PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜 and 🌶 friends :neuro:

It's almost been a whole week now... So much has happend. Some things very good, some good, some things not so much and some were just (excuse the language) goddamn awful!

But, I'm still standing! 💪🏼 Well, sort of...

I've received some sweet help from my parents and a very good friend! 💜 So grateful for that! 🌸

Dad will help again today and tomorrow... Yay!

I've made some progress on the paint work. Not as much as I had hoped, but with the extra first layer of primer, it takes longer...

Fortunately, a sweet friend came on Friday and Saturday, and she "primed" some of the walls for me. So I can easily start painting those soon! 😁

I've been having loads of issues with my sleep/rest. I used to sleep OK enough with my Risperidon, some melatonin and sometimes some L-Tryptophan. But since this week, I've been struggling to fall asleep.
My body is aching, and even some painkillers don't help me as much as they usually do. I know I'm allowed to take some more, but I want to use as little as I can...
My brain is so busy! Either I can't fall asleep due to it going like crazy, or I wake up with the silliest ideas (although I did find that one instruction manual!) and it takes longer to fall asleep again.


So busy brain, sore body and a time schedule with some things that need to get done before others can be done...

That, and all the changes! The new town, finding the right routes to shops and all, relying on Skoosh more now (due to the distances and me not having a decent bike yet)... Finding good walking routes for Arwen and myself to enjoy. Although I wonder if we can ever find a SniffBook walk like we have/had in Cuijk... 🤔

My is nuts, my is aching and tired, and me? I keep being stubborn and doing all I can.

it's just temporary...

Fankoos 🫶🏻 for all the support :bear_flowers:

I really appreciate it :bearhug:

This was the SniffBook Pixy talk. Thanks for joining!

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜

Just shared the journal Toot... And I've caught up with the notifications! 🌸 Thanks soooo much, again, for all your support!! I really feel so happy when I read all the replies and when I see all the likes (and boosts!).


I'm so sorry I've not been able to keep up with all your toots! I'll try to scroll them again while on the SniffBook walkies! Hopefully the weather will allow me some phone time then... 😊 (after I updated the "first week" blog post that I'm writing...).

In just a week, most of my things are in Herpen now... Eeeeeeek 😳 it's soooo close!! Hopefully I can finish painting the downstairs area (and hopefully also the lower stairway bits) before it's time... I need several more walls done so... Maybe... Maybe not... 2½ downstairs walls need primer still. 6 walls need paint... So hopefully I can get that done before Thursday... Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 🍀.

My body is so sore! I'm so happy with the pain meds that I have. They definitely don't kill off all the pain (maybe if I took higher dosages but I don't want that). But they help me to keep going. That, and my stubbornness, as Fi called it... 😉

My brain is very much stimulated and running crazy! Even the ADHD meds aren't making a big change (or maybe they are and it would be even worse without them!). Sleep is hard to come by... Either I can't fall asleep for ages or, when I wake for the loo, I'm wide and awake and my brain thinks of all the things I still need to do... Thanks brain! But I wanna sleep...

I've been really overwhelmed with all the things that have happened this week. Learning of the extra primer work. Skoosh not having her best day (and me being bullied by that dude). The WTW unit crashing out. The weather being colder and wetter... But hey, I'm still trying to make the best of it! Hopefully I can... 💪🏼

Sooooo today....


Primer two walls first.
Start painting some others after that.
Then when the primer is done/dried out, start on those two walls first, as they need the tape removed ASAP... 😊
Around the afternoon, dad will come to help with some lights. I know how to hang stuff, but I'm not too good with drilling in ceilings yet, so I'm hoping he can guide me with that... Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 🍀 that I/we will get some work finished today!

Tomorrow morning I start with paining in Herpen. Around the afternoon, we need to be in Cuijk, as dad and I will take down the shower cabin (I hope). Now I found the manual, I hope it will help us to reverse the progress... 😊 Hopefully he'll also have some time and energy to help take down some lamps from the ceiling. I'm afraid I'll drop them when I loosen them, as my hands, arms and neck are sore. Don't wanna break the lamps, as they're expensive enough as it is... 😊

Sooooo loads to do! 💪🏼 Hopefully I can cross some things off the long list at the end of the day and share them with you...

:bear_flowers: Fankoos for joining my Pixy gym talk 😉. Remember... I'll be back!

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

of a slightly tired Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️ (Saturday, July 6th 2024).

TL;DR more house work. Stubborn walls. Sore body. Good help! Bad nights...

