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@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar



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Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

It's funny because I only see stupid bugs on Apple and people still thinks it's premium material. It's buggy shit (bad UIX), expensive as shit.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

What?... Premium is just like a tier, quality, aesthetic and exclusivity can be on premium tier perfectly, I don't know what you want to say with that.

Apple users are ignorant and buys Apple products lied by marketing thinking they're getting premium products, quality, aesthetic or exclusivity, whatever, but Apple tries to make them feel like a premium product while it's basically trash and worse than a Windows.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

You can remove that, if you are good with Windows you can clean up that pretty much. The problem with Apple is their UI bugged, stupid bugs and lack of decent UI like grid Windows and more features that just Windows has by default, and KDE has even much more. Pretty stupid to pay for an Apple.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

Society will collapse, and I hope finally Capitalism will end, I hope then we will start enjoying of just living the life without believing you need more stuff to be happy. Just enjoy the time alone or with company doing nothing and chill. And 4 hours a day to fix your home or garden/plants. Life is pretty simple.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

But there are many kinds of society collapse, with the climate change I doubt we will be better than Haiti. Not because of criminality.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar
Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

It's not a waste of time, you live once, you die forever, once dead, you will have all the time you have lost in life. Anyway, even if this life sucks... it's the only thing we have to feel, often we fall on depressions but normally people that is able to be online posting here, they are often better than 90% of the people on the world, you probably have food and everything you need, and you can do much more or much less as you please. Bad feelings/depression often blind ourselves, so be happy and motivated even if you are depressed, those bad and good feelings are just like leaves moving by wind, they come and go as they please. Often our depression and lack of happiness is caused by our gens and survival instinct.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

Cured and very funny.

Aradia , (edited )
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

Nope, just saying other people has less, and they can be as happy as anyone. What I want to say is that most of the depressions is mental, happiness is proven than it's 45% genetics or like that, I don't remember now, but the difference between someone happy and someone who gets depressed often are mostly the genetics.

So what I am saying is, there are people that has less than you, and they have fun and are happy.


Telling me I’m not allowed to feel sad etc because others have it worse?

Never said that, but go angry mode. Go. I said we need to deal with our sadness.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

You are just talking like mad, being rude. I never said there is a cure. LMAO I suppose you really have an issue to enjoy your life, I'm sorry...

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

Alcohol (beer, wine...).

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

It's proven that is toxic for our organisms. It hurts our body and creates depressions.

More info: https://www.who.int/health-topics/alcohol

"No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health"

Also, thanks for asking and just not downvoting. 💖

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar


"No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health" - https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health

There is a safe level of oxygen and water you not only can, but must take. Your phrase sounds cool, but it's 100% misinformation.

Aradia ,
@Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

Alcohol is popular because also improves your socialization, could be linked perfectly, but I'm not an expert to say it. And smoking cigarettes is also bad and isn't banned, while weed is safer than those two addictions, and it's still mostly illegal. There are reasons, and hippies are probably the cause, government wanted to criminalize them and their love movement. If alcohol keeps you down, and quiet, the government will not care to ban even if it's bad for your health, they need the companies to keep winning money.

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  • Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    It's funny because AI often lies, it's good to create some kind of code that you can fix and adapt, but you always need to see what the AI is generating. Because then happens things like this:

    AI did some shitty code changes claiming to optimize a function a 54% faster.
    "https://codeflash.ai" creating junk pull requests with AI...

    About the spyware, I suppose we all know about this, and even if you install a Linux and use an unGoogled smartphone, your guests devices (your family or friends that come to your home) are running them and scanning your network. Spyware everywhere.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    You should add your likes, what kind of topics or stuff you are interested to. So we can recommend you people to follow. If you say it this way, Mastodon is pretty big to know exactly where you fit.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Even soap and water (or hot water) is bad if you do it too often, doing every day is bad for the body, as it removes the natural protection your skin produces and NEEDS, and you don't need the skin care products unless it is for some issues you have on your skin (medical reason). Those products often creates more issues with your skin. We should always visit an expert on skin care with studies and stop following random people.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    A hyperlink to a YouTube with a "si" tracking tag... so good we have bots to fix this. 😆

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    But we are talking about skincare in general, right? Sunscreen is good to protect your skin from sun and very recommendable, but the OP isn't asking sunscreen, he is asking for general products and what I have seen on internet, there is a lot of abuse of those products and misinformation, that's why I would go to an expert to know the best for your skin, as every skin is different.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    You could watch a documentary about serial killers or check current wars, it's full or dumb reasons to kill other people.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Ansible is just a tool to do the operations. You will need Python also, and a terminal, basic stuff to do the commands. Do not worry. There is a way to run Ansible without installing via docker, but you still need to install docker to run the commands.

    Ansible works on Windows, but you need to install Python, then pip install ansible https://pypi.org/project/ansible .

    Looks like you need more skills to be able to install it, anyway if you want to learn to do it, the way to do it on your windows is via Python, create a virtual environment and install there the Ansible.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    I don't get what you want to say with it, I don't know what will happen to me.

