@graphito@masto.ai avatar

Joplin is testing Mobile Plugin Support

First thing people ask after learning about plugins is mobile support. Well, it's all coming together!

Learn more and try it for yourself: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/mobile-plugin-support/35262


lung Mod ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

If this works and can make it into app stores then it's gg

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Oh cool! De-googling never seemed easier ... I think we are finally ready for open source phones

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

I get the sense that youre one of these guys that is actually right but also high on drugs

lung ,
@lung@lemmy.world avatar

Personally I love Lemmy as is, and as long as it doesn't die out, I don't care if it goes mainstream. The mainstream has a lot of apathetic trolls and idiots - Lemmy feels like early reddit did, when it was just nerds, techies, pirates, and the servers were down every day - but Lemmy is better because we rallied around open source this time

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