I had a broken night! I finally fell asleep better. But when I woke for the loo, I was wide awake! My brain had remembered where I could have put the manual for the shower cabin that we'd need this Monday. So of course I had to check that before I could attempt some sleep again. And it was very noisy outside, so I had to close the windows to get some more quiet. I did find the manual though! 😂 Silly brain... And then I slept till the alarm.

The weather was dry and 16°C, which was nice. The scales were OK enough too, yay for that. I got dressed, took my meds, and prepared Arwen's meat. We went out for short walkies. I made her food, put out the snacks, and grabbed my bag. I headed to the gym. I enjoyed my protein shake while I tried to catch up with Mastodon again. Usually I'm more on it. But these days, I write quick updates and get back to work. And when I am back in the apartment, I'm just so tired.... But I'm doing my best to catch up every morning. 😊

I walked the treadmill for half an hour. I rode the bike for another half hour. And the massage chair was... Not doing it's work! I scanned my card three times and it gave me no time at all... 😔 So I changed my shoes a wee bit disappointed. I could have used the simple massage, as my body definitely is not liking me at the moment.

Back home I washed up, had brekky, and then Arwen told me it was time for walkies. So onwards we went! It was dry, which was a big plus. Still rather warm with 15°C. So she had all the sniffs while I wrote for my blog and Masto. I took some pictures, as I know the last week of SniffBook walkies in Cuijk has started... Mixed feelings for sure!

When we got back, I got to the PC and worked on my blog a wee bit. Then I put some boxes in Skoosh. I'm trying to take stuff with me every time I go there, especially the fragile things, as I feel I should not ride with an empty trunk. And all that I can do now... We won't have to do next week on Saturday. There's enough big and heavy stuffs that need our attention first and most... 😊

When Skoosh was packed, Arwen and I headed to the house. The trip went well, and I unloaded the boxes after we arrived. We then went for walkies. As the weather was OK enough, I decided to try a wee bit longer walk this morning. Arwen liked the new sniffs but she also got tired after a while. Guess all the sniffs were overwhelming her a bit... Poor gall! She went to her bed when we got back, with a lovely snack, and I started taping off stuffs.

When I was done taping, I had not heard from our friend yet. So. I decided to start painting. When she arrived, she started the primer as I continued the wall I was doing. She got some nice progress and I'm very, very, happy with all the help! It really saves me some time. 😊

We walked Arwen, worked some more, and around 13:00, we headed back to Cuijk. Unfortunately, I was following the navigation and it send me back to a road where it wants you to go right, but it's illegal to do so there. When I had just turned, my friend seemed to have followed the same route! So I hope she saw the sign as well... I know the right route now, so hopefully I'll remember the next time...

I went to the Hema and Action, while Arwen was in the car. I could not find what I wanted at the Hema and I found most that I wanted at the Action. We quickly headed to the apartment, and I fixed Arwen and myself some food. We were both rather hungry! I had wanted to get some lights off the ceiling after food, but my arms were too tired... So I'll ask dad for help when he comes to the apartment on Monday to help with the shower cabin.... 😊

After some relaxing, it was time to get ready for bed... And I was very ready for some sleep... It didn't take too long to fall asleep. But then I woke for the loo and when I almost fell asleep again... The Dutch apparently won the soccer game... What. A. Lot. Of. Noise! I closed the window (again) and after a whole, I finally slept till my alarm woke me.

The scales were very nice, which was a big plus! 😁 The weather was 12°C, and dry for now. I really was hoping for some warmer weeks with sun and all that... But it appears that the Dutch summer is on a strike? 🤔 I got a sleep score of 91, which wasn't too bad. And then, I got ready for the Sunday!

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
@MAJ1@beige.party avatar

Good evening Squirrel Fans.

Not all pTerry’s quotes are funny. There is humour in the Discworld series for certain sure but the true beauty of this body of work is that it covers the full gamut of human emotions.

There is one amongst us, or maybe many , who may glean some comfort from this quote.

It may at first seem to be a little morbid, but for me it offers solace & a little peace:

“The end of times?" said Nanny. "Look, Tiff, Esme tol' me to say, if you want to see Esmerelda Weatherwax, then just you look around. She is here. Us witches don't mourn for very long. We are satisfied with happy memories - they're there to be cherished.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Shepherd's Crown

Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re at peace with the world & yourself ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Todays diary entry is here: https://beige.party/@Tim_McTuffty/112741472605573572

MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
@MAJ1@beige.party avatar

& G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

Yay we made it to the weekend Peeps !

