faab64 , to israel group

Israel is firebombing tent city where over 1 million Palestinians are seeking shelter.

Video available here:https://t.me/newsvideofa/2143

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

It's hard to be on the right side of the history.

Vietnam 1967
South Africa 1985
Palestine 2024

But it's worth it.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

Julia Yousef Tayeh, 3 years old, was murdered by Israeli army in Gaza.

faab64 , to palestine group

Hard to understand that the image is from an American university.

It's like images from some military junta but I guess calling for cutting funds to Israel is an unexcusable offense these days.

#Photography #Militarism #StudentProtests #Politics #History #Israel #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #CeasefireNow #Defiance

18+ faab64 , to random

Palestinian infant , was murdered today by IDF when their house on George Street in Rafah was bombed.. His both parents were murdered months ago when bombed their family’s home in housing, west of the city of #.

faab64 , to israel group

Satellite images show IDF logistics route towards Rafah

For the past five days, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been working on a logistics route that extends on the Gaza side of the border near the former airport towards Rafah.

🔶️ Armored vehicles are visible in the Planet images shared by Jake Godin.

🔶️ The IDF has set up a logistics center at a (new) military base south of this point (31.2118,34.2799).

@palestine @israel

Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.
Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.
Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.
Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.

faab64 , to random

Israeli occupation forces detained the wife of Middle East Eye correspondent, Mohammed al-Hajjar, Inas Abu al-Maza, at a military checkpoint in the central Gaza Strip. Separating the family as they traveled south to .

Later, the occupation army released her but prevented her from reuniting with her family in the south, instead requiring her return to City.

faab64 , to israel group

ISRAEL OPENS EREZ CROSSING TO AID FOR FIRST TIME in northern Gaza, as video above shows trucks passing through border wall sealed shut since October 7.

Gazan authorities still say aid deliveries far less than what Washington and Tel Aviv claim, with the latter claiming an average of 300-400 trucks a day.

Head of 's Government Media Office Maarouf says average of 163 trucks a day only are passing through to Gaza, with at least 1,000 trucks needed to make up for dire lack of aid faced by 7 months of siege. Only 419 trucks entered north Gaza in all of April alone.
Video is available here: t.me/newsvideofa/2124

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Going through my social media, it seems like Gaza doesn't even exist.

It's all about student protests and police brutality in US.

In the mean time, the stories of Maas Graves, mass execution of healthcare staff and mutilated bodies of palestinians in Khan Yunis have all but disappeared from the news.

No news about starvation.
No news about murder of aid workers by IDF.
No news of bombing tent cities with fire bombs.
No news of Netanyahu ignoring the peace proposal.
No news that Biden keep sending weapons and money to Netanyahu.

I guess it's good that we see the student protests are spreading, but it should not be forgetting WHY they are protesting and what over 2 million Palestinians in Gaza are forced to live every day.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin said they will invade to "destroy" "with or without a hostage deal."

I'm sure the BS machines of Israeli apologists and genocide enablers will keep on sharing the same baseless garbage about the "generous" deal that and the genocide apologist Blinken have negotiated.

Who wants to bet they completely ignore this and "focus" on the made up "deal" instead?

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

The International Court of Justice has refused to order to stop sending and aid to Israel, rejecting a request from .

Nicaragua brought the case arguing that by providing arms and other support to Israel, Germany is failing to prevent possible genocide against Palestinians in Israel's war with in the Gaza Strip.

So much for genocide presentation. Once again we witness the impunity of the apartheid genocidal regime of Israel and it's global network of supporters.


faab64 , to israel group

Israeli occupation aircrafts bomb a house near Abu Samra roundabout in Deir al-Balah, central Strip.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Hardcore Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich: "We must obliterate , Deir al-Balah, and Nuseirat. The memory of the Amalek must be erased. No partial destruction will suffice; only absolute and complete devastation."

He has strong position and support in Israeli government. Do not expect him accepting anything less even if the hostage exchange deal have reached.

They want to make Gaza unhabitable. PERIOD.

