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homoludens ,

How is destructive behavior a form of anxiety relief?

I'm not denying it, I'd actually like to know more about the specifics (and couldn't find any specifics online).

homoludens ,

Ah okay, I understood it as the destructiveness itself relieving the anxiety. Thanks!

homoludens ,


homoludens ,

The claim was "the right wing Zionist used to work with the Nazis". The "source" is describing

  • a splinter group (that was opposed by other Zionists)
  • trying to get an agreement with the Nazis
  • that would allow all Jews to leave the Nazi territories
homoludens ,

I'm not familiar with the factions in Zionism, but according to Wikipedia they were opposed by other revisionist Zionists, e.g. Ze'ev Jabotinsky.
Also: still no sources

homoludens ,


Yes, opposed: "These appeals to Germany were in direct opposition to the views of other Zionists, such as Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who wanted Britain to defeat the Nazis even as they wanted to expel the British from Palestine." Source

What's important to know is that Lehi while not the biggest organisation they were extremely violent.

No, for the question of "the right wing Zionists working with the Nazis" it is not important. You can be extremely violent without working with Nazis..

Their radical Zionism played a big part in shaping israel and their "the end justifies the means" approach can clearly be observed to this day.

This may well be, but is also not the same as working with Nazis.

Bonus meme: Lehi also ran the newspaper Hamaas

Also no relevance for the question of working with Nazis.

homoludens ,

You mean this source?

homoludens ,

Yeah, sounds like a great recommendation.

homoludens ,

Internet archive is apparently somewhat of with the pages, page 94 seems to be in a different chapter there.

Scanning chapter 4 however, the only mention of collaboration with the Nazis is "[Hajj Amin al-Husayni]'s willingness to serve as a radio commentator for the Nazis and to help recruit Muslims in the Balkans to the German war effort no doubt stains his career. But he did not act any differently from the Zionist leaders in the 1930s, who themselves sought an alliance with the Nazis against the British Empire, or from all the other anticolonialist movements who wanted rid of the Empire by way of alliances with its principal enemies." (page 65 on the archive)

This seems like a rather unspecific source for "right wing Zionist used to work with the Nazis, some of them even after the war starts." (not to mention that njm1314 somehow forgot to mention that at least Palestinian leader also wanted an alliance with the Nazis and actually worked for/with them).

I'm starting to think that njm1314 is not as well known fact as they make it out to be...

homoludens ,

first well known work after 1970

The Martian Chronicles was published in 1950, Fahrenheit 453 in 1953

homoludens , (edited )

Battle for Wesnoth - a turn based tactics game in a fantasy setting. It's also available on Steam and itch.io. Coincidentally, version 1.18.0 was released yesterday.

homoludens ,

I had the same experience with Hedgewars, but I can't really say why it doesn't click like Worms for me.

homoludens ,

What exactly did she do that is concerning?

homoludens ,

“women” feels weird for a lot of English speakers

Why does it feel weird? (not a native speaker here)

homoludens ,


homoludens ,

„Die Lage ist zu ernst für parteipolitische Spielchen“, mahnte Güler, die auch Mitglied im CDU-Bundesvorstand ist.

Welche Partei hatte noch gleich die Teilnahme an der Demo z.B. in Koblenz verweigert, weil da die Partei Die Linke mit aufgerufen hat?

Ähnliche Bedenken hat auch der CSU-Europaabgeordnete Markus Ferber. [...] Da nutze weder „ein Ampel-Bashing noch ein Unions-Bashing“.

Das Bashing anderer Parteien liegt der CSU natürlich völlig fern.

Dies Bündnis brauche allerdings auch eine Vision, „wofür man ist, nicht nur wogegen“. Unmissverständlich müsse sich die Bewegung gegen Islamismus, Antisemitismus und Muslimfeindlichkeit stellen, forderte sie.

Ist die Seite so eine Art Postillon?

homoludens ,

Pro tip: you can actually get organized in a union and strike just to get more money, no need for AI or getting fired. CEOs hate this trick!

homoludens ,

Until there’s a liberal space for men, it’s going to cause them to flock to lying conservatives.

I mean, they/we also could create these spaces for us, much in the same way women did (and many other groups). And of course it's easier to fall for reactionary groups when liberal groups are less visible, but it's still a decision to follow their bullshit.

Shoutout to !mensliberation

homoludens ,

As soon as men try to organize and speak out we get called sexist.

That's simply not true. We have at least one counselling centre in our city that is "boys/young men only" and several "men only" self help groups. I've never heard them being called sexist, on the contrary people generally agree that this is a good thing and we need more of this. And they are certainly not forced to include other genders.

There are obviously not enough initiatives like these. But a blanket statement like yours is false and if you make the claim that men are regularly getting called out as sexist for forming liberal safe spaces you should provide some sources (I'm not denying that it happens, it's just not something I've experienced).

Just look at the boy scouts (ignoring the pedophiles)

The goal of boy scouts wasn't to provide a safe space to explore gender identity or emotions or anything like that. There was no reason to exclude other genders.

homoludens , (edited )

I don't think so.

What are you trying to say? I don't know that much about Scouting in the U.S. At least in Germany we didn't have this gender divide in scouting, but as GSUSA were founded after the BSA I suspect that their goal was to provide scouting for girls because they couldn't join BSA.

homoludens ,

I was saying we could create the missing liberal spaces ourselves. ThePantser said we couldn't because we're being called out as sexist when we do that. The only example for that being "boy scouts" which I suppose means BSA, an organization with massive sexual abuse and bullying problems (according to Wikipedia). No idea how they are supposed to be "liberal".

Whether the girl scouts accept other genders or not has no relevance for that argument. And if it would be fair for them to do that is a completely different discussion because girls are hit by sexism in a completely different way than boys.

the use of the term “gender identity” there implies it’s more for trans people

No, it doesn't.

if there was a recurring women-only Minecraft party or something and there was never one for men, I’d be upset about that.

And again you are completely ignoring any arguments about why these spaces might make sense.

homoludens ,

Das ist vielleicht deine Meinung - die Daten zeigen aber, dass viele der User:innen das logisch oder sinnvoll finden bzw. dankbar für den Chat sind.

homoludens ,

Whoosh? ;-)

homoludens ,

I’m supposed to be privileged in every way, feel endlessly guilty over things I cannot control and try not to perpetuate, and never, ever dare suggest any kind of dissatisfaction with my situation.

Why are you supposed to e.g. "feel endlessly guilty over things you cannot control"?

homoludens ,

I’m part of the problem simply by being born, until I prove otherwise.

Again: who is saying that? I'm sure there are some people who do, but in my experience that's a really tiny minority. And the majority of texts I read about e.g. (male) privilege explicitly state that being privileged does not mean you're guilty or a bad person.

I can’t blame people who feel some suspicion and resentment, either. It’s justified.

I mean yeah, I can understand why a women might prefer to walk on the other side of the street from me at night. It hurts of course, but I understand it. That doesn't mean I need to feel guilty about it though.

Patriarchy theory is not valid theory of men’s struggles ( kbin.social )

“Patriarchy” is a floating signifier. It has no clear meaning. Indeed, it means whatever is convenient for it to mean in any given context. “Patriarchy” is furthermore a thought-terminating cliche. Instead of carefully thought out social analysis the Patriarchy is deployed as a non-explanation....

homoludens ,

-6 votes after 36 minutes, so hopefully not.

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