Have a cracking Saturday & remember : Don’t let ‘em Cash-ew ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Fragarach ,
@Fragarach@beige.party avatar

@MAJ1 @weirdfolks
Have a good day day yourself. We're off to the village fair later, weather forecast has improved significantly recently.

PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜

Guess who?


Hihi, itsa me, da silly Pixy!

I wrote my bit for the blog, will need to add the pics when on the pc in a moment (still walking Arwen). Tried to scroll a loooong way through my normal time line.
May have left some likes here and there...


It's slowly getting light out, as it's 4:30 now. Depending on the amount of sniffs, we'll hopefully be back to the apartment around 5. Might be around 5:15... It's a 20 minutes walk from where we're at. But Arwen is slower, especially with all da sniffs! But... This is her sniff walkies, as she'll be just relaxing in the house soon when I am working there...

The blog update is, hopefully, about 30 minutes max, so if all goes well, I'll load the last things in Skoosh and we'll head to the house sound 6 again. 😊

I hope you're all having a good weekend! Some have some hours in already, some are still enjoying the Friyay night! The wonders of the interwebs...


I already shared the "battle plan" for today (https://beige.party/@PixysJourney/112736755146531229) , so hopefully I can manage all that I'd like to get done...


Fankoos 🫶🏻 again for all the support that Arwen and I have been receiving! 🌸 We really appreciate it! (well, I do, at least, 😉).

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


📸 July 6th 2024

PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

of a slightly happy Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️ (Friday, July 5th 2024).

TL;DR a way better day than yesterday, got a lot done! And had good help! 😁 And... I didn't eat too much either... 😉

I had woken once for the loo and then when my alarm woke me. Guess I was exhausted of the previous day, as it was the best sleep (for me at least) in several days. A sleep score of 92, according to my watch, so not bad at allmI got up, visited the scales, they were OK enough. I got dressed and took my meds. Prepped Arwen's meat and we headed out for short walkies. Arwen did her things and we got back again. I fixed her food, put out the snacks and then headed to the gym.

I enjoyed my protein shake while catching up with Masto! So many sweet replies... And I chatted with a very sweet friend who was in the UK and following the elections there. I got to the treadmill and walked my half hour. Onwards to the bike for another half hour. And!! The massage chair was working again! Yay! So after a nice massage, I switched shoes and headed back home again.

I quickly washed up, and wanted to get brekky... But... 😭 That's what I was forgetting yesterday! The yogurts! I should have gotten my low fat yogurt and my yogurt drink at the Lidl yesterday. But I was so stressed that I totally forgot... But, I wasn't too hungry anyway... So I got to the PC for a short while to work on my blog. Arwen hinted she really wanted to go out, so we quickly headed for the SniffBook walkies (it wasn't any later than usual, as normally I'd been eating for a bit).

She really had to go and pulled me along until we got to "her spot". After that, she wanted to get all the sniffs again. 😂 Fortunately, it was dry, and I had charged my phone some, so I could play with it during walkies. We had a nice walk, I wrote some bits and bops, Arwen had all the sniffs...

When we got back, it was still dry, so I could pack some bits into Skoosh. Not gonna drive with an empty trunk... All I can take with me, doesn't need to be done anymore next week's weekend. I only have 100km a day included, so that's 200km for the weekend. The road we need to take is about 30km in a single way. So after 3 rides, I'll be at the "included" max... Let's hope we'll be able to get all the heavy and big stuff over in three hauls... 🤞🏻 So all I can take now...

Skoosh was packed again, so Arwen and I got in as well and we headed to Herpen again. 😊 The drive went well, which was a plus. I unloaded Skoosh, switched shoes and then Arwen and I had our short walkies. Weather was dry still, but some wind. We met a few dogs and their owners. One gentleman asked if I were new in the neighborhood. Which I am. And nope, I'm "import", 😉 not originally from the area...

I started to prepare the bedroom for my friend to work in. I could do three walls, as we needed the door to the bathroom for the toilet. The other toilet and bathroom doors were taped, as they were in the hallway.

Around 8 I headed to Oss. A quick stop at the Lidl for some yogurt. It was very close to the Action, so that was handy. I got some bits at the Action as well, although I did forget some... 🫣 Maybe I can get those in Cuijk on Saturday, after we get back from Herpen again. I quickly headed back and while I was driving, my friend texted that she was on her way as well.

When she arrived, we got to work. She'd forgotten the small stairs she has... So I did the big wall in the hallway first, just the higher bits, and the she got the stairs I was using while I did the rest of that wall. She was rather fast and I hope she did it all well... Time will tell when I start painting there... 😊 She finished the three walls as I was almost done with the one I had started on.

