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CoCo_Goldstein ,

I found the first part where the guy was digging in the rubble, then later searching the tunnel to be inconclusive. I couldn't tell who or what was going on.

However, the second part, where the guy is handcuffed in his underwear, surrounded by soldiers, then later on it looks like the same guy being herded through a building... that doesn't look good. Someone below mentioned a possible prisoner swap. I don't think prisoner swaps are handled like that.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

Does he "claw" the towel? By this I mean he reaches up to the towel and stretches, resting his front paws on the towel, then flexes his claws so that the catch into the fabric of the towel. Then, when he is done stretching, because his claws are embedded into the towel, pulls the towel down?

Israel releases director of hospital it says was used as a Hamas base. He alleges abuse in custody ( )

Israel released the director of Gaza’s main hospital on Monday after holding him for seven months without charge or trial over allegations the facility had been used as a Hamas command center. He said he and other detainees were held under harsh conditions and tortured....

CoCo_Goldstein ,

Wasn't access to the Hamas tunnels found in a hospital early on in the invasion of Gaza? Also, didn't the director of said hospital admit to being a member of Hamas?

CoCo_Goldstein ,

How are they concealing it? I have heard news reports citing the Gaza Health Ministry's claims of tens of thousands of casualties since the war began. I believe they are correct (how many are non-combatants is debatable).

Anyone who is paying even a little bit of attention knows that many civilians are getting killed. Only a small minority seem to care.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

Islam was designed to be all encompassing. A separation of religion and state is anathema to Islam.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

They are continuing the tradition from Reddit.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

“I don’t like it”

That is usually good enough for the average Lemmy user.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

You can start your own worker's collective. I'm sure many liked minded people would like to join a company were risk and reward are shared equally.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

If we just let a self selected group of people have total control of our economy, things will turn out better this time. They promise.

"The previous attempts failed because they didn't do it right. We will get it right, this time."

CoCo_Goldstein ,

It's an interesting thought experiment and it touches on why I could never get into the Handmaid's Tale - I found the scenario implausible. The people who own guns (and there are quite a few) are simply going to let their wives, sisters and daughters become property?

CoCo_Goldstein ,

That Roe v. Wade was over ruled for being poorly argued, as Ruth Bader Ginsberg predicted? Thus allowing states (thus the people of each state) to decide on the issue of abortion? Something that was denied to them in 1973?

But now... Republicans are finding out that many of their constituents are not nearly as pro-life (or anti-choice) as they thought. I believe this fall they will pay quite dearly for their over reach.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

Yes, I am aware of the events that inspired Atwood: Ceaușescu's Romania, polygamous fundamentalist Mormon sects, the treatment of women as property in 3rd world countries, etc.

It's the actual "a group of old testament loving christians managed to topple the US government and turn 50% of its former citizens into subjects with absolutely no rights what so ever" part of the Handmaid's Tale that I find implausible.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

Don't know about the patriarchy... but in the use of weapons, yes things have changed since the weapon of choice was a spear. With melee weapons, a man has a huge advantage over a woman due to their size and strength. Guns are a great equalizer. With a little bit of training, any woman with a gun is no longer at a a disadvantage in a fight against a man.

In the past 20+ years, approximately 2 million to 3 million soldiers served in the Global War on Terror. Approximately 10% to 20% of those soldiers were women and all of them were trained in the use of fire arms. Which leads back to my original statement regarding my thoughts on the founding of Gilead: I find it implausible. Are all of these women going to just docilely submit to become property?

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions ( )

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....

CoCo_Goldstein ,

If you read the article, it says the Republicans are proposing raising the age to collect full Social Security benefits to 69 (it is now currently 67). That's not quite the same as 'cutting' social security.

BTW, the surplus SS currently has in its account will run dry in about 10 years. Once that happens, Social Security will become a pay as you go program if nothing changes, which means benefits will be reduced by about 25% (i.e. the amount of money coming in from SS taxes will only cover about 75% of projected outlays).

CoCo_Goldstein ,

I did read the article. The current age to collect full benefits is 67. They are proposing it be raised to 69. Please illuminate for me what I am missing.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

Now who has no idea what Social Security is? If this proposal passes, I can still retire at 62 (with reduced monthly benefits). The proposal is to increase the age at which you receive ***full ***benefits.

"You will no longer be getting paid for those 2 years" - That is absolutely not true. I would not receive full benefits for those two years if this proposal passes.

One additional fun fact I gleemed from the article that no one here has mentioned: according to this article, if this proposal passes, it would amount to a 14% cut. But if nothing changes, the Social Security trust fund will become insolvent in 2033 (just 9 years away!!) which will result in a 23% cut.

CoCo_Goldstein ,

wrong about what?

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