Nothing short of that is defeat and unacceptable for fascist coalition government of .

But and Israeli friendly media want us to believe that the negotiations are about a lasting ceasefire, removal of all Israeli forces from Gaza and letting displaced Palestinians to move back to northern .

Don't fall for their lies

Without strong international pressure z Israel will not bend. EVER.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Israeli occupation drones have opened fire on Palestinian civilians inside their homes, killing one and injuring two in the al-Mashahreh area in al-Tuffah neighborhood, City.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

The Israeli Ministry of Defense has released Footage today showing the ongoing Construction of the Temporary Jetty in Central which will eventually be utilized by the U.S. Army’s Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) Floating Dock to bring Humanitarian Aid into the Gaza Strip; this is the same Jetty which was recently Attacked by a Hamas Mortar Strike during a U.N. Inspection, causing Damage to several Pieces of Construction Equipment. Israel Defense Officials further revealed that both the Dock and Jetty will be under the Protection of the Israel Navy as well as a Reserve Unit of the Israel Defense Force on the Ground for the Duration of the Humanitarian Operation.

The video is shared on telegram:t.me/newsvideofa/2075?single


faab64 , to israel group


WCK stopped all operations in Gaza after Israel killed 7 employees, but the work is set to resume once again.


“We will continue to bring as much food as possible into Gaza, by land, air or sea.We had to make a decision - to stop feeding altogether during one of the worst hunger crises ever or to continue feeding knowing that aid workers and civilians were being killed.

We considered all the options, but ultimately, we decided to continue to feed and continue our mission.”

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random
faab64 , to israel group

This is just insanity

They're not going to investigate these atrocities. And Biden will do all in his power to protect Netanyahu and his criminal gang.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Senior Israeli official: "We hope that what we have proposed is enough to bring Hamas into serious negotiations. We hope they understand that we are serious about reaching a deal - and we are. They need to understand that it is possible that if the first stage is implemented, it will be possible to advance to the next stages and reach the end of the war"

Israel has broken every single agreement they have made with Palestinians.. this is yet another word play by IDF to act like they seek peace and not complete destruction of Gaza to a level that it's unhabitable for a long time or possibly forever.

Image or 100s of tanks lined up preparing for an attack against .

Video available on telegram:t.me/newsvideofa/2048

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group


Nothing can justify this.
Nothing can justify this.

Don't let them silence you.


@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Under Sions kalla stjärna - Under Zion's cold stars song by Swedish activist and singer Björn Afzelius from 1988

As the world is getting excited about the Erdogan's latest PR trick to hide his 6 months of criminal complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza by supporting the "Flotilla 2" from Turkey to Gaza, sitting and listening to the song of my favorite Swedish singer late Björn Afzelius who wrote the song about a similar even in mid 80s to take a boat with many famous artists and activists from all around the world to Gaza from Greece.

It hurts, really hurts that the world has to witness once again the same thing we have seen so many times before, but hoping that the kids of today are stronger and more successful than we were, maybe they can finally help ending this ongoing criminal actions by the "chosen people" against the "human animals".

And I listened to it one more time, with tears in my eyes after watching the videos of families trying to identify remains of their loved one recovered from a mass grave at Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis. I listen to it as I did live in 1990, and so many times after that in the past 36 years and sadly, the news on the TV is the same, so is the reaction from the Israeli politicians and our beloved neutral high morality leaders.

The song in Swedish can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zriUww6AFQ8

Click to see the original lyrics (Swedish)

And this is the English translation of it.

Under Zion's cold stars

We were flying over Saloniki
when the clouds drew apart
and we saw the Aegean Sea
clearly and distinctly.
It was a beauty without equal,
almost like a fairyland,
when we flew over
the Northern Sporades.
We rounded Piraeus
and landed in Athens.
The city lay there, white
and attractive, in the sun.
But I stopped next to a TV screen
which was in the arrival hall.
I wanted to see the latest news
from Jerusalem.

And under Zions cold stars
I saw small girls who fell,
with blood roses on their blouses
where the bullets penetrated in.
Under Zion's cold stars
I saw the same clear terror
which I remember
from Warsaw and Berlin.