We had a break and walked Arwen for a short bit. Then she headed home and I got to finish the hallway. I was very tired and aching when I was done. So I decided I'd prep the other walls in the early morning on Saturday.
I didn't forget to take the yoghurt from the small cooler!

I washed up a bit, changed clothes and we headed back to Cuijk. I made some food for myself and I paid the rental coop again 😉 hopefully it will go well this time! Fingers crossed 🤞🏻...

I relaxed a wee bit, while I shared a short update on Masto, and I was able to check a few notifications as well. Then, it was time to get ready for bed. So I did the usual and was glad when I got to bed.

I fell asleep OK enough, but then nosies woke me. I needed the loo and I tried to fall asleep again. I was so tired but my brain thought of something that I just needed to check before it could relax again... Well, brain was right! I closed my window and after that, I was able to sleep for another two more hours. Till the alarm woke me...

The weather was dry, for now, with 16°C. The scales were nice. My sleep score was 89, guess it didn't like me being awake for an hour... Hey, neither did I 😂 I just wanted to sleep...

A new day has begun! My friend will help me again today, yay for that! Let's hope we can get some stuffs done downstairs today! 💪🏼

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
@MAJ1@beige.party avatar

Good evening Squirrel Fans.

Tonight’s quote is from the Guide, on the subject of democratic elections, reading some of the toots today I think it is possibly THE perfect quote!

“[Ford said] ".. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."
"Odd," said Arthur. "I thought you said it was a democracy."
"I did," said Ford. "It is."
"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going in for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in.”

― Douglas Adams, The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Todays diary entry is here: https://beige.party/@Tim_McTuffty/112735551363889817

MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
@MAJ1@beige.party avatar

& G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

Eh , what , who ,where ?

So I stayed up until 3am watching the & then caved when I knew the result was in the bag!

I’m running on 3 ½ hours sleep , there is a high chance that I may make less sense than usual 🙄🤦‍♂️ 😆

Oh it’s Friday btw , I think, possibly ….

One thing has definite not changed :


Have a cracking day & remember : Don’t let ‘em Cash-ew ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

:bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜

I think I managed to go through the Friendos list during the SniffBook walkies 🐾.
I don't think I can do the normal time line as well...

Head is not all there just yet... And there's sooooo much politics on it at the moment. Which is understandable!! But I have no affiliations with any type of politics, and most news about them is that it's going to sh*t everywhere... 😔

So I prefer some good toots to cheer me up during these hard times instead of politics... Hope you understand... 😊

Slowly getting closer to the apartment. Will pack some things in Skoosh when we're back. I just could not do that yesterday... 😔

I hope we can head to the house around 6AM again. Unpack Skoosh, get some walkies and then start prepping the bedroom...

Have a good day everyone, no matter the time zone or the routine you're in. 🌸


Fankoos for joining the early morning Pixy talk.

🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


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  • PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
    @PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

    :bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜

    Wow!! What. A. Start. Of the week...


    Five days ago, I got the keys to the house. Days have been going by so fast! Some good stuff! Some biiiiig nummers! Some small successes... Some help along the way...

    It's been a mixed few days. My schedule was thrown off from the start due to the walls needing primer, so they all need to be done twice... 😔

    I'm offered some great help the next few days, so hopefully that will make up some of the "lost time".

    I already know my primary focus is downstairs now. I can't do upstairs by myself anyway... And it's too much. I don't need that pressure... So I'll try to finish downstairs and beg for help when upstairs is gonna happen... (hopefully soon though, I would hate it to be "not done").

    The weather witches 🧙🏻‍♀️ didn't send over the best weather this week. It's been colder than usual, more windy, and definitely more wet!

    Due to the extra primer work, and the bad weather, Arwen and I have only done smaller walkies so far... Hopefully, we'll be able to explore more when the big move is done and there's less stress (and maybe better weather? 😊).

    I have some plans for this weekend, let's hope I can execute them all! My friend offered some help today and some more on Saturday 💜🌸💜. Yay for that! I asked dad for some help this Sunday with hanging up some lights. Some of them need drilling in the ceilings, and I'm not too confident with that yet, so hopefully he can guide and teach me. 😊

    On Monday morning I wanna work some in the house, in the afternoon dad will come to Cuijk and hopefully we can dismantle the shower cabin. I've looked everywhere for the instructions as I was sure I saved them... I tried to find them online but no luck yet... So that may prove a challenge then... 🤔

    But hopefully, in the best three days, we can get the painting downstairs done... Fingers crossed 🤞🏻. It would be nice if I could do some upstairs as well, so it will look better to start with... 😊

    Busy days. Stressful ones! My body is sore, my brain is fried... But... It's temporary, so I hope I can get it all done, given enough time, energy and... Help. 🍀💜🍀

    Fankoos 🫶🏻 to all who are joining me on my journey 🌸! I really appreciate it so much! :bear_flowers:

    As a sweet friend says, onwards and upwards! 💪🏼

    🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


    PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
    @PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

    of a very distressed Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️ (Thursday, July 4th 2024).

