@504DR@climatejustice.social cover
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar



Realist. Doomer. Planet first perspective.
Born at 2.8 B world pop.

Bernie Democrat, politically.
Known to use curse words.
Known to post unpopular opinions.

No one can do everything, but every one can do something.



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18+ breadandcircuses , (edited ) to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

I’m torn.

Part of me can see how much nicer our world might be without any humans in it. Ecosystems could find their own equilibrium, unhindered by industrial pollution. Species could expand again and diversify, free of competition from the endless growth of factory farms, freeways, and parking lots.

It would take much time, centuries or even millennia, for the sky to regain its natural clarity, the forests to regrow, and the rivers to run clean. Even longer than that, probably, for all of the plastic eventually to degrade and disappear.

But someday, someday… the Earth would once again be a beautiful place.

It’s a lovely vision, and yet I’m torn. Because to get there means the suffering and death of billions of people. I wish there was a way to prevent that.

18+ 504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@breadandcircuses @demusik

Looks like nature is on top of the plastics problem already.

This bacteria only eats PET plastic, which is 1of 7 plastics made polluting the the planet.

It's not much of a stretch to think other bacterias will show up for the other 6 eventually.

". . .in 2016 Japanese scientists made a remarkable discovery that could help tackle the world's plastic problem, according to the journal Science. Scientists collected plastic bottles outside a recycling facility, and discovered that a species of bacteria was "eating" its way through them. Normally, bacteria spend their time absorbing dead organic matter, but Ideonella sakaiensis has developed a taste for a certain type of plastic called polyethylene terephthalate (PET)."


504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@RichardAshwell @kentpitman @breadandcircuses

Like all human emotions, we all fall somewhere on the spectrum between the two extremes. That is unavoidable; we (mostly) choose where that point is based on our own lived experiences, what we learn along the way and partly from who we are innately.

Take sports for example; most ppl enjoy sports and rooting for their own teams.
I was mostly ambivalent about sports, simply uninterested.
Once I learned about bread and circuses from the Roman era, I came to detest sports, unable to see them without the knowledge of how they are used to placate a population and keep ppl from focusing on the real matters at hand, their own suffering and inequality.
As if one day a week of distraction and enjoyment can wipe out the other six days of basic misery?

I've been aware of the possibility of ecological and civilization collapse since the 70s. I moved from awareness into acceptance of it's inevitability in the last 10 years, bc of the stark realty that those leading us are not sincere about avoiding it. They are, at this late date, still mostly concerned about money and propping up the failed system of capitalism in the face of how much damage it has caused. Still willfully blind to the problems of overpopulation and overshoot, bc to them more ppl equals more consumers equals more money.

So I've had time to wrestle with all the emotions this acceptance entails.
And I've found it's a never ending cycle of them all. I push the worst of them down in order to function on a daily basis, to still find joy amidst doom and appreciation in the here and now.
But the worst of the emotions, despair and anger, still creep up, tho it is with less frequency now.
Appreciation is the emotion I use to tamp them down the most. It puts me in a better place and grounds me back into the here and now.

Back to that spectrum - I think some ppl have more of a connection to nature than others.
I am very high on that end of that spectrum. I love nature with my whole being. I marvel at it's small wonders as much as the big ones. I love the diversity of life on this planet, and despair a little every day at what we are losing every day. I don't want to live in a world without any of it.

But I'm a realist more than anything else. And reality points to this man-made ending to everything that makes this planet unique and life sustaining.
I'd rather face an awful truth than be bouyed by false optimism.

I'm like you in estimating this end time around 2040. But the exact date is of no matter.

3C is creeping up on us, and there's no stopping that now.
No sky daddy, no super hero, no magical tech that will save us at the last moment like in the movies.

There is a morbid peacefulness in acceptance.
It frees one from the constant angst of frantically working for solutions that will never materialize, never work, never happen.

So, this morning like every morning, I'll take the dog for a long walk and appreciate what I have in the here and now and marvel at the beauty of the nature I'm grateful to have around me for as long as it is.

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@kentpitman @ArrowbearMoore @RichardAshwell @breadandcircuses

From a planetary perspective, I find nothing to celebrate about the supposed superior human intelligence.
We've squandered it at every opportunity on measures to make our lives easier and more comfortable at the expense of the planet.

I ask, what has mankind ever invented or endeavored that didn't benefit itself only?

None of the things you've mentioned benefited the planet. And most of them led to us only gaining knowledge to further exploit the planet for our own gain.

The human belief that we are smarter and better than every other living creature is our downfall.

Humans think they can improve on a system that took billions of years in the making and do it in the blink of an eye in galactic time.

The Webb telescope recently showed us how much we don't know about the universe, rather than answering questions with concrete evidence. Most everything we think we know about space is still conjecture, waiting to be confirmed.

A species that truly understands math would understand about limits, about overpopulation and overshoot.
About the limits of finite resources on a finite planet. Of overwhelming the capability of the regenerative systems of that same planet.

