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KillingTimeItself ,

a states right to having a war.

"Oopsie woopsie sowwy uncle sam we committed a wittle bit of waww." - states rights motherfuckers.

KillingTimeItself ,

gun control is too politicized of a term to be used specifically. It can range from "taking away all guns ever, completely, forever" to "hey maybe don't give violent offenders guns probably" Which is a uh variety of opinions that one can have.

Though in terms of stats, dems, queer people, minorities, etc... Are all arming themselves at increasing rates, as the founding fathers intended.

KillingTimeItself ,

we should simply manifest anti-war. If we do it hard enough, it'll cancel out and there won't be a war, simple as that.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, but no, because i can believe that human rights are a good thing. For literally all of my life time. That never changes how right it was.

to FTFY that for you, this one is free of charge, you are welcome to yoink and boink it.

"a persons entrenchment in an idea/ideology, is likely proportional to the stubbornness of their position on it"

KillingTimeItself ,

i've got even worse news for you. We're retconning the founding fathers and there is nothing you can do about it :)

KillingTimeItself ,

not a software dev, but a linux user and a stout technology enthusiast.

I have 3 monitors setup on my primary workstation. Two landscape in a stacked arrangement, it's just tidy and works well enough for a secondary media display, organizational monitor. And then my third is portrait for anything i keep long term tabs on, chat programs, music player, system resources, etc...

I recently switched from KDE to i3wm, and i find i need inherently less monitor. i3wm does all the sorting organization and bullshit i hate for me automagically, it's perfect for opening a terminal to check something, or work on something real quick, and being able to have one static window, and two tabbed/stacked windows on one monitor is HUGE. Super nice for terminal breakouts with a browser for documentation. If you're ever balls deep in a config and testing shit actively, you'll immediately understand how much of a godsend it is.

Anyway, floating window managers are dead and anything shipping a floating window manager is a dead product on arrival.

KillingTimeItself ,

fr. give me a dynamic tiling WM and my life will be complete, i can work productively on any machine.

KillingTimeItself ,

see, this is what i thought, until i started using a WM on a laptop and found that i REALLY liked it. I would still probably use three screens, but going from one screen to three, or vice versa, would be pretty minor. Everything is just SO much easier with a proper tiling WM that it becomes a non issue from the get go lol.

KillingTimeItself ,

you will fucking love sociology and philosophy then.

the cycle goes something like this:

  • You write a shitty book about philosophy.
  • Someone else reads your shitty book. Decides they have a lot of thoughts on your shitty book, and then write their own shitty book about it.
  • You then read that book, because now reading is the only thing you do in your time ever (on account of the philosophy) and now you have more thoughts on the topic, and so you write another shitty book.

And this is how we get shit like "incars" philosophy is truly incredible.

KillingTimeItself ,

ah yes the good old "gonna use manual addressing because lmao" and then the good old "man i wonder which IP sets i have used already"

my beloved.

KillingTimeItself ,

ah yes, the brand new "what is a woman"

They will never see it coming.

KillingTimeItself ,

you're slightly mistaken, they won't adopt a pro-puppy kicking stance, they'll adopt a pro-putting down stray dogs stance. Or something.

KillingTimeItself ,

im gonna start writing books, titling them like this, only for the contents of it to be deep retrospective on the sociology and behaviors that lead to this kind of shit.

KillingTimeItself ,

good, see how long they can manage their own network for. It'll be funny.

KillingTimeItself ,

i think fundamentally, if we're arguing what the definition of a woman is, we need to consider social gender constructs, because female is to do with sex. Womanhood is more about maturing and coming of age. I.E. what is socially expected.

Basically, it's dependent on current sociological theory and definitions, as well as the commonly accepted terminology. So to quote matt walsh "nobody fucking knows"

Genuinely cannot stand matt walsh.

KillingTimeItself ,

yall still buying fast food?

I mean not to shame or anything. But like, if you have a beef with the price of fast food, you aren't exactly guaranteed a right to cheap fast food.