    TL;DR things definitely didn't go as planned.... It was a big mess and I felt on the verge of crying... A lot... Ah well... (Be warned, this one is longer than my usual journal toots due to all the happenings).

    The alarm woke me up. I was still tired, as it had taken me over 90 minutes to finally fall asleep. The scale was ok, as was the weather (for now). I got dressed and took my meds. Prepared Arwen's meat and we went out for short walkies. I fixed her food, put the snacks in the spot, grabbed my bag and headed for the gym.

    I caught up with Mastodon while enjoying my protein drink. I went to the treadmill for my walk and then the seated bike for my ride. The way my arms were feeling... I was glad to let my legs do most of the work. 😊 The massage chair was still dead, unfortunately 😔... So I switched shoes and headed back home.

    I washed up, still seeing little sparkles of paint here and there (that stuff gets everywhere 😂), and got dressed again. I had brekky and then Arwen and I headed out. The weather witches were playing annoying wetness games. It would rain, it would stop, I would put away the umbrella (as it was windy and hard to controll), and then a minute later, there would be wetness again... At the end of the walkies it finally got dry a bit. Yay!

    I put some boxes in Skoosh, best to bring some along as I went to Herpen. Then, I got to the PC and worked on my blog. When I was done, Arwen and I headed to Skoosh and drove to the house. Unfortunately, the route I wanted to take with the truck next week, will not be possible due to a road being closed off next week. Damn! Many of the roads that Maps takes you to aren't that easy to drive with a bigger vehicle. So we may need to take a longer way round for the move... 😔

    When we got to the house, I emptied Skoosh. It was drizzling a bit, so I decided to walk Arwen before starting some work. So halfway there, just as we headed back, the weather witches just turned up the wetness volume. They added some wind, so my pants were so soaked! Yay for dry work clothes...

    I switched clothes, and got to work. I taped off the first bits and then primered the biggest wall. After that, my hands were sore, so I added an extra break to walk with Arwen and get some fresh air. After that, I taped off the rest of the hallway and got to work on the other walls...

    I was almost done when mum came by! She wanted to help, but I know how bad her shoulders are... Plus, I had promised myself a relaxing afternoon... I wanted to finish the hallway and then head home and do some shopping and relaxing (that didn't work out at all 😭). Mum helped me clean out a big box of glasses. I washed them all before I packed them and some looked soooo sticky and dirty! 🤔 Ah well, I'll clean them again later...

    Then we both headed home. Or, I wanted to head to the Lidl in Grave, then the Action and Hema in Cuijk, before heading to the apartment. Or so I thought....

    About 6km away from Grave, in the middle of almost nowhere, Skoosh made an awful noise! I checked under her, didn't see anything, and tried to drive on. Again, the scratching noises! So I found the "best" safe spot to stop her and I called the service number. And then, hell started....

    I don't enjoy phone calls. At all! I was stressed. I was anxious. I wanted to relax and head home. And just my luck, I got a dude on the phone who obviously thought I was a hysterical asshat and treated me as one. A call that could have been done in 5 minutes took almost 14 as he was having me spell everything like three times. He kept telling me to relax... I told him about the move and stress around it, so it was hard to relax. He just didn't care. It could take up to an hour... So I waited...

    I had called mum for Arwen, as she was stuck with me and she seemed a bit distressed... Mum came to pick up Arwen, and then the hour was up and I had not heard a thing... So when mum left, I called again... And... Again, as the connection got lost. Then, I knew why I'd not heard anything... The stupid asshat who told me to relax never send out the help order!!! I was boiling! 🤬 So finally, some help was send out. And the guy called me, twice... Because apparently, the streets I had to spell three times weren't added correctly in the order! So I was fuming some more... Thankfully the guy who was coming to my rescue was very kind! And understanding...

    He checked everything and came to the conclusion that it was probably some big sand grain, or small pebble, that got between the breaks and made all the noise. The breaks looked good. The car drove good. After it got some juice from the dude... He was so reassuring and kind, it helped me to relax again. When I finally could drive to Grave, it was three hours since I got stuck on the side of the road...