    What I know is that "tech" is something I know.

    And I can tell you that what you are trying to do seems some basic operation, you can find documentation https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/os_guide/windows_faq.html#windows-faq-ansible and using search engines to understand how to solve it.

    I really dislike Windows, so I suppose you will need to use WSL and use python directly (the same docs works) or "Docker Desktop.exe" to emulate a Linux to then run docker.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    I'm an arch Linux user and I like most of the distros, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RockyOS... I try different distros too, my problem is that I will always return to Arch Linux and a simple i3wm environment... but I like GNOME, KDE and the awesome Wayland. It's just I like what I am used to and goes faster, and I can use the same tools as always. xdotool for example, the alternative for Wayland is ydotool which is a daemon running as root to emulate a device and I dislike the idea of doing that, root? systemctl daemon? Hmm...

    But I could be totally good with fedora, at the end I just want the i3wm environment and the wonderful bash or zsh terminal (like alacritty) to interact with Linux. Best OS than Apple and Windows. Funny how Apple interface sucks so much, they lack from smart UI, Windows 11 forces you to log in, their UI is messed up, good thing is their desktop is smart enough to grid windows, and their terminals sucks, PowerShell has good things, but it's not the same... c:\an\\'t\find\Paths/ and I don't really see the good on Object-oriented on terminal and stuff like apple being able to render high quality image on your terminal so you can see on a normal prompt a 8k image on the same terminal app... wtf, and they are even closed and people/companies pays for it.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Same, my game desktop was so powerful (i9 with 24 cores and 64 RAM DDR5) I converted it to Proxmox, pfSense with a Wi-Fi adapter that creates an access point, I have much more control of my local network and services I host, it's fun and the power usage isn't that much.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Why not stopping developing apps for Apple systems? Fuck them.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah I understand, but if Apple is fucking up with our development, not only for Firefox, for any developer that makes apps for phones... why keep following their abusive rules? When I say "stopping developing apps for Apple" I mean, any developer that dislikes the abusive rules of Apple and fees. If we abandon the system, the iOS users will need to move to Android or other systems that are more friendly for developers.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    They already do that, they can say whatever, they will be isolated with their shitty Apple products and if they want decent browsers then they will need to use decent systems. Apple can't abuse of their power and force us to follow their abusive rules, they can't even have a decent UI desktop. They are so bad programmers.

    Aradia , (edited )
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar


    And it comes down to a fundamental question: Will the European Commission follow through with its intent to right-size Apple’s abuse of power? Or will the DMA be nice in theory, but in practice, have no substantive meaning for most developers?

    From Spotify.

    Update: https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/29/24054943/microsoft-apple-app-store-dma-rule-change-response Xbox (Microsoft)

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Just saying their OS sucks, bad designs, buggy UIs, etc. They don't even decent software, and I already saw many stupid bugs.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Sadly yeah, I was just like "screaming with anger" about what Apple does, and seems everyone just agrees and keep playing their game.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah, my Android doesn't have WhatsApp, I neither have Google apps. It's a degoogled OS. I feel free and things works, even my default web browser on my Android has NoScript (JavaScript blocker), to make it safer. With Apple... you are sold.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah, posting google links on Privacy community, hahaha. You can use this https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=RyirQOCUUK8

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    “privacy is a right”

    Mind blow. 🤯

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    I rarely leave my home and I still use socks every day, and I still change them every day... I have many of them and are very short ones, so it's easy to wash them all together on the wash machine. Feels like a protector to use with my slippers.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    The problem is not the people who live far from decent public transport but those people who live in the city and uses it every day, on city, all roads are always for vehicles like cars and trucks, instead to be for pedestrian and for bikes. On bad connected places a car can make sense but most of the people in city have cars when they rarely go outside, they could rent a car and would be cheaper for them for those days they need to move away. About EV, I think we still have the same problem, but the waste it generates keeps on ground instead flying on air.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    I don't even have an Amazon account, I don't care what they want to do.

    Aradia , (edited )
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    I dislike your comment, I dislike the Amazon business model, that's why I'm saying I don't even have an Amazon account. Then, I don't care whatever they do, still I want to get informed of tech news. Any other question? btw -> https://www.amazon.com/privacy/data-deletion

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Exactly, the problem is that even if you pay for the subscription, they will still use your data for their profit. Big companies are so abusive...

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    You should cross-post this to: !kde@lemmy.kde.social

    Latest Adblock update causes massive YouTube performance hit ( www.bleepingcomputer.com )

    Update 1/16 - Adblock has informed BleepingComputer that its engineers fixed the problem and released ABP 3.22.1 and AB 5.17.1 on the Opera and Edge extension stores. The same versions are currently in review on the Mozilla and Chrome add-on stores, and should be made available soon.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    ktorrent and keepassXC are better for me.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    I think he got problems because of piracy/copyright issues, not because of privacy.

    Aradia ,
    @Aradia@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah, and I was checking the web and I can't see much info about how they secure our data. I just can't trust them. 🙄 I hardly trust ProtonVPN already. 😄

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