Go eat literally anything else. Hell go dumpster diving, that shits free. You can take it.

KillingTimeItself ,

cat trained to use a firearm? What is this the furry universe? Sign me the fuck up bro!

KillingTimeItself ,

because sales tax!

KillingTimeItself ,

literally just said that thrown out food/produce is free. I realize the implications of the statement, but look at the fucking context.

this was OP by "end wokeness" Do you really think they care about poor people? There's also a difference between bitching about the high price of food because you have nothing better to be doing, and simply not being able to afford food, those are two entirely different problems.

And besides, what i said is still true, that shits STILL free. You can literally just take it. Ideally we should be having a bigger conversation about the fact that we THROW AWAY PERFECTLY GOOD FOOD but no, right now calling me a piece of shit for mentioning the fact that you can just nab that shit for free is somehow worse and morally corrupt.

I will say, the use of hyperbole statement as i tend to do to satirize others is respectable, unsure if post history digging or if you are simply like minded, but i respect it.

KillingTimeItself ,

i mean, that's one way of putting it.

KillingTimeItself ,

you are correct, that would be an immeasurable stat. That is in fact true.

KillingTimeItself ,

a wise man once said the only solution more dignified than war, is communication.

KillingTimeItself ,

i think it's more like roughly 10% believe that because they're stupid. Roughly 15-20% believe that they will be rich:tm: and the rest don't care or agree.

KillingTimeItself ,

since when did gun loving republicans get war drones? I don't remember this part of british history.

I thought they were just going to roleplay as the british military after we said "yo we out dawg"

KillingTimeItself ,

absolutely, now if only a certain sect of the population, who has a significant distaste towards liberals, would actually fucking educate them about this shit, because it's literally a right governed by our fucking constitution, and i better not catch you parroting this shit as a constitutional right, while ACTIVELY BREAKING IT.

KillingTimeItself ,

which is why it's the first thing you do. And why war is the last thing you do.

KillingTimeItself ,

you forgot the part where it doesnt work.

KillingTimeItself ,

something something, the two party system has had disastrous consequences to the human race, something something.

KillingTimeItself ,

you're right about that. It's not a single axis scale. It's a binary.

KillingTimeItself ,

i love when people try and tell me that gas prices were better under trump, like he somehow controlled the global oil prices.

Like yes im sure he had an impact, sucking putins dick and loving the middle eastern vibes is probably going to get you some pretty cheap oil. Weird how that one works.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, economics is a bitch huh.

The solution? Stop paying for gas lol, whether thats an EV or just using public transit, literally just don't pay for gas. Electricity is MUCH more stable in terms of market rates. Here in the US atleast.

KillingTimeItself ,

"hey i might be racist, but at least i don't lynch people" is not a great look either.

Speaking on the topic, i find the concept of "being anti trans" to be a rather fundamentally obtuse topic. It's like being anti lion.

KillingTimeItself ,

one of the funny things about banning trans people in sports to me, is that sports is literally unfair from the get go. You ever wonder why usain bolt is tall as fuck? You ever seen the skeleton shape of an olympic swimmer? ALL of that shit is entirely abstract, and completely genetically made up.

literally, who cares. It's all bullshit, you can't just wake up, and decide to be an olympic level athlete one day. I mean sure you could be pretty good, that's pretty good.

Also, if it's "unfair" isn't that more of an indictment on the institution hosting it itself? College athletes for example. Isn't it kind of weird that if you can play sports well, you get a free education? I don't get a free education just because i use linux well.

KillingTimeItself ,

in some respects you have a technically correct argument here. The problem is, is that this is like deferring an engineering problem in a bad design because "simply just don't build it wrong" only for someone to then go and build it wrong, and for it to kill tons of people.

The millennium tower in san fran is a pretty good example of this. Somewhere along the line somebody fucked up. Maybe it was the engineer. Maybe it was the project manager, who knows. Just because they're all educated and smart people, doesn't mean they can't fuck shit up.