    I quickly got some groceries and then headed home. I had wanted to visit the action, but it took me almost half an hour to get from Grave to Cuijk, it was a big mess at the highway ramps! Normally, it's like 15 minutes max... So when I did get home, it was already 3pm. Just half an hour till bed... Ugh...

    I ate some and tried to relax with some TV on. Then I prepared for bed time... Hoping I could get some sleep... Arwen and I had last walkies and then I was off to bed. It didn't take that long this time to fall asleep. I woke once for the loo, and was afraid I was too awake due to noise. But, I did fell asleep again till my alarm woke me.

    A new day begins! Let's hope it's better than the previous one... 😇

    🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


    MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    Good evening Squirrel Fans.

    It’s General Election night in the UK tonight so I felt that a couple of vaguely on topic quotes might be good.

    Note that in the absence of anyone with the razor sharp intellect & extreme political acumen of Havelock Vetinari a Tyranny is less favourable than a democracy in the UK.
    Certainly none of the muppets who are likely to form a Tyranny in the UK are comparable !

    “Technically, the city of Ankh-Morpork is a Tyranny, which is not always the same thing as a monarchy, and in fact even the post of Tyrant has been somewhat redefined by the incumbent, Lord Vetinari, as the only form of democracy that works. Everyone is entitled to vote, unless disqualified by reason of age or not being Lord Vetinari. “
    -- Terry Pratchett

    “Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.”

    Terry Pratchett - Mort

    Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

    Todays diary entry is here: https://beige.party/@Tim_McTuffty/112729938885441454

    MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    & G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

    *Thinks … “should I tease UK Peeps about today?”
    *Thinks … “No best not I’ll be de-nutted! “

    So it’s Thursday today we have nearly made it GentlePeeps!

    Happy 4th July to the US Peeps!

    UK Peeps - hold your noses , you know what will ensure the safety of our Nation!
    Be under no illusion the current incumbents will stop at nothing to feck this up for us so let’s not play their game hey ?

    I want a good clean fight today Peeps, vids of violence out in the open without a CW on my TL will be viewed very dimly. Persistent offenders will be blocked.

    Comic / slapstick violence in all its glorious forms is totally allowed of course (As are actual news stories obviously) so go nuts & get those AIs working hard !

    Be imaginative, let us laugh at them & mock them , not be them!


    Have a cracking day & remember : Don’t let ‘em Cash-ew ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

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  • PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
    @PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

    :bear_love: Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜 and 🌶 friends :neuro:

    The week is halfway through, well almost... It's been a weird week so far, and I'm trying to keep some "normal" in it, so I don't go cray-cray all the way... I'm weird enough as it is now...


    I've gotten the keys on Monday afternoon. Started the first work on Tuesday. Had a decent work day on Wednesday... Yay for that!

    But my body and brain are struggling. I have pain kikkers to help with the body issues. They don't take it all off, but they do take away the sharpest edges.

    Normally, with my meds and melatonin, I need about 15/30 minutes with my eReader to fall asleep. But the last two nights, my brain was so stressed, that it took me over an hour! And, of course the alarm will go off in time again, as Arwen does need her walkies and food...


    So less sleep, more stress (walls with more work, floors more expensive and the rental coop making a financial mess....), more discomfort/pain.

    I don't like complaining. I know it won't change anything. But I just wish for a few small things... Some better weather. Better sleep. Less pain.

    I can deal with the work. I can (hopefully) sort out the payments with the rental coop (their errors, definitely not mine! Hopefully my contact will see the mail today and will sort it out for me... 🤞🏻). I can overcome the extra costs (well, I did say that it shocked my dad a lot and I'd need to pay them with the inheritance 😂).


    It's all fine! Haha!

    But all the rain and cold aren't helping. Less sleep isn't helping... OK, the worries/stress don't help either...

    I'm getting some help this Friday and Saturday, for which I'm super grateful! :kirby_happy:

    I hope to ask dad if he can help with the lights this Sunday. I will try some myself the next few days, where I dont need to paint, but I may need his help with some... So let's see how far I can get the next few days...


    Sooooo yeah, slowly adjusting to the new neighborhood, even though exploring it is harder with the bad weather and time stress I have now.
    Slowly making progress in the house.
    Slowly getting to know the new house better... Soon it will be our home...

    I still call the apartment home now, as that's where my bed is, and where we head to when the work is done for the day.


    Fankoos for joining us on this journey! Fanks for catching up with this early morning Pixy talk.

    🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


    PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
    @PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

    of a very tired Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️ (Wednesday, July 3rd 2024).