Since the beginning of recorded history, mankind has used its supposed superior intelligence to wage war better, to subjugate ppl and animals better, and to exploit the resources of the planet for it's own gain, and it's own gain only, better.

As we now sit with mere decades before our uber exploitation brings an end to this all - no, I find very little to appreciate about the human species and what we choose to do with our "unique" talents.

It didn't have to be this way, and we could have chosen a path of living in harmony with the natural world, of living within our means, of limiting our numbers so that other creatures may live their own lives as well.

Indigenous cultures lived within the means of their immediate environments. They led rich and full lives with cultures, traditions and communities that truly cared for all it's members. They respected the natural world and in turn were sustained by the natural world with everything they needed to not only survive, but thrive.

Those that grew too populated didn't survive, overshooting what their natural world could provide.

We now slaughter billions of animals every year for our taste buds (the majority of those animals tortured their entire short lives in cramped, filthy conditions), we enslave billions of other animals for our entertainment and torturous experiments, we continue mining, drilling and logging to create the renewable contraptions that will benefit only us (and which will not save us or the planet in the end), and continue with the arrogant and selfish belief we are the only ones that matter on this planet, and that we know best, bc of that big brain, y'know.

All the talk about protecting nature and other species is just that, talk, with very little action taken that doesn't put us first over actual protection of species and the places they live in.
Human activity now encompasses 97% of the land surface, and plans to mine the sea floor for the resources we want for ourselves are moving forward.

Compared to every other living thing on this planet, humans are a failed species that will take out every other living thing in our march to self annihilation.

I myself find nothing to appreciate about what mankind has done with its "unique" talents.

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

It's a fight now, truly a fight for survival not only of the human race but of countless plant and animal species we will drag with us into extinction unless we, the planetary overlords, immediately change our ways.

This David and Goliath battle is between a tiny minority arguing for degrowth on one side — versus an army of giants on the other side, Business As Usual fossil fuel interests combined with proponents of "green growth" and the Green New Deal.

That unholy alliance of Big Oil with Big Green, which may seem jarring to some, is fully explained in a brilliant piece posted at TruthDig.

It's a long read, but absolutely essential to gain a full understanding of what we're up against in this life-or-death struggle.


Advocates of “Green Growth” promise a painless transition to a post-carbon future. But what if the limits of renewable energy require sacrificing consumption as a way of life?

FULL ARTICLE -- https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-green-growth-delusion/

504DR , (edited )
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar


Beware of anyone who promises that no sacrifices or a downward change in lifestyle (for developed countries) will be necessary, like most GND proponents do.

Over consumption is a huge driver of depleting natural resources to feed the ever hungry and ever growing consumption monster.

Reduction in consumption is an imperative part of an effective degrowth blueprint.

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@cavyherd @breadandcircuses

Right to Repair fits right in with the degrowth movement.

It's a vital tool in cutting back on consumption; fixing things rather than buying new.

It's a great new way of thinking; and everyone should get used to it and adopt it, imo.

breadandcircuses , (edited ) to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

All right, True Blue Democrats, come at me if you want. Block me if you wish (as some of you already have). It doesn’t matter, though, you will not stop me from telling the truth.

Yes, Trump is terrible. In fact, he’s so bad he somehow makes Joe Biden look good — which is very hard to do!

However, if you’re willing to take an honest look at history, you will see that the establishment, centrist, neoliberal Democratic Party has been an enemy of the environment, of working people, and of democracy itself for decades now.

That’s a bold statement, I know, but there are plenty of facts to back it up. So are you open-minded enough to have your assumptions challenged? Strong enough to face possibly crushing disappointment?

If you are, then read the article linked below. Here's a bit from the opening…

The tragedy of the American mind is that it doesn’t remember anything that happened longer than five minutes ago. That’s why, election after election, the general electorate acts like what they see in the present is the First Time This Has Ever Happened.

Nowhere is this affliction more prevalent than among Democrats. By a potent combination of social engineering, manufactured consent, cognitive bias, corporate media propaganda, inflated ego, dialectical thinking, fear of Republicans, and a brain full of logical fallacies instead of logic, they trip over the exact same obstacles over and over and over again.

FULL ARTICLE -- https://medium.com/@adventuresinthefreeworld/a-brief-history-lesson-timeline-of-democrats-running-centrist-presidential-candidates-and-a09c31692d26

The author goes on to show, in great detail, how Democratic party bosses have deliberately sabotaged leftist, working class candidates again and again, decade after decade, instead always backing centrists who would reliably serve the interests of corporations and the donor class.

I deeply wish that none of this was true. But it is. We need system change!

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@coffeetest @breadandcircuses

Become involved with your local Democrat Party, for one.

Organize with other like minded Dems and demand better candidates than what the DNC forces on us at the national level.

Neuter the DNC, for two.
Don't donate to orgs that are under the DNC umbrella.
Instead donate directly to the candidates you support, and choose wisely who they are.