Likewise here, technically they have rights, just like everyone else does, but the problem here, is that those equal rights, when compared to everyone, negatively impact only one specific group of people. Much like separate but equal, back during segregation. It's technically "equal" but it's still discriminatory.

KillingTimeItself ,

i like how your argument is "well it exists because otherwise it's only marginally worse."

If i had the chance to take #8 globally, across the ENTIRE world, that's incredible, fuck it, i'm done, my life is complete. I wouldn't complain about that. You can also break out the statistics, you don't have to break out the players, that's another equally valid way to construe this. Simply have different leader boards for different people.

I've never really been a fan of different competitive pools, if the entire point is competition, make it competitive. If you want to look at subsets, that's trivial to do in most cases.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, i would still consider that sport though. It's such an arbitrary definition. You could apply that to anything that you can be competitive in.

KillingTimeItself ,

yes, that's what im saying.

That's still a very high stat. 33% to be specific.

KillingTimeItself ,

still twice as common as that metric. Which is a pretty good starting point.

even then, three degrees of separation is still relatively close to your mutual friend group.

KillingTimeItself ,

that would be how percentages work yes.

I do believe i mentioned that it was statistically possible, specifically, my point was that its very likely that you at least know someone who is. Though i probably did fuck up the bit about family lol.

KillingTimeItself ,

bro you are a fucking mechanical engineer, not a structural engineer, pipe the fuck down.

KillingTimeItself ,

stated to be perfectly safe by the people who own it, who are hundreds of millions of dollars in the hole on that building, because nobody wants to fucking live in a building that is unknown geological stability.

Casey Jones has an excellent series of videos on the millenium tower that i suggest you check out (he is also an engineer) and he thinks that the entire building is essentially a failed project. With fuck up after fuck up.

Specifically, the building was built entirely wrong, they fucked up the foundation completely, good question as to how that one happened. Miscommunication? If that was the case, what else could be wrong with the building? Who knows! They attempted a fix, by doing 56 perimeter pilings, but actually, jokes on you, we're only doing 18 perimeter pilings (keep in mind the plans for repair that were suggested were doing thousands of micropilings across the foundation) and now the middle of the building is sagging away from the exterior of the building. It sure seems like it might just collapse in on itself at this rate huh?

Anyway, as for your statements as per how the rights differ. IDK, being banned from entering sports, not being allowed to seek gender affirming care. Probably a number of other funny societal related issues. I mean there is example after example in that one really.

Would you like to explain why separate but equal was never equal? And how simultaneously, two different groups, have the exact same pool of rights, even though one of those groups literally has laws written specifically about them, and what they're allowed to do.

KillingTimeItself ,

the stat listed there is literally "fewer than 1 in 3 personally know someone who is trans" my main thing there was the fact that given that information, and given degrees of separation of knowing 3 people, statistically, you know someone who knows someone who is trans. And might even actively be involved to some degree.

KillingTimeItself ,

that kind that tells me that i should listen to people who actually know what the fuck they're doing, because they probably know a lot more than i do.

KillingTimeItself ,

that video is two years old, casey jones has actively been covering the recent efforts, im not even sure that the perimeter piling project had been started back then. Or if it was, i'm sure it wasn't in the state it is now. So we had a different idea of it back then.

Are you just going to ignore the fact that i also linked someone who literally worked in this exact field, dealing with these kinds of problems specifically?

KillingTimeItself ,

and relative to me, you are a dumbass who happens to be a mechanical engineer.

Just because i'm a linux user, and understand how the OS functions, doesn't make me an OS level SWE. That would make me one of the greats, i am not. I am some fuck who uses linux.

Likewise, relatively to you, assuming you don't use linux, i'm the linux expert here. Even though i have no qualification for such title.

KillingTimeItself ,

how many years have you been using linux? I've been going for about 5 years now myself.

Your statement is true. About mechanical engineering. And potentially linux, depending on your level of experience.

But the equivalent here is like me claiming that because i use linux, i know how macos works more than a macos user.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, fucking with people who are dumb is fun though.

KillingTimeItself ,

it is one of THE pastimes on the internet, what would we be if we never did it?

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