    TL;DR loads of work, loads of muscle aches, but not giving up and I asked for some help... 😊

    I woke up with the alarm. It had taken me over an hour to finally fall asleep, due to the discomfort in my body... So when the alarm woke me, I just wanted more sleep... But hey, I got up and did my usual bits. The scales were OK enough, but even though I didn't snack, I did gain a wee bit of weight. Guess the hard work wasn't hard enough to burn many calories? 🤔 I took my meds, prepared Arwen's meat, and we went out for short walkies. Arwen did her things, I fixed her food, and then headed to the gym.

    I tried to catch up with Masto while enjoying my protein drink. I had not tried to catch up before bed, so there was a lot to go though! And... I loved every one of them! Just awesome to have such great and sweet support! I walked my half hour and I rode my half hour. The good chair was still not good, so I just switched shoes and headed home again.

    A quick wash up and some food. Then, walkies with my gall. We had a nice walk and it was dry and 10°C, so not too bad at all. I tried to catch up with Masto and editing some AI images. And I chatted with a very sweet friend that could not sleep... When we got back, I packed Skoosh with some things, as it was still dry. I went to the PC, worked some on my blog, and then I got ready to head to Herpen.

    We got there safe and sound. After I unloaded Skoosh, Arwen and I went for a walk. There was loads of rain coming, so best enjoy the wee bit of sun while it lasts. 😊 We had a nice walk, and then I started my hard work.

    First, I finished the primer on the big living room wall. Then the wall between the kitchen and living room got painted white. I walked Arwen and then I taped off the big wall some more. I started with the purple paint! Yay! Half way through I took a break for a walk with Arwen. Then I finished it before we got ready to head home.

    There were some issues with the floors, the measurements were way off, so it will be more expensive 😭. And then my building coop started to make a mess of the payments! Ow my.... Not what I needed! So I quickly emailed my contact at the coop. I knew she had a day off, but I'd rather email her and wait a day, than deal with someone unfamiliar with my situation...

    When we got home, I fixed some food. Then I just crashed on the couch. I was so hurt... I took some painkillers, hoping they'd kick in in time for bed, so I could sleep better. I chatted with a sweet friend and she offered to help me on Friday and Saturday. 😊 I'm sooooo very grateful!! 😁

    Then I got ready for bed. The usual bits and bops. But... Then it took me almost 90 minutes to finally be rested enough to fall asleep. My body and brain were not having it at all, when though I felt so tired...

    When the alarm woke me, I wasn't ready yet... But hey ho, Arwen needs her walkies and food too, so I got up and ready. The weather was dry for now, which was nice... 😊

    I canceled Germany today, I just need the time to paint... So mum offered to take some things with her for me. 🤗 Yay! Let's see how much I can get done today!!

    🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


    MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    Good evening Squirrel Fans.

    I suspect a decent proportion of the Peeps will at least partially identify with this quote 😆 :

    “Living this long's not as wonderful as people think. I mean, you get the same amount of youth as everyone else, but a great big extra helping of being very old and deaf and creaky.”
    ― Terry Pratchett, Wintersmith

    Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

    Todays diary entry is here: https://beige.party/@Tim_McTuffty/112724137632873838

    MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    & G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

    Wednesday , just why !

    It’s cold wet n ‘orrible , even the fish in our pond are booking holidays to the Caribbean!

    I was up at stupid o’clock again this morning so another quiet day is on the books.

    Have a cracking day & remember : Don’t let ‘em Cash-ew ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

    PixysJourney , to weirdfolks group
    @PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

    of a very tired Dutch Pixy 🧚🏼‍♀️ (Tuesday, July 2nd 2024).

    TL;DR tried to start the day as usual and then... The hard work began! We didn't get all done as I hoped, but we made a very good start. 😊

    I woke due to noise outside. I still had about 80 more minutes to sleep, so I turned around and tried to sleep again. After 20 minutes my body and brain had enough and I had to get up... The scales were OK enough and the weather was dry, for now... I got a sleep score of 84, so not too high, but OK enough seeing the circumstances. 😊 I got dressed, took meds and prepped Arwen's food. It was 14°C, so not too cold. We had our short walkies and then I fixed her food. I gave the snacks and headed to the gym.

    I caught up with the notifications while I enjoyed my protein shake. Then it was time to get to work. Half an hour on the treadmill, half an hour on the seated bike. And then... "My" favorite massage chair was out of order... 😭 Big sobs! So I switched shoes and headed home.