I wanted to sail over the ocean,
down to Haifa from Athens,
with several hundred
deported Palestinians.
But it was hard to find a ship
which was for sale for something like that
because of the pressure by
the Greek government.
But I tried to cultivate myself,
waiting for information,
so I drove around a bit
in the neighborhood around Omonia.
I saw Bousouki dance in Plaka
I saw the worn out Parthenon
And every evening I saw the news
from Jerusalem.

And under Zion's cold stars
I saw small girls who fell
with blood roses on their blouses
where the bullets penetrated in.
Under Zion's cold stars
I saw the same clear terror
which I remember
from Warsaw and Berlin.

So they found a ship
in Larnaca on Cypress
And we spoke about our trip
half the night.
And we laughed hysterically
when the Israeli minister
stood and exhalted us
to the murderers on TV.
But we didn't laugh any longer
when we saw in the morning paper
that those who chartered the boat
were murdered the same night.
They had blown them into atoms
next to a row of their cars
So now we sat in front of the news
from Jerusalem.

And under Zion's cold stars
I saw small girls who fell,
with blood roses on their blouses
where the bullets penetrated in.
Under Zion's cold stars
I saw the same clear terror
which I remember
from Warsaw and Berlin.

We drank ourselves drunk at the hotel
among the quiet Palestineans
and among agents from Mossad
who bought postcards.
But everyone wanted to travel
There was, after all, one boat
and no one had the strength to count
those who had fallen.
So in the dawn came the information
we all knew would come
that the ship had exploded
in Larnaca.
So I traveled from Athens
with the tiredness of death in my heart.
And in the evening I saw the news
from Jerusalem..

Under Zion's cold stars
I saw small girls who fell,
with blood roses on the blouses
where bullets penetrated in.
Under Zion's cold stars
I saw the same clear terror
which I remember
from Warsaw and Berlin.

And under Zion's cold stars
I saw small girls who fell,
with blood roses on their blouses
where the bullets penetrated in.
Under Zion's cold stars
I saw the same clear terror
which I remember
from Warsaw and Berlin.

from lyricstranslate.com

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to random

The story of a war, a hospital, 390 dead bodies and lneutral press reporting it.

Sometimes sarcasm is the only thing that explains the actual event.

But sadly it's actually happening and it's all real and no sarcasm involved.

I just sitting here watching a video of a family looking at remains of their loved ones who were kidnapped by IDF a few weeks before they found their mutilated remains in a mass grave.

It's like Bosnia all over again, but the whole freaking world is behind it.

It's just breaking me. Not again.

via @bifouba


faab64 , to random

The bodies of 392 people were found in mass graves at the Nasser medical complex in Khan Yunis in the southern Strip after the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the city, the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

And nobody is talking about it.

I'm just so depressed right now. Haven't felt this helpless since we were trying to get swedish and European politicians to react to stop the in Rwanda.

faab64 , to israel group

Please, please, please do not forget that over half a million people are surrounded by IDF forces with limited to no food at all.

The media and most activists are focused on protests in US and Biden's paying for the ongoing genocide, but forgetting the emergency situation in Gaza.

With no internet, no foreign reporters and world's focus on other issues, the men, women and children of northern Gaza dying slowly and silently.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

According to Al Jazeera, citing a member of the Palestinian Civil Defense, his team stands ready to compile an evidential report for an independent investigation into the mass graves discovered at ’s .

Mohammed al-Moghier emphasized, "We are ready to assist their work in order to compel the Israelis to refrain from committing crimes against people in Gaza."

Al-Moghier also reflected on the toll of working in Gaza for the past months, acknowledging that some aid workers are traumatized after being unable to save people they attempted to rescue. "Some of our members are suffering from traumas, which is affecting the way we can carry out our work,".

He added that others were infected with diseases when they unearthed dead bodies from under the rubble without necessary precautions due to the lack of equipment.

PS. Don't expect EU or US to send any investigators there.

@palestine @israel

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