If crappy Joe is our candidate in Nov, of course vote for him, bc trump will be so much worse.

But don't be afraid to speak out on the failings of the DNC controlled Democrats.

And lastly, spread this post 👆 far and wide.

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@TruthSandwich @PaulDitz @breadandcircuses

You may be better off.

Ppl are still struggling with underinsurance and no issuance.

Medical debt is the #1 reason for bankruptcies.

Biden approving the Willow Project alone wipes out any gains from climate proposals.

Corp sponsored Dems like Biden allow the housing crisis to worsen.

His admin is a revolving door between corporations and govt workers.

Below the surface of every program his admin enacts is a mod to corporate interests first and any benefits to the ppl secondary.

He isn't ethical enough to stand up to the genocide in Palestine perpetrated by a murderous Israeli govt.

He's old, and his ideas are outdated; grounded in the belief that what's good for Corps is good for the ppl.

We could/should have someone much better from the Dem side than crappy Joe.

TonyStark , to random
@TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

“Independent contractors” have been used as a dodge for some employers for decades. It’s uncertain hours, no health insurance, no benefits, and the off chance they will be terminated for a little or no reason.

If you think society can be cohesive on gig working then you're living in the wrong century, as well as the wrong millennium.

Good step from the Biden administration.

New Biden rule on gig workers: What to know:

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar


I think you made make a good point, especially bc you've been following this issue for a while, not just jumping in willy nilly with no previous experience in it.

Btw - Stark is not the far left, not even a leftist. He is a centrist.

Big difference, and one reason we on the actual left have trouble gaining support and traction - bc centrists keep being labeled as leftists (self described and otherwise) when they are nothing of the sort.

Actual leftists policies are supported by most ppl; that's why centrists try to claim the label - when they actually fight against implementing actual leftist policies.

Reps like Bernie Sanders, AOC and a few others in DC are actual leftists.

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@violetmadder @Jennifer

Very true.
By world standards of left/right, Bernie is left leaning, not radical left, like I am.

He was the best choice in '16, tho; and the ppl wanted him.

How different we'd be now if we'd have had him instead of trump.

I'll never forgive them.

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@brianary @violetmadder @forthy42 @Jennifer

Looking for some hairs to split?

Who's got time for that.

We're looking at the whole big picture.
And it isn't a pretty one.

Pointing out flaws in our govt, no matter who is leading, should be seen as a positive thing; areas where improvements need to be made.

If a person or group can't take scrutiny, that's on them; and it's very telling.

You really want to nitpick about ppl asking and advocating for a better life?

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@brianary @violetmadder @forthy42 @Jennifer

If your point is to bolster support for third parties (which I've long advocated for myself), then you've missed the the whole point of that comprehensive, well researched post - bc it's the Democrats more than the Republicans who have stymied the efforts of third parties to gain access to representation and power in our political processes. That was pointed out time and again at every turn of the writing. It was the whole point of the paper.

Our current crop of DNC controlled Dems have passed rules and laws to prevent third parties from gaining traction, support and a seat at the table, ffs!

Ppl intelligent enough to see this, put together a paper highlighting where the DNC has screwed us over time and again are the ones looking to make the the changes that would open up those seats at the table to third parties.

They are also intelligent enough to pull the lever for crappy Joe come November, which the majority of those advocating for Dem changes have said they will do - bc they know trump would be worse than crappy Joe.

That certainly doesn't mean we have to shut up about the failings of the DNC. Or play cheerleader to their insincere and deceptive campaign rhetoric.

Ppl see, know and live with the failures of DNC. If the DNC can't attract voters, that's on them and their history of not delivering good policies for the ppl. Rather than look to their failings of the past in attracting voters, and offering candidates the ppl can sincerely support and rally around, they plug their ears to our concerns and double down on those same failed tactics that gave us trump in '16.
Yeah, we have a right to be concerned about that, and to voice those concerns.
Bc their lives won't change much under trump, but ours sure will.
There are plenty of common sense strategies the DNC could employ to ensure a win against trump.
It begs the question of why they don't employ them.

If you're truly about promoting and expanding third party representation in this country, bootlicking for Dems is a strange way to do it, imo.

504DR ,
@504DR@climatejustice.social avatar

@brianary @violetmadder @forthy42 @Jennifer

"it'll require uniting the famously divided left, AND the people rolling coal with big American flags on the back of their trucks that still frequently drive by my house."

Sorry, but you're words and sincerety ring false considering that that is exactly what Bernie did in his 2016 run with his tour of red states. He attracted more of the right than any Dem candidate in the last 50 years.
Once it was explained without the lies and hyperbole, his message of improving life for all Americans thru stronger social programs was widely accepted by most on the right except the die hard trumpers, who were much less in number back then.

His rallies united most all on the left, excepting the clintonistas.

We had the chance to make some of those needed changes back then.
And the DNC quashed them.

If your words were true to your stated motivations, you would see this and accept it; rather than coming up with empty rhetoric to oppose those exposing it.

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