    They "promised" some rain today, so I was glad that we may have a dry SniffBook walk due to me being up earlier. First I washed up and had brekky. Then we headed out. I wrote some for my blog, and I edited some Skwerly AI images for a sweet friend. 😊 We had good walkies. When we were almost back, some drizzle started falling. So I knew I quickly had to pack Skoosh before I would work on the Journal post on my PC. I was finished loading Skoosh, at behind the PC, when I heard the rain brake loose! Yay! Done just in time... 😊

    I worked on my blog and then I slowly got ready to head to Herpen. I quickly brought Arwen's bed to the car. She needed a pee and then we were off. The route was a different one again, there seem to be many roads, but some I prefer over others... I'll learn them over time and then I (hopefully) won't need maps anymore and I can find my own best routes.

    I unloaded Skoosh after I had put Arwen's bed in my bedroom. She was like "OK what's diz?". But she got a snack and that always helps haha. When Skoosh was empty, I did the dishes that I saw needed doing after I unpacked some plates and cups yesterday. I didn't clean them (they're not my usual things, these were extra, just in case) when I wrapped them in the papers. So I washed and dried them. Then, it was time for Arwen's first walk there.

    Of course it was still raining... Bestie called me as we were out and about. We tried to find a route but my shoes got soaked and there were many sheepies there... So we turned around. I chatted about everything with bestie as Arwen did the sniffs and such. Then she had to go, and we were almost home. I switched into my work clothes and waited for mum to come.

    When I saw her pull up, I helped to empty the car. She tried to get started on the rolling curtains while I read the instructions for the primer. But I didn't bring everything we needed to the house yet, so we went to a hardware store first. It was a biiiiig one and the lady that helped us was super kind and friendly. Big win! We got what we needed and then started the real work. I had filled up some holes and scrubbed some bobs from one wall, so I could primer that one first. While that was drying, I started on another wall. The waiting for it to dry takes quite a while, unfortunately... Especially as it was more humid due to the rain...

    I walked Arwen again and we met two dogs. Both were yellow Labs, so Arwen was rather happy. 😊 I primered the big wall, but it needed some work, so still about one meter to go. Mum went home after a bit, she had tried her best, and I finished up some last bits. The parcel had arrived. The man for the floors had been over. It was all done, appointments wise. And I was just so tired and aching... So we headed back home.

    A quick stop at the Jumbo for a few groceries (I took the car, eek!) and then we got to the apartment. I fixed food and Arwen looked at the space where her bed had been like "what? It's gone?"... But she settled for the couch instead. I was so tired that I took some Ibuprofen and lay on the couch... Not even time spend on here, just a quick note saying I was dead...

    I prepped for bed a little earlier and walked with Arwen. Took an extra painkiller for the night and then, it took about a hour for me to fall asleep... 😢 Ugh... Such a bummer...

    I woke once and then when my alarm went off. I felt OK enough, but still some sore muscles. I got to the scales, which were a little higher, and then got ready for the day. My sleep score was high with 95, even though I got less sleep.

    Hey ho, let's start the next day. Hopefully I can make some primer and painting progress today!

    🧚🏼‍♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾


    raineyday , to weirdfolks group
    @raineyday@mstdn.games avatar


    I've been seeing the hashtag and group and I was wondering what it takes to be a weird folk and if I'd fit in or not.

    MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    Good evening Squirrel Fans.

    At last the space to be able to toot some decent length quotes !

    So my question for my Peeps is .. do you know where your towel is ?

    “A towel, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
    Partly it has great practical value.
    You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta;
    you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors;
    you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon;
    use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth;
    wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat;
    wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you);
    you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.”

    ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

    Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

    Todays diary entry is here: https://beige.party/@Tim_McTuffty/112718746469190714

    raineyday ,
    @raineyday@mstdn.games avatar

    @MAJ1 @weirdfolks

    You seem like a hoopy frood who could be fun to sass with.

    TheBreadmonkey , to random
    @TheBreadmonkey@beige.party avatar

    I don't know if any of you know anything about computerin', but Fedi appears to have gone weird today

    MAJ1 ,
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    @witewulf @TheBreadmonkey @sheepnik Join the club 😊

    No really ….


    MAJ1 , to weirdfolks group
    @MAJ1@beige.party avatar

    & G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

    After yesterday’s daring kidnapping of Sunday we return to the dubious normality of Tuesday.

    The British summer has fled, leaving a cold & damp day in its wake.

    Are we downhearted , absolutely , but we’re British so stiff upper lip & all that !!

    Have a cracking day & remember : Don’t let ‘em Cash-ew ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

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